The Best Ways to Use Dragons | 5e Dungeons & Dragons | Web DM

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welcome to another flight night I'm red McCombs hey I read how you doing there Farrell that's good I'm doing good tonight this how we got a great show and rematch between blue and green yes yes it is the blue Magoo versus the Green Machine this is a tremendous moment for Dragon Con this rematch right here it's when you think about green and blue you think of classic dragon and you being purple it's perfect color commentary perfect color commentary thank you let's go down to the corners here for pre-fight instructions from each corner you've been training hard you lost the first one but you got this [ __ ] listen this money it's purse money it's yours all you got to do is win this thing don't lose like you lost last time you son of a [ __ ] listen I've trained my whole life for this I ain't going down again I ain't going out like that now I want you to look over there now would you look at me now look over there that's your enemy you get this fight and you got this money I didn't get a good night's sleep though no it's not any way to fight no runnin season started yesterday we're all don't trust me I know you don't let me do anything while I'm working out no you gotta save that energy yeah yeah well my legs are fine that's why I'm a quadruped and with we's so I don't understand that it never made sense don't make a lot of sense sorry you tried to tell me about those dreams you've been having last night and don't let it get inside your head you're done went to the floor with green once you could do it again were you talking about that thing you wanted to talk about later I want that sweet tasty dream juice dream juice will get you that dream juice all right give me a hug all right I want a good clean fight no tail slaps no winged buffets and above all no breath weapons watch the peasants in the first row let's get it all they given the force Whitaker out oh [ __ ] oh what's this feeling we locked eyes I just thought I felt something something for my cloaca moisten what the hell are you doing that's not what I pay you for son of a [ __ ] why didn't we ever find we're talking about dragons today on web dia yeah mm-hmm this episode is brought to you by hero forge they are the masters of customisable miniatures you can choose from thousands of options to design your figures in full 3d precisely to your specifications they'll print them out in high quality plastic or metal and send them straight to your door or download the files and create upon your own 3d printer is your fill in though we are known with robot feed and insect wings and a scaly tail now you can make it right on hero forge so go visit them and start designing your custom entry because only hero forge understands your true artistic vision and allows you to realize it so that you can terrorize your players send them screaming home to the knight argue about it later online visit hero forge com to start designing your custom miniature today and check back often new content is added every week link in the comment and description alright Jim let's let's return to a topic that we've we've touched on a couple of times yeah and revisiting this is Dana is a danger in it of itself openly but these damn dragons they're still around after how many live editions like 40 something 50 years almost in the and there's still half the goddamn title and they're still there yeah yeah yeah so we've got two other dragon shows and and show on Red Dragons which you know is just or a generic it is classic like you know it's on all the books yeah yeah yeah and the t-shirts and the t-shirts and all the good stuff and it's also like it's that in terms of like shows it we cover a lot of things in it that are useful for just like any dragons not just red so it's a good show but it needs sort of bit of an update and then we did another show where I think we tried to cram in every other dragon you can't cover it all a couple that show is a good resource though yeah like if you just need like a quick capsule like what is this dragon all about yeah I think you break it down pretty great as we just kind of like you know fastball special that [ __ ] but in 13 minutes you know we only forgot what like the void the as mana yeah the prismatic one of the others the other big one force latinum force yeah platinum yeah some of you like like the planer dragons sir forgot about but like the ones you're more likely to encounter you know the more we got away from those two shows the more so realized like there's so many topics surrounding dragons and how to use them and how to feature them that I was like you know we really need a return to dragons one day there's some other other those shows that we'll probably return to as well but like revisiting our dragons show and thinking like all right what can we add to this and how can we like expand on what we've already said right I mean I think there's a hell of a lot to talk about with dragons if they're not just like a random a role on a random encounter sure right like you're walking along oh I rolled to to the wurmlinger een dragons ever but these beasts have a place in your world sure they have a they have a lair they have a hovel or a home or whatever they have yeah and they they interact with the world therefore there is evidence of them so like as a longtime DM how do you like to integrate trap dragons in your world like as far as like handle how do you trim you know they're they're iconic they're the a they're an apex predator there's always a dragon on an encounter list you know if I if I create a random encounter table that I intend to use multiple times and not one I'm just you know one-off use then there's probably a dragon on that entry somewhere because I like the idea of like running into a dragon like we don't mean to you're they're just like flying oh yeah and it doesn't have to be like the dragon swoops down on them and attacks them it might be they spot one from a distance or they you know they find evidence of you know that one was here recently maybe a temporary you know bed that it had lied down in or something like that so I like having them there and I like throwing casual references to dragons you know in my journey descriptions in sort of like the local folklore of a of a region or something first of it's there right there dragons there they are in the title of the game but also like ties the fantasy world together and like makes the Dragons a part of it as opposed to like dragons used as a central centerpiece for a campaign where it's like yeah we they're a big bad you know maybe we know maybe we don't but like because they're the big bad they they're treated maybe a little differently like they get brought out whenever the DM needs them to they don't live in the campaign world you can't like just run into them you know like you can other NPCs if you're playing that style and so that's sort of where I start from I like an idea of dragons as being integrated into the world and a part of it and so what I'll usually do is look at my map that's the first thing I'll do what I'm trying to feature a dragon my world you know what spots on this map look like they would make for good layers using the information provided and the Monster Manual which will tell you you know okay you know are they social you know dragons are they more reclusive where do they like to make their lairs from there making note that in the dmg it's it basically says you know for a you know like for every 50 square miles there might be six large predators and no more than one dragon there's just like tucked away in the DMZ somewhere and so I try to just kind of keep that in mind so as I'm looking at my regional maps and saying like okay this mountain range right here looks like it'd be good for a red dragon here's a Manticore and here's like a wyvern nest and then I'm gonna also put maybe some aquatic type monsters on there that hunt the Riverways or something like I start looking at where those areas might overlap or intersect and while the DMZ doesn't recommend more than one dragon per 50 square kilometer map like I kind of think you should you know like two creates a situation where the dragons could have territorial disputes it's a equilibrium situation that the PCs can disrupt and therefore you know spur adventure just play one against the other one against the other yeah especially if you have like two that are they're sort of opposite or opposing or something like that yeah it's mostly a matter of it at this stage looking at the big picture what does my region look like what is the terrain of it and the geography of it and the climate of it suggests about the large predators there where are the major population centers that the dragon might either avoid or try to extract and and you know get some kind of tribute from are there any roads or anything that passed by where the Dragon lairs that might be susceptible to attack or something like that you mean while we're on the subject of it it's worth just sort of noting at this stage how far dragons can travel and you know what their range is and marking it on the map yeah we did a little math beforehand and Dragons have some range right there's some wonkiness and weirdness with the way that the combat movements work out to you like travel rates but I think when you consider like these are creatures that are large and cumbersome and they're probably flying at high altitudes to take advantage of sort of like air currents and updraft everything that they can travel pretty far in a day and we estimated ourselves anywhere from like 80 to 90 miles you know flying mounts have to you have to rest for one hour for every three hours of travel that lowers that down to like 72 miles in a day that's max right you'd have to you know to have it for you know how far you would go out to get back to your get back to the lair but once you have that information let's just call it right now zone like 48 right you can begin to see where the dragon hunts where the dragon might find refseq like back up refuge oh yeah right you oh yeah oh start to see what places it's familiar with who dwells there what other creatures are there and now you start to get a better picture of the region that you've got the dragon that inhabits it and you're making note of lair effects which on map scale cover one hex in a kingdom scale map that's the six miles a hex or like a six hex radius in a provincial scale map which is a 1 hex born mile that's where you just make a note ok what is what is the lair of my green dragon do how is this impacted you know do the locals think anything about it is that you know are there any legends are there any you know folk wisdom about this thing start thinking about it that way yeah go by the swamp just leave us all tribute writing the rest of your travels yeah we'll be on you'd be unhindered yeah and this is a very naturalistic way of thinking about it this is more of a dragons as large beasts large predators style of thinking about it I can feel myself turning away from the majestic flipping huge magic using super intelligent monster yeah you know that that kind of like the small type dragon where it's just like they're big they're ancient they know everything they're powerful and I find like in terms of like evocative imagery that's a fun dragon in terms of delivering a satisfying game experience that's an intimidating beast that a lot of players are not going to want to encounter and tangle with to their much higher level I'm all about fighting dragons as soon as we can oh yeah I mean like I fifth level is is when I want to start fighting dragons it's in the name of the game and and in that respect I have tended towards and very recently towards smaller dragons dragons that are not these gigantic lumbering you know flying lizards but are you know maybe the size of a large horse or an elephant or something like that and they're still big they're still dangerous they still fly and have breath weapons they might even talk and be intelligent but they're a bit smaller in scope make them a bit bit easier to handle you know yeah I mean I've never really had a problem with with talking dragons cuz I think I think that's it's fun yes but yeah they don't have to be the 20th level caster 24 telogen like they've seen everything because that starts to get old yeah and it's it's like even in the original D&D they're not the most powerful creatures in the Monster Manual those things are reserved first up like purple worms and Giants and demons and things like that vampires and like Hydra I think it's more powerful and in certain versions of original deity is infinitely powerful because it has as many heads as you want to have places it and so the dragons sort of occupy the space where they're they're iconic but they're not necessarily the best and I like that approach to it where dragons are you don't want to mess with them that and you certainly don't want to like approach them frivolously if you're gonna hunt them but they're not these things that DMS feel like they've got to reserve for the epic moments of their campaign they're not these monsters where when players hear about them in the world they start good Oh like maybe you want that kind of nervousness in that that sort of trepidation from them but at the end of the day I usually think of like I would rather my players not be nervous about anything in the game so that they feel free to engage with it as opposed to they feel nervous because their characters feel nervous and that's a satisfying immersive experience but can lead to a lot of like well no we don't want to go do that that sounds dangerous thinking and that's not fun yeah that's not why we play I think that a lot of that can be also how you pull the pull the curtain back and feel the fact that there's a dragon in that that is their foe right like so how do you like to make a more organic and immersive game by by disseminating those clues how do you like to do that so you know this is the following the maximum of DMS to show not tell ya be easy enough to say all right guys you know this is the map you know that icon right there that's a dragon lair and instead have it be part of say rumor tables rumor tables are one of those things that that have fallen out of favor in terms of just like the play experience of D&D and but they're like a staple of sandbox play and the kind of dragon that we're describing now is a dragon that you would include in a sandbox right like you're not creating set-piece battles out of it it's not a centerpiece of Dillon that shows up when you need them to they're a thing in the world and so they should have references to them what may be place names are named after them maybe there's sort of like like we mentioned earlier local legends or rhymes or myths or something about it you know we you know offer the dragon something when you're on this stretch of the road and it won't bother you or you know but don't go out at night period yeah those sorts of things are how I would begin to semmen ate that so why is this part of the trail called Tyrells scorn sure yeah don't piss off Tyrell yeah just doing it and you know make it a personality in the world what if you know if it's truly fantastical then and the dragon like makes itself known and collects tribute from the places they're around then goats step further and the Dragons the local Lord you know but maybe it's not spoken maybe it's referred to as the terror or the fear or you know the Beast maybe it's given a euphemistic name or something like that don't let the night take you that's how I do it in lamb tweet you rivers the Dragons have these names like you know sleeping death and then fear and you know for fear and specifically it's like don't let fear get you and it's a common enough phrase that you say to people as they're about to get out into the wilderness and the wasteland like don't let fear get you but it's also a reminder there's something out there that we call fear and it gets people you know and that kind of thing yeah I love playing with concepts like that players can easily misinterpret they can interpret I'm imagining a black dragon name tonight yeah yeah the night will come for you the night will go out at night the night will come for you yeah especially if you're playing PCs or not from not from around these parts what do you a bunch of city boys it's so like rumors can be delivered by you know the things you overhear in the marketplace you know your characters are buying something from a market stall and the next stall over there talking about you know their flocks have thinned out because something's hunting them or something like that maybe it's like veterans or like ex dragon slayers and they're just you know well that guy over there in the corner that's missing a hand and you know they're sitting with they're all missing parts of them actually it's a lot of parents and burn scarred up and you know they just have a grim dead-eyed look and you know maybe it takes some winning over of those gruff veterans but you they'll eventually will share their tales of fighting dragons or I'm just imagining like Dragon Slayer is coming to a town and seeing that the field fertile and full but you get into town and everybody's a little bit too thin yeah it's just kind of like but there's plenty of your flocks are full yeah you know and everybody's just like no no no the Lord takes us dude like there's no fences anywhere right like it's just yeah like really these sheep I'll stay here you know yeah they come back by morning yeah until they don't until they don't so that's one way of doing and then and rumors I think they get a bad rap rumor tables especially get bad rap because it sort of falls in that cliche a meeting in the tavern and getting a rumor and a wizard hires you but if you change the vector of the rumor to be like snippets of conversation overheard someone asking you at the gun maybe it's the guard at the city gate going like oh you came up from the south you know did you watch the skies any did you see anything unusual maybe there's someone that they meet in the city asks them or as they're departing like while I'm praying for clear skies for you yeah yeah we don't talk about it right it can hear us when we talk about it you know that's sort of one way to do it you can you can have like dragons scholars for comics scholars and the like people that are experts on tronic Lord they might be quest givers they might be people who are like you know oh the yeah I came here specifically to study this region's dragons and you know there used to be a lot of them and now there's not anymore I don't know why and now the quest is like figure out what happened to the Dragons it used to be a part of here isn't it like a rival that's shown up and pushed all the others out or something you know that's yeah a big one came in yeah and now you're good now you've got a meg Meg situation right Michael and I that's where I would start that's the showing part you're not gonna just tell them you're going to demonstrate that this dragon exists in the world that the NPCs react to it in a plausible manner that there are artifacts and and material objects that are relate to the dragon or a part of it yeah and like you're embedding it in the world and bonus points if you start connecting PC motivations and backgrounds in the life to that dragon give them a reason to go after it okay and and I love that because it kind of takes us into the next part rather organically in that so say you've seeded these the players are picking up on and they start to realize like oh [ __ ] I think there's a dragon right here yeah so if the players like well let's find it yeah right yeah how do you handle that next part like you know I mean maybe it's not the whole campaign sure it's like what kind of the way we're discussing this yeah yeah they want to go after a dragon maybe yeah it could easily fill up two or three sessions let yourself to be derailed and and have like a side thing where they they have to track it down so to me it starts with that gathering of information like how they find the dragon where it is you know do the locals know where its lair is it's possible that it the locals know one or two places you can go to to meet a dragon yeah and if we're dealing with like the big majestic sort of intelligent dragons they might have a place set aside specifically for meeting with mortals yeah you know a tribute yeah something problems yeah something like that not going to take you back to their lair that's crazy first of all you wouldn't really be able to get there without it carrying you but this field these stones you know you bring a goat you drastic part right wait in the wagon until the location or something else you know that's one way to do it and maybe you like meet with the dragon that way and sort of get a measure of it talk to it and the why you shouldn't find a dragon to you look in the eyes yeah look at in the iris getting first off get used to its fear you know like stand in its presence and get you you know get used to being there but other things you can do is like look for local legends or lore maybe there are legends about the layer itself or legends about the horde that it keeps in there it doesn't have to be about the dragon on all the information has to be about this big reptile it can be about the things that it's done you know splitting hairs but it can also be about the layer or the horde or famous dragon slayers who have attempted to slay it and been unsuccessful those are other ways that you can kind of obliquely give information about a monster of course all of this works for pretty much any big monster you can obliquely give it to the party and let them draw their own conclusions and who knows what might come out of that may be something that's like way more engaging than something you thought up because you know they're coming looking at it with fresh eyes well yeah I mean we've talked about it sometimes opposite Charette that side trek can actually do yeah I mean if you're if you're the Cana DM and group that like has campaigns which whether you're laying the rails as a group and and creating the railroad as you go because you're doing exactly what it is that you want to do or you're in a railroad you know a game in which the options are further limited and that's fine with you then yeah that that might derail it but I mean I really am a a big fan of the here's my game world here's here's this place I created for us to play in and you've got some input too from you know from your player characters know stuff and what's interesting here what do you like and and part of that style of play is for the players to have adequate information to make choices about where they want to go and to be able to say no when they no longer want to engage with that content and so it could be that this these steps here these gathering information this is mostly social related stuff but you might also go out and look for today you know start looking combing the wilderness and seeing if you can find anything yeah finding carcasses finding carcasses that is the way that you give players the information they need to make the decisions about the content they want to engage with in a sandbox game yeah you can't present a sandbox and not tell them what's in it somehow and then expect them to expect that style to play well it just doesn't work you know oh yeah definitely and and also being specific with what they find like if you're like alright we think there's a dragon in the air let's start looking for signs okay and if you're only finding like you know sheep wild dogs yeah yeah you know it's like okay we can handle this but when you start finding like pieces of like cows and like bigger prey animal rocks like yeah yeah yeah a wing of a rock like that's when your players might go okay wait a minute wait a minute this thing is too big we're gonna yeah we're gonna need a bigger party we're gonna get some bigger items a lot of diems either hand-wave this or or just sort of you know make a roll to me that's skipping parts of the adventure like all of these steps talking to the NPC's getting the information out of them making your first forays into the wilderness to try to find where this thing is these are situations where players input even if it's just like here's how I approach this can influence further events down the line and to abstract that to the point where the players don't have any input I think is really sort of doing this a disservice because like this is about finding and hunting a dragon not just like roll initiative we're going to fight one but like you've got to go out in the wilderness find its tracks find the places that it it it frequents and visits if they're outside of its lair right yeah is there some spore or something that you can find if it scales a trail through of crush debris through wilderness you might try to provoke a confrontation with it out in the wild in order to do something to it that you can you know use to track it whether it's a Oh putting a a coin you're very familiar with somewhere on it's an object a doors it's the DD version of a tracker yeah you know I mean that's that's all you want to do or just provoke it just like maybe you just want to test the waters like can we even like you know you get this guy I don't know me get this thing yeah and and figure out how what's its commitment to you know to a fight is it going to stick around and go to toe to toe for a while or is it you know more cautious and might make a few lazy passes or attacks but put up a stiff resistance then it's gonna back off then you know if you're gonna really fight that thing you've got a corner it somewhere if and that's the deal with the dragon and part of why you're looking for its lair is like fighting a dragon out in the wild is a losing proposition especially if it's open air like oh don't do it that's the problem with dragon it's like I always think it's a DM like why am I not having this guy or whatever swooped in yeah pick one up and just fly up yeah that certainly one yeah I tried being one else I dropped I tried you know once in the dragon didn't quite make the drug to make the ground at all because it was shot up and blasted out of the sky beforehand so that's that's another one to show you dragons are gonna use cloud cover in the Sun to approach and guess what they all have stealth proficiency so they're probably quiet as owls when they're flying and you know when I'm going for the first swooping in for the attack you duck in the wings you're not flapping your duns a straight dive yeah and in that sense you snatch-and-grab get one of them drag them away it's mean you might not survive but if you want like a authentic potentially terrifying dragon encounter didn't try that out yeah and you know the guidelines that I would follow or just you know you can't pick up anything its size or larger or maybe it can but it's you know it's severely limited in its speed yeah and if you want to be kind of more of a dick but not as lethal put a lake nearby and drag picks them up and toss the sauces in the middle a delay yeah it's gonna just take that heavily-armored drop them from eighty feet into the water oh yeah you don't take any damage store to make athletics check it makes don't wearing that full play like you're anything under that double-bladed axe okay so that's sort of like just a general tactical consideration maybe those may be tactics like that are well-known and talking to Dragon Slayers talking to people that have survived or seen it assuming they're not thralls of the dragon and are out to get you but locating it Slayer is is a wilderness adventure it involves perception and survival and looking at the lay of the land and then sort of like finding where its lair is gonna be while at the same time avoiding detection by it because if you get closer to the lair number one you're gonna start having to deal with layer effects and no usual effects that come from those but also you run the risk of coming across it's like well traveled paths and it's hunting grounds and it might know you're there and it could be bad news yeah it might have some creatures that work it could look out refer adventures that you're coming up that kind of like game of cat-and-mouse of yeah you you have a challenge you gotta take down this big beast but don't just let it know where you are when it comes to a stakeout and surveillance yeah I mean stealth is key yeah so but but that that could also be a fun like tension in the party there's like a barbarian because yeah like you need to figure out the Dragons habit right you do need to figure it out right it's like hunting anything else knowing where it hunts knowing where it travels to and from hunts knowing what its daily routine is like knowing where it is at any given time mostly because you know you want to make sure you can set adequate traps for it and ambushes that it won't detect so they need to be set up along like paths that it typically follows and if it's like flying way up high in the air you might just not be able to period but maybe it doesn't fly up that high and maybe it hunts in variety of different ways yeah blue and white dragons can burrow right like and that they might travel exclusively through either snow or sand just to avoid anyone the possibility of anybody seeing them and and black and green dragons have swim speeds there's it's an adequate water supply nearby then there that might be the preferred way of traveling just because it's not out in the open and and so like thinking of those things thinking of like the alternate speeds the you know Red Dragons can climb you might be seeing yourself why in the world can they climb if they can fly because they gotta climb around places where they can't fly you know how else do you think they get to the bottom of a dungeon they crawled down there and you can surprise players with things like that you can have a red dragon show up in places that otherwise wouldn't be because even though it's a big beast it can also like kind of squeeze itself into places that you can't other you wouldn't otherwise expect it to be and I've always attributed kind of more of a feline grace yagan yeah in the fact that they can kind of slink around yeah I kind of like the idea that given enough time they can use themselves anywhere you know that's not necessarily like then they're not like boneless dragons yeah yeah like bones are cartilaginous dragon or something like that but it's like yeah even just a keyhole it might take a while but that dragons gonna just start with a quad just coming for you I'll be there I'll be there he's got me cornered in a room right like maybe you're you're trapped and it starts oozing losing in and around the doors you know and reforming itself with it's pliable bones on the other side when you stone shape the door getting back to sort of like locating the lair and finding it it's a wilderness action and and the dmg and deity doesn't really provide any kind of rules for like how you find something in the wilderness like I ran into this when I presented a challenge to one of my players a group about a year ago where's like you've got to find someone who you believe to be dying in the wilderness there's a limited time to get to them it's a big wilderness so locate creature eventually we'll help but not immediately yeah and then it became a question of like how in the world other than just my whim does the party find something and so you might need to come up with rules for that guidelines if you're using a hex hex conveniently breaks down into six different sections which correspond to a d6 rather well so just like randomly pick which of those six sub you know equilateral equilateral triangles the layer is in and then have the party sort of search through that or just roll the d6 do they find it but you can start using things like that using the survival rules using the wilderness you know procedures that are in the dmg kind of create an experience where the party is having to navigate inhospitable terrain find this place stake it out camp out for a month or two months in the middle of nowhere to observe the entrances to the to that layer are those the only entrances like maybe we got to go in there when it's not there and scout the place out now we're talking like you you've gone from a dragon as like a one-time encounter that swoops in on the party does a bunch of a you know elemental damage and then eventually ends up as scale armor and talons on necklaces and you can do that and that's satisfying but you can also make like a really a thing out of it and they've gotta like work for that dragon where is it can we find it that's before you they even consider is it possible that we can kill this thing right now on the stakeout they've waited they've observed the Dragons patterns all that other good stuff you might try to provoke a confrontation in the field just to get the measure of the dragon is it gonna you know is it gonna flee is it gonna stay and fight although that's dangerous proposition and then the lair assault itself is I mean I kind of think maybe might have to do a show just over layers and attacking them I got like five different ideas right but Norvin sinkhole ideas my face oh yeah yeah I'm gonna hire a team after Morvan orbits sappers and engineers tell me treasure underneath will distract them out here never never know but in general when you're considering your lair and we have done shows on other monster lairs so maybe check that one out I'll give you some ideas as well but when you're designing and thinking about the lair it's for defense it's for like protecting its its hoard protecting itself while it sleeps consider that it probably has multiple layers and that there's one layer where it keeps stuff and that's a sort of home base but you know if it can fly if it has a range of 48 miles then maybe it has some sort of secluded lesser layers at the at the edge of that radius so if they need to travel further they have a safe place to be and maybe it's one of these false layers that the players first discover or first you know happen upon and they think they've found the real lair and they stake it out it's like dragons not there a lot you know and so maybe have an opportunity to like visit one of the satellite layers and see some of the lesser guardians and get a sense for what who or what this dragon is before tracking it back to the main layer and confronting it especially with like a red you know they go in the fake layer that's when you finally find the tunnel yeah literally goes 50 miles that they crawl through if you get to the real layer yeah and they never relieve the real layer by any entrance or oh yeah yeah they're never seen to come or go from the really they always assumed that they're their smokes always coming out of the mountain and so there's deceptive things like that you know like maybe the minions of the dragon are there to like you know keep up the deception light fires yeah make it seem like dragons there yeah you mean after it's long gone the more we kind of talks through this like revisiting dragons what we do like I got really excited like I think you could have a awesome Dragon Slayer kind of mini campaign where it's just a bunch of of tough you know ruthless dragon slayers and the the things that they have to do to like find these creatures and face them in battle and and you know and not what I'm thinking now it's like they might not even like face them in melee if I'm a dragon slayer I'm all ranged you know give me one of those ballista yeah well it's uh some way to tie it down yeah and bury it smother it right put it on the back of a hill Giants find some way yes yes yes more done more dragons and dungeons please yes I know it's some find it ridiculous and I used to until I realize that its dragon in a dungeon and that's kind of fun it's an engaging fight it's interesting you could do stuff that's different with it but like you said having them go through all of that it's gonna make that that Dragon Slayer sword or that armor or whatever even if they just take a few teeth for for trophies but you know me I always do that but sure it would make it it to me like you're attaching a whole story yeah to that yeah and making the point yeah some some Legend and some myth to that guy we had a slog through the mud for two months yeah and that was just the beginning the other unit sexes were terrible you know like we had to sit there in the mud and the dirt you know like 48 days yeah finally came back bloated with meat yes yeah exactly descended upon it that's what we descended apart of all it was sleeping it's me a wall yeah you know like that's the cut and maybe you know maybe you want the eye we charge in and it's the dragon those were there and it's like a Larry Elmore drawing right like someone horse there's flowing hair and you can have that FIF Edition does that very well and you can the the variety of ways that you can have a dragon but like thinking about them as creatures in your world that live there that have a presence that that that are felt you know not another scenario being like what two young adults trying to claim the same territory because it's like prime layer territory yeah and their squabbles with each other they're their constant fighting is just becoming a real a real threat burning each other's tribute villages yeah especially if they're like siblings so they look alike so now you're screwing with the village saying you didn't give me enough tribute and then they revolt against their dragon yes like I treat y'all well yeah yeah and lastly for me like a great resource for just like tying dragons into the world and making them a part of your setting is Ed Greenwood series on the Dragons of fair room there are places online where people have like posted or copied the the old dragon articles and they're just fun to read because they give you a sense of like dragons as these larger-than-life creatures they almost every one of them I've read there there's nothing boring or usual about typical about these dragons they're all either take the usual draconic characteristics and exaggerate them or like completely come up with something new - you know a new way to present a dragon and they're like one of my favorite things about The Forgotten Realms is adds integration and drawing out like just the weird and fantastic parts of the setting and then just like having an exhaustive detail about it they're really good inspiration for your own dragons that says yeah if you liked the video give it a thumbs up and subscribe have you joined our huge giveaway yet we're picking the winners on October 26 5 ways to enter link in the comments and description web DM exists thanks to our patreon patrons the web dnews if you join the web demons you'll get our weekly podcast show audio discounts that'll save you way more than 5 dollars a month on books and dice and so much more check out our free podcast episodes right now including our free interview Luke Gygax about all things DNA web DM is a proud partner of dean be beyond our favorite supplement for our D&D games we've got a link to them in the description go and check them out if you like our advice for your games then why don't you come check us out and watch us play yeah we've got games on Twitch every week and they're archived on our second youtube channel web do you in place thanks for watching [Music] Oh God oh that's so doing Oh what I've never felt this feeling ever Oh God what is blue and green make don't bring me don't I don't even know what close is but I'm pretty sure that the director hates the word moist the opening that my that I'm that my penis and my poop comes out of seems like a rapper urinary tract infection I live in the swamp so it's all nasty all the time so I guess I've never noticed just stay down Lionheart stay down never bet the money on Attila I bet it on a tiller raw bit why are they biting each other's mouths at the same time abomination god damn these black of Waco
Channel: Web DM
Views: 124,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dungeons & dragons, DnD, Web DM, WebDM, dungeons and dragons, D&D, dragons, dragon, red, black, blue, white, green, wyrm, breath weapon, ancient red dragon, 5e, rpg, role playing, how to play dungeons and dragons, dungeons & dragons gameplay, dungeon master tips, player tips, dnd dragons, dnd dragons lore, dnd dragons ranked, lore, mythology, myth
Id: L-Bg_afUFEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 30sec (2430 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 23 2019
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