The Blaze Star - Once in a Lifetime Shot - T Coronae Borealis

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good day Dylan odonnell here from the baron Bay Observatory do you like blazing you might like the show sponsor High Point scientific but what I'm about to tell you is about the blaze star this is a once in a-lifetime event this is an exotic kind of Stellar event it's called a recurrent Nova it's not a supernova it's even weirder than that and one is scheduled to blow like right now right now hopefully after I finish this video and get it edited and uploaded while it's still relevant it only happens once every 80 years so this particular event is literally once in a lifetime and the crazy thing is that nobody has taken a photo of it intrigued good because that's what YouTube tells me I should be doing at the beginning of the video so that you'll watch through this loud and obnoxious intro [Music] this is a recurrent Nova from August 9th 2021 the star brightened from mag 11.2 to mag 4.8 that's a 360 times increasing brightness but the weird part is the star didn't die normally when stars do this it's an outburst at the end of the star's life as it goes Supernova but the star RS oyuki didn't die it's still there today and in 2036 it will appear to explode again how many recurrent novas do you think are out there how many do we know about the answer is shockingly small for such a large observable universe it's five these kinds of stars are some of the rarest systems we know about and only three of them occur on human life time scales so we don't have many photos of these events at all I am noret has only been observed Outburst twice once in 1920 and once in 2002 so nobody is really sure if its Nova period is 82 years or if there was an outburst somewhere in the middle that we missed but T coron Borealis is due this year the predictions are anytime between April and the end of the year so people are watching this star it may do this Outburst at any time and we have front row seats to watch this occur the star is rising now in the East so we can watch it all night long the last time it had an outburst was February the 6th 1946 that's the same day that Joseph Stalin gave a national address which basically started the Cold War so there aren't a lot of images of recurrent novas in general but particularly this one there is no image of this one if you get an image of this recurrent NOA happening now you will be one of the first and what's even crazier is that this star The Blaze star is set to increase from mag 10 to mag 2 that means it's an increase in brightness of 1,500 times to give you an idea it's going to be as bright as alnac yes that alnac the one that ruins all your HSE head photos what you'll be taking a photo of is not a star simply exploding it's actually a binary system two stars at slightly different life cycle stages at the end of a star's life it swells up becoming a red giant if the star is small enough it won't go supernova when it runs out of fuel but it will shed its outer layer and experience a more gradual shrinking down to a white dwarf which still has electron degenerate matter mostly oxygen and carbon but no fuel that keep going like a regular star however if one of these white dwarves is in a binary system with a star that is still swelling in its red giant phase it will steal some of this material occasionally when their orbits are favorable this material builds up and eventually collapses into the white dwarf causing a literal thermonuclear explosion not reigniting the star there's not enough fuel for that but just burning all the material all at once in one big firework display that is a recurrent overa and it's a very specific set of conditions which is perhaps why we don't know of many of them so this year if we're lucky and it's not cloudy maybe just try pointing your telescope it doesn't matter if you've got a big rig or an automatic telescope in fact the automatic telescopes might be more convenient for this and just let it record that star for a while to actually see this happen in real time might be unprecedented when the brightening occurs we will be able to do a before and after snapshot of that area of the sky so we can compare it like we do with normal Supernova photos but if anyone can video it I think that would be quite remarkable personally I don't know if I could dedicate my telescope to just that one thing uh especially if this could happen anytime in the next 6 months and if you do it you could be making history I hope this video gave you some ideas I just wanted to get it out there to let you know the news about what's happening I haven't seen a lot of this over YouTube at all yet and if you want to build your own rig or buy a telescope so that you can do this and maybe be one of the first in history give our show sponsor High Point scientific asout they stock All Brands they have a price match guarantee and they fully support the Hobby and they support you to get into the hobby High Point scientific in New Jersey but I think they ship everywhere now which is great anyway that's the video hopefully you get some blazing done my name is Dylan oon you've been watching Star stuff and remember everything is meaningless and we're all going to die [Music] love
Channel: Dylan O'Donnell
Views: 27,519
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Id: uF_oe5jFBXU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 4sec (364 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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