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hey guys I am so excited to share with you my top six jackpots ever on huff and even more puff they range in bets from $60 to $360 and I think one of them is a world record internet breaking jackpot the biggest of all time that you're going to get to watch so sit back relax and let's go next out here we go congratulations a lot of people 2 a lot of people get confused if you're NG are having fun with NG I'm having Ultra extremely fun with NG he'll hit the $125,000 grand F oh yeah give us two of them two of them two of them yes I like [Applause] all right come on guys hit those thumbs up for good luck if you guys first time watching make sure you hit that subscribe button follow button Mach oh you never know that other machine could have paid out huge too but up right now yeah yeah as it right now it's still down oh that's amazing having fun two more two more oh all right we need [Music] gold I had one earlier on $60 I had all 15 gold oh nice how much uh eight grand all right well got a gold all right one gold yes re-trigger and two more wood this could be epic I couldn't believe it it gave me three spins before it even started of re-triggers and then the whole thing go like it was on a Haywire with seven things all right come on gold anywhere hats ah all right hopefully at least 5 6,000 any bonus we can get come on big one 2000 anything above that all right still good come on big one 24,000 4500 boom boom boom $1,160 that's going on the old Snapchat Raja slots on Snapchat Tiffany $5 lucky Super Chat hey good luck Raja my mom just got the Super Jackpot on this game in Hollywood Hard Rock two days ago 15,000 on regular floor your turn a congratulations to your mom great jackpot wow there we go and I think they're going to have to reset this one too now good one here we got the hole in oh my God come on bu oh and on a Haywire this could be epic I thought we already get the golden one I don't know what happened I don't know what happened $360 Buzz saw bonus on a Haywire I didn't know who was ping at me I want to see upgrade me too this is going to be it I want to see Mansion bonus stop upgrade a buzz saw all right hey you never know it could still be a big one all right well we got seven yellow hats basically to start based on where the buzs are yeah Mr Mike is a troublemaker all right come on not the best locations but a bonus is a bonus one more yes two ofies two ofies and a re-trigger on the first spin usually when you get the Haywire feature it's a good bonus and we're owed a good one here all right well at least we got one more wood I want to see three once come on another re-trigger I want to see a mansion yes yes and a mansion and a re-trigger this is H oh yeah come on this is huge like huge and I'm taller than you or like uh you're not taller I'm a little taller than you one more all right Ro this is huge yeah come on Mansions now fill them in oh come on all right two Mansions two Mansions two come on save us H all right this is still good two Mansion I mean hopefully this is at least we need that how much can the big one be 100x or something 250 like the 625 or something I don't know I'll give you 100 come on Wolfie all right 10 grand is yours all right Mr Mike declin no no all right good start we're at uh 630 bucks all right make these count big numbers th000 th000 13 oh those are better than us better than usual all right we need big ones here 2400 20 all right still good over 10,000 over 14 10,400 boom boom boom that's going on the old Raja SL Snapchat look at that I thought that was a 24,000 one actually they give us the like the worst possible one cuz it's 80% of the BET see the old game used to be 10x but I'll still take it I'm putting that on the old snap check $10,400 yeah boom boom boom yeah all right all right then guys I have to ask you guys for a how many spin are we at w passing gas in the chat $2 super chat a little lucky gas headed your way thank you yeah right after me NG's going I don't know where maybe he may have fell asleep I may have lost him Trac C5 lucky Super Chat you're number one a thank you Tracy also again super excited we got the big jackpot Cruise coming up the next one May 5th through 10th out of Miami on Virgin you guys want to come tbj tbj make sure everybody it one more spin 40 wow these spins go so [Music] fast you guys hit those thumbs up for good luck we need all the luck we can get this is nerve-wracking these $360 spins we're going to do tonight two more oh whoa look guys he's here see yeah oh two of them two of them that's what we needed luy spin 44 Lucky Spin 44 see guys so that's one of the hay wires he can do there we go all right you know what I want to give everybody an opportunity to hit those thumbs up for good luck come on guys Ash rajes hit those hearts let everybody know you're watching the big jackpot live right here at the Peppermill in Reno Nevada all right here it is come on gold one more one more yes two Woodies and a re-trigger on the first spin doesn't get any better than that one more yes oh my God we already have a mansion and another re-trigger this could be epic why wasn't this a $360 spin one more anywhere yeah oh my God three respins in a row on the first three spins of it wow oh my God a 43 spin another mansion look at this we almost this is [Music] crazy this is crazy why wasn't this a $360 spin why why oh my God oh my God another mansion and another three this is [Music] insane oh my God all right another Mansion almost another reesman that was crazy I can't believe this two another two bar Mansion another reesman oh my if this was 360 a spin this would have been like $100,000 this is insane H well that's why this is the warmup I guess again three more man three more Mansions yeah there and then the bottom red yeah this is insane I've never seen anything like this, right now find the bonus yeah you got to be kidding me this is crazy I'm not I've never said I think I think you got two more Mansions yeah cuz some are going to go Woods I don't know see two more Mansions yeah but I mean if we get any more hard hats it's pretty much all Mansions except for one [Music] guy this is insane yeah we have full mans so we have all we have left is 12 Mansions you got to be kidding me look at this and will be yeah a wood we still have two games left it's going to start what does it pay out if you get too many mansions 10 times your bet okay let's find out this is crazy if this would have been three oh my God yeah so we're going to have a 15 Mansions I would have oh my God all right this would have been $100,000 at 360 W this is still going to be crazy this is crazy so we have all 15 all 15 Mansions can you believe this this is crazy $60 bet anybody want to guess how much this is going to be this is insane the yeah this is crazy not a man bonus this is I've never seen anything like this yeah four grand 75400 only that coin there mini mini another coin mini oh my God 13,550 boom boom boom wow this is crazy that's going on the old Snapchat Raj just slots on Snapchat wow 15 Mansions whoa boom boom boom it's [Music] crazy I've never seen anything like this I can't believe this this is just insane yeah [Music] boom more $36 spins oh there it is who's the world's greatest Buffalo King slot player Million Dollar Man and now huff and even more puff champ all right $360 Max bet bonus on huff and even more Puffs Let's Do It come on you one more yeah two V Woodies and a re-trigger come on we need Mansions what yelling about you can do it let's wild that's right okay hey $720 I'll take it I'll take it it's the favorite number I got it on the $30 bet oh one more we need come on re-trigger this thing Mansions come on one more uh more wood come on you have oh a mansion good got one Mansion good one Mansion come on more more more more all right well at least we got a lot of wood want to be Min Majors two more H all right well at least we got one it's a guaranteed jackpot we just need a the big number there what was the last time the big one I got like 24,000 we need that one get that upgrade one come on all right all right come on manyi coins we need a coin here uh all right hey 4,000 more almost so we're at uh almost six grand come on big one 4500 almost $10,000 over 10 grand boom boom boom 10,000 $80 that's going on the old Snapchat Raj the slots on Snapchat boom boom boom if you haven't followed me yet hit that follow button hit that subscribe button boom look at that puppy yeah $1,080 boom boom boom yeah there we go the big jackpot the big jackpot yes thank you the biggest 250 times or uh what is it Bri 250 times I think 40,000 the BG 40 Grand on a 360 sh the link for after aut red thanks so much than because does not the to red and I don't support me I you know I just you have to add us but everybody has a link yeah I right late yeah every has a link yeah 87 87 everyone knows who NG is here also guys oh 540 need that fifth column so many Piggies on 360 all right 10 spins left here we go 10 spins left Final Countdown two more please yes all right 91 9 oh all right my phone out all right changing Mach the best option powerful boom look at this guys I've got NG here to bring the powerful boom are you ready for this Max back max bet 360 bucks look at this great first spin all right and she's bringing me all the powerful heart hats powerful come on one at a time no no no come on yes two Woodies H we need a miracle here save the day Buttercup yes Buttercup save the day all right Buttercup comes through come through again Buttercup butterup now was it there you go can it haywire and throw extras at the end all right two gold guaranteed jackpot yeah gu minimum 4,000 2000 minimum five grand here come on big ones we need that 24,000 again all right little baby numbers all right Miracle big one points 45 3600 boom boom boom over [Music] 9,810 over 10 grand yeah with the 264 that's going on the old Snapchat boom boom boom $1,074 [Music] what's going on it's been like four spins of nothing SP 10 spin 10 the first $3600 out the door ah come on baby on I've still never got the upgraded bonus on this machine on all I played it quite a bit one more oh God [Music] three more one more yes 300 short 16 16 all right we got to make a short on this one this oh my God one Mansion three all right $360 Max bet spin huff and even more puff oh let's do it please yes one we need a gold ah one more come on fill in the blanks yes re-trigger and finally two wood oh my God I was sweating it over here come on H three Woods come on please go gold yes yes a re-trigger oh my God six and finally a gold oh my God come on we got to blow this one out this is going to be thank you this is going to be nuts come on gold we have another one here yes two more gold and another spin oh this is crazy a why only one all right well there should be at least 10,000 come on big numbers major Grand see it all we could get a mini minor times five even right come on baby numbers the more important numbers 1350 810 those are the worst you can get I think 810 I'll take it yeah come on big 2400 24,000 and a minor for five grand oh my God boom boom boom $ 36,3 I think I'm going to put that on the old Snapchat yeah 36,3 $50 boom boom [Music] boom wow can you believe that want to get a picture of that one oh [Music] 36,3 15 I have 24 that's like the the second best you could have got hey guys wow were those some incredible jackpots and won for almost $335,000 so uh I hope you guys enjoyed it if it is your first time watching please hit that subscribe button right here check out my other daily videos and look for some more big jackpots I'll see you
Channel: The Big Jackpot
Views: 54,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the big jackpot, thebigjackpot, jackpot, slots, live stream, biggest win, big jackpot, slot machine, slot machine jackpot, slot, raja slots, jackpots, high limit slots, high limit slot wins, high limit slot machine, slot machine videos, slot machine winning strategies, big win, raja, high limit, max bet, grand jackpot, free games, bonus, casino, las vegas, money, winner
Id: Zbo_WCUdBEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 21sec (1281 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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