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let the Empire World Championship bra final back in Echo to find the POS boost goes in three man penalties Z off the s's damage coming down and that's going to be key boy who shs them back Kyrie wi the red battle with the implosion coming down as well now he going to VI very low First Blood picked up by son but a good apprais his breath turns it around to the back boots going to be Z way for now ctiy jumping in getting a TA knocking boots up B same thing now with the infernum in the circling Eagle boots with the flicker backwards that might just be a kill dpz the ball back gets a snipe from downtown did not spot out de boy yeah another Astros sphere boots taken low penalty Zone that's a DPC but not a defensive penalty zone now revealing a few members C going to be engaged on right now with the circling Eagle the T Fraser's W some coming down but it's not in time right now it's actually the implosion out of penalty Zone but it's still not enough super Marco is free hitting that's a Flicker and a t upart memory going crunch it by S good shot over s dogging away AP Bren looking for n Angle now they're marching forward they're looking at the base FL goes in the hive in the building erupt way clear out but the turret the base has been taken away AP Bren snatch a victory from under Onyx Victory this is the beginning of AP bread telling onic no no more what happened yesterday was a fluke no battle spells used up just yet AB B in the bottom Lane that's a penalty Zone connecting on the o but he gets a massive shove on the three Kyrie walks out with the electrifying beat Super mar did she got damage on the boot I'm abouted into a deci K with retribution he misses it but Kyle doesn't on his own tier one Kyrie looking to clear out the waves at a dive angle from a Bren aate and Kyrie will still be able to walk away super Marco gets a big goal on top CW 1 V1 against poy battle image going to be used out Knock on strike one two CW takes the One V one it's going to be tanking through Onyx damage mortal coil but a penalty Zone will be used in time Cy going for the B he turns it around the shutdown goes to the RoR I would say that's still a win for AP Bren looking for an angle gets Shu back by o El by B what Kyrie has just stolen it away Kyle had the retree takes control of the Lord you're not going to look to reset it I'm abended Into the Mystic gosh The Bling duet as boot distracts the back line few very very low not going to be changed down Kyrie finds a double kill right now Scout is going to be forced to use Immortal coil defensively clap Run for the hills the Mystic projecti connects at max range and KY Falls oh right on to KY bling the use that miss the gush as well what the bait s flickers out of the shove don't want to go for the Lord dance right now CW's damage he's definitely scaled concealed play keyboy finding the position of super Marco Cal he forcing his way in O look for the back right now but CI is Mor is going to be popping down that's a retribution from Kyrie super Marco free hitting the back boo going to be taken very low and that's going to be a lot of damage play sa K jumps to the back with electrifying beats Marco One Last Shot should do it but he's notable to find it they see it flz sees it too but he might be too late right now they're going to go on to C BR him down c will lose his life a shut down for boots keyboy zoning down the MERS boots a penalty Zone on the super Marco holding him back now flap joining the team fight but but explosion to the back CW fin lasing newo clap he go through for the punches a lot of damage plays Down super Marco free hitting from the back that's a lot of damage down w why and I'm affected super Marco losing imortality key boy will not lose his life my goodness keyboy goes in and he's going to bring all you in a big shot but an even bigger shot from Kyrie k melted down again and now it's going to be two members in desperation going in 1 second on the Flop Tas who expected a full reverse sweep it will never have happened in the M5 Grand finals we're back to equal on the board ladies and gentlemen we have your attention here there is no such thing as a clean sweep in the M5 World Championship we're starting this series with a one to one going to be spotted out heavy spin still ready for Kyrie dumps in oh it's flat Tey who gets the steal because I don't think I would ever see this but one V one an outplay from s pops the nether realm clutch the turret eater super Marco key boy finds jundo away the dragon but it's only on to the offside super Marco flickers back to safety and now Kyle's loocking KY boy down another real HP dealt with by the appraiser R the TA connects and K booy loses life but W oan takes it away this is what they get oh man flanking maneuver on the CW a brave spider the flap pey no it's onic oh going be kicked back to the turret range right now with the help of the Shadow Stampede bringing it back all the way here that miss the gush from Phil melts them down uh-oh that's a down on the Kyrie right now NE Elm not oh it's going to be in time key boy finds a good way of the Dragon but it's not going to be able to survive it this aot of damage boots quite to petrify with of nature but still spco Falls the ghost bursters able to take him down still to be able to out some damage flap easy with the brave spider onto the back with the flicker as well Bo find the better by on the C easy final spash bringing him back but he finds the kill he dies instead tww going for the waves right now one more in the wave coming down s taken out by super Marco CW ver the world a slight tackle back but what is the member supposed to do will a Bren just lock on to the turrets AP bread Strikes Back even though W the previous game but they're like we're in this the score now ladies and gentlemen 2 to one for ab brand him on his assassins man he wants to try flicker everything used up on the key boy taking First Blood super Marco gets it Kyrie in the mid right now quad shadow in and he finds it o chases him down right now the quad Shadow be popped in Kyrie vers the world AP BR chasing him down Kyrie Shadow kill boots is here s also with the Primal r k going in the back with the crossbow Tang super Marco and a heavy spin from Kyle Tey locks them all down oh what Sonic with a win oh qu flickering forward Kyrie's next Super MCO triple kill onward catching his Dash the prediction from AP from oin they spotted him keyboy all alone isolated still with a player now K with a heavy spin blocks ke boy down super Marco Bren are still still lingering that's Kyle winner Tron by son but it's not enough the Mage the Gil son has been taken down now it's AP brand five against four super Marco looking for all the weakness points M W they going to be cleared away two waves coming down though AP B MCH Point boot up to Blazing ref CW avengeance wi TR by Fu still able to survive Kyrie marching back and forth one more minion and a b bre the wild bees the high Match Point Key Bo probably looking for an opportunity let's a good chield Unity into the Astro spear crossbow T going be locked in tww on the C who's taking a half HP right now but he has PR gra well turn from o very low CW wuning forward refuse deal some damage well CW once again doing a lot of damage boost the lank that's a conceal play Kyrie going to be able to secure this lord of the game oh very low conceal try to get out kn Spike locks him down and that should be a kill over Boots the Heavenly fist Cy going to be chunked down by the Astros sphere Kyrie still on the Lord flap Tey not able to enter this final slash only on the KE boy V Fury ke boy find three that's another knock up to maros still holding that near by m with a lazy new but CW with a crossbow of T into the astrosphere NCW chasing few down forcing another big punch from boots four for one P Bren that's the opportunity the golden one but count going to be locked down crossb tank ready tww popping it now in the final second able to translate it over and finding the kill black be po super jumps in as well C the away superco survives ke boy right there s dealing damage with the of key boy four for two in favor of AP BR key boy very low another one blinker back what SS and keyboy looking for the miracle play looking for snip down with a Dodge was with that Ben ke boy running oen down very low has the IM mortality does he buy some time Astral Media but look at a Min wav an astal spear connecting ogwen flickers out to safety The Crowd Goes Wild but the base is still wide open for the minion waves to come crashing down right now SS finally gets it can he take off you the Assassin 1 V one black shoes used up CW needs one crossbow attack but he saves it he saves it he outplays VI but immortality gets bought out and CW will back away F has done it what play turn around now it's going to be Kyrie who still is able to B in that pois he's isolated from the team but he is soaking a lot of damage final Clash might be happening right now the immortality no no immortality Kyrie has been taken down beats are naturally in favor of onic final slash CW is down BL TZ the final slash that might have just ended this game another wild charge super Marco finding the kill Kyrie jumping out the super Marco bu the imortality the Asal spear from Gans super Marco battle image boo still in the mid of it all trying to look for a big fight right now ass son comes back in with the actual meteor an actual Echo another immortality pop Kyrie still going to fall D finds another for the base the minions the drama the Dr oh oh my goodness oh my goodness the cannon offense L at the super duper late G ult Le game so good full NCW oh my a big mistake a big blunder a Brandon B in once again an actal Spar this time from s an actal medor in the bottom Lane to try to clear things out super Marco Knocked Up has the battle Mirror Image 55 seconds on CW both waves dealt with but AP Bren are slowly siing SLA easy oh he's jumped in into the base very low astral meteor oin tanks it up bre what a Juggle super go there still gets out astral spear keyy in front of it all right nowy going to be CH strike fury on to four CW is now here Lord who gets it it's going to be an all out five CW marches forward to shut down Redemption without a by directory AP bre scrambling that the SP super Marco now CW is looking for an angle out o he's running away boot finds a kill now it's F who's still going F morality bot black shoes this might be the end for this game oen running away onic has found a miracle onic denying the for r one onic continuing this battle onic that's one more chance to push us has one more chance to become the world champions both to escape regen pop CW does this mean Marco has already used it oh a DI needs one super Marco gets away my God every little fight heavy spin still has it no demonic for SP migration V we have retribution Kyle teasy find it and even a pin on to Kyrie and AP come alive once again understanding that s not in a good position he wants to force it and forcing on CW pufy Now brought back to Oak the Ben going to be reseted he goes back to El image and he pops in that blazing duet but flap Tey is there to punish keyboy wild charge defensively for that K he finds Kyrie it looks like they want him heav spin but the cancels it out sound be pin down to the wall n the round get KY for Deo find a wild charge few gets Kyrie down tww Li to fight Ben is still going to be popped in by FL easy as boot jumps into the back line demonic force from boot crossbow tank though for super Marco s ghost firsters and super Marshall is down o jumping in another one from boats flap teasy one last member standing a ghost firsters to shut him down SP migration onto flap final slash bringing Kyrie back but flap TZ still going to be Isola Kyrie taken down another round late for the wild Char still connects force in the mid of it all calzy now with a heavy spin that's still fivez falling down boot him into all again now with a winner TR and he buys it in time another demonic for to go boot SP he out SP just forward B and triple kill oh what K boy K boy the one to attack that but I think that they this is sacrifice to D the Lord and nice touch from CW again boots Falls as well the sacrifice necessary s and CW bringing them back the damage coming through CW with n o Vengeance CW guns him down it's a wipe out but flap has respawned onic need to back away take about Sans he doesn't have the net realm anymore can on even Force oh that a big mistake but in the web from CW right now the pull back from that be the neonic force to execute them in the back now be VI dealing some damage but that's a double kill super Marco pun across T that's gy with a wild charge to take us to game seven there is absolutely no way we can end the F5 World Championship without going all seven games onic and a brand this isn't the best of seven now it's just the best of one ladies and gentlemen welcome to the last game of the M5 World Championship where either the Golden Road will be completed or the world tour be completed we're jumping into the game where this game will determine the world champions right now able to connect in on to O who has the Earth shatter and now the onward turn Bo flapy finds it the real worldation popped in first Bud secured by flap another round coming down as Boo Deal some damage retribution battle still for Kyrie but F finds it and that's going to be a skill from keyboy oh the Primal round the praisers right the Investments that they did Q in the mid lane very low nether realm pop in Kyrie brought back to the te onward they shattered connecting with a rough wave oan b f as well that it's Kyle with an appraiser w k Boy by the another one out to Marco but Sans picks him up position for monic everyone is on one side of the map s now engaged on right now not able to pop anything in time and follows keyboy in the M of it all Petri fire rough waves taunted up canceled out B Kyle Tey shuts keyboy down brought back to the team for boy s going to be used up Kyle Tey has the appraiser rat gets Chun down penalty down by boots flap Tey raing hands to the back Keo leave for the flag right now goes in but doesn't find anyone rough waves only on to one boots brought back once again owin conceal Earth shatter to lock boots down KY doing the same thing ke with a c knock up over with a follow up and that's the Earth shatter to lock onic down AB Bren now doing the Lord as Kyrie one against three brought back and taken down onic and the brink and AP Bren capitalized now on the boots dpz ke with ay with the rough W the nether realm saves him CW with a Purify a Bren are running on it down T boy gets another side close super Marco has slain the mid lane but there's no defense Sans is down for thir seconds there's a fat milion of waves in the bottom Lane and they have the pro mid lane going to be cleared up right now by BR he's still holding on to the bottom wave out as well looking for the base they're looking for the base a Bren the sky Kings have been taken down the Golden Road in Ben L maras the go the host country has never won a World Series look to the face they kept the trophy here they contined the domination they are the C Breakers the two time World Champions they are a b red it's a pleasure working with you gentlemen my name is LEL alongside with me wolf and Mero it's a pleasure serving all of you here but now we are throwing it over to Mara we are world champions thank you so much onx let's give him a big round of applause it's time to announce the M5 World Championship Finals MVP congratulations to Flap Dy you may now take your walk of [Applause] Victory your Pursuit towards greatness has led you to be crowned as the world champion and now it's time to race the trophy that will immortalize this Legacy in three 2 two one ladies and gentlemen a brand your two time World [Music] Champions this epic Clash of Titans AP Bren has proven their greatness [Music] the mobile Legends bang bang M5 World Championship has finally come to an end on behalf of all our sponsors our partners our production staff the players the talents the crew we hope you enjoyed this tournament and we thank you for supporting mobile Legends bang bang world championship and for being part of the ab Brands journey to Greatness my name is Mara aino and I'm Tito Mikey thank you for watching and we'll see you in M6 P [Music] Mal [Music]
Channel: DJY
Views: 364,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How AP BREN Beat ONIC ESPORTS in M5… 🤯, How AP BREN Beat ONIC ESPORTS in M5, djy, ml, mlbb, MPL, MPL ID, MPL MY, MPL PH, AP BREN, BREN, BREN M5, M5, djy M5, M5 mlbb, M5 Finals, M5 Grand Finals
Id: uQG5MJMmO1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 29sec (1229 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2023
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