The Biggest PROBLEM with Modern Rain Gear

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and so the number one thing that's on my mind is what if I get sweaty there is a problem with modern rain gear and no amount of fancy technology can fix it but there is one potentially really simple fix that if it works could change the way you think about rain gear that's if it works and today we're going to find out there are basically two types of rain gear on the market breathable and non-breathable non-breathable rain jackets are going to be impenetrable they are often made out of plastic or some other type of waterproof material there's no way that water is ever going to get through these types of rain jackets and that's great if you aren't moving and working up a sweat the problem with all rain jackets is letting out sweat and condensation that gets trapped inside your jacket now what's the best way to get rid of sweat well I'll give you a hint it's not putting on a jacket that will only make you sweat more and if you have an impenetrable rain jacket on where is that sweat going to go that's why breathable jackets exist in theory breathable jackets allow water vapor to escape through the fabric while all keeping water drops from soaking to the inside in other words it keeps the rain out and also lets the sweat out too but there is still a problem water vapor is only vapor when it's warm if it comes in contact with something cool it's going to condense back into water so if you're heating up the inside of your jacket but the outside is still cool because it's in contact with the outside air your sweat is just going to condense on the inner wall of your jacket okay I am getting really steamed up inside this jacket I think I might try to stop and try to show you how steamed up my arms are right now I don't know if you can see that how the whole inside of this sleeve is just wet from sweat condensation something building up inside it and that's just part of the problem I could keep going trying to explain things like dew point and relative humidity and more but the main thing you need to know is there's really only one solution to all of these problems reduce how much you sweat so you don't get more wet from sweat than from rain and the only way to reduce sweat is by reducing heat and like I said you don't typically do that by wearing a jacket now you can try to vent a jacket to dump excess Heat lots of rain jackets come with pit Zips that help introduce cooler air and hopefully keep you cool you may remember me talking about pit Zips in a video I did recently on winter layering but if pit Zips are just enough to keep you from sweating when it's below freezing outside they are not enough to keep you from sweating when it's 50 60 or even 70 degrees outside but venting does help and the more you can vent the better off you're going to be which is why some people swear by ponchos claiming that a poncho gives you maximum ventilation while also keeping you covered from the rain and so this particular rain jacket has a neat feature and that it doesn't just have pit Zips you can kind of unzip it from the bottom and turn it into mostly a poncho so I'm gonna try that instead everybody's always talking about punches of the way to go we'll just see about that but there's still one thing that gives even more ventilation on the Poncho the question is can it also keep you dry here we go I finally got a good hard rain to try out those rain Kilts and umbrella to see that they'll work any better than traditional rain gear so let's find out so I picked up this umbrella and Rain killed some time ago and ever since I've wanted to see how it compares to traditional rain gear I've experienced the problems with traditional rain gear for some time but if I'm being honest every time I went to pack for a trip I'd hesitate to bring the umbrella there's just something about traditional rain gear that feels more protected but at the same time all the problems with traditional rain gear well they're all solved by an umbrella this really stood out to me on a recent hike to the rainforest of the Pacific Northwest while we were hiking to camp we started to get a light drizzle it was just enough to feel concerned that everything was going to get wet but light enough that you try to convince yourself everything's going to be okay and I started to wonder why do I do that why do I try to convince myself that it will be okay and it dawned on me that traditional rain gear is just cumbersome that getting it out putting everything on not to mention how hot and steamy you feel when you wear it especially as you have to move so I just kept hiking hoping that either the rain would stop or we would get to Camp sooner and then I realized that I've got an umbrella just sitting on the side of my pack within easy Arms Reach that I could just grab this umbrella cover me and a good portion of my pack while still having plenty of ventilation now the only thing you'd have to worry about is whether or not the stuff in your pack is getting wet I prefer rain covers over pack liners but if you prefer pack liners then there's very little that would keep you from grabbing your umbrella when it starts raining and just putting it back once it stops with little to no hassle but does the umbrella and a kilt actually keep you dry well as I was using the umbrella and Kilt I did get wet but not any wetter than I do from sweat and condensation buildup inside traditional rain gear and I was a whole lot cooler less sweaty and steamy overall it just felt better to carry an umbrella but that was only while I was moving the kicker is I wouldn't want to have just an umbrella and a rain Kilt while I'm at camp I would want to be able to have something that I could completely cover up with if I was needing to get out and I don't know even set up camp or cook a meal or I mean anything that you need to do while you're at Camp it's really nice to have traditional rain gear in that situation part of me wants to have both part of me wants to have the umbrella and the rain Kilt for when I'm hiking and part of me wants to have the more traditional rain gear for when I'm at camp and ultimately I think think that's where I am when I'm moving I want the ease and ventilation of an umbrella and a kilt when I'm at Camp I want the warmth and protection of traditional rain gear even if it means carrying a little bit more weight now I'm really curious what you would prefer would you be willing to try an umbrella and a rain Kilt over traditional rain gear drop me a comment and let me know but before you go video is not over yet I want to talk about something just a little bit different [Music] all right [Music] let's go see if I can hurt myself [Applause] now admittedly I don't know very much about bikes or mountain bikes but reviewing the ingui N20 electric bike for this sponsored segment is some of the most fun I've had in a really long time first thing I want to say is this thing is fast with top speeds I saw reaching up to 24 miles per hour which doesn't sound all that fast but when you're on a bike it feels pretty fast I had a blast riding through my neighborhood and the streets around town but the most fun that I had was taking this thing out on some local mountain bike trails sipping through the trees at high speed was a lot of fun if not a little bit dangerous it makes me think that I could really get into some mountain biking now I should probably say I don't really know if the M20 is intended to be a full-on mountain bike but it performed really well for me with both front and back suspension and thick all-terrain tires it's got a really cool motorcycle like design with dual front lights and a working brake light it's got a powerful 48 volt 1000 watt motor and has the option for a second battery that could give you some pretty powerful range and right now they have their ninth anniversary motion going on through April 28th this is the best promotion that ingui will offer with lots of free gifts chances to win and more if you're interested go check out these cool bikes through the link in the description and be sure to do it before April 28th so you can take advantage of the ninth anniversary promotion now let's go see if I can hurt myself foreign [Applause] that's the wrong break is this one over here let's try again nope again
Channel: MyLifeOutdoors
Views: 1,663,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ENGWE, e-bikes, ENGWE M20 e-bikes, ENGWE e-bikes review, Super 73 ebike, ENGWE All-terrain ebikes, ENGWE 9th Anniversary Carnival, hiking rain jacket, rain gear, rain jackets, backpacking tips, rain jackets for backpacking, backpacking rainjackets, rain jackets for hiking, Umbrella, Rain Kilt, Rain Skirt, Hiking Umbrella, Backpacking Umbrella
Id: rv-2-vAzTRw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 57sec (537 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2023
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