The Bowerbird's Grand Performance! | Life Story | BBC Earth

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In Papua New Guinea, the bowerbird has lovingly rebuilt and redecorated his bower. Another visitor. This time, it's a female. This is just where he wants her. Time to begin the show. First, he expands his pupils alternately. It's an oddly mesmerising display. A spot of limbering up accompanied by a weird and wheezy call from deep in his throat. Now, it's time for his grand performance. He waves his wing like a matador's cape. She appears to be transfixed. This is certainly eye-catching, but it seems he needs to do more. Generously, she drops him a hint. It's the bird equivalent of a bouquet of flowers. It's all going so well it's time to get physical, with a few head-butts to her chest. One final flourish to cap weeks of effort. But something's wrong. His rival is back and at the worst possible moment. What should he do? For the female, the moment has gone. Sometimes, whatever you do, things just don't work out.
Channel: BBC Earth
Views: 6,827,049
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BBC, BBC Worldwide, Nature, Natural History, Animals, Wildlife, Wild, Life Story, David Attenborough (TV Program Creator), Life, Birds, Papa New Guinea, Bowerbird (Organism Classification), Male, Female, Show, Performance, Pupils, Eyes, Wings, Dance, Decorate, Art, Sex, Sexes, Attraction, BBC Earth, British Broadcasting Corporation (Production Company), Bird (Animal)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 16sec (256 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2015
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