THE BIRDERS | A family's nest in the Colombian Andes.

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my name is Morgan Hines I'm a natural history photographer and I've come to Columbia to explore the birds of the Andes the Pacific Tiana's Plains and the Amazon come join me and discover why Columbia is the number one in bird species on earth [Music] the tropical and this is one of the richest biodiversity hotspots of the world especially in Colombia has been the most prolific source of new species for science in the last years mainly because of the complexity in elevations and habitats are three different Andean ranges I'm here right now in the Western range because this range meets the Pacific Ocean and you get environments that converge from both sides of the range to create this explosion of life from different habitats when I got here I met Michelle Tabasco she is the owner of the lodge and a birding guide mi nombre es Mitchell Tatiana Tabasco si mas de anza en el parque nacional Atlanta Tama Aikido DeVito and mr. familia and she took me straight into the mountains to start looking for birds so we start our day at the top of the mountains and we make our way down throughout the course of the day we're piñas estar con area porque available yo explicar que las llaves khaki cinco entrance son muy muy especial allas entonces Uno's swollen contrar take barosky oh no no no espera que este night [Music] you have no idea what you're gonna encounter from day to day [Music] [Music] one of the most remarkable phenomena in these Andean is loads is that you have groups of related birds that replace each other on the elevational gradient its siempre muy muy with [Music] [Music] one of the birds I most wanted to see right off the bat was the gold ring Tanager the gold ring Tanager is one of the two endemic banks's of colombia and it's endemic to the Western Andes of the country it's a protein bird that prefers the plans from the schefflera and the elephant ear families and unfortunately it's classified as endangered I think that gold ring Tanager was the bird that was just asked me to be in front of the camera [Music] he would come out and put some branches eat flowers pop around and it was one of the few birds that once it landed someplace I knew I could just keep my camera there and even if it flew away it would come back and perch again and then I would just hang out for the longest time it just seemed so relaxed I think it knows that it's a special bird here [Music] [Music] hummingbirds are one of the most widespread and iconic Andean groups of birds they are vital for pollination because our Restless feeders and they have a unique flight pattern every single one of them is just brilliant in a different way whether it's in their color or their size or their patterns en este momento estamos en una a polka delegation comienza en enero Febrero marzo you are stop robbery in our demos and control muchos nails they're building their nests laying their eggs raising their babies it's the best time to come if you want to see this really intimate behavior it's been a tough shot to line up because it's up against the sky but I think we're all set and ready to go for when parents come back with more material for the next [Music] the nests are everywhere I mean it's like every bird is having a baby right now es muy lindo sabe que estan IE se como una necesita su casa que les Payten su super Osito de Familia Aaron Cohn se también los Piratas pres necesitan su su espacio para reproduces in a palace that I so when I'm watching these nests and I see Michelle watching these nests she just gets so excited and it's like seeing her own life kind of blossom [Music] you'll be working call me Familia is a component me mama me papa Missy has a bonito mis hermanos he's already knows yeah pero el gato pero aquí estamos those those pterocarpus el rio de los Piratas you had a poder compartir come on me familia con la familia ellos para decir oh no maximum episodic a that meant a so if at least they start on the soy either poet sir parte della conservation is the CPOE fellow compartir con otras personas [Music]
Channel: Colombiatravel
Views: 132,267
Rating: 4.935657 out of 5
Keywords: backyard bird identification, birds, bird feeders, ornithology, bird calls, bird identification, all birds, tropical birds, bird watching, rare birds, bird sanctuary, wild birds, bird identifier, bird species, birdsong, audubon birds, birding, birds photos, whatbird, migratory birds, backyard birds, colombia, THE BIRDERS, THE AMAZON, THE ANDES, THE CARIBBEAN, THE ORINOQUIA, THE PACIFIC, learn birds names, learn about birds
Id: 7QChH4P-5m8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 11 2019
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