The Bloody Video Game History of The Punisher - A Retrospective

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Be cool to see a revamp / new game on punisher with similar Graphics to GTA / Red dead - it has potential to be a top game 🙃

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 06 2023 🗫︎ replies
it's been a hot minute since I gave big puns some love hasn't it well while we wait around to see what fun adventures is going to get mixed up and with his old buddy Mr Magoo I thought it'd be fun to take a stroll down the shooting gallery that is Francis castillon's video game career while it's true it's not nearly as prolific as Spider-Man or Wolverines it's still a pretty decent corpse-filled ride featuring some good some bad and some ugly so strap on some Firepower and get your scowls ready as a take a look back at [Music] thank you The Punisher needs no introduction uh but here's a short one anyway created by Jerry Conway John Ramirez senior Ross Andrew and first appearing in Amazing Spider-Man 129 and yes I own a copy pun pun kill Chan exploded on the scene by being easily fooled by a guy that looked like this into believing that Spider-Man was a dangerous killer over the subsequent years he would make sporadic appearances here and there until he got his own limited Series in 1986 with these awesome covers by Mike Zack when that proved to be a success he was then awarded his own unlimited series the following year and really the rest is history well not the angel of Vengeance version from from 96 with with the magic god Uzis no not that one you could argue his mainstream comic book Peak was the very early 90s where he had not won not two but three ongoing series and a few extra if you include the Armory one shots 1990 was a particular standout year Not only was the first motion picture based on the character hitting Cinemas well bcrs it was also the start of Punisher Mania gripping the video game industry as four distinct titles on four different formats were released in a 12-month period and it's here where our war will begin 1990 The Punisher for MS-DOS developed by Paragon software it's appropriate that this is the first and most bizarre game on our Hit List as it really defies explanation it starts with some backstory and this weird title screen before dumping you into Frank's Clubhouse where you're given a variety of options before you head out on your first mission you can have microchip brief you on what you'll be doing laying out the target the location and any other Mission parameters these are in incredibly detailed which takes you a better back because you go in assuming a Punisher video game will start off with mission one kill crime and not meticulously planning things out once you're done with micros brief you can then take the battle van out for a spin in a first person driving segment with your destination being the address you were just given the neighboring buildings and Burrows you drive through though are quite different from what you'd expect yeah what the hell where am I Mirror's Edge Street one big pun finally pulls up it's a shutdown with the streets being Barren and empty for the most part as you wander around trying to find the specific building you need to enter while the frame rate and Screen scrolling is uh less than ideal this is still really cool and ambitious to see giving you a few city blocks to explore which is again unexpected the missions also have a good bit of variety asking you to stop a sniper who's camped out on a roof find and speak to an informant or kill a specific Target who's bunkered himself deep inside his lair you also have a pretty big inventory at your disposal to complete these wanton acts of murder yeah I mean missions like a variety of guns and ammo money to pay off informants and other Mission specific items once you've successfully done the deed it's back to your tree house where you can repair any damage the van suffered save your game and sit through another one of microchip's PowerPoint presentations there's not really an overarching story per se you just keep completing levels until the whole thing's over which really doesn't take too long if you know what you're doing honestly this is way more of a curiosity than a super fun polished experience on the positive side Frank's face melting into the death's head as he takes damage is an amazing touch micro's briefings are unexpectedly and often hilarious and form believes the mule and long time and it's just neat to see something very different with that said virtually every other aspect of the Punisher on dos is a drag you're so so slow there's no music it's not fun or satisfying to kill things and it's often hard to tell what's interactable and what's not it it's just a massive clunk Fest I'm still glad it exists though because it's weird and weird things are awesome especially when it comes to video games what's less weird is our next title released the same year which is called The Punisher this time for the Amiga and Atari St rather oddly this was developed and published by a completely different company by the name of the edge The Edge what what you mean you mean this old school PC Gamers let me know what the hell the edge was and if they made anything else despite it having the same name this is a completely different beast from the Dos version with the biggest change being Frank's complete lack of ass I mean look at that I I can iron my shirts on that thing anyway it's uh Hey basic rail shooter and I mean basic as it technically doesn't contain any rails you're given a single screen and once you've shot all the crime an arrow appears which lets you suddenly swap to a new screen so it's more Chiller and less operation wolf you're only given three levels to blast through the Alleyways the sewers and a building or like a penthouse all in an effort to kill what's essentially just a bunch of Punisher stands all right this seems to be Loosely based on Frank's early comic book tussle with the trust and ex-military outfit run by some dude named Alaric that like Frank wishes to operate beyond the law but but that's his mistake because only Frank's allowed to do that the game even throws the punisher's copycat lookalikes in as bosses so it's up to you the one true Punisher to slowly drag your crosshairs around and take him out uh yeah so this probably ain't the high-speed brutal Shooting Gallery most people were hoping for it's slow it's ugly there's a lot of brown and it takes all of 10 minutes to beat like seriously what I do enjoy however is the fact there's so many enemies packed onto a single screen that just keep jumping out from the same places over and over again after a while you can't help but laugh and that about sums up the positives well everything about the Punisher on the Amiga it's funny to laugh at for like 30 seconds and yeah that's it fortunately there's much more to talk about with our next Target which well similar to the Amiga in concept does way more with it The Punisher for the NES released in 1990 developed by beam software and published by lgn actually no it's fine while it is indeed very true that lgn published a number of terrible superhero titles during the reign of terror I would incite Punisher as one of them in fact beam software the studio behind the game is something of a legend in the Australian video game industry they were responsible for a huge number of license titles on the NES and a bunch of other platforms throughout the 90s but they've been around since the late 70s so there's very few IPS they haven't touched hey including Double Dragon they also made some personal favorites of mine like True Lies Blades of Vengeance various ports of Smash TV and NBA Jam and and hell they even made Nightshade nice shade nice shade you might know them better as Chrome Studios Melbourne which they were renamed to when they were brought under the larger Chrome umbrella in 2006. they sadly didn't last too much longer after that of their last game being the Wii and PS2 versions of a Spyro the Eternal Knight which has its own funny backstory that yeah yes yes okay we are getting off track um so the Punisher NES starts with a very straightforward no-nonsense balls out direct to the point intro everything here is appropriately Moody the music the shadowy graphics the color palette it makes you feel like you're playing a Punisher thing just based on the atmosphere alone which you probably couldn't say about the earlier computer titles the first thing you're greeted with once you press Start is a gallery of posters that represent your targets then you choose the order in which to punish them once you've shot at the brick wall for a bit and chosen said Target a spooky like black statue of Frank starts cutting a raven-esque promo I often wonder maybe it was my fault which almost always ends with him telling us that his war on crime is great and to just let him cook each mission is divided into two shooting sections which then culminate in pretty cool boss fight levels since there's six bosses in total it technically makes for 18 levels overall but make no mistake you're doing the exact same thing in each and every one fortunately beam software made sure to maximize this simple concept as much as they could Francis starts with a machine pistol that has limited ammo and kill stuff good enough but when that ammo pool dries up it downgrades to single shots ammo is frequently dropped by enemies or uncovered by shooting background objects which then can also reward you with an assault rifle upgrade where all Hell Breaks Loose as you're given 250 rounds of ammo to tear up with you're also given 5 grenades which can clear out two to three enemies in a Sim shop but they're pretty slow and your targets can routinely walk out of their radius you can upgrade this by finding a rocket launcher that replaces the grenades until you run out of shells which do fire incredibly fast it's a pretty decent Arsenal given the confines of this proto-rail shooter style of game and of course the limits of the NES there's even copies of the Daily Bugle line around which you can read by shooting they give you helpful tips which all amount to keep shooting stuff which given that it's literally the only way the Punisher can interact with the game world was kinda obvious gee thanks Jonah once you've cleared out a level you're given a kill or a score breakdown which is fairly detailed and rewards accurate shooting if you've achieved 80 or higher every five percent increment beyond that will earn you rewards like more Health ammo grenades lives and even the assault rifle or super gun upgrade if you manage to get it all the way to 100 the way the control works is when you're holding the fire button you steer Frank's Crosshair whipping it around the screen killing all the crime you see once you release the button you can then take control of Frank directly which is how you avoid incoming fire now he's not the most mobile dude in the world and without a Dodge or a roll you often wind up taking more shots than you'd like to but sometimes you just gotta Grimace through the pain boss fights are fun little diversions that often but not always swap between shooting and melee which does succeed in keeping you on your toes each boss has also got a big old life bar on the right there and God damn jigsaw looks horrific I I mean I I know that's kind of his brand but he's really cranking it up to 11 in this game of course the final boss is our rotund friend Wilson Fisk as he so often is once you put him in the ground though Frank Cuts one more growly promo and we're out honestly Punisher NES is a good time sure it's repetitive sure there's no actual in-game music say for the opening theme and of course uh oh but for being one of the first games based on the character and on the NES and being associated with ljn it shouldn't be as fun as it is I'd love to play a rom hack that UPS the default ammo count a little bit implements music and adds some extra scenery to the boss fights as they are a little bit too empty for my liking anyway beam software wasn't quite finished with pun pun yet because they were also responsible for the game boy version of the same concept and hell since they did so well on the NES it stands to reason that they would also excel in the portable space they did not Punisher the ultimate payback for the Game Boy released in 1991 and published by I think both the claim and ljn is based off the NES title but worse for it in about every way now I don't just mean the expected downgrades you typically get with all Game Boy ports those are all here but stealth well beyond that if you'll turn your attention to the GB screen you'll notice that its real estate is at a premium so beam software wasn't able to squeeze Frankie's Sprite in there that means it essentially plays from the first person which means there's no way to dodge fire which means you take way more damage so the game is a hell of a lot harder in fact you can't even see incoming bullets which makes every enemy a hit scanner would strains your life in seconds complicating matters the gb's very limited color palette means it's actually really hard for your eyes to acclimate to shooting things for power-ups cause nothing stands out anymore it's just one big green and gray canvas a problem the NES version didn't have boss fights are a letdown too they just waddle into the screen every so often with no Fanfare and no gravitas I will give the game credit for one thing though every stage has music which does help to keep things Lively all also I just really enjoyed these dudes just hiding in shopping carts in the mall level that's that's that's just brilliant the story such as it is is that Frank hates drugs like really hates drugs in fact the entire game is based around taking out what Spider-Man calls drug bosses with Jigsaw being the biggest of them all I oh wait right Spider-Man yeah I mentioned this cameo in my mediocre Spider-Man series but the wall crawlers mystifying appearance here supporting Frank's ever Rising body count with words of encouragement is a sight to behold he off after a level or two and honestly without this Cameo I doubt anyone would even remember the ultimate payback ever being a thing so with that said let's just move on good to 1993's imaginatively titled The Punisher developed by capcom's legendary coin op division this bombastic beat em up represents one part of the Holy Trilogy of Capcom licensed Brawlers that have rarely if ever seen any ports in their 30-year existence which is such a goddamn shame headed up by noritaka funamizu who had a hand in pretty much everything Capcom put out in the 90s and early 2000s with design work done by Akira akimanyasuda The Punisher brought calcom's beat-em-ups to a new level in terms of combat death and also marked their first collaboration with Marvel whether you select Francis or Nicholas you only have two buttons to work with jump and attack just like final fight but Capcom made sure to utilize these two buttons in every conceivable way you can Dash attack off your dash throw bombs on the grand or in the air pull off giant swings Zuna drop Sonic kicks flaming it's just way more stuff than you'd expect then there's a huge assortment of melee weapons you can use to Hack Slash and Bash but I I know what you're all probably saying out there when do I get the free I got guns well at least a few times per level you're given a powerful firearm to kill crime in a more stylish and punishery way enemy variety is off the charts too which is good of course but also kind of weird at the same time well there's your standard Street Tufts and punks there's also sexy ninja ladies 1930s gangsters martial artists awkward robot men and even giant Max it it just feels like they've all been pulled from different games with many of them feeling out of place in early 90s Punisher every three seconds you are assaulted by the complete nonsense that comes out of both pun puns and Fury's mouths [Music] [Applause] to me only adds to the over-the-top style the game exudes I do have to say though the music isn't capcom's best what's here is fine that it also isn't very memorable foreign the only other area of the game that's a bit of a letdown is the bosses there's not that many of them and most of them are just like huh there's this big generic dude uh Scully who is actually from the comics but then there's guarderoid uh okay Bushwacker yeah okay he checks out but then there's a Bone Breaker Bone Breaker an X-Men villain from the reavers who correct me if I'm wrong has no prior relationship with the Punisher hell he was in konami's X-Men arcade game the year prior I die and then we have guardroid again and then finally Kingpin which is a big shock but at least his Sprite is suitably impressive honestly the only bosses I'd keep are Mr Fisk and Mr Bush why have these generic robots in in Bone Breaker I'm aware that the Punisher didn't have a lot of arch nemesis to draw from because you know he's the Punisher but I think they could have included the likes of Mr Jiggy face slab Bullseye Hitman or Hammerhead this is of course me picking some nits because regardless the moment-to-moment gameplay of capcom's Punisher is so fun so impactful and so 90s that it supersedes everything else so I assume that meant at least one head honcho over at Capcom knew it was too good to remain exclusive to the arcade which is why we were given 1994's Sega Genesis Port which was not developed in-house by Capcom but rather sculptured software much like beam they cut their teeth on approximately 10 billion license titles and ports all through the 90s Mortal Kombat WWF Star Wars and some show called The Simpsons that I'm not familiar with this coupled with the fact that it was relegated to a paltry 16 Meg card when it deserved more meant that the Punisher on the Jenny really doesn't need to exist in the face of emulation in the mid 90s yeah it was playable enough often was the only way to do so outside of an arcade but going back to it now there's just way way too many compromises to make it worth seeking out at least in my opinion now if you're into physicals well Capcom made sure it had a tiny initial run in 94 so a legit copy will set you back a minimum of 300 bucks I'm not saying this version is terrible mind you it's just been downgraded and neutered so much in terms of presentation that it's hard to recommend when the arcade can be easily accessed both Frank and Nick have way less voice samples animation frames and their special continue screens were removed altogether lots of destructible elements are also gone including these cars that leave charred corpses if you blow them up and in hell they even deleted this amazing why because you that's why blood has also been all but removed saved for a tiny dollop when using a sword and before you ask no there's no code to increase it the female ninjas have also had terrible new makeovers that are so obvious it's almost hilarious and they even remove NYX and kingpin's cigar like the game was already rated teen were these changes really that necessary Doom Troopers was rated teen and that's got exploding left right and Center that's all the window dressing though so it's not exactly a deal breaker as the gameplay is mostly intact but there are also a number of omissions the really useful giant swing has been replaced with this less cool throw slam which was cobbled together from existing animations you can't Dash into your sweep special anymore the hammer and Boomerang weapons were cut you can't rebound off of walls and putty's Sonic kick and Nick's flip special were also downgraded 5 finally the Flaming dive kick from the Japanese arcade isn't here either and while I shouldn't have expected it it still sucks it didn't make it in there's also no extra levels bosses or any unlocks at all either hell I would have taken a basic versus mode like in Streets of Rage this just smacks of a team not being given nearly enough time to do what was already a hard job as I can't imagine the Americans at sculpture and software had an easy time decompiling Japanese code and documentation if Capcom had ported this themselves and upped the Meg size to 24 I had no doubt we might have gotten something far closer to the arcade as the 90s were on though there was coincidentally enough a drop in superhero video games in general outside the odds Spider-Man movie adaptation or Capcom vs fighter and it's here where the Punisher was forced to hang up his uh shitload of weapons for close to 10 years so it was then in 2004 that the Punisher can you believe there's five distinct games all called The Punisher exploded onto the PlayStation 2 Xbox PC and mobile phones and is Loosely based on the unintentionally hilarious events of the 2004 Thomas Jane film published by THQ and developed by volition This was meant to capitalize on the big boom of superhero movies that came in the wake of X-Men and Spider-Man but to also lean into the bullet time infused Mayhem that action games were also currently undergoing and while the Punisher very liberally lifts from Max Payne dead to rights and others it's bolstered considerably by the writing talents of Garth Ennis and Jimmy palmiati who give Frank the Darkly comic tone that worked so well in his comics of the day but not so much in his films fortunately the game has more in common with the former presenting an in-depth twisting tale that constantly surprises you with where it goes along with its numerous cameos what starts off with Frank almost getting run over by a car in Hell's Kitchen then spirals into a weak-long bloodbath involving the Yakuza Kingpin the new cheese and even the mighty Russian who canonically in the Marvel universe is the strongest one there is Huawei won't go into the story more than that rest assured it's chock full of great one-liners characterization genuine laughs and solid performances damn it Castle this was my favorite bar the standout of course is Thomas Jane who reprises the character here and does an awesome job with the material when it's being penned by a competent Rider how many people have you killed in the last few weeks not sure there were a lot of explosions now all the mechanics and systems of the punisher's gameplay are quite solid they're not perfect the frankster does feel a bit stiff when he's running jumping and dodging and in terms of gun play and aiming well this finds itself in the No Man's Land of third-person Shooters it's not quite as smooth or as novel as Max Payne was when it was released but it was right before Resident Evil 4 did which redefined how games like this should play so the Punisher finds itself somewhere in the middle and it takes some getting used to fortunately it makes up for this in a variety of ways being able to toss enemies through and into dozens of different objects and Hazards never gets old the sheer variety of guns explosives and executions is impressive and it's all topped off with the bloody Cherry that are the interrogations not sure if I really need to go into a lot of detail here but every environment has several spots where you can intimidate a foe into giving up weapon locations Locker Codes or other miscellaneous info pun pun can also do these on the fly with a number of stock actions but they're not nearly as elaborate what sucks about this system is that if you kill your enemy purposefully or by accident your score gets penalized which is something that affects the various unlocks you can earn I guess they thought there'd need to be some type of balancing act here but yeah this ain't it to further increase your high scores and earn medals you also need to not get hit to keep your combo chain going which honestly is way way harder than it needs to be at least when playing casually like I said earlier franking Castle isn't super mobile he's more of a tank who can take a lot of punishment so dodging and avoiding damage isn't really his strong suit you do have a Dodge but it's fairly slow and all only helps you avoid some damage not all coupled with that the cover system is a tad janky and with dozens of enemies shooting you at any given time you're gonna get hit no matter what that minor frustration melts away however when you enter Slaughter mode basically Frank throwing a tantrum and murking every enemy in his path with his Old Reliable friend Mr stabby the horrible filter and effect that accompanies Slaughter mode is of course the compromise volition and THQ had to make to legally sell this game in most countries this of course affected the interrogations as well which saw the use of both the filter and a camera movement which would shy away from fully showing the violent climax it's so I don't know quaint and cute that in 2004 this was considered the upper echelon of violent material when in 2023 Mortal Kombat or Resident Evil remakes depict far worse things with way a more realistic Graphics even so you can easily find mods for the PC version that gets rid of the filters and restores the original camera angles so it's the definitive way to play you know with the polar opposite of the definitive way well that would be the Java version of The Punisher which was developed by thq's mobile Division and something called Amplified games this is essentially just a raw retelling of the movie with text to fill in the story and in a big surprise it's another Shooting Gallery you slowly drag your Crosshair over a still image from a particular location from the film press a button and a small undefined shape falls down rinse and repeat for like 8 minutes and that's the Punisher for flip phones really sucks this wasn't like a Sprite based run and Gun action game which were fairly common for phones back in the day but wait that's that's weird in and of itself why didn't we ever get that for consoles during the 90s something that plays like a Demolition Man Stargate or or my second reference to Doom Troopers seems like it would have been easy money but I digress a punisher's sequel that ran on Saints Row's original open world engine was being worked on at volition for a time but was sadly never officially greenlit which seems insane to me given that a sequel was literally teased at the end of the first game and it had sold millions of copies THQ made a lot of dumbass decisions around that time and pretty much every subsequent time afterwards so I just chalked this up as one of those speaking of dumbass decisions 2009's Punisher no mercy man we finally got a different naming convention but I I'm not sure if it was worth it this was a truly out of left field PSN exclusive which was funded and Pub published by Sony Computer Entertainment of all people but like why we were denied a Sandbox sequel to volition's proven hit but we're given this now I can understand wanting to change things up okay fpss are hot so let's make one of them but but with the Punisher hell yeah I'd play an FPS based around him where he quips like Duke Nukem it's it's super gory and there's lots of secrets to follow oh no not like that this is going to be a multiplayer Arena shooter and it's gonna be exclusive to a single platform oh and it's going to be terrible wait why so yes Zen Studios best known for single-handedly carrying the entire video game Pinball industry on its back where somehow the ones chosen to make a 3d FPS Arena shooter with Unreal Engine 3 on the PlayStation triple Ballin a platform which famously struggled to run Unreal Engine 3. now to be fair in their early days they had only one pinball game to their credit and had worked on other things like Mushroom Men and Ghostbusters on the DS as well as a Rocky and Bullwinkle game still not the best track record but at least it was something that something however was not enough to deliver on The Punisher even if taken at face value as an arena shooter and not an expansive ambitious story based Affair it's still way too rough to recommend which many critics did not do when it launched weightless low impact shooting mechanics a bog standard Arsenal weapons bullets spongy enemies a super tedious unlock system matches that dragged on and on performance issues no mercy was a rushed mess of a game right out of the gate and it never got any better before it completely died like I don't know a week after launch it's a shame that several modern Punisher characters like Barracuda Finn Cooley and Jenny cesari were wasted on this thing but I will give Zen some credit they did Implement a single player story mode to try and give random matches against bots some context there's some Nifty comic book style cutscenes by Mike diodato interwoven between each match but it's nothing groundbreaking either I have to assume the only reason this was even put into production was to have a video game tie into the Punisher war zone which flopped into theaters seven months earlier the logo is similar and pun pun's default design is pretty much identical and that kind of makes this all the more pathetic two products based on a single character and they both fared really poorly commercially and critically this shouldn't surprise you but the Punisher no mercy has long since been delisted and making this video is the first time I've thought about it in years which I deeply regret why is that well it was the last Standalone Punisher game ever made and what a one to go out on I am nothing if not thorough however because Big Pun has shown up in a number of other titles throughout the year so as a fun bonus or whatever here's his rap sheet of other in-game appearances 2009 Marvel's superhero squad yes Superhero Squad allowed you to play as chibi Frank Castle it is a damn shame they couldn't sneak this great moment into the game somehow I'm out here to keep those stinking Sprouts off the cheese keep them from leaving the store in the first place 2013 Marvel heroes remember this thing that had a what happened as hell development history yeah Frank was playable here but by the time I finally decided to boot the game up after buying it on Console I couldn't play it anymore thanks 2014 Lego Marvel Superheroes freaking everyone was selectable here so it shouldn't be a surprise that Frank also was really cool that he was voiced by Robin Atkins Downs when he originally played a bunch of criminals and goons in the volition game 10 years previous but they're necessary to protect the innocent and cut down traffic congestion then there's the uh mobile stuff which I I don't really with he's in Marvel contest of Champions and future fight which is funny yeah let's go with funny because you know gotta make sure that the super violent anti-hero is in all the mainstream mobile stuff but not in a single Capcom versus game or like I don't know in the dark and brooding Arena fighter nope not a good fit Marvel Puzzle Quest what was this again I remember seeing adverts for this for like years but I never tried it is it still a thing anyway it's pretty hilarious slash tragic that Frank's one-man war against Crime and Injustice survivor's guilt and PTSD was watered down into pushing colored gems around a screen and driving hapless people to real world bankruptcy next up something called Marvel Avengers Alliance a a social network game whatever that is is this still in operation I haven't logged into Facebook in like eight years pun pun Then followed that up by appearing in Marvel Avengers Academy which I think is something different wait wait he was voiced by James Arnold Taylor in this let's make him pay let's finish it man crazy to think you can hire the same person to play both Spider-Man and kill him and but that just proves how talented Mr Taylor is then in 2019 Frankie was added to Ultimate Alliance 3 the black order and specifically via the Marvel Knights DLC pack it's crazy to think he wasn't in the first two ultimate alliances so I'm really happy he finally made it in here this also marks the last brand new game where punny is a selectable character in terms of cameos well there's his famous One in 2000's never saw Spider-Man that moment is quickly swept aside however by this iconic scene right here Punisher do you have any threes Go Fish his shirt just his shirt was shown in the opening cinematic of Marvel Nemesis and was subsequently never mentioned again which was a real slap in the face if you ask me he also managed to squeak in an appearance as a zombie in Frank West's ending in Marvel 3G thanks and also will got a costume in there I think and that's pretty much it before we close the War Journal for today though there is one last video game appearance I Gotta Give shout outs to in the late 90s one of the few pockets of the Marvel universe that wasn't tied up with another publisher was Marvel 2099 which was optioned by our good friends the developers of Steel Harbinger mindscape plan for the PC and the PlayStation this was going to be a Sprite based action game where you could select from a number of futuristic Heroes including the always awesome Spider-Man 2099 the less awesome Punisher 2099 and the least awesome of all Hulk 2099 it was going to look a lot like Killer Instinct or wait wait no scratch that it was going to look a lot like Iron Man and EXO Manowar with you blasting through a story based on the one nation under Doom comic plot line in fact that was going to be the name Marvel 2099 One Nation Under Doom but was very sadly canceled when mindscape was hit with layoffs in 1996 and some of the staff were diverted to Prince of Persia 3D great job guys it didn't get very far less than 50 completed before mindscape pulled the plug and I'm super salty about this I would have loved to play One Nation Under Doom because it's the perfect distillation of the late 90s Marvel's on the verge of going out of business it's based on the 2099 universe and it has 3D rendered Sprites it's just it's just perfect everything down to the last minute details and that concludes the punisher's bloody video game history I strongly believe the character will appear again in another game down the line although I had assumed he was going to pop up in Midnight Suns for you to be able to romance and who knows maybe he still will I don't know about all y'all but I'm pretty sure I can change him and make him forget all about his family if you know of any other characters or franchises with a rich and robust video game history let me know in the comments below or enter the war zone that is my Twitter thanks again for watching and until then the war still rages foreign [Music]
Channel: Matt McMuscles
Views: 202,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: matt mcmuscles, the punisher, punisher video games, retrospective, Frank Castle, video game retrospective
Id: EQdp5LgouF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 15sec (2355 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2023
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