The Big Bang Theory at PaleyFest LA 2016: Full Conversation

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I'm gonna get all these amazing people out here we're gonna ask them a thousand questions we're gonna get some of yours at the end too so started thinking them up so first out we have the very lovable Raj please welcome down there [Applause] and he plays Howard please welcome Simon Helberg as Leonard Johnny Galecki you've known her for years simply as penny please welcome kaley cuoco [Applause] and of course Sheldon Jim person [Applause] playing the wonderful Amy please welcome Mayim Bialik [Applause] and dr. and please welcome a creator executive producer Bill Brady [Applause] I also give a hand to show owner and executive producer Steve Millar Oh [Applause] and finally we welcome creator and executive producer Chuck Lorre [Applause] this season was bonkers bananas amazing like crazy amazing so much happen and actually would start with me okay late penny is it odd for penny to have a last name is that weird for you now haha no it's good it's good I still have in my head what her original maiden name is [Music] yeah but it's forever Hofstadter now [Applause] [Laughter] Caelian twenty was that emotional for you guys to get married on the show after all this time are you misty I think we had more emotional moments than that I think it was good I love you that's where couple years ago yeah the actual wedding just seemed like the right next step but we've had a lot of tearjerkers together so that was just a nice no no a nice ending to that I guess we didn't rehearse that one much the I love you the first time we said it out loud and it was really yeah yeah built to a really very special one think I cried more than both of you Steve cries when he writes know when he's writing an emotional scene our scripts are wet every and I guess speaking of couples children rhyme did you guys finally consummated things it felt very very right I mean it felt it felt right but you know for a relationship that that we had really guarded us so personal and special and different it felt like you know we were joining the club of all of humanity [Laughter] I was hazing in all honesty we have and three of them sit right here but the writing has been such for the whole show but I felt it most acutely in this relationship and any progress we have made as a couple the weather it's been saying I love you or finally doing it or whatever it's been bridges to cross that you never thought would happen and when it does happen the way it is written the way it happens from the writers is so organic and so easy to do that it is it is a pleasure and and that's all credit to them it really is because I never thought Shelton would have sex on this show I didn't I didn't and I'll say I look forward to doing it again just like Shelley but we're all true look I discovered a new way of conversing with an actor on this series which was pillow talk and I had never done that in nine years and everybody else did that bedroom scenes before and suddenly I was in bed with you and I was like ah you can kind of be quiet I had another scene like that I can't wait to be back in bedding and now for the writers were you guys nervous writing that uh that episode with Star Wars with Sheldon with Amy like how did it come about how did you know you were ready I think we're always nervous when we we hit these big temples and for for a long time I had kind of kicking around the back of my head to things that when the time came that Bob Newhart would be there in Ghost form to counsel Sheldon and the other thing that I think we kind of felt for a while was that it would be on an event like her birthday so he could say I look forward to next year when we do it again because that was a way to let this thing happen but Sheldon to still stay Sheldon and then with Star Wars coming up that was a great reason and excuse to to bring Bob back into it and and then for the guys to feel as nervous and excited about Star Wars as the two of you are about finally consummating so yes but but we're always nervous anytime any I love yous first kisses babies all of it the tension levels in the writers room go up because you're just sobbing the whole time is always a sign to her how exciting is this and I wanted to ask Simon you know Bernadette is pregnant so your baby good job um you know as a dad father to would you have any advice that you would give Howard and we approach his fatherhood oh I was hoping Howard would give me some advice I just call the writers yeah at all tonight like what do I do you guys write this stuff right what's real life like nice hope it's not twins because then I know on television they have to have doubles so that's bad B quadruplets and then I have two babies at home so that would be six babies leaves seven oh yes that's true resident baby yeah any any advice well you know don't shake the baby I don't do a lot of fathering no very busy guy no I get the writers that to be the the real dad's there so please don't make Howard a good dad I look forward to it every every every time I open the script I'm like I just blown away and it's such a light lovely touch that the writers have it's hard to explore these issues on on a car on a sitcom and a comedy and they know how to do it and we're just we're happy to say the words we have no idea what's about to happen in the script at all ever we never know until we open the script the day before about to start that episode that's true but nobody asks why did you say that kunal hears voices my car is blue to answer that question got to tell you the Melissa can't be here she had a previous commitment you work don't let that's Britney rumors she's just in New York she does not want to come let's talk a little bit about footprints on the moon did you were you excited to just really rock out and play some good filk music Oh with the Philippine music yeah yeah I don't in fact the writers told me to pull it back a little because of having too much fun with it so I couldn't like yeah you're too good good good ROG would never be this good you're too gifted but the funnest thing was that I loved me ROG was like telling the story with the song and I mean what was the song Tauron dr. Goran yeah I think the actual name of the song is hammer versus whip but the chorus was thought of in parentheses stands for yeah no it doesn't stand for anything it's folk music that is in this science fiction it's a much more tender gentleman baby take another question from canal head yeah actually I did know that you you have those straighten your hair for the show right I don't have that is not true straight but he doesn't ask for that that's yeah the voices in his head ask for I'd like to answer this question no can I'll answer it yeah why do you make them do all that stuff here Yad I have curly and real life everyone with eyes you know if you actually notice the first season Raj has like hipster curly hair and in the second season for some reason they started straightening my bangs and third season they just started flattering flat everything my entire from no no everything from head down [Applause] what a stupid thing to say I know what a stupid thing to do hey I'm completely honest to this day I have no do you guys have any idea that I come from the top down we don't know what you're talking I have an opinion about continuity we have hair that make as you know on the show that come in between every scene like straightening things and making these things that were the scene before and I think straight here is a lot easier yes yes oh yeah John eNOS yes curly over there but you know the show has just passed a huge milestone 200 episodes 9 season maybe if it's working stick with it I mean if your hair is the secret maybe that's you just gotta keep going with it baby we find out that Raj spends an hour every morning ironing everything like body but why do you guys think you know personal is being why do you guys think that the show is so successful why do you think you're seeing it right now I'm like no really like this group this is us at work like this is us at dinner this is that is why this show we're at the writing obviously is absolutely unbelievable the fact they can keep the level going up and up every year is completely but secondary to us secondary to our genius ya know to the relationships that we have I think off-camera you completely show on screen it's completely true and real and like I said right now this is who we are and we give each other a hard time and love each other but it's it's completely as real as it is on camera yeah you guys you guys get it yeah we give you guys a really hard time no it's true I mean it really is kind of like watching puppies fighting I don't want you to stop I can't stop watching it like I want you to keep going it's ready I think the two uneven episode really kind of put that in perspective for all of us and not to get too sentimental this early on the evening but it really I mean we've spent there's been essentially the same group in the same room for over a thousand days now and yes we've each had our bad days and everybody wakes up on the wrong side of the bed but even during those days we've we've managed we work together in ways that are not just productive but pleasurable and I don't know how I don't know how many groups of people you can say that about I'm so proud of this family you know even when you guys welcome guest stars you play with them so well and you had the best guest stars ever you've got this this season or no not this season James Earl Jones Stephen Hawking Billy Bob Thornton stephen merchant who had a West Elon Musk how was it working with Adam West and they would freak out I freaked out you free time I cried when I met him I mean I did I cried when I met him that was the that was the Batman of my youth like standing in front of me and he's still I mean he looks enough and he's released enough and sounds exactly like he will be thrilled no he shave everything triggered enough anyway in my psyche of the Batman of my childhood it was unbelievable well here's a little interesting thing about the Adam West stuff we had wanted him on the show for a while and he was supposed to be on last season and season eight and we had written some of those scenes already so the car scenes when the guys are arguing over who was the best Batman was written last season and then through scheduling it fell out and then we were scrambling to put together the 200th episode and wondering what can happen and we thought well maybe the guys could get Adam West for Sheldon's birthday and then we remembered there were two scenes that were already written last year we found them and they were funny it was like finding money in your coat that you hadn't had on since last winter there's a page exists this is great so it all it worked out he was he was amazing we was malaria was amazing I admit him and and and I guess his kids watch the show and they've got him to watch the show and you know nothing ventured nothing gained I would you ever consider being on the show and and he said sure and and we found a way to incorporate him and and we were thrilled he showed up pretty good actor kicked his lines there aren't was adorable because he had never I don't think he never acted before so when he first got a laugh he just stopped any guest stars coming up that you guys can tell us about at all well we're going to be meeting Leonard's dad finally Johnny you play Leonard would you like to talk about that sure we were all honored to be invited to this James burrows tribute a couple of months ago whenever it wasn't and I had we all had the opportunity to really these incredible caster that Jimmy had directed and I had the opportunity to meet Judd Hirsch and I ran up to him and just kind of bombarded him with verbalization on for a long time about what a fan I am and and and then got deeper I should probably preface the story by the sharing the fact that they were serving wine at the James burrows trivia it was free wine and so I went on for a little bit but I did share with him and this is true that when we were shooting the pilot I watched I was always a fan of taxi but I rewatched the first two or three seasons not because I wanted to base Leonard on his character but but the purpose that his character served in this group of people this kind of anchor to this group of people and who was just as much at times of reason as he was just as confused as everyone else and I shared that with him and then it kind of a lightning bolt struck or maybe another Merlot and that and I said hey we you know would you have any interest in playing my dad on the show and he said no but reaffirming is going to gonna be [Laughter] it's a curly hair job and which may have been a little precise because nothing was written or anything like that but I knew that that jockeys even bill were equal fans of his and so it just kind of went from there and I think I texted you Steve that night if not first thing in the morning and said that you know if we can make it if this storyline comes around before we're done with the show her seemed really excited about the idea and I'm I can't wait yeah it's happening we're very excited it's yeah can you get an agent fee for that you can 10% on that yeah negotiations um and any other guest stars you guys can tell us we're just gonna have to keep watching right yeah I guess it's always okay at the moment you won't probe to your right that's insane and amazing how do you think your Danny DeVito will be the baby next year wait a second way words that is not nice so many great guests are isn't it the 200th episode let's talk about that for a second when you guys were coming upon that big milestone to hundreds big number how did you approach writing that episode we didn't really have a plan and we were at the point where we were asking each other are we at the point do we need it's just the number do the people watching at home even care if it's the 200th episode or not we have to do anything special but I guess we felt some amount of pressure to do something and really at the last minute while trying to figure out what we might do we remembered that it was a year ago that Sheldon has admitted to penny that it was his birthday so that was floating around and it very quickly seemed to make sense this was an opportunity to bring back some old friends and bring back Sara Gilbert and Christine Baranski and Adam West for some reason as Sheldon said yeah and and then as soon as we hit on that idea at all filmed and it made it really I think for us it made it feel kind of celebratory that we had a party episode the week of our 200th and you know we had a party that we had and a lot of press but for me like it really felt special when we were having that the filming of that episode it really that was memorable I think for us Jim your your character Sheldon not a huge fan of his birthday how about you do you actually like your birthday oh yes very much yes and no I actually do I don't care of it it's celebrate about like tummy urates and spring and oh I'm an Aries I think most think about me you're lovely anyone else hate their birthday you guys were all down with your birthday's oh great that's brought over that birthday wonderful time of year yeah asked asked us out like everything I mean now and you guys hope you won't play geniuses or hot people or both is [Laughter] genius is happy I was hired to play a hot person but then they made I adapted last minute rewrite yeah not believable I'm too hot but okay good actor a hotter person but I'm do you guys think playing very very smart and very attractive people do you think that makes her fans more intimidated of you than just if you were a garden-variety very very successful actor no garden-variety actor many people appeared to come up to you or they live like a garden variety people are not afraid do you wish they were more afraid yes they know Jesus a lot a lot of squeezing Gargas pleasing now I took martial arts haha you should be afraid be very afraid I have the compliment to feel like people feel that comfortable you know without we're in there hugging kissing yeah yeah goodnight and and I know with penny let's talk a little bit about how she's sort of evolved over the years like what do you what is your maybe favorite way that pace changed over the years oh my gosh I mean so many ways she is a real job now she's married to her best friend I mean I've said from the pilot that was always my dream that they would get married yeah and there were a couple years there where I thought oh I don't think they're gonna go that way with this so I always just I always knew she was in love with you know the guy next door I always knew that deep down so that made me the happiest I don't know what's gonna happen with her it's fun there's always something new and you know the job situation obviously married life and it's been them it's always fun for me to open the script and see what's new for them I don't I'm excited to see where it goes I think marriage deserves a round of applause hey ever since Raj met Benny he thought he's gonna make out with her - do you not watch the show his dreams lived and died then what have been your biggest kind of lessons emotionally for the whole cast either emotionally or scientifically walked away with with scientifically don't go into the sciences we're not smart enough to do that so I learned that let the writers write smart than a sentence yeah yeah anything any other takeaways you guys have taken life wise that you've ended up applying your own lives mmm I hate to even go to that point cuz then I start thinking like we're in the second half of our run and the second half Jesus you got a positive Alice well there was this 18 year I don't mean to be pessimistic I'm just saying there's nothing to save up here you can't say anything oh what a babe is there anything that you guys secretly wish for your characters I mean you've got you've got people listening right here that you cut it secretly wish would happen Raj is dating two women right now so have you paid the writers enough money yeah dreams do come true maybe three season eighteen begin the big banger house [Applause] [Applause] seriousness I don't feel like in some ways we have very much ultimate ownership over these characters and the reason yeah it's like we get asked a lot do you want things for your character what do you and I have free the whole time we've been asked it's like you don't make up the answers and say things be quiet you can make up answers I'm being serious but none of the things that you think or I always feels we not things I think of for Sheldon or for any other character ever ever ever compete with what they actually deliver their writers and so I jet it is true you could have water ha but it is true and so it's one of the greatest joys and the reason nine years going on to ten into this show it is so much fun for all of us it's not just because we like each other because some days we don't but it's because every week there is [Applause] but really if every week this story is different and you had no idea what was coming and suddenly you're doing something you were like I didn't think we'd ever do that but it's fun to do and it's easy to do and it's a pleasure to do and God God bless you well since you're saying such nice things about the writing I have to say we are so blessed to have the seven actors that we have you guys are just magic and so talented I've said before we can take any two of you and put you in a scene it's already more than halfway there being awesome just because you're in it it's completely true this is how these conversations ends that hand up but no you're great that was so sweet and my next question was - Johnny whether or not you knew you're gonna have to dress up as a sexy carrot before you anything that you've opened a script that you but like for example your dress I'm never bringing that outfit from home to the set again yeah we did this scene and then there was a wardrobe person just off-camera we caught and she brought a bathrobe up to me to put her I said get that thing out of here and I enjoyed but I don't know if anyone if they don't know what you're talking about you were wearing lingerie well yes yes yeah mine has have been anything really surprising that you've opened up a script night before you know I mean honestly the coitus episode either neither gym nor I really we really we didn't think that was happening now and I never I never read the script we get them the night before we start a table reading and I don't read them until the morning at the table reading but this this tape night I happen to be leafing through the script yes good and we passed each other in the hall I was going down to performance scene and she said did you read the name and I jokingly are there children here I just turned back to her in the dark of the set what what do we you know if there were children here they're grown myself reaction that I just had and then I was like what but I was on camera next and she wasn't we just you know I think it was we didn't see it coming we did not know sorry can I see that tentpoles I know I'm hoping that I'm hoping that Sheldon doesn't wait a year because I'm I - yeah you know how you guys get the scripts and then you go to table read the next day you're I mean you're you're really shooting around the clock I'm I want to know from the creator's I kind of what are your feelings on the state of the multicam sitcom where where is it today where do you where do you want to go oh we have no control over the state I guess you know we just we put on a show in front of an audience every week and it's kind of thrilling it's kind of nerve-wracking because it's an audience and they might not think we're it's funny is we do all the time oh yeah 30 years of this and I'm still nervous right absolutely yeah the audience's is gonna do what the audience is gonna do and sometimes when the material isn't what we hoped you can hear the 134 freeway it's quiet you know and we look at each other and go oh my goodness okay we need to rewrite this but it's is something magical about what happens in front of an audience it's very intimate the audience is right there watching a performance right in front of them it's not a movie being made by any stretch of imagination there's no canned laughter those are real people and sometimes you know they will tell you with their silence that you're wrong and and so we rewrite on the spot and and change the scenes as we're going and it's pretty thrilling and I love the lineage it it goes way way way back into the early days of television and comes from theater and theater on the radio and and I love that we're still doing it I know it's pitiful in that a favor but it's exciting it's exciting you should come see a show on a Tuesday Warner Brothers it's it's an electric environment to watch these guys before live you guys still get nervous for tape nights are you know we yes man what's funny he mentions when when nobody's laughs and you can hear the 134 we all feel to blue the riders going are there only rode it wrong we're all going it's just you know when people don't laugh you're like oh I must have messed that up somehow cuz that was good yeah but it is a hell of a good time and I do sometimes think that the people who craft this stuff these people over here don't necessarily always especially right now get the credit they deserve for as hard as hell to get one of these up every week and and to make people laugh live like that every week it's it's a challenge and it's a it's a real format to get the chance to dance in and and we're very lucky to get to do it we have to be in half hours or four hours to do it to do like 40 pages 30 knots you know you don't have a lot of time to do it it's very quick yeah so you got to get it right but as Chuck has said there's no recipe it's it's reinventing the wheel every week can we it's a beautiful and humbling learning process every single night every single tape every week I think okay the script is perfect every week really whole week is getting you know oh you know it's it's an incredible learning experience because the the audience is teaching you yeah teaching you you know in their response they taught us early on when we first began the series you know they taught us about the characters more than we do we we didn't understand you know how fragile these characters were and how and I yep you despite their brilliance they were very very vulnerable and the audience would let us know there was we know the lessons of the first pilot yes no we put them in jeopardy or in situations where they were not being taking good care of the audience was not happy with us and they also let us know when the show had become too risky this was one of the earliest lessons this is not two and a half men and and and and there's a tone and quality to the characters that has to be honored and I think we learned that by listening to the audience yeah speaking of listening to the audience thanks for that same way other questions you guys I see some hands and here's here's how this works a microphone will get to you it's kind of like Lord of the Flies on the conch if you've got the conch you could talk I'm gonna wait right here to you with the wristband you have a question sorry but I have to ask so how did Suicide Squad end we really have no idea we have not we have not seen it yet all I know is I've seen the trailers and we all thought they look pretty cool I do know that when I read it so yeah it looks cool whatever it is Suicide Squad google it I didn't know the booth Smith was in shock deal until ever ask you hello hello I was just wondering up we've been watching for years loved the show it's awesome thank you you guys wear a lot of layers so we noticed this little detail that it lays we're all super in shape and the need to make us I know the lights come on it gets hot and then they have like yeah but is it written in that you have to have we had a car so well we actually we work if you if you look at how we go throughout a season we actually go through the seasons of the year and there's a certain set of months where Mary Quigley says we're wearing jackets cuz it's full and that's winter and then we finally get a reprieve and we get to not wear heavy coats in lights but we actually never noticed this yeah yeah I leave the house and a god damn jacket every well I I wear a lot of layers as it is Amy so I know when I have to wear a coat it's a fall or a winter scene otherwise I'm in my normal layers Leonard's always in a hoodie right if at least one yeah Mary Quigley with the Gospels on who I actually worked with on Rosanna even as a 15-4 get her up on two and a half right is that how you met Mary yeah go back 25 years yeah it is really hard to are I will say that it's really hard to argue with Mary she does a really good job yeah you may not want the jacket but she probably knows we look the way we look because of yeah so for better or worse thank you and how dare you Mary we'll go you know what you're right in the middle and your likelihood of you getting the mic is so little there I want to give it to you like you're right smack in the middle someone get in an elevator with the mic and thank you thank you actually the question is for Jim yes sir I am a huge fantasy football fan and I am so excited that you've joined the community oh yeah do you find that you are taking breaks on set to update your roster and have you got the other past involved they don't even bother for these two can talk about it I don't know that we've had to take breaks I will say two things number one Kunal and I have a lot to talk about on the set because of fantasy football and I cam lost this year and last year and I came second and he came second yes I lost in the championship round anyway but I did one time tun Sheldon's on stage computer - it was a long scene it was live on stage and I was like mother of hell we have actual internet on this while we're doing this let's take one from up here um let's see in the red cardigan right up here you guys get mics up there yeah my job my daughter and i both have questions my daughter has one for me I for my I'm firing you I'm I am I'm a Jewish educator and you're awesome and I actually run a teen philanthropy group and was wondering if you wanted to come speak to them one time to you anyway they love you thank you um this question is for the men oh oh sorry [Laughter] we got to sort that out on camera your characters love comic books okay yeah your answer is no yeah have we ever read one do you like oh I like the cartoons they join them none of you like comics no I do I know Wendy and Richard Penney their plans Archie I used to read Archie comic relief is that does that count Archie and Jughead I like those guys third cred run my nerd cred does run for it runs for ya I was raised in the house of comic books I'm the superhero because you mentioned Batman and you mentioned Adam West yes so you're into DC Comics I mean I was raised with a full spectrum you know I also well you know we were an equal-opportunity household me but enough time for one more than we have one Twitter question so how about in the in the red with an orange hat you were raising your hand so can I stop there's one lady who's been on the 3rd she gets out she gets out even forever can you just scream your question where's red and orange I have yeah just scream hi the one you corrupted with the f-word all right oh there we go oh wow we'll get back to you mullah you wait gonna come right back to you okay so I'm a quick one from you up there okay um I was wondering if what movie do you guys like and please act out your favorite scene [Applause] this is from the revenant big ask yeah my god have you seen last Mohican I'm not dying pictures that we just do the end of Reservoir Dogs yeah it's up there with the Godfather for me but yes dungeon dragon second all right so the revenant that was a good that was a great remnant I was jealous good sunk the band by fresco I was in the bear suit so we have time that's it for audience questions we have one from the Paley app Big Bang Chitty 73 not will we ever meet Sheldon's nephew or Sheldon's sisters that's Kim sign-on name by the way he'd be a little boy I asked Big Bang Chitty 73 for clarification oh I wish there was a better to see here 18 fans are dying to know like will we ever meet Sheldon's nephew really oh do you need a date you've already got two girlfriends well I think that is it for our questions you guys that pretty much wraps up our panel I mean I I think you said it best your vanity card for the 200th episode you ended it with simply bazinga so I think I can only say that you guys congratulations to you guys graduate [Applause] you
Channel: The Paley Center for Media
Views: 686,332
Rating: 4.8973937 out of 5
Keywords: Alie Ward, Johnny Galecki, Leonard Hofstadter, Jim Parsons, Sheldon Cooper, Kaley Cuoco, Penny, Simon Helberg, Howard Wolowitz, Kunal Nayyar, Raj Koothrappali, Mayim Bialik, Amy Farrah Fowler, Steven Molaro, Chuck Lorre, Bill Prady, The Paley Center for Media, Paley Center, PaleyFest LA 2016, PaleyFest 2016, Comedy, CBS, Sitcoms, Scientists, Nerds, Romance, Marriage, Shamy, Guest Stars, Adam West, Elon Musk, Bob Newhart, Judd Hirsch, Fans, Scripts, Character Development, Actors
Id: XpjCuijNP_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 55sec (2935 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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