THE BOYS - Political Satire Done Well

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So The Boys season 3 wrapped up and I wanted to make a review but when I thought about it, all my thoughts were basically the same as what I’d thought about the previous seasons: it’s an excellent show, with amazing performances and fun action and crazy brutal moments and really well thought out storylines that weave together in an interesting way. However, there was one aspect of this season in particular that stood out to me, that was also present in previous seasons but was most interesting here, and today I wanted to talk about why The Boys’ political satire is so successful. I find it fascinating, because the social and political parallels this show draws to real life are such a massive part of the show and are not remotely subtle, and yet for some reason it works really well. I think the reason that surprises me is that since around 2015/2016, when politics started to get let’s say even more divisive than they were before and politics became much more prevalent in mainstream content, a lot of stuff that’s trying to have a message relating to politics has started to inherently feel cringey and overdone, regardless of what side it’s on. And yes, sometimes it is poorly done, but in general whenever a show or piece of media is trying to address a political issue, on the right or the left, some people now just kind of tune it out go ack, I don’t even wanna deal with this anymore. And yes there are also people who call stuff political when really it isn’t and that's a whole other discussion, but I just found it very interesting that The Boys hasn’t suffered from that, I haven't seen any takes really that are like The Boys sucks cuz it’s trying too hard to push it's agenda and it's message, and I think in the current climate that's pretty impressive. So how does it do that? One reason I’d say is the way it mixes its political satire with the superhero genre. The Boys has a lot of not at all subtle parody in it already, obviously parodying superhero tropes, superhero media, movie studios and whatnot, and that works as well because the show isn’t trying to be subtle about it. It goes quite obvious with its parody so it can add more of its own world’s flavor, it isn’t just like a Scary Movie situation where it’s like, look here’s a superhero thing but a little different and naughtier so it’s funny. It does that upfront and very obviously, and then that's just one layer to the show’s interesting aspects, then add on top of that unique storylines for characters, unique takes on the tropes that are being parodied, and then political satire on top of that. That is just one aspect of the show, just like the superhero movie parody stuff is only one aspect of the show, and it isn’t just thrown in there for no reason, it is worked organically in from the characters. The comparisons to real life, especially with Homelander and his supporters being compared to, y'know a general idea in politics that may or may not be linked to one specific politician, is actually a really clever riff to put on this character. It doesn't feel like they just forced this type of storyline on a character that it didn't work for, we built up this character independently of that and a story that has parallels to the real world fit perfectly for that character's progression. I mean I’m trying to avoid talking about the direct comparisons cuz this is the Internet and I just don’t wanna get involved in the dumpster fire of Internet political talk, but I mean again the show is not subtle, look at the supporters and the way Homelander talks and how some of the rhetoric is literally taken from real life. My point is, it’s a clever way that real life comparisons can be drawn from the characters in the show, rather than characters being made just for real life comparisons to be drawn, and that's what makes it work. Quick reminder here that if you’re enjoying this video, drop a like, subscribe, hit the bell button, and let me know you thoughts on all this down below! Also after the vid check out my podcast The Poorly Planned Podcast, alright back to the vid. I also wanna be clear here that when I say political and talk about shows getting political, I know that term is thrown around way too much and some people, some dumb people, just apply it to when shows have different cultures in them, and I’d like to stress that's not what I’m talking about when I say that, just so I don’t get lumped in that camp. I’m talking about when shows actually try to parody and talk about real life politics and social issues, which again, some do well, some don’t. I also think another reason this aspect of the show works so well is that it draws really funny comparisons to the real world in making fun of some of this stuff and pointing out its ridiculousness by viewing it through this ridiculous superhero lens. Of course there are more serious allegories to real world social issues like the Bluehawk storyline, but stuff like the ongoing news network that Homelander goes on, and the way Vought tries to manipulate the public and twist stories can lead to some hilarious comparisons to the real world, just like the superhero movie parody stuff can be hilarious. Now this is gonna be some dicey territory here cuz, I try not to talk about my political views just cuz again trying to stay away from the dumpster fire, and I know people don’t care. I talk about movies and shows who care what my political views are. But just for the sake of explaining how some political humor can be ineffective, I’d like to look at Stephen Colbert’s Late Show real quick, which I used to be a pretty big fan of and now don’t really love. And the thing is, I agree with pretty much everything that's said on that show, like the ideas and politics match up with my personal ideas pretty spot on. However, I don’t really enjoy those monologues anymore because it’s not really that inventive and gets a bit tired, it’s just the same, very predictable jokes over and over again, that's something I’ve thought about making a video on by the way. My point with all this is, you can agree with someone’s political opinions and still think their jokes and satire relating to it aren’t really that great. The Boys makes jokes about the ridiculousness of some stuff in our real world that I agree should be made fun of, and when it's not making fun of them but rather making a point about them in a more serious way I agree with should be addressed and talked about, but I don’t think it’s good just because I agree with it. It’s actually handled in a creative and unique way and that's why it’s effective. I think part of that again comes from this grander superhero scale that this show is following, which allows for more interesting ways of communicating a message and addressing this kind of stuff rather than just pointing something out and being like look, we did a thing that relates to the real world that isn't that clever. I’d say another example would be the last season of Brooklyn 99 where they introduced that new police chief character, or whatever, again, a show where I agree with all the political and social messages in it, I just thought the way that was handled was kind of lazily written and predictable and not that funny, and sort of stuck out about the show. I’m not saying The Boys always does it 100% perfectly, sometimes it’s so on the nose that it’s a little much even for me, but generally speaking doing funny and clever parody that fits with the show’s style and comes organically from the world and characters the show has built up is why I think The Boys’ political satire is so effective, and has been frequent in a very popular show without alienating audiences and drawing criticism that other shows and movies have for trying a similar thing in recent years. Woo, ok so that felt like navigating a bit of a minefield. I’ve been thinking about making this video for a while and I think it’s a shame that the Internet is in such a state that I don’t wanna make a video that is about a show and a show’s writing specifically just because it involves politics. I’m not trying to dive into politics here, I honestly just thought the way the show handles this stuff is weirdly really well done, and by the way there’s way more to it than I even covered here, like with Stormfront’s supporters and some stuff with Starlight and a bunch of stuff with Soldier Boy and how the season ends, MM’s wife’s new husband and all that, there’s also the reality TV parody part of it that also leads a bit into the social political side of things, I mean there's much more to dive into here but I just wanted to give my two cents on it and then step away from it, even though I know the comments are still probably gonna be a bit more chaotic than usual. But hey, this is my channel and I talk about what I wanna talk about. I might make a video on how I feel about Late Night shows like I mentioned earlier just cuz again from the perspective of how those are written and presented I find that interesting, but hey we’ll see. Anyway, The Boys season 3 was awesome by the way. If you want my review, that's it. It was great, just as good as the other two. The Boys is one of the best shows these days. Could’ve done without that one scene in episode 1, you know the one, but hey that's The Boys. So those were some of my thoughts on how The Boys handles its political satire. What did you think of the latest season? Let me know all your thoughts down below in the comments. While you’re at it, be sure to like this video, check out my Instagram and Twitter @bhl_hudson, my TikTok @bhlhudson, my Letterboxd @realbhlhudson, check out this podcast that I do with a friend of mine where we talk about movies, TV shows, a bunch of nonsense, it’s called The Poorly Planned Podcast, and subscribe for more videos like the one you just watched. Thanks for watching and I’ll see ya next time.
Channel: BHL Hudson
Views: 6,548
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bhl hudson, the boys, season 3, homelander, politics, satire, donald trump
Id: trxXHuqgKA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 8sec (488 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 16 2022
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