The Billion Dollar Industry Of Sex Trafficking (Crime Documentary) | Real Stories
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Channel: Real Stories
Views: 4,031,447
Rating: 4.624424 out of 5
Keywords: TV Shows - Topic, Full Documentary, exploited, Documentary, BBC Three documentary, Amazing Stories, exploitation, human trafficking, Documentary Movies - Topic, Amazing Documentaries, prostitution, Channel 4 documentary, sex traffic, Documentaries, only human, traffic, BBC 3, Full length Documentaries, tlc, 2017 documentary, BBC Three, Real Stories, timeline, BBC documentary, Extraordinary people, exploit
Id: 4ydmpSw-pmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 32sec (2912 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 11 2017
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Oh my god. Shattered after seeing this. I was raped when I was 21 and it took years to get over. Repeated rape, beatings and being drugged and these women finally get home and can function? They are incredible. I wish there was some action I could take to prevent this in some way even a charity I could support. Terrifying
it feels so removed from what I think of reality, how little value they give to other people, how there seems to be no law to protect them....
That was an interesting documentary. At first it didn't make sense, it almost seemed like she was going to Turkey to prostitute herself but would deny it, but slowly they pieced it together so you can understand she didn't seek this.
You simply can't trust anyone in this world anymore.