The Big Bang and Evolution are LIES!! (A Response)

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I don't blame people for being uneducated, they've typically been taught what to think instead of how to think, but the smugness in his stupidity is frustrating to say the least.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/HealeyOfNations 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2016 🗫︎ replies

Nope. Can't do it. I lasted something like 4 minutes and had to turn off. I swear I'm stupider for having listened to this guy.

The channel gets a sub, though. Let's hope his future videos are a little easier to watch.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/limeblast 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2016 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/EthanTheHeffalump 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2016 🗫︎ replies

Nice tattoo their guy and why did you trim your beard both of which your bible tells you not to do obviously another hypocritical Christian who hasn't read his holy book but by god lives by it. Pathetic.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/joe5656 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2016 🗫︎ replies

The only minor quibble I have with Cosmicskeptic here, is that he correctly explains how scientific theories are different from the common colloquial usage of the term, then he proceeds to refer to various hypotheses' relating to alien sourced life etc.. as 'theories'. I almost wish the scientific community could come together and give us a different term other than 'theory' for hypotheses' that have gone on to become observably verifiable by the scientific process. Thus avoiding one of the most common and major misconceptions regarding scientific thought.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/toddymac1 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2016 🗫︎ replies

I thought the Christian guy was doing a parody at first... Then it switched to Cosmic Skeptic, and I realised.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/RobinLSL 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2016 🗫︎ replies

There are moments when the religious guy is talking when he reminds me exactly of Jeff Goldblum's 'Seth Brundle' character in The Fly.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/You_are_Retards 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2016 🗫︎ replies

So much more logical, so much more rational. It doesn't even make sense.


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/eyes_of_the_mighty 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2016 🗫︎ replies

Somehow sat through that whole thing.

Please tell me people don't actually listen to that ignoramus.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/teamster17 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2016 🗫︎ replies
hey everyone its TVC Mario and you here for a video that I wanted to make to compare BIGBANG the theory of evolution and the origin of the universe that ridiculous nonsense versus intelligent design and what I want to show you here is that intelligent design is so much more rational so much more logical it doesn't even make sense and I cannot even believe that we live in a society here where this is even a debate yeah me neither but then again you know what doesn't surprise me since the government makes sure to indoctrinate the kids with this false theory of evolution and they brainwash them to make them think that it's scientific fact when it's not it's a fairy tale and you need more faith to believe in this theory than anything else good morning everybody my name is Alex and I was recently sent a video oh that's right it's my new lower-third which along with some of the other new animated graphics that you'll see in my videos was made by the wonderful Matthews ends on whose portfolio I shall be linking in the description below and you should follow him on Twitter as well but anyway I was recently sent a suggestion on Facebook by a guy called Nathaniel to go and check out this channel called the vigilant Christian and I wasn't disappointed the first video that I came across this most recent one was called the Big Bang and evolutionary theories are stupid and so I immediately messaged Nathaniel back without even watching the video and said thanks I think I found my next response video so let's get right into it now it's important to recognize here is what is science okay so if people believe that evolution in the Big Bang is scientific fact well let's take in a moment here and examine what science actually means by definition I'll read it to you the study of the natural world through and get this this is key observation and experiment okay so those of you out there who just blindly foolishly believe that the Big Bang and the evolutionary theory is actual science well who is there 13.8 billion years ago to observe and experiment on this so that we know it's scientific fact nobody was but that doesn't mean that the theory isn't based upon observable evidence now correct me if I'm wrong but you seem to be implying that unless something can be directly observed then it can't be proved to be true but I think you kind of misunderstand what the word observed means within the definition of science even if a specific occurrence such as evolution or the Big Bang wasn't directly observed evidence for these occurrences can be so you can still have observational evidence for something which wasn't observed as an example let's say that I'm at home in the kitchen and I'm home alone then I hear the front door open and closed and somebody go upstairs and so I go to investigate and I go to the front door and I see that my brother's bag and coat are now hung up when they weren't there before now I can logically conclude that my brother's home okay I don't have to go and see my brother observe my brother to know that he's home because the evidence that is observable without observing my brother directly is still conclusive and sure it would be more conclusive for me to actually go upstairs and see my brother but I don't have to because the evidence that I have already is conclusive enough in the same way with the specific example of the Big Bang we can't directly observe the Big Bang of course but we can observe the evidence things like the redshifting of galaxies and cosmic microwave background radiation now if you don't know what redshifting is it's a scientific phenomenon due to something called the Doppler effect which is the same thing that causes the pitch of a siren to change as an ambulance drives faster at high speed you can pretty much find it in any science book and I'd hoped to be doing video on it soon as well as for a cosmic microwave background radiation there's a good book called the afterglow of creation which sort of documents its discovery and how it is that it proves the Big Bang and these things are observable today and looking at the evidence for cosmic microwave background radiation is just as good as looking at the Big Bang itself no one was no one could have been so therefore it is not science it is a theory always will be a theory it's impossible to prove scientifically because science by very definition is observable so unless someone is observing it always going to be a theory and just a quick interjection here people often say of evolution and the Big Bang that it's just a theory but the scientific definition of a theory is different from the normal definition of a theory okay a theory is about the highest compliment that an idea in science can get it means that it's been rigorously proved to be true beyond a reasonable doubt it's not just some idea like the usual usage of the word I'm just throwing it out there okay so you need a lot of faith to believe in this nonsense that 13.8 billion years ago there was a great nothing how can you have a great nothing and there's nothing for no reason no purpose well actually that's one of the greatest things about science it doesn't talk about purpose or reason it just tells you what's true and then allows you to add your own purpose and your own interpretations that's one of the things that's so beautiful about it just spontaneously just explodes well actually there's no sound in space and it was more like an expansion than an explosion so it was less boom and more and this explosion this atomic bomb you could say somehow somehow bombs create stuff okay this bomb this explosion goes off all matter and then oh the intelligent life forms come into existence I mean the laws that make my heart govern this body in the cells and the the brain function and odd the the way that the wind works and the way that the Sun and the moon and the the ocean if we go into the the animal kingdom all the different men just sit there and watch planet earth for a moment look how intelligent our universe is so they want you to believe that all of this intelligent design that we see in the universe this obvious intelligence came about for no reason yep yeah that's that's pretty much it look when you say it like that and you just gloss over about 3.8 billion years of evolutionary process yeah it can seem a little bit far-fetched I'll grant you that but you're basically just resorting to the teleological argument which I've talked about before but briefly I suppose it's worth noting that the universe really isn't that well designed for us humans okay we can only survive on a tiny part of a tiny rock in a puny solar system okay we need water to survive and our earth is covered in it but we can only drink like less than 1% of it and as for the reason why things appear so well designed and intricate that's precisely what natural selection does best okay natural selection works on the basis of the things that are most suited to their environment are more likely to survive and therefore of course you're going to be left with organisms which are adapted to their environment which does give the illusion that they've been designed to fit within their environments but it can be easily explained through evolution you're basically rehashing William Paley's old watchmaker theory this idea that if you're walking along a beach and you see a watch on the floor you just know that that must have been designed you know it must have had a designer so another book that I would recommend that you read if you're interested in some rebuttals is the blind watchmaker by Richard Dawkins my copy happens to be signed no intelligence behind it just spontaneous explosion boom bomb goes off 13.8 billion years ago and gives us the entire universe we have today this is this stupidest theory in the world wait stop I want to try something so a little while ago I came up with this idea that if you replace certain words and your arguments with other examples and it still holds up just as well then the argument isn't really valid I think we can do the same thing here this is the stupidest theory in the world this is the stupidest theory in the world and the majority of you believe it because your school teachers told you is fact and the majority of you believe it because your priests told you it was fact the textbooks literally lied to you they had lies in it the Bible literally lied to you it had lies in it and you blindly believe your teacher and because society and everyone else believes this yo yo y'all yeah that's what lose no and you blindly believed your priests and just because everybody else in your church believed this you were like yeah yeah this must be true no look if you want your video to be successful you have to offer some actual evidence you can't just say look around you look how stupid the idea of evolution is it doesn't work like that until you offer some actual physical evidence in favor of intelligent design or against the evidence of evolution your video isn't going to be a success no God gave us a brain so that we could use it okay we were intelligently designed so that we could use our intelligence okay so use it it doesn't make any sense okay now let's look at intelligent design what is intelligent design teacher the Bible teach that God who you have to understand the nature of God because you're gonna say well if God created the universe then who created God ah ha ha gotcha no you did it no you did who created God what a stupid question okay I have to stop you there look if you're trying to educate people calling their questions stupid is a really bad way of going about it okay if somebody asks a question to me if I'm trying to teach someone say about evolution and they ask something which could be considered a stupid question such as they could ask if apes turn into people then why are there still Apes okay now I have two options I can either say what a stupid question and dishearten them and probably make them not want to learn about the subject or I could say well okay let me explain which you think is gonna be more successful and yes there are stupid questions that's a dumb one who created God do you not even understand the very nature of God he's alpha use Omega he is beginning and end he's eternal he has no beginning or end and given that you're so familiar with the definition of science and evidence I'm sure that you're about to offer a whole ton of evidence to prove that theory so for you to try and fit him into something that has the beginning which created things need a beginning doesn't make any sense hmm again use the intelligent brain that God gave you and what you're gonna see here is that God had easy ternal and that makes sense yep but I could just say use your intelligent brain and what you'll see here is that evolution is true it just makes sense it doesn't work like that he's an eternal guide who's above us just because we can't comprehend him doesn't mean that he doesn't exist and just because you can't comprehend that we all came from apes and that the universe started with a massive expansion from a point of infinite density doesn't mean that that can't happen either okay so an intelligent God creating the universe makes sense because what we do is then we look at the observable universe and we can look at science science in fact proves an intelligent designer because everywhere we look in nature including our own bodies in like I said planet Earth you go out there and you look at nature and in the bugs and how they and certain insects if it's it's a miracle God has created intelligent designs everywhere actually just to completely turn the tables our own bodies are actually quite good evidence in favor of evolution let's look at vestigial characteristics which are basically characteristics that the species have which no longer serve the purpose that they used to in their evolutionary past a really good example in humans is goosebumps okay when you get cold or when you get scared each hair on your body has an individual muscle at its base and this contracts and makes the hair stand on end you've probably experienced this now this of course is completely pointless to us humans today but remember when we used to be Apes we had a lot more hair so goosebumps caused us to have a thicker coat of fur which would keep us warm when we're cold and if we're scared then it would make us look bigger and more imposing and hopefully scare off any predator that may have caused the fear or for other animals you can go onto YouTube right now and it's a bit graphic I warn you but you can find a video of a group of biologists opening up a giraffe and what they're looking at is something called the recurrent laryngeal nerve and that's the nerve that goes from your brain to your larynx and of course the most logical path that this could take would be to go you know from your brain to your larynx but it happens in humans as well but it's really well exemplified in giraffes what happens is the nerve starts at your brain and then it goes down your neck and into your body wraps around one of your one of your vital arteries and then comes back up again to your larynx now no competent engineer would have designed this and not only can these things not be explained through intelligent design they can only be explained through evolution by natural selection now what's so funny to is even the biggest people who push this always fall back with dumb stuff okay you have Richard Dawkins and he goes out and he says and I just heard Bill Nye say the same thing you know well you know it's not God that created the universe but it could be aliens look if you're gonna try and criticize a theory at least get the theory right no respectable scientists believes that we were designed by aliens okay there is a theory to do with the origin of life which is extraterrestrial but it's not that [Music] now it does just so happen that it's not something I subscribe to it's not something I really quite buy into especially you know without evidence but it's this theory of the origin of life okay so obviously the big question is where did life actually come from okay evolution is a scientific fact but it only explains the origin of species it doesn't explain the origin of life it can't tell you where that first life form came from in order to evolve into the weird and wonderful life that we see today and one of the hypotheses that some people have come up with to try and explain this is that around 3.8 billion years ago perhaps during the late heavy bombardment when the earth was being pelted with their comets and rocks from space that upon some or one of these rocks were microorganisms sort of small bacteria that came from somewhere else in space and that they were the first life forms which were the basis for the evolution of the life that we see today we find rocks on earth that are clearly of Martian origin I bought one online for kicks and suppose some especially robust Martian micro but Mars krob was in this piece of material landed on earth and an especially fertile time here on earth three billion years ago and you and I are descendants of Martians do to to to to to to to of course one of the reasons that I don't particularly like this is because it doesn't actually answer the question all it does is say well it came from somewhere else not on earth right you're saying where did life come from well it came from space but where did it come from originally is the question that we should be asking and also I just don't think it's as plausible as some of the other theories for where life originally came from why is he saying man this let's pause for a moment here okay why are these guys who for so long okay have said there's no intelligent designer are now starting to backtrack a little bit and saying well you know we might be intelligent we decide but it's not it's not the God of the Bible no it's little green Martian men who come from [ __ ] their spaceships they created us you see what they just did and this is key for you to get they just disproved their own theory that they've been standing for forever why because it martians created us that means intelligent design is right that we were intelligently designed by something you might think it's little green Martians I think it's an Almighty God who has no beginning and no end the Alpha the Omega the Almighty the Great Father ha ha ha ho and I think both of those are equally implausible compared with the theories of contemporary biology he is the one who created it not little green goblins or Martians or whatever the heck you want to believe little aliens created us by some experiment or some ridiculous thing like that ok so you see even the main leaders in this evolution movement there is no evolution movement and there is no leader okay even people like Richard Dawkins probably at the moment one of the most respected men in the field okay he is an expert in evolutionary biologists and revered by many scientists across the world but he's not infallible okay if he said something wrong we call him out on it and we'd say that's wrong we don't claim to have any kind of leader and especially not some kind of leader which is you know infallible I mean how stupid would that be have to fumble logically on their own theory and have to say that well you know what it might be that we're intelligently designed by Martians because they know science points to intelligent design okay so I just wanted to go ahead and just just go through this because I know so many people get stuck up on this you get you go to school especially you you young people and you'll run into that atheist and you think she knows everything it's so funny their heads are puffed up but they don't know anything it's it's hilarious and they'll come up to you like well don't you know it's scientific fact no yes it is and you still haven't offered any evidence to prove why it isn't I know you want to keep believing your textbooks I know you want to keep believing your teachers and what's popular in school and you want to believe what they tell you no I don't I don't want to believe any of this I just do okay in fact I want somebody to disprove it I want somebody to come along and prove to me why evolution is false because that would be a biological revenue it would change the face of science and be one of the most exciting things to happen in the history of science so I'm waiting on you man this is your opportunity guess what don't lie into your there's straight-up lyin even if evolution wasn't true I'd refrain from saying that people are lying ok I've said this before but imagine that I met someone from an ancient civilization who told me that the earth was flat and they genuinely believed it ok they wouldn't be lying to me because that's what they truly believed to be true it might be false what they're saying but they're not actively lying there's no conspiracy against God or for evolution in in sighs clattering that's just that's ridiculous and it's not fact it is not science it's a stupid theory that takes massive amounts of faith to believe in unobservable 13.8 billion years ago an explosion happened for no reason cap bang and everything that's intelligent look look at the intelligence here ok look at look at the way that my brain is sending okay specific things to my mouth to speak out and this is communication and then there's words and then even my saliva there's there's a mechanism in my body this intelligently designed mechanism okay even my skin everything is intelligently designed open your eyes the Bible literally says that the creation itself lets us know we can't be ignorant you're not going to be able to stand in front of God because and tell him oh I yeah I didn't recognize you're real you're looking at the evidence everywhere you are evidence that you were created by an intelligent designer you're you think you're supposed to be intelligent so of course you have to have some type of intelligent designer you didn't come out of an explosion how stupid is that an explosion created intelligent life and then over the span of billions and billions of years things just started to form now this isn't observable either so when you have evolution and you have this concept of macro-evolution that one one species evolved into another kind of species non-observable there's never been anyone to witness there is no there's the missing link sir are never found okay we don't see transitions going from one species to another [Music] one thing that does exist is microevolution the variations between different species I would say kinds but nothing like an eighth turning into a human [Music] and all just say why what happened to those other Apes are they the stupid Apes they couldn't of all the dumb monkeys combined there I legitimately didn't know he was gonna say that when I brought that up as an example earlier of a stupid question oh that's brilliant and in fairness I did only say that this could be perceived as a stupid question because I don't believe that there is such thing as a stupid question and there might be some people watching this who are wondering themselves you know if we came from monkeys if humans came from monkeys why are there still monkeys okay so let me just briefly explain this humans didn't come from monkeys humans share a common ancestor with monkeys so long ago there were eight like creatures living on earth and what happened with something called speciation now what this requires is the isolation of two or more groups from a certain species okay now this could be geographical there could be you know rivers running between them it could be social or for whatever reason it happens these groups become isolated so we have the species which splits off into two groups that simplify okay now because they're isolated because they have no contact with each other the mutations which occur in each each isolated group and cause evolution will be different okay so you'll have different evolutionary processes in each and one of these groups turn into the monkeys napes that we see today and one of these groups turned into humans okay so that's why we still see monkeys just so happens that monkeys are more similar to what the common ancestor would have been like them we are so people often have this misconception that we came from monkeys but we didn't we and monkeys both came from the common ancestor and we can go back to the Bible and ask precisely the same question we could say well if man came from dust then why is there still dust okay that's how the question sounds so dumb so down and the difference between me and you is that I wouldn't call someone who is ignorant of the evolutionary process dumb okay that's disheartening and it can put people off wanting to learn if they think that people like you who they might deceive as an authority figure if they think that that's what you're like it might put them off getting into what you're trying to educate them in and that's that's just not good okay if you want somebody to be educated if you want to inspire people to learn about something you can't be insulting them like that I wanted to just put this out there because the Big Bang evolutionary a theistic philosophy is stupid these people are puffed up on their own stupidity and because we have a school system in a society that you know is anti God because the Bible says that that this world is anti-god to hate God they suppress the truth in unrighteousness these guys actually think they're smart when they believe this when believing this is an insult against your intelligent designer who created you to use your brain and be intelligent what does it say about your God if he can be insulted simply by people saying prove yourself have a blessed and wonderful day stay vigilant fear no evil and look I'd really love to say more about this video but it's long enough already and I've literally got about one minute left of recording space on this camera so if there's anything that you feel I haven't explained particularly well or anything that you think that I've missed do leave it in the comments below and I'll try to respond to it there but I've got to win the video for now so I've been Alex O'Connor or cosmic skeptic check out matthew sends on portfolio in the description below i'm on patreon now as well if you feel like having a look at that so that will be in the description you can find me on social media here don't forget to subscribe thank you for watching and I will see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: CosmicSkeptic
Views: 1,010,163
Rating: 4.8310575 out of 5
Keywords: Alex O'Connor, cosmic, skeptic, cosmicskeptic, religion, atheism, secularism, atheist, christianity, vigilant christian, faith, big bang, CMBR, redshift, doppler effect, cosmology, Bill Nye, Richard Dawkins, universe, christian, creationism, creationist
Id: EvfxRY12_I8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 11sec (1451 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 30 2016
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