THE BIG STORY | Marcos says ‘external threats’ to PH more pronounced

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tonight's big stories president Marcos tells soldiers for the second time in a week to be prepared to defend the country against external threats that have become more pronounced after the raids in Pampanga another bill Banning pogos in the country has been filed in the lower house and we'll be talking to act or act teachers party list representative France Castro about about this e e gunshots echoed through the densely wooded area of for magai in palaya Isa as Philippine and US army forces exchange far for the selective si in this video the flashes from the soldiers rifles are clearly visible as the Allied Forces swep through the area several soldiers were position and launch attacks this is far different [Music] from allk the highlight of the exercise was the joint Pacific multinational Readiness Center or jpmc used by the United States and the Philippines for the first time unlike in ordinary military drills the JPM RZ utilizes modern technological systems to make it more realistic among the tools utilize is the blank firing attachment or the yellow devices inserted into the muzzle of the rifle this allows the gun to fire realistically but does not release any bullets there is also a multiple integrated laser engagement system to determine where a soldier would be hit by a supposed bullet defense security the US Army says the use of the jpmc is also significant for them due to the unique Terrain in the Philippines many of which they claim are unfamiliar to them the terrain has been absolutely world class the ability to work alongside your division staff and soldiers has made us all better War Fighters it's increased our lethality it's developed cohesive teams between our two armies the phase two of the select exercise formally concluded involving around 3,000 Filipino and American soldiers however the jpmc technology will not remain in the country since it is mobile and based in Hawaii but it is reportedly being discussed how it can still be utilized in larger military drills for News 5 Brian Castillo we R1 news on another topic there is a new house bill that seeks to put an end to pogos here in the country following the series of raids in Pampanga Riel pot with the report calls to BOGO are also being echoed in the lower house that's after the back-to-back search operations revealing possible heinous crimes committed within the expansive walls of several Pogo compounds House minority Deputy leader and act teachers parist representative France cast led the filing of house bill 10525 which prohibits and criminalizes Pogo operations in the Philippines it also seeks to revoke the licenses already granted to existing pogos the bill imposes penalties of up to 10 years in prison and 10 million pesos in fines [Music] like torture Castro also appealed for support from president Marcos in putting an end to pogos Marcos J two other measures seeking to B pogos have been filed in the lower house these measures have been approved by the committee on games and amusement and are waiting to be submitted for plenary debates but for way and means committee chairman Joey saleda a blanket ban on pogos is not the answer he said the government should instead work on quote facing out the bad and mediocre licenses given to the firms he adds don't face out the whole industry you enforce the law pagor has also appealed to the public not to demonize legitimate offeres gaming operators citing their contribution to National revenue and employment data from pagor shows licensed pogos were able to contribute over 5 billion pesos to the agency's gross revenues last year that's up from the nearly 3 billion collected in 2022 wherein there were more licensed firms this year pager said a total of 40 internet gaming licenses have been granted as for regulating and going after those and license the presidential anti-organized crime commission said they're at a disadvantage the raid in porak Pampanga alone proves to be a challenge with them having just a few do Personnel searching the 10 hect 46 building compound they are operating with all without license authorities have yet to finish half of the entire compound but have already found evidence pointing to criminal activities which could help lawmakers decide on whether to pursue kicking Pogo out for good for News 5 Riel paed We Are One news joining us tonight to talk about the plan to ban pogo's outright we have with us on the line act teachers party list representative congresswoman France Castro congresswoman Castro good evening thanks for making time out for us good evening um than also to your viewers and listeners let me try that again you're coming across a little bit choppy Congressman Caster can you hear me okay yes I can hear you okay fantastic uh let's uh start with the HB 10525 the house bill 10525 which which you've just filed seeking to revoke all licenses for online gaming offshore gaming operations in the Philippines uh can you tell us more about it what what exactly are you looking to ban is it all uh gaming operations in the Philippines or just offshore gaming operations yes so our bill is on Banning uh Fogo all of your gaming operators and the like so yes so it is the Pogo um and also criminalizing their operation so that is a house bill number 10525 and how is this different uh uh congresswoman Castro from House Bill 5082 and House Bill 11 197 which have been already filed in Congress by your colleagues um May can you talk us through any differences if so um well previous two bills Banning also the Pogo but the essence is the same I think umy uh penalty uh Provisions so penalty provision corporations or company uh operating for go and to those officials of the government or employees that will um uh support this this the operations of congresswoman Castro blanket ban Sol or is it possible to take a look at the processes of which uh these businesses are supervised because we do agree for example uh that they can be breeding uh areas for crimes to happen given compound I mean we can we can change the processes instead of a blanket ban well um so 2018 up to this this year AG license no imagine that only 48 license and hundreds are unlicensed so concerned agencies problems men criminal um it could be money laundering kidnapping torture and others um are we getting that are we getting so much tax 5 billion so it's this commensurate Nationwide about this PO and last and another thing National Security because in the recent in the recent news there are um uniforms of pla well that that has to be uh investigated also okay congresswoman um I think earlier this year Al who is the head of P 5.2 billion pesos taxes legit poos last year 2023 right now they employ around 25,000 philippinos and they lease around 625,000 square meters of office space um in your op once we kick out poos because my understanding is of course if you pass a law and if if this bill becomes aw at this point is it uh too late to say well that's why AG to monitor to go after legal oral whether it is legal or [Music] billion revenues that we got from poo we can get it from other sources for example and other I imagine but more than IL into law um this bill that you filed um isn't aren't we supposed to encourage crackdowns I mean for the short and medium term um well [Music] and other countries in the world FR in the recent weeks ENC Bas structure industry with the regulator yes enforcement it's uh it's not that we're lobbying for pogos congresswoman castra I just wanted to make that clear but uh we are talking about something that affects the economy and as we know the basic premise is everything is connected in the economy right so the economist in the lower house for instance uh Congressman uh Joey saletta is against the blanket ban because it will affect other sectors so forget about the five billion in Revenue in tax revenue what about uh all the empty space that will be created once you clear out the pogos what about the potential uh property collapse right so those are the questions that our uh blanket ban is Raising and so my question is what kind of measures do we have in place to make sure that it doesn't hit the economy so hard if a blanket band is instituted are we looking that far ahead well contrib economy we have to hear this bill we have to hear other bills then again recent development and we can find soltion to the enforcement agen [Music] [Music] offing uh while I agree with you on uh some of your points congresswoman Castro Let's uh take a step back into history they're already there but no one is benefiting not the government not philin work of the pogos right and so they were able to collect um does that not have any impact on decision making nowadays of course in recent years human trafficking scams and frauds uh but uh to begin with we already had that problem before so how can we uh really you know look to close the hole on that problem they're already here so allowing theing local officials quot involv what offsh [Music] local offal how much support do you think congresswoman Castro you have in the lower house for this bill House Bill 10525 well I heard the the market admin I think the administration is not not completely yes or or he is silent no he is silent on Banning complely about planning the P house leadership Naman Kong how do they they feel an po sentimento I think similar bill in Senate courtesy of Senator wi galian uh s Congress leadership how do they feel about pogos well this Bing of gaining support even uh changing radio okay uh all right we will have to leave that there for now uh thank you so much for your time tonight act teachers party list congresswoman France Castro we're going to pause for a quick break right after that the legal team of The Fugitive Apollo kiboy is looking to file a case of their own against police who storm the kingdom of Jesus Christ compound the details when the big story turns keep it [Music] here e at article 269 of the revised penal code and lawful arrests because in glory Mountain there were nine uh members who were uh unlawfully arrested and all the requisites of an unlawful arrest under article 269 is uh present there is also a probable violation of article 132 uh which is Interruption of religious worship destruction of the fence uh can also constitute as malicious Mischief especially in the light of the fact that the entry was done without prior request to enter no and um they know already that uh the administrator of all the properties of the kingdom is the former president Rodrigo duterte and president Rodrigo duterte has uh consent has not been secured attorney toon also insisted that kiboy is not in hiding and that he merely made himself unavailable is the pastor in hiding legally I don't think he is in hiding because uh um he is availing of the options uh that are available to him under the law I think he already intimated his reason he is uh he has uh genuine grounds to believe that he might be a victim of extraordinary rendition to be conducted by the United States of America he is making himself unavailable he cannot just be F and that is one of his options under the law because note that uh a the legal term fugitive from Justice um in the famous Rodriguez case states that um a person can be considered as a uh fugitive from Justice if uh there is already a conviction against him and uh to all those persons who after being charged flee to avoid uh prosecution in this case there is still a legal question as to the phrase after being charged simply because of the fact that we are questioning the indictment on the ground that um there was uh really no probable cause against him but the more meaty part is that there is violation of his right to Speedy disposition of cases if you are a lawyer and you are ask an opinion by your client no um I believe that you have provide you have to provide him options because that is not your choice you have to provide him perhaps three options and you let him decide one of the options is to surrender from one fugitive to another former Negros Oriental Third District representative Arie deis has been rearrested after earlier being released in Timor Lee Tas was handcuffed and closely guarded by Timor Lee National Police as he was taken to court earlier today this was for the extradition Hearing in connection with the Philippines requests to bring him back to face charges related to killing of former Negros Oriental governor roel deamo and nine others his lawyer ferdan to Paso insisted that wasn't a rearrest and that the government's extradition case is weak at the today is the start of the extradition hearing the court may ask that the uh uh extradite be placed in the custody of the court to ensure that he will be attending the proceedings it's just a room uh where he is kept under guard by the National Police this is not prison in other news paying president Marcus a visit in Malak today was New Zealand Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for foreign affairs Winston Peters the two leaders discussed geopolitical issues in Maritime defense cooperation including the details of a planned visiting forces agreement the Philippines and New Zealand are looking to boost ties to a comprehensive partnership by 2026 and increased two-way trade by 50% by the year 2030 peters's call Cur call comes on the heels of New Zealand prime minister Christopher luxon's visit back in April another quick break for now but right after that Elon Musk is threatening to ban Apple products from all his companies after Apple announced that it was integrating chat GPT into its devices the details when the big story returns keep it here [Music] welcome back this is still the big story here on one news Elon Musk is threatening to ban all Apple products from his companies after Apple announced it was integrating chat GPT into its devices at its annual worldwide developers conference Apple released a slew of artificial intelligence features across its apps and Platforms in partnership with open AI the maker of chat GPT the new basket of features will be called Apple intelligence and added to a new version of iOS 18 you'll be able to access chat GPT for free without creating an account your requests and information will not be logged and for chat GPT subscribers you'll be able to connect your account and access paid features right within our experiences of course you're in control over when chat GPT is used and will be asked before any of your information is shared for months Apple had been under pressure to come up with its AI strategy after Microsoft and Google rolled out their own AI products in succession at the conference in California Apple insisted it had built in AI with privacy quote at the core you should not have to hand over all the details of your life to be warehoused and analyzed in someone's AI cloud with apple intelligence powerful intelligence goes hand inand with powerful privacy we have integrated it deep into your iPhone iPad and mac and throughout your apps so it's aware of your person data without collecting your personal data but one person who's clearly unconvinced is Elon Musk the billionaire founder of SpaceX and Tesla musk posted on X shortly after the Apple keynote saying if Apple integrates open AI at the OS level then Apple devices will be banned at my companies that is an unacceptable security violation he goes on to say it's patently absurd that Apple isn't smart enough to make their own AI yet is somehow capable of ensuring that open AI will protect your security and privacy he does have a point though he raises very good questions how do you I'm kind of scared about it because remember we had uh Microsoft here and he was saying that this is a closed platform whatever you ask on the platform whatever you put on the platform will be protected but chat GPT is is an open source platform that's right like for example what if somebody asks about private details about your life question is is what if you accidentally give permission to Apple to access your information let's not be too hasty let's see how the roll out's going to go I mean I'm definitely not going to update right away and see what Reddit has to say about all this first it's it's very curious uh the Apple executive was saying it can acknowledge your data without taking your data I wonder how how does that work yeah exactly right how does it acknowledge how does the AI system acknowledge your data without it's good we have a powerful influential person questioning this taking the lead on that and speaking of powerful and influential one person is also using technology to push the envelope is John Aguilar who produced a documentary series called Methods to Greatness which takes him to as far as Finland as he interviews experts in life sciences and sports training to talk more about this we have him on the show tonight host entrepreneur and author John welcome to signal to One news thank you thank you for having me here methods to Greatness um we know you of course from the final pitch that this is a new series coming off a book what inspired you to come up with this idea yeah the methods of greatness concept really started from the pandemic it was a podcast when all of us were stuck in our homes and that time uh the world's biggest Publishing Company penguin Random House reached out to me and said would you like to pitch a concept for a book uh to us and so I said I have this podcast I'd like to pitch uh it for it to be a book and when we released the book last year we also released the docu series methods to Greatness which is the offshoot it's the evolution of the methods to Greatness concept of me interviewing learning from uh all of these great is it the same like whatever you have on the book video version or is it totally no it's totally different yeah it's totally different uh that was more like a a one-on-one interview this is more experiential it's like me going out and meeting all of these uh so it's kind of like show and tell you try you try the method right right how do you feel do you feel that much greater after that it's it's hard cuz I had to do a lot of things in the series uh for example you mentioned Finland that that was the first episode um I I actually went on a cold dip uh in 0 degrees uh water uh just in the middle of the Bal to lengthen your life hope so I hope so something to do with uh your central nervous system and the dopamine and controlling stress right and the fight or flight uh how did that work out for you uh it was it was difficult at first but because I had um the guidance of an expert uh he was a breathing and cold exposure expert Lee uh who is actually an Australian uh who's based there in Helsinki so because I had an expert guiding me um the first time I did it uh for another episode uh in the series in um uh in Switzerland was the first time I I did it I only lasted 30 seconds back then but because I had an expert guiding me uh through the process I I lasted more than than 3 minutes I have done it I also lasted four minutes until I volunt oh we're we're looking at your videos right now wait sorry hold on it is a c focus on how does the greatness here pertains to extending your lifespan it is focused a lot physical or wellness it's focused so all of the above okay greatness can be defined and can be explored in a variety of ways uh in particular for the first season I really um focused on Wellness Health and Wellness and Longevity that's why um I was able to learn from all of these experts not just um in Finland in Switzerland but also here locally um I was able to work with a couple of U biohacking experts doctors biohacking you don't have to look far because um we actually worked with maxicare um and uh I really began just finding out what my baselines were you know the basics like cholesterol level um you know doing the blood work and from there um accessing different resources that I could find to be able to help me um improve on my health so it was really about getting the data first and uh yeah they were very helpful so you said it's physical and also what mental and mental mental pychological spiritual um all of the above because uh it really is a holistic approach for the series so I'm assuming um reading your the bio and these questions that our producers have prepared it looks like it's a lot of these new Kuma I don't want to say the word fad but some some could be seen as a fad it needs to be there for a while for it to be a trend right so um which fats did you try out and can you tell us just so we can Envision um let's start with a cold plunge let's start with what other activities you Fe that you did that actually made an impact a real impact in your life and your greatness all right um so I'm 46 and I'm a returning athlete I was uh you know like you I represented ATO in a different sport in track and field and a lot of the things that I was doing as an athlete back then I discovered that um are still Universal truths like for example the effects of creatin uh on a power athlete and supplementation in terms of protein so that was something that I was doing way before that I discovered now there's more research backing it but there are also a few things like I mean some some things you might consider a fad like for example um hyperbaric chambers right which um I think depending on how you look at these things um they could be something that maybe is more like a placebo MH or not because there is hard science backing these protocols but I think at the end of the day it's the experimentation and trying to see okay does this work and in the long term um how do they affect uh my performance my psychological well-being when I am preparing competing method to Greatness listening to you great soundss expensive where do I start okay so it can be expensive uh depending on how you look at it okay because there are a lot of things that you can do uh on a daily basis uh to to biohack your health like for example when you wake up first thing maybe that you could do is hydrate because we're all dehydrated right when we sleep um first thing maybe you could do is put a little bit of lemon and uh a little bit of salt in that glass of water that you drink for thing in the morning get some light exposure through the sun uh so you know a lot of these things that sometimes we take for granted or we don't have or give ourselves access to because we're so busy or we don't naturally do it on a daily basis just remember and you know doing these things that we should be doing like getting out and uh you know interacting also with other people I learned so many things but uh uh you know it's it's really journe faor what's your favorite your favorite I'm really curious okay uh the the thing that really struck me um we were talking about Finland apart from the the sauna and the cold exposure it was really the experience that I had um in in this Forest uh it's called uh it's it's in the middle of noio Park it's a national park and there I met uh Mickey who was a yogi who really introduced me to the concept Forest bathing a little bit of that Forest bathing but just in This brilliant magical forest almost like what you see in the movies but what I felt there was a sense of um gratitude that you know here I was in the middle of nowhere it was cold I was in a foreign country but I felt the warmth of the people there who welcomed me and showed me that you know I told them you have such a beautiful home here and you know it's not ideal sometimes where we are like you know like here in Manila you know you would see pollution but you know she told me you don't have to um be jealous of what we have because wherever you are you can find that that that belonging that sense of gratitude regardless whether you have pollution or not it's really being content with life and that sounds a lot like perspective though it is it is and but uh out of the procedures that you've tried procedur proced plastic the protocol what would you call them the the modalities the modalities the protocols Buzz out of all of that that you've tried and you've experimented a lot which one you would you keep doing that's I guess that's the most telling is it would you right not nothing to do with machines right it's it's more the natural things that you can do on a daily basis like what I just mentioned the water uh the Water all these things but apart from that the things that I learned from people uh I competed in the Asian Masters championships last year and uh that exposure allowed me to be able to interview and learn from you know 70 80 year old athletes who are competing was that an Athletics uh event yes yes um the the Asian Masters championships was hosted here in the Philippines so I was privileged to be able to carry the country's flag uh in that competition but I learned so much from you know these uh almost Centennial there was a 90 plus year old lady who you know although she was kind of walking doing the 100 meter dash um I got to interview her prior to her race and just the support that her family showed her being there for her just made me realize that things that are good for us sometimes s do not come from machines they really come from a support system like a a loving family and so I think that among other things um I I really learned in terms of you know how we can live longer it's not so much the things that we consume vitamins not not not that it's really synthetic more natural what should we not do ooh overthink sleep late I suppose yeah that that's a very good very good point um sleep is very important it's critically important to Peak Performance uh a lot of us take it for granted I think because of the culture now that you know sometimes we stay late for Netflix or what whatnot um I think it's it's making the right decisions on a daily basis maybe lessening or um totally eradicating let's say for example alcohol uh from your system it's not what literature have you been reading love theom um you are on the fourth episode this weekend correct okay so apart from Finland um what do we look forward to yeah uh there's a Switzerland trip uh in store as well for the viewers this weekend uh that's going to be I I believe on the sixth episode uh there's also the competition that I joined uh with these ma Master athletes from from around Asia and this weekend is actually the the concept is uh show business or the business of the show so I think the viewers on uh the process of putting together methods to Greatness in terms of creating an ecosystem in a community that eventually will allow us to be able to reach more people through the show okay oh John uh since we're already talking about the show um can you tell us we understand this is an e episode first season that's airing here on one news when can people catch your show it airs every Saturday at 4:30 p.m. and every Sunday at 9:30 a.m. uh here on one news so and since the first four episodes have um have already aired can you tell us a bit about the first the the episode 2 three and four we already know you went to Finland for the first one so just briefly what what where did you go and what happens in episode two three and four yeah uh episodes two and three were all about second chances I mentioned that I'm a returning athlete so it was my second chance but we also explored the second chances of people who for example had uh a a really serious case of uh disease or cancer so Bobby makay who is the chairman of Maxi care I learned from him how he was able to transition to a plant-based diet because of his his his cancer and uh apart from that I also was able to learn um from you know uh just going through the process of getting all of my baselines learning from the doctors and you know even if I'm an athlete um I have very high cholesterol right so that's a lot a lot of that is genetic yeah yes exactly and sometimes you can't control it so no matter what what food you eat sometimes you're just naturally predisposed to having high cholesterol so it's the acceptance and also finding out what is the best next step for you to do to be able to take care of your health so a lot of these questions uh I was able to Grapple with and hopefully you know in the coming episodes or Seasons um you know these questions that not only I have but you know other people who will have through the series because just to you know take you to to the Future um the first season was about me trying all of these things being a guinea pig sorts but for the next season we want to be able to involve other people who will take their own methods to Greatness Journeys wow something soorting I am so into all of these Topics by the way thank you so much for joining us on the big story tonight methods to Great this host John Aguilar well there's a lot of talk centered on geopolitical tensions in the west Philippine Sea on another topic here is another story that's also worth telling and that is a Filipino fishermen caught in the dispute let discover the lives of fishermen in Baho de masok as attorney Goyo larazabal takes on a 4-day journey to Scarboro for a sneak peek on that let's watch [Applause] this I've always wondered about B this was in l what's the life of the fisherman there the stories they tell about how beautiful and how Bountiful if you just stand you put your hand below the water you can easily pick up a fish 2 days now one week catch that documentary on June 12 6:15 p.m. that's tomorrow right here on one news yes and INE Independence Day perfect time no to try to uh Chase what John was telling us about uh peace but tomorrow excuses to chase that but before we go here is our big picture for tonight also sports related the Olympic colors are now in Paris these Olympic rings known as the spectaculars have been installed over at the Eiffel Tower the five rings are installed at each Olympian on one of the host City's iconic monuments in 2012 the Rings were seen at the tower bridge in London and at the odba marine park for the Tokyo games French president Emanuel macron proudly shared this photo so your big picture nothing in tonight as uh taken by the French President wow who may not be president for very long given the Revolt in Parliament I'm just saying but anyway thank you for the for the photo president mro while you are still president okay so I guess happy Independence Day we will be here even though even though there won't be uh work for a majority of the people but for tonight Tuesday night that's it from us three here at big story We Are One use all sides all the time thanks for tuning in have a good night [Music]
Channel: One PH
Views: 7,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: one ph, oneph, one ph news live today, news, balita, news today philippines, live news today philippines, breaking news, balita ngayon, showbiz balita, entertainment, sports, trending, one news, one news live today, the big story, gretchen ho, regina lay, shawn yao, marcos, bongbong marcos, pogo, france castro, illegal pogos, porac pogo, salaknib exercises
Id: cWI4_VaTHmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 14sec (2894 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2024
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