The Book of Job's Wisdom on How God Runs the World

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I LOVE this series!

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/SonofYeshua 📅︎︎ Oct 23 2016 🗫︎ replies

The book of Job is one of the three wisdom books of the Bible. If you haven't watched the other 2 (Proverbs and Ecclesiastes), make sure to do so before this one in order to fully enjoy the beauty in it.

I love The Bible Project, they're doing this to all books in the Bible. Basically, they explain the main points of each book in around 6 to 9 minutes, with beautiful drawings. Whenever I see their videos, I want to read the Bible!

They also have other animations in their YouTube channel about doctrine, don't forget to check it out.

Link to their website:

Also, if you can make translations of their videos to your mother tongue that isn't listed in the subtitles available, that would be great to help spreading the message to non-English speakers. Just e-mail them at explaining them your desire to help and they'll give you the directions on how to do it.

Enjoy brothers and sisters!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/sujirohs 📅︎︎ Oct 22 2016 🗫︎ replies

Just watched the wisdom series! Amazing visuals and great explanations. Thanks for sharing!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/aorf01 📅︎︎ Oct 23 2016 🗫︎ replies

Awesome video

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/zsweeney1 📅︎︎ Oct 23 2016 🗫︎ replies
There are three books in the Bible known as the wisdom literature Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Job The first proverbs showed us that God is wise and just Yeah we learned that God has ordered the world so that it's fair the righteous are rewarded the wicked are punished in other words you get what you deserve. But then we meet Ecclesiastes who observes people don't always get what they deserve Yeah he said the world isn't always fair. The life is unpredictable and hard to comprehend just like smoke. And this makes you wonder okay well is God wise and just? Exactly and so it's that question that is being explored in the final book of wisdom Job. Alright let's dive in. So Job begins with the strange story that takes place up in the heavens which are described something like a heavenly command center. So God is there with these angelic creatures called the sons of God and they're all their reporting for duty. And God points out this guy Job his servant showing our righteous and good he is. Then one of these angelic creatures approaches He's referred to in Hebrew as The Satan. The Satan, who is this? Well, this word is actually a title which literally means the one who is opposed. So out of this whole crew he is the one questioning how God is running the world. And he proposes that Job might not actually love God that he's only a good person because God rewards him. If God were to take away all of the good things he gave to Job then we would see his true colors. So he thinks Job is just working the system? That's exactly right. Maybe he's obeying just to get what he wants. So God agrees to this experiment and allows the Satan to inflict suffering on Job. And Job losses everyone and everything that he cares about. It is devastating. And remember he deserves none of this God himself said so The remarkable thing is that in the midst of all this suffering, Job still praises God. At least for chapters one and two. But then in chapter 3 we find out how he's really feeling inside. He unleashes this poem that reveals this devastation. It's a long elaborate curse on the day that he was born After this some of Job's friends come to visit him to offer their help and all of them are like Job, you must have done something horribly wrong to deserve this. After all, we know God is just and we know the world is ordered by God's justice and fairness so you must be getting what you deserve. And for the next thirty four chapters the friends and Job go back and forth in very dense Hebrew poetry. His friends keep speculating about why God might have sent such suffering and even start making up lists of hypothetical sins that Job must have committed. But after each accusation Job defends his innocence. And Job is innocent. He is! He's also on an emotional roller coaster At some moments he's very confident that God is still wise and just. Yet in other moments he's doubting God's goodness. He even comes to accuse God of being reckless unfair and corrupt. So by the end of the dialogue Job demands that God come and explain himself in person. And God does so he comes in the form of a great storm cloud Now God doesn't give Job a direct answer. He doesn't tell Job about the conversation with the Satan Yeah he does something very different . He takes Job on a virtual tour of the universe. He shows Job how grand the world is. And he asked him if he's even capable of running it or understanding it just for a day . He shows how much detail there is in the world. Things that we might see every day but really don't understand at all. But God does he knows it all intimately. He pays attention to the beauty and operations of the universe in ways that we haven't even imagined and in places that we will never see. Then to conclude God shows Job two wonderous beasts and brags about how great they are. Yeah they are dangerous. I mean they would kill you without even thinking about it And God says they're not evil. They're actually a part of his good world. And then that's it that's God's whole defense. It's kind of weird. I mean what was this all about? It seems to be this. From Job's point of view it looks like God is not just. But God's perspective is infinitely bigger. He is dynamically interacting with a whole universe of complexity when he makes decisions. And this is what God calls his wisdom. So Job asking God to defend himself is actually kind of absurd. He couldn't comprehend this kind of complexity even if he wanted to. So where does this leave us? Well, leaves Job in a place of humility. He never learned why he suffered. And yet he's able to live in peace and in the fear of the Lord But that's not where the book ends because after this God restores to Job double everything he had lost. And this again is surprising. I mean, is this a reward, is God saying "Congratulations Job you passed this elaborate test." No I mean the whole book just made the point that Job losing everything was not a punishment and so now getting it back isn't a reward. So why does he get it back? Apparently God in His wisdom decided to give Job a gift we don't know why but what we do know is that Job is now the kind of person who no matter what comes good or bad he can trust God's wisdom And that's the book of Job and the end of our wisdom series. These biblical books of wisdom are amazing. Each one offers a unique perspective on the good life. And you need to hear all of them together as you learn to live with wisdom and in the fear of the Lord hey guys thank you for watching this video from the Bible project you can find a lot more videos just like this one on our youtube channel the Bible project or at our website join the Bible this was the final video in our wisdom series it's been super fun to make we hope they were helpful for you for making videos like this because we believe the Bible is a unified story that leads to Jesus and has wisdom for the modern world so we're making videos that explore every book of the Bible its unique design main ideas we're also making themed videos that explore key ideas that run through the whole storyline of the scriptures we have more videos planned and we can do it because of your support you can give a one-time gift for you become a monthly supporter and help us with this entire project the goal is to make the whole video library available for free to anybody anywhere go to join the Bible project com you can download full resolution version of this video all kinds of other resources it's there for free for you thanks for your support
Channel: BibleProject
Views: 8,566,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Job, Bible Videos, proverbs, wisdom, bible, bible study
Id: GswSg2ohqmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 15sec (435 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 22 2016
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