The Boondocks - 1x9, Return of the King - Group Reaction

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what up y'all it's normies coming at you with a little bit of Boondock season one episode n Return of the King Return of the King once again Return of the King actually know all right M checks it's surge Aragorn chy I'm p no it's Spidey with a dream this is Marquetta Chris grimel wormwood Grey Worm you know the guy I'm talking about Johnson it's Mickey Fromm from game oh no what's the one guy who's obviously evil his name is like grimwood gray worm grindle W I know you're talking about yeah from Lord no from Lord of the Rings he's like very obviously evil and his name's like evil man evil dud he kills himself at the end of the third movie that's only the king yeah but his name's like grimaced Grey Worm Grim challenge hey y'all it's uh we have returned we are not the Kings but we are here to watch The Boondocks um I would ask anybody if they Weir you what this episode's about but I think if you think about it too hard you'll figure it out so don't do that we'll just probably watch it okay it's either the lion king or I I it's about Elvis coming back to apologize for appropriating Black Culture which the movie actually showed that he grew up in that so it wasn't really appropriating except it was kind of so I I don't know the answer God that' be a good episode right that'd be good but oh damn I guess that's not it y I was thinking of the other king well let's see if we're going to get Michael Jackson in his [ __ ] or not not a marus sub support the OG content feel free to support the norm over on patreon supporting us on patreon means you get uncut you get to watch your head and you get to participate in polls you want to know why we're watching boond dos because I stuffed The Ballot Box Mar he sure did all right damn okay a somber episode about our dark history who said it an Martin Luther King Jr was shot in Memphis Tennessee on April 4th 196 yeah that's why I was going a like we all didn't think of this I think we all did we just yeah I did yeah wait that's where it happened that's how it happened he was critically injured Dr King fell into a coma the world waited for news of his F yall ever see that cartoon my friend Martin oh God you know what I'm talking about then on October 27th 20 32 years after shot the [ __ ] oh no he's going to be so disappointed people took to the streets to celebrate the return of their King oh [ __ ] my this is a great Jesus Christ named after him weren't the very safest King Inc the seven figure deal to write his autobiography called dream defer Columbia Pictures green l a $100 million biopic of Dr King starring Cuba good in Jun what happened to not Le was when on August 1st 2001 Martin Luther King presented video of the year with puffy oh go well you know puffy like you I can't stop I won't stop I don't need even know [Laughter] how take that take that take take what album was that from all of them King was released is hilarious one week after 911 oh no of course then on October 15th during an appearance on Politically Incorrect Gody sh the country an advocate of nonviolence but guess what how do you think the United States should respond to the terror attacks of I hate b as a Christian oh no we are taught that you should love thy enemy is that supposed to be B you should turn the other Bill morees type word America I know this Show's called real time was very concerned by some comments made by some ex civil rights oh my God people in question should today watch their goddamn [ __ ] mouth king hates America just roll over win because he hates America my suggestion go take another 30-year nap Tommy bastard that's what I'm talking about give me that who am I making this out to H Freeman take my paring spot I should have whed his ass Robert Freeman they know each other I come over to the house for dinner I live down the road I'm supposed to be signing books for a couple of more hours a this is so sad I know dude just go that a dark episode your boy coton baboon course you goddamn chunky cheek monkey what the hell is wrong with you now inter offer that hands between me and Martin Luther SoCal King only King I know ever pre oh oh you don't remember man well I've been throwing bricks at your margin ass of course how old is Ruckus who you know why hey shut the hell up you black son [ __ ] I love oh my God is he is he roing a mullet his eyes just always been like that Happ at the back of what the [ __ ] I thought he tried to shot put [Music] it I have shot you myself but I realized white man got better shut the [ __ ] up he take me with you I'm home they really let him come me with you she said you were prank calling her again she was lying she had the caller D Robert ho prank called Rosa Parks she stole my thunder robt oh God was he the original one that said Robert was a member of the Montgomery Bus Boycott strategic planning committee in [Laughter] [Music] 195 you're so stupid she stole my thunder that's wild have some roller skates I can get back down B man don't head to the back no I am not going to [Music] move what what are you some kind of History making Crusader I think you're going to change history on your own is that it woman all by yourself that lady sure has courage hey what what about me St we love you forever that's right take us to jail we're not afraid they out of trouble oh my God [Music] oh god what happened to our people everyone was waiting for Martin Luther King to come back Martin Luther King there're waiting for huie is gone forever that's s Dr King it's time to get up you got an interview today I'm not going that's the key I don't want Dr Martin Luther King Jr you get out of that room and continue to fight for freedom and Justice this instant come on think about it Dr King you missed out on four Decades of media [Music] Evolution just bricks and why is he not in jail oh man he works at the jail not just any political a black revolutionary political party why me you should ask Oprah to do it and so the philosophy of this new political party might be considered extremely hit here yes do you love America um sorry you're sure as hell our buddy why can't liberals ever answer that question with a simple yes huh America say you love America right now say it I don't basic philosophy is sir I will not be say it or shut up we'll be back with more [Applause] fair we be back with the fair and balance with more fair balance oh that was [ __ ] this is a great episode seriously hell yeah o I joined this [Music] party he is chaos why is he on the streets you sure are and you know what that means it means you're going to the Martin Luther King emergency Action Party isina sounds like why are they giving away tickets to our emergency action planning meeting on 95.5 wfk The free well you I thought about what you said about not having enough experience media no so I hired an urban promotions firm to help get the street team Urban promotions firm uhoh that M excuse me broo my is now y ain't getting in without no free man what sir we need to get in cuz I tell you right now you ain't getting in with them shoes wrong with my shoes I'm Martin Luther King I'm Malcolm X [ __ ] cut to the shoes what what this what happened Us in Chicago goes down that's some thievery this what happened with us with Mikey and Chicago bro this was Atlanta for me it was just [Music] [Applause] like where are we the new this is Martin Luther King surpris to let you in here with those shoes let us see the shoes okay we all got to stop and get back to my [ __ ] go my [ __ ] go thank you no let's go King bring it home stop this rip WAP excuse me Brothers King looked at on his people and saw they were in great need so he did what all great leaders do he told them the truth where you wict [ __ ] please oh my God it's the Cadence in the to my God that whoever's doing the voice is perfect yes this is what I got all those ass whooping for I had a dream once it was a dream that little black boys and little black girls would drink from the river of prosperity Freed From The Thirst of Oppression but lo and behold some for decade later what have I found but a bunch of TR shiftless good for nothing nigg but that's what I see now [ __ ] and you don't want to be a [ __ ] why not cuz [ __ ] are living contradictions [ __ ] are full of unfulfilled Ambitions [ __ ] Rex and Wayne [ __ ] love to complain nigg love to hear themselves talk but hate to explain [ __ ] crastinate until it's time to worry [ __ ] love to be late [ __ ] to Black Entertainment Television is the worst Michael is not a now I'd like to talk about soad Over the Horizon and I promise you you [ __ ] have nothing to celebrate and no won't get there with this I'm going to Canada some of that [ __ ] socialized medicine he's like I'm out that was the last time I saw Dr King but the story doesn't end there King's Speech was replayed the entire next day on the cable news channel then something unexpected happened people got angry nah nobody knows exactly what to attribute to the sharp decline in African-American dropout rate is every African-American player in the NBA refusing to Play Till There is a full troop withdrawal billionaire Bob Johnson apologizes to Black America for the network he founded the white Congress are receiving an unprecedented amount of calls from irate African-Americans and the revolution finally came [Music] only what up 2020 right thanks familiar well that's too real hey this episode's dark no oh no 91 is not about eight it's F 2020 hey I wish I wish that would have been better yeah oh I was just about to [Music] say it would have bit better King good voice go back a little bit I think it would have said it we just started yeah I keep going Kevin Michael who probably Kevin Michael it's always Kevin Michael Richardson DJ Pooh Aaron mcgr is starting here too is that like poo you no it's Pooh Bears upside [Music] hustle um there you go how about that wild that was so were you expecting Martin Luther King no that kind of was that kind of was that was said return up the king I do not believe put that together all right so um I have to do my generalized due diligence and say that Martin Luther King was killed for becoming more and more socialist that is that is not a that is correct that is you know what sure it could be a theory but as he became more and more of a socialist he was suddenly killed in a way that didn't make a lot of sense fact so there you go and also like the the the different black political movements were coming together mhm yeah becoming one working as a crew group if you know anyway but aside from that here's the episode mean when that episode came out it was like perfect timing everyone was like yeah he would be pissed if he came back it would not be great what year did this come out I mean 20 I think this season was 2004 actually 200 but double check uh I will say too that um Martin Luther King gets uh whenever it's Martin Luther King date you see a lot of um right wiing and even people on the left talking about what Martin Luther King would have and would not have won it ful and whiteash his history at the time when he was protesting and [ __ ] it was looked at like black lives matter is looked at now people hated him for it mainstream media hated him for it even people on the left white liberals were like man maybe it could be less why do we have all this animosity why is all this going down and I like that you get to see people immediately hate him when he would have landed on a stance that maybe he would have actually landed on he was a peaceful person in bigon church so like I bet you this whole episode came about when it was just like what would would Martin Luther King say toight and then like imagine how hard America would hate oh yeah yeah it was an interesting commentary on that aspect like yeah if he didn't die he was in coma coming back what it would be and just yeah I I don't know it was really well done the voice was great and just knowing the Freeman like the grandpa was there and next to I was like this is a side of a story but I didn't expect him to actually be sitting there and got ignored because remember one time we tried to join the protest and he came so late I thought he would have just walked away but no he actually sat but they just didn't look at that would happened to Robert too that was so sad that's the other thing about history too like the way it gets written not that Rosa Parks isn't important and didn't do anything important but also like there were other people participating you know what I mean like when you when you write history it's always like we get taught history through like these figure points of people especially just like the way we teach history in America which makes it seem like you know this one person was able to do this one thing when really it's like it's a group of people it's a collective it's but I think that like one teaching that is harder to do but also two it's less productive for like uh the teachers and [ __ ] but also three teaching people that working together is how you solve a whole entire situation is like not exactly what we're all about instead of fighting one chosen one I think it's not just America history it's all histories even in India because that's what the whole movie R is because they show all the Mars in the end they don't really teach them and there always like Gandhi like you know this that's one figure like that's not really there's so many other people who were working on a micro level who came like made the big change and I think I think it's supposed to be assume though right every movement has to have some kind of like figurehead though I mean it's a kid I didn't assume it now besides MLK and Malcolm X I'm sure there were plenty of other people also helping with the Civil Rights Movement but like the two most prominent ones I guess just it's just easier yeah like you said Chris it's easier to teach the single person rather than like here's all the people you know what I mean but then when you get to be an adult and you think what can I do to help solve this problem I think your thoughts jump to can I be Rosa Parks can I okay instead of like can I be one of the 100 people that helped those [ __ ] to get to right where they want it to be and I think that that's like when it kind of helps you to feel yeah it helps you to feel like I can't really do anything to help with climate change but the truth is is you could be one of the one million [ __ ] that done their part to lead to grber sorry if you mentioned this already but isn't there like uh an African proverb that says each Each one teach one is isn't that an African African proverb that's some [ __ ] we say I don't know if it's an African proverb I don't know where it came from but yeah pry sure I mean it's in their Rel I heard a rapper say it personally what was it each Each one teach one this episode reminded me of an episode of Atlanta like I feel like Atlanta would do an episode like this it's like I think it's either called black surrealism or afro surrealism where you're just taking like a what if type of scenario yeah King was still alive yeah like like you like they did what if the reformations were true oh that reparation yeah like what if they actually happened I mean so this this feels right up that alley I wonder if like Donald glev took some inspiration from kind of feel like you had to yeah I feel like there's no he didn't growing up with this show way he did Atlanta like hell yeah and I think there is a really good argument to be made Serge which I never thought of is that like the black cist movement that's really popping right now could have its roots here in Boondock easily I mean it's kind of hard like even with the anime influences and everything it's we're really working our way up to you know sorry to bother you the best moment of the entire episode and maybe the entire show so far for me is huie throwing the chair oh who doesn't want to throw a chair at Tucker Carlson right drop kick Tucker C onite I like I like the guy Rosa Park flash tracks like what are you trying to be some like Crusade Figure Head historical Crusade so like that's hilarious history making Crusader but yeah that and also just like before huy does that he was like we'll be back with like fair and Justice coverage like what cuz like at that point when if someone is screaming at you to be like say you love America you literally cannot you literally actually cuz then at that point you're like okay so what I'm about to just let you roll them like we need to have trying to have a conversation here you trying to have a fight I'm about to engage with you bro but like you should like I do love America because we speak out about it like there are plenty of other countries where you you you can't really speak out on your country without I mean yeah there are repercussions here too but there are far worse repercussions in other countries like people can protest America while Still Loving America like both are true you can yeah yeah well a lot of people don't understand that though shinger America that's the whole point like you're trying to make it better the America that never was exactly like I feel like if you try to maintain the status quo and no change ever then you're just going to stagnate like that's not love yeah yeah just to keep doing things because that's how it's done in Old way it doesn't mean that's the right way just they can be changed um can I make you guys a promise I think I'm going to promise you this and I don't know if this is true or not this is the last semi-serious episode this season okay semi what why make promises just nobody asked you to make this promise now you have now you know you're going to be called out once it does is It spoilers there's going to be is spoilers the last semi series episode do you know you know what else Chris did to shut the fu up over took my remote speak speak up was I can't say when or how you'll just have to see all right something happened in the office my hero it never take place I agree with time y'all W there this was pretty close it was a pretty big for the office hey we have to run a poll we have to run AAR to God we'll see you guys at the next episode bye look at that it's the end of the video so sad but you can check out more right here and right here consider supporting us on patreon like subscribe and a big shout out to our super patrons Cortez Matthew Raga Hashim Anthony and Joe Maxs we'll see you on the next one
Channel: The Normies
Views: 89,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reaction, react, reacting, watch, watching, review, reviewing, fandom, fan, series, show, tv, best, top, moment, scene, discussion, discussing, the boondocks, season 1 episode 7, S1E7, reaction video, reactions, secret invasion reaction, reaction channel, movie reaction
Id: 2VQIdo2vuxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 57sec (1437 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 19 2023
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