The Biblical Worldview on Money, Possessions and Giving

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Matthew chapter 5 the title of my message tonight is the biblical worldview on money possessions and giving I want to talk a little bit about stuff now no matter how young you are or how old you are if you're a guy or if you're a girl you have stuff some people have more than others guys we have to fit it all in our pockets now we may carry one of those man bags but we know what they are they're our purse so we we fit it in our pocket we put it in our front pockets and we cram it into our wallet but we have our stuff and of course girls can carry more stuff because they have those giant purses so I'm always amazed that my wife never has the stuff I need when I ask for something and that first she carries around then we have our cars and cars are great places for collecting stuff you know you have stuff on the backseat and stuff in the glove compartment and the trunk is the best place of all for stuff you can just fill it you don't know why it's there you don't know how it got there but it just accumulates and for some reason it's hard to get rid of and then as your stuff begins to accumulate you need a bigger place to put it so you get a house really a house is just a place to put stuff with a lid on the top of it to guard your stuff and then pretty soon you're overflowing your house and so that's what a garage is for and you can put all of that stuff in the garage athletic stuff bike stuff surfboard stuff spare parts broken tools old clothes whatever there is and by the time you're done there's no room for a car but that doesn't matter because it's filled with stuff anyway on in the front of your house and so one day you decide I think I have too much stuff so I'm gonna have a garage sale well that's a good thing because there's always someone else that's looking for more stuff too they're driving Auto good a garage sale and they look at your stuff have you ever noticed that your stuff is always cooler than other people's stuff or so it seems so they buy your old stuff and you get some money and what do you do we've got them buy more stuff of course and it just goes on and on and on sort of a never-ending thing well Jesus actually talked about this in fact he told a story of a guy that collected a lot of stuff so much so that he had to build bigger buildings to house it and one day he actually said to himself self you've got it me you've done really well for yourself and now you can retire take it easy and have the time of your life but Jesus then said in Luke 12 that man was a fool because God said you'll die this very night then who will get it all Jesus concludes yes a person is a fool to store up earthly wealth and not have a rich relationship with God he said real life is not measured by how much we all know contrary to popular opinion that bumper sticker is not true he that dies with the most toys wins no life is not all about that now it is for some but that's not the real meaning of life so what is real life measured by that's what we're gonna talk about and by the way Jesus had a lot to say about stuff about possessions about money in fact 15% of everything that Jesus taught related to the topic of money and possessions more I might add than his teachings on Heaven and Hell combined half of the parables that Jesus told Elvis top money things etc in addition one out of every seven verses in the New Testament deals with this topic however whenever you raise this topic some people get really uncomfortable and they sort of grab for their wallet like don't come near it why because that's my stuff you see and the way we look at life as that belongs to me and I work hard for that and everything that I have is mine but we misunderstand what the Bible says because the Bible teaches that not only does your stuff belong to God but you belong to God 1st Corinthians 6:19 says don't you know that your body is at 10 of the Holy Spirit whom you have from God and you are not your own you were bought at a price therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit which are gods you belong to God do you have good health tonight that's a gift to you from God is your heart beating right now that too is a gift to you from God do you have a job that is a gift from God your family that came from God to your car your truck your motorcycle your skateboard however you got here that came from God well a hitchhike the thumb it came from God everything you have has come to you from God it's important that we understand that one day the Pharisees thought they would trap Jesus and they were gonna ask him should we pay taxes to Rome or not there's a trick question because if he said yes and people would say all were overtaxed by Rome it's not fair and if he said no they'd say oh he's an insurrectionist and trying to lead a rebellion against Rome so they said Jesus we have a question for you should we pay taxes or not Jesus said show me a coin someone produced a coin and he said whose image is on that coin and of course on the coin of Jesus time is the image of Caesar when we were just back in Israel I went into an antiquity store and I asked the man do you have a coin dating back to the time of Christ with the image of Caesar because I want to see the kind of coin Jesus held up and sure enough he pulled it out and I held it in my hand and just as clear as day was the profile of Caesar not unlike the image of Washington we might have in our quarter and I was interested in buying it I said how much is this coin he said that's $1000 so I said thank you very much here you go and I refer to a quarter but you see you know he said all right whose image is on the coin Caesars he says give to Caesar the things that are Caesar's and give to God the things that are gods in other words you are made in the image of God you are purchased by Christ and you belong to him and not only do you belong to God that everything that you have comes from God we're told in Haggai 2:8 God speaking the silver is mine and the gold is mine declares the Lord it's mine God says you say now hold on now Greg I've worked hard and I saved my money and I've invested carefully to get where I am today and I'm sure that is true but even that came to you from the Lord but the Bible tells us in Deuteronomy 8:18 remember the Lord your God he gave you the ability to produce well and so confirms his covenant as he swore to your forefathers hope some of you I know what you're thinking you're starting to tune out because you're saying you know what Greg I'm not a wealthy person you know I don't live in a palatial mansion ah I don't have a fleet of cars I I don't have disposable income I'm just barely getting by so what you're about to say has no bearing on my life whatsoever that's for the rich people to hear well wait a second here's something to consider no matter where you are in life there's always someone with more than you and there's always someone with a lot more than you and guess what there's always someone with less than you to consider this the American on the lowest rung of the economic ladder would be considered rich in comparison to a good portion of humanity and the rest of the world especially the third world one person summed it up like this quote if you have money in the bank or in your wallet and some spare change in a dish somewhere you were among the top 8% of the world's wealthy I bet you never thought of yourself that way now did you well if you travel a little bit and you see the way people in other parts of the world live you realize how well-off we all are here in the United States and certainly here in California and certainly here in Orange County so what does the Bible say to those that have wealth but let me just state it another way what does the Bible say to people that have any possessions at all here's what scripture tells us first Timothy 6:17 tell those who are rich to not be proud nor to trust in their money which will begone with their pride and trusted be in the Living God who always richly gives us all we need for our enjoyment tell them to use their money for good they should be rich in good works and should happily give to those who are in need always being ready to share with others what God has given to them so three things are mentioned in this text of a person who has resources number one by the way again I want to emphasize this applies to everyone here okay number one don't be arrogant or put your ultimate hope in your wealth don't be arrogant don't be proud why worked hard no no be humble before God and don't put your trust in that wealth you know why you can't take it with you one of the world's wealthiest men Malcolm Forbes said shortly before his death quote the thing I most dread about death is I know I will not be as comfortable in the next life as I was in this one and quote that's the understatement of the century I don't know where mr. Forbes was that spiritually but if he had not put his faith in Jesus Christ that is clearly a huge understatement I heard the story about were very wealthy man who was near death it worked so hard for his money and desperately wanted to take some of it to heaven but he knew that you can take it with you so he prayed to God and tried to strike a deal saying God let me take some money to heaven some of my resources I want to take with me let me be to the exception to the role and God made an exception and this guy was allowed to take one suitcase to have it this is a true story by the way so the man loaded up a suitcase with solid gold bars soon afterwards he died he stood at the gate of heaven and was greeted by Peter of course Peter greets everyone when they go to heaven earth that's what all the jokes tell us Peter knew of the agreement that man had made with God so he has to check his suitcase and later on an angel said to Peter so what was in that guy's suitcase Peter said it was a strangest thing he had a suitcase full of pavement because heaven pay with gold man so the stuff that is so important to us here is meaningless in heaven how many of you have ever played the game Monopoly you know I like monopoly though I always lose but it's exciting when you're on a winning streak because you know you've got those hotels on boardwalk and Park Place I'm not talked in the purple properties I'm talking blue baby you are you are doing well and you've got extra cash and and the game ends and you win and you're so excited but you know what you can't buy a lot with monopoly money you pull up one of those orange $500 bills it doesn't even impress the guy at McDonald's and that little green hotel that's just a piece of plastic that's what it's like when you accumulate all the things this world has to offer when you look at them from a heavenly perspective so don't be arrogant or put your ultimate hoping that wealth number to this one may surprise you if God has blessed you with any resources at all enjoy what God has given you that's right that's what the Bible says for verse 17 of that text i read from said God always richly gives us all we need for our enjoyment there's nothing wrong with saying lord thank you for the house I live in thank you for the car that I Drive thank you Lord for the resources I have thank you for that fine meal we just had in fact you want to give thanks for all that he has given to you and not even for a moment take it for granted and the bottom line is if you work hard you're honest and you invest your money wisely and time you may acquire some resources some will acquire considerable resources and I know some will say well no jesus said to take all of your money and give it away and follow him actually that is so out of context he only said that to one person and that was the rich young ruler and you know what that guy's problem was he was just all full of himself and he trusted in money and he came and said teacher what must I do to inherit eternal life in Jesus being God look right in his heart and could see that now was possessed by his possessions says that I'll tell you what buddy why don't you take all that you have sell it give the money to the poor and follow me and you have treasure in heaven and the Bible says that men went away sorrowful because he was very rich to see his problem was he worshiped at the altar of material things so that was not a blanket statement given to everyone that was a specific statement given to this young man to someone else Jesus might say sever that relationship to another Jesus might say get some new friends to another he might say make this other change in your life sometimes when we see someone was a lot we'll say well they're very materialistic aren't they how do you know can you see their heart see here's the tricky thing about possessions is you don't know what's going on inside of a person's heart you don't know how much they give and a lot of times we'll see someone that has a lot and say well they're materialistic and I'm not but here's the Bible says the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil and while some have coveted after it they have pierced themselves through with many sorrows so you can have a lot and covet those things and love money but check this out you can have very little and still love money too much because your whole thing in life is getting rich you know you're the guy of the girl buying up all those lottery tickets you're the person that's looking for that shortcut the way to get the big money another translation of that text I quoted first Timothy 6:10 says the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil which while some have coveted after they have been led astray from the faith and pierced themselves through with many consuming griefs so don't say money is the root of all evil the Bible doesn't teach that the Bible says the love of money is the root of all evil money is neutral it's not immoral it's amoral it's all about what you do with it it's how you get it how you guard it and how you give it me say that again the thing with money it's how you get it how you guard it and how you give it it can be used for good or bad which brings us to our third point here from first Timothy 6:18 tell them to use their money to do good those people should be rich in good works and give happily to those who are in need and share with others whatever God has given you can tell a lot about a person's spirituality by their giving or lack thereof take a tour of their checkbook Jesus said where a man's heart is their will as treasure be also a rather where man's treasure is there will as heart be also it's been said there are three conversions that have to take place in a person's life the conversion of your mind the conversion of your heart and the conversion of your wallets and for some they have not had that third conversion they haven't understood the joy that comes from giving okay having established that that's a theme before us now on the Sermon on the Mount Jesus is talking about people that give their money he's talking about charitable deeds Matthew 6 verse 1 did I tell you to go to Matthew 5 okay we'll go to 6 now it's just testing you you've done very well now it's time to move forward one chapter sorry about that Matthew 6 verse 1 he says take heed that you did not do your charitable deeds before men to be seen by them otherwise you have no reward from your father in heaven therefore when you do a charitable deed don't sound a trumpet before you as a hypocrite but doing the synagogues and in the streets that they may have glory for men assuredly I say to you they have their reward but when you do a charitable deed don't let your left hand know what your right is doing that your charitable deed may be in secret and your father who sees you in secret will reward you openly remember that the theme of the Sermon on the Mount is our heart and Jesus already busted the person who prides himself in the fact they don't kill people but is filled with hatred are the person is boasting the defense they don't commit adultery but their heart is filled with lust now he does the same thing with giving and he's talking about the Pharisees who in that day would make a big show about what they did so everyone would see how much they gave so people would applaud and say isn't that a wonderful thing Jesus says don't be like that don't do anything to impress people do it for the Lord do it when you pray do it when you get do it for the glory of God don't do your charitable deeds or for men to be seen by them and by the way that word that is used there to be seen by them comes from a word that is a root for our word that we translate theater don't put on a show don't do it in a way to draw attention to yourself and your father who sees you in secret will reward you openly God watches us we go he's aware of whatever we do wherever we are do you think when you turn off the lights God doesn't see God sees your thoughts he sees your heart's intent and he watches what we give in fact there's a story in mark chapter 12 it tells us that Jesus went over to the collection box in the temple and sat and watched as crowds dropped in their money and many rich people put in large amounts and then a poor Widow came along and dropped in two pennies he called his disciples and said I assure you this poor Widow was given more than all the others have given for they gave a tiny part of their surplus but she as poor as she is has given everything she has I find that interesting that it says that Jesus went over to a collection box and sat and watched it doesn't say that he was just noticing casually he actually went over and parked himself right by their offering box and watched people get and observed what they did and he commended the woman he didn't put the others down they did give after all but he commended her because she gave everything was an act of pure worship so he says when you give do it in a way that honors God don't draw attention to yourself because if you do you have your reward or a literal translation is you've been paid in full and receipt it so if everybody knows what you've done you don't get a heavenly reward but if you've done it quietly there will be a heavenly reward here's a way to sum it up listen if we remember God will forget but if we forget God will remember in other words if we remember God won't forget if we're telling everyone do you know how much money I just gave for God's work know how much this much Wow lords I can forget that you got your reward you got your applause but then there's something maybe you did you'd forgotten you had even done it and someone comes up to you and says remember that one time you came over and you helped me on him this way I don't remember that if you forget God will remember let's shift gears now and go to one more passage before we close go over to second Corinthians chapter 9 2nd Corinthians 9 let's read a little bit more about the biblical worldview on stuff you don't know where second Corinthians 9 is it's right after 2nd Corinthians 8 which follows first corinthians i'm going to read this text from the New Living Translation because I think it really puts it in plain terminology we can all understand 2nd Corinthians 9 verse 6 Paul writes this remember this a farmer who plants only a few seeds will get a small crop but one who plants generously will get a generous crop so you each must make up your own mind how much you should give don't give reluctantly or in response to pressure for God loves a cheerful Giver and God will generously provide all you need and you always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others because the scriptures say godly people give generously to the poor and their good deeds will not be forgotten for God doesn't want to give seed to the farmer and bread to eat in the same way he'll give you many opportunities to do good and he'll produced a great harvest of generosity in you okay so three quick things that we learn about giving here number one God loves a cheerful Giver the Bible is very clear about what God both hates and loves do you want to do something God hates hello no you don't want to do something God hates what does God hate or read proverbs six to find the answer but among other things we'll find there that he hates evil slander sowing discord lying etc I don't want to do what God hates but what about what God loves what does God love well a lot of things could be mentioned but let's just stay with our text God loves a cheerful Giver and the word cheerful can be translated a hilarious Giver someone who just gives to the Lord joyfully Jesus said it is more blessed to give than it is to receive have you discovered that yet now when you're a kid you don't see yourself we at all when you're a kid it's more blessed to receive than to give and when our birthday rolls around or christmas is coming we make sure our parents know exactly what we want you know we have detailed maps to the store where that particular item is or we have a URL link that they can click and order from or wherever it is we found that thing we love to get and then when our parents hide those presents were searching for them and and we find them when we tear the paper away very carefully and so we can see if we got what we were hoping for it's more blessed to receive than to give when you're young but as you get older you start learning the joy of giving the joy of delight on a child's face or a spouse's face or a boyfriend or girlfriend's face or a friends face or whoever knows you're giving to when you bring that gift to them and give them what they've always wanted it's called growing up you know when kids are around each other especially very small children they will fight over certain things and I've noticed there'll be a random toy laying there neither child wants it and then one child walks over or crawls over and picks it up and suddenly what happens the other child down nonsense and so the one child has it the other one's it fine they just who teaches them that work that we ever consciously sit down and teach our children to st. my let's send all the others are mine one pulls in it was my my mind back and forth ago now stop it kids learn to share we say to them and you get in your car and you drive down to Nordstrom's for their happy early sale and you're looking over some things they're on the first sale rack and you see one thing that appeals to you some what you think shall I buy it now oh it's the last one I don't really want it I don't need it then someone else grabs that last one and why is it when you can't have something you suddenly want it and you reach and grab it and they're pulling in you're pulling and using mine you know we haven't changed all that much have we it's more blessed to give than it is to receive that's what the Bible says number two it's a blessing and joy to give Paul mentions in second corinthians 8:4 about the believers saying there they begged us for the gracious privilege of sharing and the gift for the Christians in Jerusalem here's the thing we wonder should we give the answer is yes but we should give it the right motive sometimes that said well if you can't get with the right motive nut don't give it all know can I dress that if you can't give with the right motive repent cuz you're wrong and pray that God will give you a generous heart you see don't cater to selfishness but ask the Lord to transform you and the way that God provides for people is through people we've heard it said in accurately so when God guides God provides you know what that means to some people I ain't givin anything because God will provide really that's true but how does God provide does the open up the windows of heaven and rain five-dollar bills every Tuesday does he cause a money tree to grow in your backyard no listen God dies God provides and God provides for his people through his people to reach other people God provides for others through me and he provides for me through others that's how it works and so there's a joy there's a blessedness in giving a joy that we can all experience and here's the great promise finally they're in Corinthians verse 8 if God if you give God will give more to you verse 8 God is able to make it up to you by giving you everything you need and more and there'll be plenty left over for you and your own needs and much left over to give to others every farmer knows if you sow a little seed you get a little crop the greater the amount in crop will starts with seed form so you sow a lot you reap a lot if you're so little you'll reap little now of course this is not a blanket promise where we are now obligating God and and all this crazy word faith stuff that people get sidetracked by but what this is saying is God will bless generous people we all know people that are how should we describe them cheapskates you know they hold on to everything there are the people that when you go into a restaurant and you have a meal with them and the check comes either mysteriously disappear or are always somehow distracted you know the check comes and there it is and and you look over and they're like looking over the other way like hey how's it going nice to see you and so you don't want to say out of the check is there you're gonna help out or what you know or maybe they give their portion but they never factor in the tip or anything else and and they don't give enough and so you well take care of it you know and but you start noticing this happens once twice three four a hundred times now kind of a person if you take can I borrow a quarter they'll give it to you and actually come back to your week later saying uh let me get that quarter back anytime soon by the way with interest that would be about 30 cents now now when you know someone like that do you want to give money to them not usually and so God will bless and generous people God says as you give I will give to you you might say well Greg I can't afford to give well you know what I can't afford not to give David said he would not give to the Lord that would cost him nothing somebody say well write a million dollars I would give more to the Lord but that's not necessarily true because the person was a million says well if I had five million and the person with five million well if I had ten million it's all fine when it's in theory I say start with where you're at and learn to be a faithful giver and watch what the Lord will do for you God actually says test me on this in Malachi prove me on this as the Lord as you faithfully bring your tithes and offerings to me see if I will not open up the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that you will not have room enough to receive it heard about a preacher who asked a farmer and his congregation farmer if you had $200 would you give a hundred of it to the Lord farmer said I would preacher said if he had two cows would you give one of them to the Lord the farmer again said yes I would the preacher said let me ask you this if you had two pigs would you give one of them to the Lord the farmer said no that's not fair because you know I have two pigs just fine when it's theoretical when it gets real it's a different thing why should I do this because guess what you're gonna leave it all behind it's not that earthly treasures are bad it's not that you should feel bad if the Lord has blessed you you just need to be realistic and know that you're gonna leave it all behind you on this earth because these things will not last how accurate is that scripture that says in proverbs 23 5 Cass put a glance at riches and they are gone for they will sprout wings and fly off to the sky like an eagle man is that not true haven't you ever seen that happen those investments that were so sound are suddenly gone because of changes in the stock market or some other thing maybe your home that was worth a lot more on paper suddenly is it's worth as much or or maybe sometimes your money is just flat-out stolen you know if someone breaks in your house or they break in your car and that money is gone it's a horrible thing to get ripped off I got ripped off the other day I was up in LA and we're actually looking at this building for this church and I went over to Starbucks and I got a cup of coffee and set my wallet down and and then notice my wallet wasn't there anymore and someone took it and I wonder will I just lose it but I called my credit card company in like three minutes after I lost sight of my wallet charges were being made on it and you know that's just the way it is and the world we live people can steal our stuff and then we get stuff and it gets rusty and it gets old and it gets outdated that's right Jesus said don't lay up for yourself treasures on earth where moth and rust corrupt and thieves break in and steal but lay up for yourself treasures in heaven where neither moth nor rust will corrupt normal thieves break in and steal john d rockefeller was one of the wealthiest men that ever lived and when he died someone asked his accountant how much did rockefeller leave and his accountant said who he left all of it listen you can't take it with you but you can send it on ahead how do you do that everything you do for the glory of God is an investment in heaven and you're laying up for yourself treasures in heaven every financial gift you give every prayer you pray every time you share that gospel every time you do that thing to help someone in need that active service that you put out there those are treasures for you in heaven and the main thing is just do them with the right heart and do as many things as you can do for God's glory and one day you'll reap those things on the other side again as Jesus said a person is a fool to store up earthly wealth but not have a rich relationship with God and Jesus summed it up by saying real life is not measured by how much we own it isn't one day it's all gone and then we're there so here's what I asked him closing let's shift gears away from stop and let's talk about life and the meaning of life why am I here on this earth I'm here to just live the good life and have fun no I am here to know God I was put here on this earth to have a relationship with him I need to recognize that life even when it's a long one there's a relatively short span that comes and goes quickly the Bible describes it is that vapor of smoke that appears for a moment and vanishes quickly I don't have anything to say about the date of my birth nor do I really have much to say about the date of my death but I have a lot to say about that little - in the middle that's mine to use or not use that's mine - one of the Lord with or honor myself with and so we have to ask ourself what am I doing with my life am i living it for the glory of God the Lord will bless you with things you can be thankful for that you can even enjoy those things but a responsibility comes with them as well but not just things with life in general with your opportunity with the time that you spend and what you spend it on because one day we'll stand before God and the big question from that day is gonna be what did you do with Jesus Christ because God has dropped one lifeline from heaven to each of us one rope and it's Jesus Christ who died for us and rose again from the dead as a group of singing a few moments ago no other way to the Father no other way to the Father apart from you Jesus said he was the way the truth and the life and if I will turn from my sin and ask him to forgive me Jesus will come and transform my life from the inside out and reveal reveal to me God's plan and purpose for my life and I want to just see in closing there might be some of you that have joined us who have never asked God to forgive you of your sin you don't have this hope that you'll go to heaven when you die but you would like to have it you would like to be forgiven you would like to see this void inside of you filled you would like to have the confidence that you will go to heaven if you want that confidence if you want Christ to come into your life respond to this invitation I'm gonna give to you now because let me tell you something if you were to get everything this world offers it still wouldn't satisfy me you had the coolest car and the best house a Newport Coast and a fleet of Ferraris and death leads and so much plastic surgery we didn't even know who you were anymore we're so pumped full of everything Botox and Restylane and silly putty and anything else our upbringing Pinkberry yogurt whatever works you can have all this stuff that this world offers jesus said what is a prophet a man or a woman if they gain the whole world lose her own soul don't lose your soul and the pursuit of stuff that will pass away don't lose your life in the pursuit of monopoly money in plastic hotels that mean nothing in heaven let's pray father I pray now for any here that do not know you help them to see their need for you help them to put their faith in Jesus Christ tonight and be forgiven of all of their sins and know with certainty that they can go to heaven when they die help them to make this commitment to you now we ask in your name now when our heads are bowed and our eyes are closed and we're praying together how many of you would say that I Gregg pray for me I want Christ to come into my life I want him to forgive me of my sin I want to know that when I die I'll go to heaven and I want to find the meaning and purpose of my life pray for me if that's your desire if you want Jesus to come into your life and forgive you of your sin if you want to go to heaven when you die if you want your guilt taken away would you lift your hand up wherever you're sitting and I'm gonna pray for you god bless you you there in the back up bless you in the middle on this side just raise your hand if you want Christ to come into your life tonight and I'll pray for you have God bless you in the back there in the front row god bless you too over on the other side you're in the middle god bless you as well anybody else you want God's forgiveness tonight you're ready to say yes to Jesus if you haven't lifted your hand yeah lift it now god bless you right there anybody else lift your hand up now you tonight come with you unless you well the heads are still valid maybe some of you would say you know what I know what you've said tonight is true and I've gone so far from this and I need to come back to the Lord again because I'm a prodigal son or daughter and I'm ready to make a reit commitment to Jesus pray for me if that's your desire if you need to come back to Christ lift your hand up and I'll pray for you right now you need to make a recommitment in Jesus Christ lift your hand up god bless you in you and there in the foyer there through the glass I see you there god bless you in the very back god bless you sir this final moment anybody else if you haven't lifted your hand yet left it now god bless you in the front row here god bless you in the very back row over there god bless all of you Father I thank you for each one of these and I pray you'll give them the strength to stand up and follow you for we ask it in Jesus name Amen
Channel: Pastor Greg Laurie
Views: 16,989
Rating: 4.7525773 out of 5
Keywords: greg laurie, money, possessions, tithing, stuff, garage, house, car, riches, wallet, purse, root of evil, bible, wealth, pavement, heaven, st. peter, 2 corinthians 9, cheerful, need
Id: 14UkAqyLTpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 14sec (2354 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 24 2010
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