The Biggest Lie Jehovah's Witnesses Tell Themselves

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jehovah's witnesses refer to their religion as the truth they claim to be the only true religion that understands what the Bible teaches they also believe they are the only ones who understand Biblical prophecy and that they are the only organization that imitates the first century Christian congregation the problem with this is that their doctrines have changed numerous times over the years if today Jehovah's Witnesses are the truth that means that yesterday it wasn't the truth since what they teach today is not the same as what they taught in the past truth is to find as things with a basis in actuality fact or reality if what you believed prior was later proven to be false than it was never the truth but Jehovah's Witnesses will never admit that their prior system of belief was not the truth if you ask one of Jehovah's Witnesses about these doctrinal changes though refer to the change not as the correction of a mistake but as new light from God this classification of new light breaks down under scrutiny however for instance from 1880 up until 1954 watchtower promoted the worship of both Jehovah and Jesus as God's making it a polytheistic religion and 1954 worshipping Jesus became a dis fellowshiping offense if Jill was witnesses were being guided by Holy Spirit to the truth would God really have guided them to wrongly worship someone else in addition to himself for almost 75 years did Jehovah's Witnesses have the truth when they worshiped both Jehovah and Jesus or was it a false religion because it taught a form of worship that's contrary to was actually true that is it's not based in fact or reality another example is the celebration of Christmas up until 1926 watchtower endorsed the celebration of Christmas in 1927 it was outlawed as a pagan celebration so for almost 50 years Christmas was okay and then it wasn't keep in mind that Watchtower claims the organization was cleansed of impurity in 1919 and yet the celebration of Christmas persisted for another seven years after that if it was cleansed and Christmas was pagan why wasn't the celebration of the holiday stopped in 1919 if Christmas is and always has been a pagan holiday and yet Watchtower endorsed its celebration for decades wasn't Watchtower system of belief just another false religion up until the time Christmas was prohibited it could not have been the truth both before and after the change because before the change it wasn't based in fact or reality if after the change it was before the change it must have been a falsehood not the truth those are only a few of dozens of examples of doctrinal changes over the years if Chavez witnesses really had the truth it would never change at all either the moon is made out of cheese or it isn't either the earth is the center of the universe or it isn't there were times when both of those things were believed to be true but they never were the truth they were always false the truth doesn't change from day to day only people's opinions change clearly Jehovah's Witnesses do not have the truth because their belief system continually changes another problem with Jehovah's Witnesses labeling their doctrinal changes as new light is that some doctrines have completely flip-flopped for instance up until 1929 the superior authorities of Romans chapter 13 were believed to be the governments of the world in 1929 watchtower change that belief saying it was referring to Jehovah God and Jesus not the government's that remained their interpretation until 1962 when they changed it back to the original understanding and today jehovah's witnesses continue to believe that the superior authorities are referring to world governments if the change in belief in 1929 was new light from god why did watch tower later regress back into the old darkness the original understanding that's not new light that's a mistake that had to be corrected let's just call it what it is but Watchtower never admits to making mistakes ever another example of doctrinal flip-flopping is organ transplants in 1961 it was left up to each individual to decide for themselves whether they wanted a transplant but by 1967 organ transplants had been completely prohibited being labeled cannibalism however in 1980 that doctrine was reversed back to the original doctrine of it being left up to the individual again if the change from a transplant being left up to the individual to it being absolutely prohibited was new light from God why was the new light reversed in a return to the old darkness of it being a personal decision Jehovah's Witnesses take what they call the truth so seriously that a person can be disfellowshipped and shunned if they openly declare they do not agree with one of the teachings from The Watchtower Watchtower calls any dissension from their current version of the truth apostasy here's an example of why that's a problem today watchtower prohibits whole blood transfusions if a witness were to get a blood transfusion despite this prohibition they would be announced as no longer being one of Java's witnesses and shunned losing all contact with any family and friends who are Jehovah's Witnesses but if the no blood doctrine was changed tomorrow the person who broke the rule yesterday that is no longer a rule today would not be allowed back in nor would they be apologized to for the mistake made by Watchtower in the enormous oil from being shunned Watchtower openly admits that its governing body is neither inspired nor infallible so why is it that they remove people for disobeying the rules they admit are just the interpretations of men especially since those interpretations change on a regular basis there's nothing wrong with living by a system of beliefs based on interpretation and there's nothing wrong with refining that belief system over time and making improvements there is a serious problem however with claiming your way is the only truth when that way is continually changing and an even bigger problem in disfellowshipping and shunning people who do not accept your ever-changing belief system as the truth think about the ramifications here when a person studies to become one of Jehovah's Witnesses they are told repeatedly that the witnesses have the truth let's say the student agrees and gets baptized based on what they were taught as the truth when that so-called truth later changes and it inevitably will if the student sticks to the original truth they were taught they will be disfellowshipped and shunned as an apostate for believing what they were taught was the truth not long before the change it's absurd as I said in the beginning Jehovah's Witnesses also believe they have the truth because they understand Bible prophecy and nobody else does let's put that claim under scrutiny as well in 1920 Watchtower published a booklet titled millions now living will never die the title really says at all because Watchtower then believed that to be a statement of fact it was based on a sermon given by Joseph F Rutherford in 1918 that was over 100 years ago and obviously that interpretation of prophecy turned out to be false not the truth in 1984 Watchtower again made a bold prediction with the may 15th edition of The Watchtower magazine carrying the title 1914 the generation that will not pass away on the cover many elderly people are depicted which Watchtower clearly expected to live in to the Paradise they say is coming that was 35 years ago based on the ages of the people on the cover I think it's safe to say that they're all dead so was watchtowers interpretation of prophecy the truth no it was false not an organization to be deterred by continual failure and prophetic fulfillment however Watchtower tried again in the January 1st 1989 Watchtower where it stated that their preaching work would be completed in the 20th century Ashe ring in the promised paradise but it's 2019 and Jehovah's Witnesses are still preaching was watchtowers interpretation of prophecy the truth no it was yet again false if it wasn't the truth and the religion was not teaching the truth well that makes it just another one of what Watchtower calls a false religion if it's not true it's false you can't be the truth if what you taught was not true let's recap one Jehovah's Witnesses claim their religion is the truth - truth is defined as things with a basis in actuality fact or reality 3 Jobos witnesses have changed their doctrines repeatedly over the years for Chavez witnesses interpretations of end times prophecies have also repeatedly failed to come true conclusion Java's witnesses are not the truth while this seems obvious to anyone from the outside looking in witnesses are taught that it is still the truth it's just been refined with new light from God however the flip-flopping of doctrines such as of the superior authorities and the permissibility of Oregon transplants proves that cannot be true either if God was giving Jehovah's Witnesses new light their doctrines would not fall back into the old darkness that they were previously Watchtower has painted itself into a corner here if they have the truth then their predictions should come true and their beliefs should not change since neither of those things are the case they are forced to continually issue corrections in the form of new light that can also easily be debunked if they admit they were wrong but have disfellowshipped and shunned people for rejecting their wrong beliefs and refused to readmit them or apologize for the mistake then at best they are clearly exposing themselves as a false religion and at worst they open themselves up for serious legal action that might be taken against them by the people they have wronged is it any wonder that 66% of people born into the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in the United States leave the religion all of this provides evidence that one statement made by the watchtower is verifiably and repeatably true however the governing body is neither inspired nor infallible you [Music]
Channel: EXJW Analyzer
Views: 155,827
Rating: 4.6375232 out of 5
Keywords: exjw, ex-jw, ex jw, ex jehovah's witness, ex jehovah witness, jehovah's witnesses, jehovah witness, cult, watchtower, jworg
Id: oHvoZxk_-pM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2019
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