The Binding of Isaac: AFTERBIRTH - Let's Play - Episode 133 [Daily]

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hey everybody welcome back to northern line places finding magic after birth we did pretty well on yesterday's daily 219th I saw and greed but we were like within the top 1% which is pretty nice that's about my benchmark for like a pretty decent run Malthus told me on skype yesterday that he died against the headless horseman and I was like you know what I may we may be adversaries but I feel for you that was not an easy start to the daily you'd really just kind of you know it peaked on like the depths one and you just kind of sustained it from there but if you didn't make it that far I understand today's daily looks like we go to Satan as Eve I don't like Eve's like come hither face with their hands on the back of her head I think we'll take this pupula duplex I don't know if it's at an incredible item necessarily but it does widen our shots I like having a higher hitbox I guess and I guess above all else I don't think it's like bad enough to to warn reroll it seems like it might give you a tears upgrade or maybe I just did a run recently as like a character with very very poor stats so I'm easily impressed right now now the razor as many people have told me actually does give you I should say it takes red hearts first I think that's something that is new ish like it's hard for me to say because I pretty much just like as of you know a year into regular rebirth or rat through the lamb rebirth probably basically never touched the razor blades so it's possible that I'm mistaken about this but I think that that's like a relatively within the past like within after births lifespan I should say recent change that I maybe even within after births lifespan to be honest with you it's a necessary change to make it a worthwhile item I'm very you know Pro making the razor a half-decent item but it's not that I don't think that's the way it's been forever you know I'm still running on like old standards here so I did trade a bomb for a key it actually wasn't as easy of a choice as you might expect because as much as I do want to I mean have a key so that oh my god that was bad I saw it coming I even said Oh before I moved but as much as I want to have a key so I can go to the arcade on the next floor mmm wouldn't love a bomb for that as well I also want to be able to go to our shop pick up a spirit hard like use the razor blade buy a spear at heart sorry I'm just concentrating on this room it's quite tiny I'm very lucky that famine has deemed appropriate to go to the absolute other side of the the map here makes my life a lot easier although I do wish that you know you could find it in his heart to not spawn flies directly right next to where I'm standing thank you and there we go okay to be fair there's not that much room on this map apart from directly where I'm standing but yet you know if we if we had a bomb and a key we can try to finagle a spear and heart out of our shop although I can't blow up a donation machine or anything like that so I guess it's kind of all for naught we'll just we'll just live without of Babylon for now and head down to the next floor unfortunately curse of the blind is I mean it's like the worst floor to get curse of the blind because you definitely want to know what you're picking up from a deal with the devil here but we'll own it for now we don't really have any other options kind of a decent room to drop a bomb on but not my first bomb that is that's like a second or third bomb after you find a tinted rock and maybe a secret room then you drop a bomb there and our content with your situation you might as well take that red heart for now the razor blade I think it only takes half of a heart but we might get points when we use it even though it may hurt us when we use it we might get points when we use it as well they compensate for it so I don't know for now it just gives us a little bit more survival which does seem appropriate I'm not actually very confident that we're going to get the the deal with the devil on this foot ah there you go yeah yeah I heard that something like that had a decent chance to happen we could still get the deal with the devil but I'm mostly just concerned about survival the truth of the matter oh come on to fistulas in two days here the thing about of Babylon is that you don't really need necessarily at least a deal with the devil on the second floor because you get such a nice damage bonus from or Babylon itself didn't mean to pop that actually it's a very risky situation you know the fistula parts do one full heart of damage so I'm really trying to make sure that we take those out when we get spirit on our sorry when we get silkworms though I'm trying to make sure well that was a dangerous kind of bend there I'm trying to make sure the silkworms go down so I don't have to worry about them as I'm dodging the fistula parts we did okay though we did get a deal with the devil as well we also picked up HP in the interim period I want to see if maybe there's a red heart from one of these things otherwise they can only take one I'm gonna take the one on that oh okay okay okay that's good I take the one on the right copies collar now I'm gonna take the one on the left but I should pick up the spirit heart first otherwise I could accidentally kill myself if I walk on the spikes then pick it up came being conception absolutely okay with both of these items also puts us in the permanent of Babylon state who a little bit of a stressful floor we probably didn't deserve that deal with the devil but we got a pretty nice benefit out of it and I think it sets us up relatively well to play to play the rest of the game so we should try okay that was very bad but I have a good reason for it I was thinking well with my razor blade if I only take half of a heart yeah oh that's so good too even though it up super bandage I was thinking I could farm cambian conception with the razor blade that was really disappointing like if I if I take one heart away from it not only does it put me back in the of Babylon state but also it does damage to me that I'm sure must count for cambian conception so I'm pretty stoked to have the opportunity to maybe get a lot of awesome familiars out of that to be honest we don't really need too much in order to be able to guarantee ourselves the win name term all that least give us to give ourselves a good chance of the win in terms of familiars we probably just need like a little brimstone a Incubus a dark bomb you know something like that and then we're I wouldn't say necessarily completely said but in a pretty great position moving forward I think that this floor has done some really surprisingly awesome stuff for us that you know for a while especially on that fistula fight looked a little dire but now it's there's no problems whatsoever we even have an orbital for when I'm not super impressed with my own shots which is all the time even if I had mom's knife I'd still I'd still be using an orbital from time to time like an idiot yeah okay definitely do not stand there I don't know my brain got shattered there for a little bit I don't understand I guess pupula duplex has given us like a weird Ouija board type thing like a weird spectral Tears aspect to this that I hadn't considered before we're good we're good we're good I didn't know popular duplex actually did this and I hate it for it but that's fine we should pop it so we can get in the of Babylon state right away yeah I'd rather just have the of Babylon state when we walk into a room as opposed to trying to like you know make it work later excuse me how could your fly block every single one of those shots it just doesn't make any darn sense I'm imagining our damage penalty by the way is probably gonna be pretty high on this run I'm not concerning myself with that too too much as you can probably guess more important in my opinion to just make sure that we're comfortable enough with Wayne and then we can worry about a min maxi type stuff for now not necessarily that relevant to my interest okay good stuff we also need to worry about getting into boss rush this is the first time in a long time that I've well except we did have mega blast on the last run but apart from like that one pick up our last run looked like for boss rush and then it just ended up working out completely fine as a result of that you know major key at the end what we'll be looking for here is really just speed because we're already doing pretty well we have no keys so we can't really go for that a lot of key demand coming up here item room in shop item room you know a must visit if you have a key shop if we had a little bit more money I'd be all over it but for now it's not necessary I don't think the tower card is gonna you know snag a snag a key out of that little path there so I don't think that's a big deal okay bad damage that's damage I'd like to prevent but at least we did get a spirit heart out of this room anyway still going pretty well I think this you know this run is largely going to depend on whether or not you got that deal with the devil in the second floor or whether or not you felt it was appropriate to get it because it was curse on the blind you know two deals but a lot of people were probably unable to get it just unlike mathematical health reasons and then the other thing will be whether or not you managed to have enough HP to live after that like maybe if you took super bandage prior to that deal with the devil it would have messed you up a little I think it would have been the same thing I don't know what I'm talking about doesn't feel like I'm in like a slow descent right now like it feels like we're doing pretty well which is because we are probably another tower card for real we may end up having to skip the the item room on this floor it wouldn't be the first time and it wouldn't be the worst time but I would prefer not to if we don't have to I'm looking at this and I'm thinking you know maybe we can actually get a double trouble boss room those are like a little rarer I feel like an afterbirth but we'll check it out I also feel like May we can get into our item room via the secret room so I'd love to give that a shot oh never mind we also well not never mind but we do also have a key so we might be able to get into our item um regardless uh and what we will do actually is go to our shop instead yeah you got 21 cents I think this makes more sense come in here we'll buy a key Pandora's box is pretty good right now so let's pop it and see what we get we get HP which might seem bad but of course we can then just use the razor blade and we get marked that's not take a bowl in my opinion we've had it on some recent runs I don't think marked is good enough to to give it a chance so I'm still trying to get cambian conception working and honestly we got to be pretty close at this point the Pandora's Box pick up is at least good at least we got the TNT there it's at least good for the opportunity for it to give us dark bomb I'm sorry not that was thinking of kami conception it's at least good for us to get the chance to get more deals with the devil at like the same price basically yeah pins got to be going down soon that HP is gonna be a little bit deceptive I imagine mega fatty is probably gonna live for quite some time still it's not like our damage is really that amazing and also we can't really find it appropriate to get in there and you know hit him up with the the cube of meat or the ball of bandages it's just a little too risky this is not even an Excel floor so we actually are gonna be behind schedule I've been finding that happening a lot lately but gonna be a little bit behind schedule for killing mega fatty we're also not gonna have a chance at an arcade which is a little disappointing and worst it's a little disappointing but no deal with the devil shot speed up is okay and our card is the tower cuz apparently that's the only card you can get on today's daily all right coffee hit the blood stream here we go maybe I mean this is a good room to use a tower card on if you can snag a pill out of it or something like that unfortunately of course that is not what happens we get nothing I also get no pills out of that one at this point you know it's probably just variance but you're like is Eve's luck stat just hot garbage got to get something out of these thank you for not being bad trip at least you know again we've gleaned some information from it this is a wild room I want like all of these basically again I'm hoping that the Razr actually does trigger cambian conception yeah I think it does because we just got demon baby so that's not the best pick-up from Kim bean conception but we do have a demon baby that basically we paid nothing for now we have a little dish as well so obviously the BFF strategy is coming up here I can't really use this razor blade give you more damage to the floor or just for the room I thought it was just for the room but now I'm looking at this and I'm saying like damage appears to be a little bit better either way BFF strategies coming up a little bit even babies not bad it's usually worth getting like for a deal with the devil price it's usually one heart so normally I would I wouldn't say I'd be all over it but if I didn't have any other options I'd be like sure demon baby seems like a decent choice except in the most extreme circumstances what makes you larger is pretty bad but flat pennies definitely worth taking I'm gonna ignore the penny back there cuz I don't trust it and I do want to keep my spirit hearts here maybe an optical illusion what makes you larger making my shots look different or something and confusing me or maybe we do get a damage bonus for the whole floor like bloody love style I don't know doesn't matter too much for right now we're still outpacing the game we're not gonna find a boss fight probably more difficult than the one we just had on our last floor ideally we just fight the hollow where the hush or something like that and you know life's life is easy for us easy ish at least we also have a really good chance of getting a deal with the devil on this floor and that could be where this run gets busted wide open hmm okay well okay it is the husk almost as easy as you could possibly hope for I don't mind using our last bomb to make the fight go a little faster as long as we actually hit and we did and then we have been to our item room we're not going to our shop we've got some extra keys and our deal with the devil is not Krampus I think we'll take the pact and stick with the razor because we need that to stay in the of Babylon state I'm really realizing that the razor pretty much mitigates all need to try to finagle a an IV bag out of the run as Eve which makes even much much better character I'm sorry I disrespected the razor earlier we're really cooking right now the pact is only like an a minus B plus item but I say only being a little bit facetious because that's that's still really good and definitely like a huge boost to our our ability to actually deal damage right now so we will be looking at new boss rush and honestly with the world card and being on an excel floor usually that's gonna save you a couple minutes you know bare minimum so in a weird way getting that world card when we did probably also gives us a great chance at fighting the hush which is of course what you need to do if you want to have the best possible score quad shot okay yeah well we'll spend the key to pickup quad shot not everybody's favorite item necessarily but it's up there for me and you know what I actually with flat penny I feel pretty comfortable using two keys to open a golden chest and weirdly enough for once we're gonna hope it's not an item I know that sounds strange we're gonna hope it's money yeah money bombs keys beautiful okay that worked out very nicely we got broken magnet which we don't care about and this okay this is where this run starts to be broken wide open I talked to some people about yesterday's daily and apparently it wasn't missing no but undefined on the fine showed up on yesterday's daily I think it was or damadian site that was to dailies ago my bad and that was the the secret cuz it allowed you to avoid dunce caps somehow so that is what I missed out on that one I forget what I stuck with instead it was like the shuffle or something or like Dead Sea Scrolls cuz it could give us the shovel apparently that ended up being a bad decision but again as I always say that's what makes Isaac so exciting is the idea that you know those is one of the things that makes eyes it's so fun at least is that you know one of those like super unlikely situations can totally work out for you too a diamonds probably just gonna pop it real soon we have a lot of time I feel like we probably should you know take the extra effort to come down here if we're not if we're shooting for points instead of time we might as well make the extra effort to give it our all you know rather than finish kind of weekly in every category not that this is a week run by any means right now again I'm just hoping that my damage bonus doesn't preclude me from having a better chance of getting a good rank here I think we've played pretty well there have been a couple times I've taken damage I'm not proud of but you know a couple times out of a you know the entire scope of a run that's not bad alright where the heck is our shop I can't see it on the map am I losing my mind oh you know what we don't have the compass no we use the world card where the heck is our shop another eternal heart means we won't be able to use the razor but that's that's okay I'm very confused there has to be oh there it is it was just oh it's covered up completely by the super bandage sprite okay you ready look at where super bandages keep your eyes there relative to the the rest of the map there it is okay well I mean it's good that it's there I was very confused for a minute I also sympathized with the you know whoever did the UI on after birth because people keep asking for more and more on the screen myself included and I really liked the timer the score is you know largely irrelevant outside of dailies but I do really like the timer and definitely should hit the other one for multiple reasons but you know that some things are gonna overlap from time to time keys please thank you and another spirit art and we got our bomb back so I don't feel too bad about the waste there and minima's sure many much is probably worth picking up extra speed upgrade never hurts gives us extra tier Heights still don't know if that's worth anything at all sorry diamond judgment I hadn't picked up that eternal heart we could have played you but instead you played yourself now in our shop we're gonna have quite a lot of purchasing power you may also have a greed fight plenty of time by the way before the before we run into problems with you know worrying about boss rush thankfully we did not accidentally hit the oh yeah well take there's options for a couple floors thankfully we did not accidentally hit the rainbow poop which would have been bad for like two floors but honestly the eternal heart might actually be worse than being able to get like came being conception to pay out with something thanks to that second secret room so I got some thinking to do we might just want to go for it honestly I will definitely take meat I mean out of those two options it's the best and it doesn't take my eternal heart totally does so we're gonna try to make cane being conception work for us here come on you know you want to give me a little bit of extra familiar love here maybe not okay well we have again some more time shoot this I totally didn't I oh we got Incubus okay time to go we totally did not use two of diamonds either not an enormous problem but pretty stupid so the Incubus pick up I think there's a case to be made for Incubus being one of the best familiars in the game possibly the best familiar but you know that's a it's in surprisingly tough company there you know you got dark bomb you get a little brimstone bumbo I guess if you can get it to max level relatively easily we'll definitely take the polaroid oh it doesn't matter it doesn't matter okay we're good big fan Isaac's jar of Tears kidney stone is probably our consensus choice right now yeah yeah probably kidney stone it's gonna hurt but it's okay at least we can get hit twice by it okay we are I wouldn't say we're in an easy position on this boss rush it's also a bit of a tighter floors so there's it's not as easy for us to you know move around here and I've taken a lot of damage right off the bat what we're hoping for is some enemies that can drop red hearts I could use those with the razor blade or I could just pick it up and be like content's first wave done we do want to finish this in time for us to actually have a chance to fight hush so you know there's a little bit of danger there oh there's kidney stone working out pretty nicely for us I do think that word we're very strong that should serve us well as we get moving here like this this should be a fairly easy Satan victory rounding there's many questions about that kidney stones working use it to pretty much destroy that angel statue single-handedly although we learned was at last round we learned that new metaphor like leaving the gate alive so that it just destroys the angel statue by itself should be a relatively easy wave hoping for a little kidney stone action may be good oh here's kidney stone pretty much destroyed both waves super quickly I like that okay it's like a super weak mega blast I got to get over that initial high of mega blast man I remember it too fondly I'm always gonna be chasing the the white dragon I think that's heroin I don't know I'm not that familiar with most of drug culture now we could we could one-hit mega fatty but he's already basically dead there we go now we wait for the kidney stone and I'm very sorry about this little Chad and very sorry about this regular-sized Dingle but if that dinkar if that Dingle was at the movie theater it be a small I don't know Dae movie theater stuff is expensive I'll see myself out I think thanks to kidney stone we are getting a little bit of extra you know speed on this run right now I mean not like the stat of speed but rather the the ability to clear rooms quickly maybe we're better off not killing mega mob because of the fact that he could possibly hit the haunt and mess him up pretty good but we also killed the haunt and messed him up pretty good in my estimation six bombs could allow us to hit carry in Queen and it did no more red poop so we want like that's our new goal is as few red poops as possible Ragman killed without firing a shot extremely positive for us kidney stone kills them forsaken instantly still several more waves to go and again as I always talked about on these boss rushes it's more about the hush fight at this point that it is about posture of course I would love to snag an awesome item and mostly like if I could say anything positive about boss rush right now is that I stopped playing so badly like for the first part of this I was playing real terribly but I think we pretty much know that was bad apart from the head mistake right there we pretty much pulled ourselves out of the weeds done done able a rune bag that's a tough choice sorry able I didn't mean to be you know get it laugh at your expense hmm dad okay I'll admit that's a scary situation to be in we took damage against oh we took damage against a couple enemies I definitely should not take damage against please do not die right now kidney stones ready to go red hearts Oh rune perthro rune two of diamonds does nothing for us we might as well hold per throw okay be cool northernlion you've been in this situation many times before you know the deal and so do I do desperate times call for desperate measures to an extent teleporting enemies can suck all my balls still looking for polyps to give us a little extra HP honestly for right now I don't think the situation is as dire as it looks that helps out a lot that is not so bad but I wish that it weren't what it was this feels like a secret room that could also give us red hearts so for right now absolutely we just hold this red heart and enjoy it and you know caress it and tell it we love it every single day some of these shots can sneak through so we have to be careful about that plenty of money get a blank rune gave us the Goss I think now you know what I'm thinking is that we could potentially pop the razor blade right here get a little bit of a damage bonus and also oh that was dangerous and also still have the spear at our protection but I don't think we should risk that oh okay especially not now that I walked over a creek from an enemy that had been dead for about you know 85 seconds still we are on pace this is not an Excel floor now we are on pace to be able to do hush and I'm still thinking about hush I'm still thinking about the future I'm still thinking about my doorbell when you're gonna ring it when you're gonna ring it relax is not so bad could actually give us a red heart alright now that we need a red heart at this point actually that doesn't do too much for us I will admit getting a little anxious about our about our hush chances visible enemy no learn a lot about pills here pretty fly is a good one this is not our boss fights ah it's okay it's okay pepper and pepper am much too cool for seventh grade etc etc it was just in the same tune we can make this happen there we go we were closer than I thought do I have all I do have kidney stone ready right off the bed and I completely squandered it we totally could have killed try acne before it could even do anything and we're done and we're done we're done and we're done we're done okay I think we take blue cap and then oh my god we could take another inky bus but do we want to take another thank you bus or do we want to take the guppy item I think we want to take the guppy item okay a little scary and then her throw these other two and then we became guppy now you can also get mobbed avoid mobbed avoid not only gives you the one-mississippi two-mississippi three-mississippi that thing right there but it also gives you a plus 1 damage upgrade so this is actually like a really big pickup for us oh my god appearing flags trying to coordinate this dota game this guy hey man I'm not the one who skipped a whole day with no notice also though I will be like 5 minutes late ok minimize back in we are goofy now this is big the eihwaz room uh-uh no no no okay there was no problem with using the a washer in there might seem like there was there's no problem using the a water in there because it couldn't have taken us down to the two to the dark room anyway the only way we're getting past this now is using a self-sacrifice room which is actually plausible because we could generate a lot of hearts here but mostly this is like I mean we're looking at this situation and we're like we're set for flies and for damage and possibly for HP as long as we can keep you know a track record like that running hog allows ruin is pretty much hot trash right now somehow didn't get hit there oh this is a lovely actually a really good time for a black heart doesn't bother me at all this is a room I don't think I've seen before it's a lovely one pretty huge fan of it right now somehow we avoided all temptation of disaster looks like it's up into the right up here we can fly I don't know why I was so worried about that that reroll on that Devil Room was extremely clutch hey waz I guess we'll hold it I mean we could use a while is here but we don't have dark bomb or anything like that so it's not like it grants us too much value again not gonna worry too much about keys gonna try to get a little bit of a move on here we have enough keys to get what we want from the hush fight we probably should worry about bombs a little bit for Cano rune room egg is just that we're clearing rooms so fast that rune bag seems like it is working like amazingly well it seems like it's working like more often than usual but might be mistaken okay here we go definitely gonna make the hush fight there's a small risk that we might not live through the hush fight that doesn't really hurt or help so a was as far as I know a was on hush does nothing at best it would take us down to the next down to the shoulder I think so that's not really that big of a deal let's head down this has the potential to be a pretty high ranking daily now I think if we play our cards right and actually you know snag a win um fates reward is just okay here's one reason why I wasn't too worried about keys Chara flies is pretty good actually take fanny pack though because we already have a pretty reliable fly generator and guppies head is pretty good daddy longlegs are piercing shots I think we'll take piercing shots I don't think we have any form a piercing shot yet and then as a tough one I guess we can still take the halo at Reubens permanent polaroid invincibility but it doesn't ruin of Babylon prayer card is basically halo - the - the extra damage bonus so might as well take what we got here all right first phase the hush is dead hoping for some really clutch kidney stone shots hoping to get Incubus just you know way over the top here last time I thought hush I think I had a stopwatch so it's gonna be a little bit of a rude awakening maybe but with mob devoid we should be able to you know farm up some of the enemies for HP kidney stone is gonna pop and that was fairly considerable even though he went down at like the world's worst possible moment for us great time for my avoid to do something unfortunately it did nothing but I believe that in the future it will change its tune a little bit stay good stay good we're like 60% left on the fight was great kidney stone play right there his armor was so high we didn't really get too much out of it but okay look in the other direction mob the boy does nothing and nothing there either okay we tried we're not really in that dangerous of a position right now as is the problem with this is that I can't really get in there to land the flies cuz they won't agro on something that's so far away we have kidney stone ready to go though there it goes actually a pretty nice amount of damage good fly generation still no uh no black hearts their real problem considering I just got hit okay then maybe stand still for now we're not getting it not right here anyway more continuum shots I wish I hadn't dodged over here I'll tell you that much somehow we made it okay at least there's no more continuum shots in the in our near future oh my lord what a waste of a kidney stone in my defense I was like he just popped up he this is probably like the best time possible to take a crack at him he clearly disagreed come on come on kidney stone good you stole kidney stones ready there we go good damage and if he keeps doing continuum shots this will probably be the death of him just don't lose focus or hope we're we're safe there we go okay nothing else warranted on this floor let's go down to what is probably going to be our last floor unless okay apparently popping the a water and also broke our kidney stone I got to talk to some doctors urologist hate him probably not though I think your ologists be pretty pleased if just by popping a tarot card they could you know avoid doing whatever they do to you know make kidney stones go away which I think most of the time is just let your patients pass it or blast it with like some concussive force or something like that I kid you look I'm not a doctor that's probably clear by my actions and diction but statistically maybe one of the people watching this out there is or is on route to become a doctor hey kudos to you you know what I'm looking at right now of course you know what I'm looking at right now what I'm looking at right now is the opportunity for us to possibly play the self-sacrifice room enough to fight mega Satan how would one do this well we could just beat Satan first try to farm up as many black hearts as is necessary well that's not a good start maybe we'll just focus on beating Satan first because I'm a little hole on HP and then we'll try to farm up the rest of the floor for what we need I don't think we're gonna be able to make it happen but I looked at greed but before this around and I was like okay there's some scores in like the high four thousands how do they do that this is how they do it it's Friday night feel all right the party is he around the west side hey what we need is a well basically just a couple of black hearts to drop them a yara and we can actually era again and make them make it happen maybe right now I'm not too pleased with the way it's working out come on I mean part of the problem is that these flies make it tough to hit but we're not killing anything on this room flies we'll get it all only we had dark bomb in nothing and I actually got hit and may not respawn so probably at this point as much as I hate to admit it we're pretty much just due to end the floor what I will do is try to find a secret room not gonna look too much but give it a shot okay second secret room is potentially more valuable I don't even know if we can be in one of these thin rooms seems like it's automatically disqualified could be over here no okay I'm gonna leave and I'm leaving knowing full well that there was a chance to get something better happening here but we did what we could it's still gonna be like top thousand I think so okay 74th that's a surprise it is I guess a little early on today's run but let me check greed but and see where they Hecht add ranks cuz that's kind of ridiculous we are that's like top oh it's not committed yet maybe I have to like close the game for now thanks for watching hope you enjoyed the run if you did click the like button upside a great deal of course subscribe you wanna see more in the future for now thanks for watching and I will see you next time
Channel: Northernlion
Views: 141,664
Rating: 4.9539566 out of 5
Keywords: The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth
Id: uVcy1qA73zI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 55sec (2335 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 29 2015
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