"The Blood Will Never Lose It's Power" Combined Choir w/ Justin Savage
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Channel: Inside FBCG
Views: 1,450,912
Rating: 4.8407321 out of 5
Keywords: FBCG, Pastor, John K. Jenkins Sr., First Baptist Church of Glenarden, Lord, God, Jesus, Christ, Holy, Grace, Sermon, Word, Baptist, Church, Gospel, Praise, Spirit, Religion, Revival, Fellowship, Choir, Chorus, The Blood Will Never Lose It's Power, Andrae Crouch, Andraé Crouch, Calvary, Crouch, Andrae E., Gospel (album), The, Blood, Will, Never, Lose, It's, Power, Blood of Jesus, Communion, Justin Savage, Gospel Music (Musical Genre)
Id: 78l6ZoXCqjc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 52sec (412 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 14 2015
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