大蛇逐步靠近保安,等保安察觉到已经晚了!【巨蛇闯女校 Rising Boas in a Girl's School】|驚悚 災難 |【電影派對】

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Mengna! Hang in there. Liu Chao. Liu Chao! Liu Chao! Listen to me. Liu Chao! The snake is behind you! Behind you! I'm fine. Watch out behind you! Liu Chao, listen to me. Liu Chao ! Liu Chao! Run quickly! Liu Chao! Run! Liu Chao! Run faster! Run! Run! Get up and run! Run! Liu Chao! Second Uncle! Second Uncle! Are you okay? Second Uncle, why did you come back ? Why did I come back? It's because of you! You've already put it that way. I don't deserve to be your uncle if I didn't come back for you. What now? We need to leave and meet them across the street. Then we'll find a way to escape. How do we meet them? This thing is fast. We'd be eaten in just a few steps. How do we meet them? What are you looking at? I have a plan. What plan? What kind of lousy plan is this? Second Uncle, keep it down. What's the point of saying that when we are already here? Oh, my sister and brother-in-law. Please watch over our safety. There's a snake, Second Uncle. Turn back. Turn back. Yes, I can see it's pretty huge. Why did you turn back? There's a snake. Huh? -What? -Turn back now. Come on. Move it. Move it . Come on. Hurry up. Hurry. Turn back, Second Uncle. There's a snake here too. What now? Shake to lose it. Shake? Oh, my God! Oh, God! Oh, man! Chao, your phone! Chao , your phone! You dropped your phone! Second Uncle, go now. Go. Go. Go. Second Uncle, stay still. I didn't move. Don't move! I didn't move! My car is parked at the school's entrance. We can survive if we go together. Who wants to come with us? I don't want to stay for another two hours here. Let's go. -Let's go. -We'll go. I want to go too. Me too. We'll go with you. Let's go. -I'll go with you. -We're going too. Don't go. Everyone, calm down. Don't go out! We have the iron grill gate . Don't go outside! Calm down! The big snake can't come inside! Hey, you must calm down! Don't go out! It's safe here! The iron grill gate can stop the big snake from coming in! Come on! Don't go! Stop! The rescue team will arrive in two hours! Just two hours! Come back inside! Faster! Hurry up! Hurry! Run! Run faster! Hurry! Hurry! Chao! Chao! Chao! Chao, run! Chao! Hurry! Mengna, help me! Wanyu. Let's go! Mengna. Mengna! Mengna! Mengna. Wanyu! Listen to me! Listen to me! It's too late. You can't save her! If you go, you 'll die! Wanyu! Wanyu! Let's go! Come on! Don't just stand there! Run! Distribute these to disperse the snakes. Do you have some more? Don't snatch. The big snake is coming. What should we do now? Go to the room ahead and follow the window to the canteen. We're on the fourth floor. Why did you climb up so high? How am I supposed to know? Darn it! Run! Hurry! Run! Get up ! Run! Run for your lives! Hurry! Faster! Hurry up! Move it! Run faster! Close the door! Find if there's anything we can use as a rope! Hurry! -Find a rope! -A rope! A rope! Can we use clothes? Over here! Hurry! Mengna, help them! Hurry! Tie it up! Tie it up! This one too! Hurry! Quickly now! Hurry up! Hurry! Give it to me! Here! Hurry! Don' t just stand there! Go down! Now! Hurry! Run! Stop wasting time! Go now! Go now! Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! I can't hold out much longer. Go down now! My turn. Second Uncle, you turn to go! -What about you? -Just go! Darn it. Go! Second Uncle! Catch him! Run! Run! Run! Come inside now! Quickly! Hurry up! Hurry! Run! Run! Hurry! Run! How did it find us so quick? [Cold Storage] Snakes can sense heat. The temperature is low here. Everyone must hold their breath and stay still. Follow me. Come on. Hurry. Come on. Hurry up. Come here. Snake! Snake. It's okay. Back off slowly. Back off. Chao, what now? I... I have no idea. Can you find anything... I don't know what to do either, Second Uncle. What do we do now? Back off slowly. It's not moving anymore. They're hibernating. Chao, you're a talented and promising kid. I know that. This place isn't safe. We must leave. Take them with you first. Careful not to step on the snakes. Be careful. Are you okay? Careful. Stay still. Mengna, do n't be scared. I'm here. It's okay. There are two more. Stay still. Don't be scared. Liu Chao. Let's go. Come on. I know she only likes my money. But don't all women like the money? I guess you don't know Ma Su that well. She not only likes your money. She likes a lot of people's money. Do you get it? I think there's someone more suitable to sit in your passenger's seat. Honey. Honey, let me explain. Get lost. You wench! Ma Su, I had enough of you! Don't you know how hateful you are? I don't need to tell you that. You can just look at yourself in the mirror! Do you think you have real friends? You have none! Who do you think you are? You're nothing! No one likes you! You have no friends at all! Go to hell! Help! Help! What's wrong? What happened? Snake! Snake! Out of my way ! Run! Run now! Hurry! Move it! Run! Run faster! Hurry up! Hurry! Keep up! Keep up! Run! Now! Go! Go! Run faster! Hurry! Hurry! It's getting close! Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! -Hurry up! -Get out of my way! Hurry! Come on! -Hurry up! -Second Uncle, hurry! -Start the engine! -Start it! It's coming! Hurry! Liu Chao! Hurry! Come on! Hurry! Give me the flare gun! Come on! -Can the patrol car even run? -Hurry! -Faster! -Come on! Stop rushing me! Hurry up! Chao, the engine is running! Let's go! Go! Go! Hurry! Let's go! Drive faster! Faster! Faster! Stop rushing me! Drive faster! Faster! Move it! Chao! What are you doing? Drive! What are you up to now? I don't know why it stalled out! It's coming after us! Run! Run! Hurry! Move quickly! Run! Hurry! Hurry! Faster! That's the car. The car... Is that what you call a seven-seater van? Do you take human lives as a joke? Liu Chao! Get out of my way! Stop fighting! Now is not the time to fight! Get away from me! Get off of me! -Let him go! -Liu Chao! Let him go! Let him go! Stop fighting! Let him go! Liu Chao! Liu Chao! Let him go! Let me go! Li Mengna, move aside! Stop fighting! It's not the time for fighting! Go away! Honey, save me! You said you love the beach house. I'll give the beach house to you if you save me! Honey, think of something. Run! Run! Run! Run! Run for your lives! Hurry! Faster! Run! Run faster! Liu Chao! I can't feel my legs. It's numb! Second Uncle! Second Uncle! Chao, take them and leave first! I'll distract it! Come back here, Second Uncle! You're just a security guard who watches the gate! Why are you trying to be a hero? You'll die! Second Uncle!
Channel: 电影派对
Views: 13,512,028
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 电影, youku movie, 优酷, 最新电影, movie, 玄幻, 古装, 动作, action, fantasy, 优酷电影, 悬疑, full movie, fiction, chinese movie, adventure movie, action movie, chinese film, free movie, 電影, youtube movie free, 野王, 灾难, disaster movie, monster movie, 蛇王, king of snake, shark movie, snake girl, 蛇之女, 大蛇3, snake3, 巨蛇闯女校, rising boas in a girls school, 惊悚电影, 灾难电影, 驚悚電影, 災難電影, horror movie, thriller movie, 变异巨蟒, 大蛇, snake, 变异九头蛇, 巨蜥, 蛇岛狂蟒, varanus priscus, snake island python, mutant python, variation hydra, 囚禁空姐
Id: MIimlH7Ex8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 26 2023
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