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Github has many excellent open source projects and useful software. But unfortunately, many people don't know what it is. also won't use So in this video, let's talk about what github is. And as a white whoring monster you need to know the function This video is the second in a series. If interested Everyone can order a collection. If you don't know how to access GitHub You can view my previous video. The content of this video is more basic Not suitable for programmers with years of development experience to watch If there is no mistake Please discuss and correct rationally First, let's talk about what GitHub is. GitHub is the world's largest code hosting and collaboration platform. The biggest role is to save the software source code written by programmers. Anyone can upload their own code. Source code can be roughly divided into two types One is completely open. Everyone can view the download and used within certain rules For example, the famous Linux android belongs to this category. Open source is the treasure of human computer industry Most of the software we use in our lives are based on open source software secondary development It can be said that without open source, there would be no prosperous Internet today. Another source code is private Only the uploader and the user with the specified permissions can access It's called GitHub. Because it is mainly based on the idea of version control tool git. Establish and manage code As for what G is, that's what another video will talk about. So ask below in my blog park video Why Blog Garden? Don't use githu and ask why github is used under my github video. No need for a loveless and cool audience There should be an answer here. Because github is a code hosting platform Not the blog community. It's not a resource-sharing community. Although he has some of the functions of the first two to a certain extent Then we look at the second part In this part, I will share some common github function modules. and their role. When you receive the address of a github project And after opening it You will see an interface similar to the following The most visible in the interface is the code base. This is the middle part. Inside is the source code of the entire project. We can click directly to view the contents of it. You can also click the button in the upper right corner. Select download Download it directly. Each file in the code base will have two pieces of information behind it. The first is the commit message. This is the last time the author updated the codes' remarks. The second is the last update time If in a project All documents were updated many years ago That means he may have no one to maintain of the code base Below is the introduction of the project github will automatically access the read me file of the project and show the contents here You can generally see what this project does here. What's the use and how to use it? Of course, its specific content and the degree of detail. Depending on the author, there will be nothing to write. If you are not a programmer. I just came to github to find software. You can pay more attention to this part of the content. Another module that needs attention is the releases on the right. This is usually packed by the author. Introduction to the software and the current version You can download directly using For example, this project I am opening now The author provides a Linux version. mac version windows version and source package Sliding down Old versions can also be found According to their own needs, click to download It should be noted that Not all projects will have releases to offer On the releases is the bot module The overall summary of the project will be shown here In general, there are brief labels for each project. open source protocol Important information such as star numbers Can help you quickly understand the current project Which star similar video site collection Can reflect the heat of the project If you are interested in a project. You can also click the start button to give the author a star. As you are interested in my video Can also give me a collection and attention On the left of star is the fork function. Click on it You can directly put all the code of the current project. Copy to your own home page. That's right. Take someone else's code on github It's that simple There is no need to notify the author. And don't need any pay On star and fork is github's search module. You can search for the current project. You can also delete the original content in the search box. Search the entire github resource directly Finally, let's look at the upper left corner of the page. There is also a very important function here issues Its function is to give the author of the project feedback questions. For example, you encountered a bug when using it. You can tell the author here. Help authors improve the project You can also check out other people's questions here. or join the discussion Help others solve problems It should be noted that Please pay attention to the quality of any discussion Respect for others All right. The video is here. You already know As a white whoring monster need to know all the common functions You can play happily to Habra. I'll talk about it in the next video. What do you need to do if you want to participate in the development of open source projects? That's all for this video. I'm Melody Ninety-Nine Let's see you next time.
Channel: 玄离199
Views: 568,140
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 玄离199, 玄离, 软件, 软件分享, 科普, 网站, 神器, 手机, 网盘, 电脑
Id: ARU-ZD9pfO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 59sec (239 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2023
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