The BIGGEST Mistake to Avoid When Creating Your Own HTCG

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so you're working on your own homemade trading card game you just finished writing down 100 plus unique cards for your first set and the next step is to play test the problem is you don't have any physical cards luckily you spent at least 6 hours listening to Joselyn Flores on repeat in order to create individual pgs of said 100 plus Unique Designs everything is looking good and you spend even more time arranging the cards perfectly on a USL paper siiz document so you can print the cards out at your house you load in a new cartridge of black ink and hit print all 5 minutes later you have a third of your pages printed and an entire $60 cartridge of incused after paying a visit to all five stages of grief you are left sitting there with 34 unusable Pages a disappointed father and $60 down the drain if you're anything like me you want to do the least amount of work possible while still getting what is needed printing is very work free on your end drawing every single card out is not but as we just saw printing cards at your house is Impractical but what if I told you there was another way before I tell you that I want to tell you a bit about my htcg and where I'm at I started work on dragons TCG in August of this year and it's still in pretty early stages of development of craft after the rules to focus on strategy and thinking in advance but I haven't done much play testing I consider this channel an extension of the game and I only have two videos up which is barely any I plan for there to be over 100 cards in set one and currently I have a little over 70 I only have artworked for just a handful of cards and I've only play tested with a few meaning they're all probably imbalanced considering all this my game is not in a state for me to spend a bunch of money producing cars my game needs to be better and play testing is the thing that will make my game better however I need cards to play test but it is only worth spending money on cards if my game is better and there you can see that I'm in an endless loop however nobody would be able to make an htcg if this were the case so then what is the solution it's simple theft just kidding I am currently in high school which means I have some resources available to me since I'm a student among those is functionally infinite use of the library printer my solution is simple just print out all of my pages in color and take them home and get making now the solution works great if you're a high school student but what if you're not I recognize that most people probably draw all of their cards out individually on paper to test with but again we are maximizing efficiency also known as I'm lazy if you are a high school graduate or Dropout I would recommend going to your local library and using their printers although your success with that may vary you could also take the more daring approach and Leech from your friends to do this simply whenever you're at their house print out a few sheets and take those home repeat this process over a couple of weeks and as your friends are wondering why they keep running out of ink every other day you are sitting at home perfecting your janky wannabe trading card game and that's it that's the mass ofel I took recently in developing my card game and I hope this video stops you for making the same mistake if you want to see more of my game make sure to subscribe with noties on so you never miss an upload if you would please also press the like button to tell the YouTube algorithm to recommend this to more people in the htcg community anyways guys I'll see you in the next video peace
Channel: Dragons! TCG
Views: 4,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: htcg, tcg, trading card game, Dragons!TCG
Id: it_4XPaVKLY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 48sec (168 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2023
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