The Boy Who Was Healed | Mark 9-10

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[Music] [Music] when jesus arrived on the scene people were fighting and then suddenly they saw jesus and the fighting stopped good morning good afternoon good evening my name is rod him i'm janice and this is bible discovery tv quick study listen let me tell you this is exciting going through the bible in one year today we end up in mark and this is excellent because as we study this god's going to reveal what he's done here in these several verses okay so as we go along corey is here with ryan corey what's up well today i'm going to be taking a look at some of the history and archaeology of synagogues in the first century ryan is the prophet elijah one of the two coming witnesses before jesus christ's second coming well this is the question that i'm going to be attempting to answer a little bit later on in the program very interesting right excellent janice today my segment is called asking questions all right very good all of this and more coming your way in the next 30 minutes now listen open up the bible let's look at what god said mark 9 verses 14 through 27 and when he came to the disciples he saw a great multitude around them and scribes disputing with them immediately when they saw him all the peoples were greatly amazed and running to him greeted him and he asked the scribes what are you discussing with them then one of the crowd answered and said teacher i brought you my son who has a mute spirit and wherever it sees him it throws him down he foams at the mouth gnashes his teeth and becomes rigid so i spoke to your disciples that they should cast it out but they could not he answered him and said o faithless generation how long shall i be with you how long shall i bear with you bring him to me then they brought him to him and when he saw him immediately the spirit convulsed him and he fell on the ground and wallowed foaming at the mouth so he asked his father how long has this been happening to him and he said from childhood and often he has thrown him both into the fire and into the water to destroy him but if you can do anything have compassion on us and help us jesus said to him if you can believe all things are possible to him who believes immediately the father of the child cried out and said with tears lord i believe help my unbelief when jesus saw that the people came running together he rebuked the unclean spirit saying to it deaf and dumb spirit i command you come out of him and enter him no more then the spirit cried out convulsed him greatly and came out of him and he became as one dead so that many said he is dead but jesus took him by the hand and lifted him up and he arose mark chapter 9 verses 14 through 27. [Music] mark chapters 9 through 10 that's our reading assignment today as we go through the book of mark it's 16 chapters long it's very interesting and let me tell you something many of us live with ailments don't we disease impairments health issues for our whole lives especially as we get older at times they seem to become so normal that we just accept them as part of who we are wait a minute but wait in god's original design the first man and woman were created very good with no physical problems if we have accepted jesus christ as our lord the lord of our life then the sin and the sickness in this world and all of our body is confined to this world it's not forever some things may last for our lifetime here on earth but in heaven which is our real life and the future world to come we will be restored to our original glorified state in other words what i'm saying is sickness is not something that we have to accept forever it is a weakness that comes to all of us as a result of our sin nature now jesus christ knew this but his disciples didn't so the lord changed the thinking of his disciples forever today we have many medical options to choose from but we would be wise not to put our faith in the medical system so much rather we should put our faith in god who supersedes over all of the systems our god is a miracle-working god and i want to tell you something if you watch the 700 club or you watch other programs like that you can see miracles as they emerge and they tell the stories of miracles i'm telling you it is amazing god is at work and he still works regardless of what people say because god doesn't do things on what people say he does things when people have faith the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen get your bible guide turn to today's passage i'll send you one if you don't have one go to click on the bible guide it'll take you to a page for donate thank you for your donations and then you can download it you're seconds away from working through with us and there's more things in the bible guide than we'll teach but it guides you along the boy who was healed what the boy who was healed father help us today so many of us have come to the point where we just listened to what the doctor says the doctor says this the doctor says that but what does god say and father i pray for your will to be evident because i know i've experienced sickness and i know what it is but lord i know that you are the healer and you've healed me every single time and i pray lord in jesus name that you would continue your healing process because lord i'm trusting in you and i will get to the end of my life and you will 100 heal me because as i leave this body and its oldness and all of that and i go into your presence i will get a new body and father i thank you for that and i praise your name for eternal life thank you lord in jesus name amen mark chapter 9 verses 14 to 15. here's what it says and when he came to the disciples he saw a great multitude around them and scribes disputing with them and immediately when they saw him all the people were greatly amazed and running to him and they greeted him and when jesus arrived the arguing stopped and the people ran to greet him that's something to think about when jesus arrived the arguing stopped we need to keep that in mind and the people ran to greet him what does that mean simple the presence of god changes everything beloved we bring he brings salvation and healing to us you see when we get saved or saved from the pit of hell from our sins and all of that we ask jesus christ to come into our heart and lead us he does that and he rescues us because the enemy comes to steal to kill and destroy but god comes to give us life more abundantly beloved and we have that life god has given us eternal life and that life is in his son mark 9 16 and he asked the scribes what are you discussing with them and then one of the crowd answered and said teacher i brought you my son who has a mute spirit and whenever it sees him it throws him down and he foams at the mouth gnashes his teeth he becomes rigid so i spoke to your disciples that they should cast it out but they could not now remember this there is an absolutely no healing without the intervention of god absolutely no healing without intervention of god doctors learn how god has created the body and they heal us based on god's design and supervision now there are times when the enemy tries to heal and he does so temporarily and there are times when the enemy makes us think that we're healed and we're not but when god heals and we know it's god it's i'm telling you somebody was given three months to live they got saved 20 years ago and god healed them of cancer they still have no cancer i want to tell you something it is permanent and it's good because god's touch is amazing to those he loves god wants to touch you right now god wants to heal you right now god wants to help you right now pray and ask him come to him come to him personally and renounce your sin very important look at the next scripture chapter 9 verse 19 he answered him and said to him o faithless generation how long shall i be with you how long shall i bear you bring him to me and then they brought him brought him to jesus and when he saw him immediately the spirit convulsed him and he fell on the ground and wallowed foaming at the mouth so he asked his father how long has this been happening to him and he said from childhood and often he has thrown him both in fire and into the water to destroy him but if you can do anything have compassion on us and help us have compassion on us and help us and jesus said to him this i love this statement every time he begins to heal listen if you can believe all things are possible to him who believes if you can believe all things are possible to him who believes and immediately the father of the child cried out and said with tears lord i believe help my unbelief that's what he said not the child but the father that's what he said when jesus saw that the people came running together he rebuked the unclean spirit and saying to it death and dumb spirit i command you to come out of him and enter him no more and then the spirit cried out and convulsed him greatly and came out of him and he became as one dead so that many said he's dead but listen listen listen verse 27 listen to this but jesus took him by the hand and lifted him up and he arose which brings me to this last point the boy's father was desperate for god to do something he was honest with god he was desperate beloved we must be honest with god about our belief or lack thereof and he will help us you know i i cannot think of anything greater than to say lord i want to believe but i'm having problems believing help me to believe you know what god will do he'll help you to believe the holy spirit will come down and help you to believe beloved remember that because god is doing his will and his will is to see us healed and to see us help we need to remember that beloved very very important [Music] hi rod hember here we go through the bible every year from genesis 1 to revelation 22. now you can join us and watch at the time you like by searching bible discovery tv on the roku box or on amazon fire tv anytime you want to watch us we're there get a hold of it watch us anytime you want to [Music] today you and i are going to be exploring the history of synagogues as we read through the gospels and even into the book of acts we are going to be hearing about synagogues off and on these were very integral places in the jewish community and jesus and the disciples after jesus ascension into heaven frequented these places so take a look all around the world synagogues are an integral part of judaism from the greek meaning place of assembly the synagogue today is referred to as a house of prayer house of assembly house of study and in some cases even temple while this institution's recent 2000 years of history can be tracked relatively easily its origins are still a bit of a mystery there are no mentions of synagogues in the old testament of the bible so it's commonly believed that synagogues must have developed after the destruction of solomon's temple in 586 bc the reasoning goes that once robbed of the central element of the jewish faith the priests of judah began teaching reading and studying torah buildings perhaps homes were refurbished to facilitate this and soon the synagogue the assembly of faithful jews observant to the covenant became a cornerstone in jewish society one of the obvious benefits being that any community despite their geographical location or distance from jerusalem could have their own synagogue the earliest mention of synagogues may come from a 3rd century bc egyptian inscription beyond this by the first century a.d synagogues were a part of normal jewish life receiving mentions by philo of alexandria flavius josephus the new testament and rabbinic literature amazingly just south of the temple mount in jerusalem the theodotus inscription was found it once adorned a synagogue that lived practically in the shadow of the temple demonstrating that the two establishments were not competitive the inscription tells us that synagogues had been around for some time they were used for studying the scriptures as a hostile and they kept water for jewish purification rituals early synagogues seemed not to have been associated with prayer likely because of the temple's scriptural role as a house of prayer the temple's destruction by roman ad70 changed the function and focus of synagogues without a place for sacrifice festivals and prayer the people turned to their synagogues and emphasized what they could do to follow god the sacrifices of studying scripture and praying three times a day to correspond to the times sacrifices used to be made at the temple the temple had been destroyed before and judaism had been able to maintain a strong religious culture interestingly the torah arc the shelved box in which a synagogue scriptures were kept were also directly influenced by the destruction of the temple as synagogues changed to preserve the memory of the temple the torah ark was treated to represent the holy of holies called an ark to reference the ark of the covenant decorated with temple motifs and sometimes flanked with curtains as was the temples holy of holies the orientation of the seating benches also shifted from a central focus to a torah shrine focus which was normally located on the jerusalem-facing wall there are a lot of really interesting synagogue remains from the time of the first century a.d but also going back to the first century of bc or bce really interesting there's a mosaic tiling that has been discovered just some really interesting imagery so if this strikes your fancy if it makes you curious i would really recommend looking into it just for interest sake uh because there's some really cool imagery and things we can learn from that yeah we are we are in the month of october and this is really interesting because as we end the year we're going to end in the in the book of revelation the last five days it's going to be fascinating so everything we're learning now is going to be positioned at the end because revelations at the end so that's good ryan yeah well today in our sign reading of mark 9 and 10 we read of the famous transfiguration of jesus and it's at this point that moses and elijah actually show up on the mountain with jesus and peter james and john and it's because of moses and elijah's appearance here that a lot of people believe that they will be the coming two witnesses that will come before jesus christ's second coming another name often mentioned in connection with the two witnesses is enoch but what does the bible tell us about these two coming witnesses check it out just as satan in the great tribulation will use two men to carry out his evil agenda namely the antichrist and the false prophet so too will god raise up two men two bright lights to shine for him in the darkness the bible calls these two men the two witnesses and revelation chapter 11 verses 3 through 14 describes their ministry god will anoint these two special witnesses who will minister on his behalf amid the darkness and devastation just as john the baptist was the forerunner for the messiah these two witnesses will pave the way for his return though the bible is silent regarding the particular identity of these two men of god early christians such as tertullian irenaeus and hippolytus believed enoch and elijah will reappear during the tribulation and will be the two witnesses some have held that moses will be one of the two witnesses along with either enoch or elijah and still others believe that these two witnesses will not be men from the past at all but rather will be new jewish prophets which god will raise up the main reason enoch and elijah are thought to be the two coming witnesses is because neither of these men saw death thus it is reason that they will come back to die in the tribulation often hebrews chapter 9 verse 27 is used as evidence for it is appointed unto men once to die however this verse is simply establishing the general truth that all must die there will be millions of exceptions to this general rule at the rapture and there already have been some exceptions to this rule such as lazarus whom jesus raised up another problem is that enoch's future death would seem to be a reversal of hebrews chapter 11 verse 5 which clearly explains that as a reward for his total faithfulness to god enoch was translated that he should not see death those who identified the two witnesses with moses and elijah based this on two main facts first both men appeared with christ on the mount of transfiguration which foreshadowed the glory of christ at his second coming and second they are mentioned in tandem in the final chapter of the old testament also the miracles which moses and elijah performed are similar to those that will be performed by the coming two witnesses another big reason elijah is identified as one of the two witnesses is because the bible predicts that he will in fact return previous to christ's second coming however some see moses and elijah's presence at the transfiguration as rather flimsy evidence hardly showing a cause and effect relationship also the fact that the miracles performed by the two witnesses are similar to those performed by moses and elijah is hardly sufficient evidence for god can use others to perform these same miracles and though the bible predicts elijah's return it does not necessarily mean that he will be one of the two witnesses thus the identity of these two men remains rather obscure so we really can't be sure who the coming to witnesses will be but what we can be sure of is that god will send them to prepare the way for his second coming just as he sent john the baptist to prepare the way for his first coming absolutely incredible you know it is and uh we were talking in a bible study uh on tuesday night last night and uh we there's some people there that know others who are so committed to who those two witnesses are they believe it's moses and elijah you know not enoch and elijah right because of the transfiguration yeah and and so i i said well you know i mean it doesn't matter they said i know they don't know that and or they know that but they don't care they're just committed to making that and you know that's the problem when we get off on something and we we believe something we make that belief a religion but god tells us what we need to know from the bible and we need to stick to the word of god that's what the word of god says we need to stick to it that's right stay focused stay focused on the great commission as well absolutely very good excellent janice well we're looking at a boy being healed by jesus and what i love when i read this passage and actually all through the gospels is how jesus always inserts himself by asking questions and that's what he does with each one of us as well he asks us questions that we have to answer one of the big questions that he asked his disciples well was who do men say that i am and after they answered him he said but who do you say that i am he asks us that same question but getting to this passage we have jesus coming seeing a great multitude of people and there's an argument that's going on right now there's a a heated discussion jesus would have already known what that discussion was about but he asks the scribes what are you discussing with them and it's a pointed question and someone in the crowd we know later as we continue to read on that it's the father of a boy and he has brought his son to the disciples to have this boy healed and they're not able so he says so i spoke to your disciples that they should cast it out but they could not so jesus answered him the bible says and says o faithless generation how long shall i be with you so he's asking that question right there how long shall i be with you how long shall i bear with you bring him to me so the father brings to the father of the boy brings him to jesus and then jesus as he's hearing what happens to the boy which he would have already known he asks the father and everyone who's listening how long has this been happening to him and he says from childhood now all of this information that jesus is bringing out is for lessons for the people to learn as he's there now he asks the scribes what are you discussing with them he asks the boy's dad how long has this been happening to him the dad's admission then of his unbelief and his request for jesus to help his unbelief is an example to those who are there the unbelieving or faithless generation that jesus was talking to at this moment including jesus disciples he called them that in verse 19 remember you unbelieving or faithless generation and the father said lord i believe help my unbelief it's these times it's so interesting as we read through the gospels to understand what jesus is teaching and the time that he takes in each and every situation he takes that time why because it's a personal relationship this is not a religion of rules and regulations if i do this i'm good if i do that i'm bad this is about a a fellowship a relationship with the lord jesus christ with god our father jesus brings that restoration again with god remember back at the beginning of time adam and eve had that time with god in the garden there was no separation they were able to spend time with him and it was very special but because of sin because we we pulled away and didn't believe and trust in god there was a separation that was restored through jesus and so this following jesus and and letting him pick away at the hardness of our heart or some of the things that we get trapped in our minds like for instance you know this thinking that we know who the witnesses are when we don't god has not given us that information there is information that god gives us that is plain plain plain and there is others that he says you know what you need to come to me you need to follow me and trust what i have told you as every good father would do as every good parent would do there are some things that our children at certain ages are not able to handle at that moment and that's the loving father that we have in heaven he gives us the information that we need and also challenges us where we are personally so that we can change to follow him and live our lives abundantly here and now until we're fully restored with him in eternity it's absolutely fascinating and and the discipline that god has as the father in heaven is very very important because otherwise we would be totally blown away but we have to understand [Music] [Music] at the end of the program it's time to pray thank you for being with us and spending time with us today monday wednesday and friday is when we pray from 3 30 eastern time join us on facebook youtube and bible discovery tv and we'll pray today we pray and we say lord i want to trust you with all my life help my faith to grow each day lord forgive my unbelief help me today and in jesus name we said amen [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Bible Discovery TV
Views: 857
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Bible Discovery TV, Quick Study, Bible Study, Scripture, Christianity, Christian, God, Biblical Teaching, Christian Living, Jesus Christ, Rod Hembree, Janice Hembree, Corie Hembree, Corie Bobechko, Ryan Hembree, Bible, archaeology, science, history, apologetics, creation science, Gospel, The Daily Show, thedailyshow
Id: Q-uouBcjm_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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