The BEST Way to Set Up Facebook Conversions API Pixel! | Google Tag Manager Facebook Pixel Tutorial

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hi thanks for taking the time to watch this video my name is Jack so in this video I'm going to run through a slightly more complex setup of the Facebook pixel and also the conversions API so in the last video we used just the um code the pixel code and we use the event setup tool to add in events and that is just one way of doing it's a very simplified way for more accuracy we want to use a browser and server-side data so we're going to Leverage The conversions apis this is Facebook's solution to some of the tracking issues that they've been facing it basically means we're sending back two events for every event that happens so we're going to send back a browser event and a server-side event and this enables Facebook to have a higher degree of accuracy because let's say we're sending back a server side event and a browser Side Event and the server side one doesn't track properly we've still got the browser side one and in reality it's probably going to be the other way around the browser side one's going to get dropped in favor of the server side one okay in most cases so what this does is it increases the accuracy of the results now what we need to do is we need to do a few things before I start off this tutorial I just want to say that if you are using a Shopify store or you're using Wordpress with us there are plugins for that and Shopify does it automatically where it will actually send back server and browsers like data so I think the first thing I should do is just show you how to tell if right now you're already doing it because if you are you can skip this tutorial this is more of a manual setup so if you're using like click funnels or you're using go high level or you just want to implement this on a more Hands-On basis maybe you've got a webflow set up again you can use this tutorial to help understand that process and to set up your conversions API okay so first of all let me just go into Facebook over here let's go into events manager I'm just going to take a look and see if we're sending back server and browser-side data so when you go to your events manager you can click down to data sources you can select the pixel that you want to look at and when you select the pixel you can see the connection type so it will show you the different leads objectives we've got lead event we've got page view we've got some application if this is a store you would have purchase you would have add to cart into your checkout and what it's going to do is it's going to show you if the connection type is browser or server now if it is server it's going to say browser and server and if it is just browser it's going to say browser and if it's just server it's going to say server so in this case we've just got browser events which is what we set up last time so now we need to start leveraging um the conversions API so that this can start showing uh server-side data as well okay so that's what we're going to jump into now like I say if you have got Shopify store or you're using woocommerce and you don't necessarily need to follow this tutorial there'll be other platforms as well that automatically connect the two you can use those built-in Integrations just make sure they're accurate and there's a plugin called pixel your site as well for WordPress that can work well and can do some of this heavy lifting for you but this is the Google tag manager setup version and this is what we typically use of all of our clients using platforms like click funnels and go high level so the first thing we want to do is create a tag manager out so you want to go to and it's going to prompt you to create an account so you can sign in with your Google account and it's just going to create you a simple account you can enter some of your details it's pretty straightforward I'm not going to go through on this video it's just all it is is filling up the initial sign up form okay now once you've done that we need to create a few containers so we need to create a browser container and a server-side container now just a quick kind of background on what Google tag manager is I'm not going to go into it in too much depth but it's essentially a One-Stop shop where you can add different pieces of code so you can add your Facebook tracking you could add your Google code you could add your tiktok pixel your LinkedIn pick so you can add all of your different pieces of code into tag manager and it will then put it onto your site for you without you needing to implement them directly on every single page of your website so you put the tag manager code on your site and then you allow tag manager to handle the implementation of the other pieces of code so it's almost like a container you can put other pixels in later on other pieces of code in later down the line so stop you having to go back and update your website every every time you want to add a new piece of tracking code or another piece of some type of code to your site essentially okay in relation to what Google tag manager can handle so from here what we're going to do is want to click on admin and you'll see that I've already created some containers okay so when you're when you're at the top here you can click on this and you can see we've got the main account and then we've got two containers One browser and one server now to do this yourself under the account you can go over here and you can click plus to create a container now the first container you want to do is you want to create a web container so you're going to click web you would give it a name in my case I just gave it Jack which is the domain name we're using and then click create from there you're going to then have your browser container now we want to do the same thing again but we want to do it server side so what you're going to do is you're going to click the plus here you're going to select server you're going to give it the same name okay I'm just going to use this one here I'm going to click create and it's going to start to create you your server side container now with the server side container you're going to see this it's going to give you this install Google tag manager and again it will prompt you to do the same thing when you create the browser side container which you can just X out of and I'm going to show you how to add that in later on down the line anyway so don't worry about that for now we just want to create the two containers we can add them to our site later on so it's telling us here install Google tag manager it's saying how do you want to do this so we're just going to click this automatically provision tagging server it's going to give you this here which is my billing account so there's basically two ways we can do this one is using a platform called state DOT IO which is over here now this enables us to create a link between the browser side container and the server side container so for the sake of completeness I'm going to show you both methods now is probably the quickest method however the more complete method and the method that we typically use is to set up our own Google Cloud platform account and add our own billing information and domain name to that so that we can have our own custom server-side container URL and this isn't completely free so I'm not going to go into the pricing in this video don't make this video super duper long I'd recommend you look at it you get a ton of account credit when you sign up anyway however there is a cost to doing this after that kind of account credit runs out if you like but it's very inexpensive and it's obviously going to pay dividends in the end in terms of how much the accuracy of your tracking improves so bear that in mind they also have pricing but essentially there yeah it's free up to a certain number of requests and then past that you're gonna have to pay for some additional usage essentially of their platform which is more than fair enough and it's not too expensive so here when we clicked the automatically provision tagging server it's going to take us over to here now if you don't have a billing account it's going to prompt you just set one up I have already done this so I'm just going to use this one but let's say we wanted to create a new billing account you would select that option and it'll immediately open you up into so essentially the Google Cloud console from here you can start to create your billing account so you would enter in your details it's really straightforward I'm not going to do that because I don't want to create a second billing account I've already got that so instead for me I'm just going to go back and I'm just going to use the server that already has billing set up okay so I'm just going to go to that process again so I'm just going to select like I mentioned my bidding account because I already have one so I'm going to click select billing account and create server so this is going to select our I'm just going to create our server side container now when we do it this way and again I'm going to show you later on for completeness the way when we do it this way what it's going to do is it's going to create us a Google Cloud platform property and again I'm going to show you that in a second there's a few things we need to do we need to add a custom domain this is going to enable us to link the two together quite nicely okay so once it's created the server-side container it's going to give you this which is a link to your Google Cloud platform project ID okay so what you want to do is you want to basically open it up because you can see here the default URL is not one it's not custom one now you can leave it as this but I like to create a custom on so what I do is I open this up it's going to open you up into your Google Cloud platform property you can see it's got Google tag managers GTM there at the top so it's created this for us so what we want to do is you want to click on this navigation at the top left here you want to scroll down you want to click on more products you're going to keep scrolling down and you want to find app engine okay which is here and you want to select settings now this is going to bring up the options for us to add a custom domain so you can click on custom domains and then you can click add a custom domain and from there it's going to give you the options so it's going to show you your domain name now if you don't have one you can click verify a new domain and again you would type it in there and it's going to ask you to add some DNS records so that it starts to add that domain name to your Google Cloud platform accounts just to show that very quickly you click verify new domain and you type that domain name in click verify and again it's going to load up this so if your domain is with a platform like GoDaddy or one-on-one you can click these and it'll actually enable you to sign in and just link it straight away or you can scroll to the bottom and click other from there you can add this txt record to your domain name DNS and that will enable you to start verifying the domain you can then click verify and it's going to start the process okay so of course I'm not going to do this I've already verified in main but what it's going to do is it's going to start to verify it might take a while but once it's verified you'll then have that domain name within your account so for myself I'm just going to use this domain name which is the one I've already verified I'm going to click continue and now sometimes it will actually by default um bring up your main root domains in this box and if it does that you want to click uh the X you want to remove them because what you want to do is you want to have a sub domain name okay this is really important so you don't want to have the main root domain linked to your Google Cloud platform because for example when someone visits your website it needs to be pointed to the right place instead you would have a sub domain so I normally use gcp Google Cloud platform and then dot the main domain name okay that's normally how I do it I'm also just going to put DCP test for this one and the reason for that because I already have gcp set up okay on this domain because I've gone ahead and done this um before I filmed the video so that all the DNS records can update properly and I can show you the full process otherwise I'd have to just show you a spinning around and it wouldn't actually illustrate what happened so for this I'm going to use gcp test but then later in the video you'll see it just says gcp and that's because I've already verified it okay you click save mapping and what it does here is going to create you some DNS records you need to add to your property in fact this one is already linked and so if I click continue now we're going to get this okay so it's going to tell us to add these records now it's really important that you add these records to your sub domain if you just add an a record to your root domain it's going to mess up your entire website your web is going to go down so instead you want to keep your normal a records the same and you're like www.cname record the same you want to just add these to your subdomain very very important the cname you don't need to add so it's got it listed here you don't need to add it it won't always work with the subdomain name depending on how you set up in your DNS but I would just ignore this it's not needed these are the ones that you need to add in okay then you can click done and you'll see this is spinning around now once this is finished actually spinning around it's working I'm going to show you how it's going to look so I'm going to cut to how it should look once it's finished um updating okay once you've done your DNS so here you can see I've got the gcp.jack Newman dot me and that is showing I've got the certificate ID it's got the different types here and it's not spinning around is auto renewing so we're good all right that is ready to go now and we can move on to the next step of the process now what we want to do is you want to copy that domain name that we want to copy that because that is an important piece that we need to add in later on so just copy that domain name and then we can go back to our Google tag manager and there's a few things we want to do so you want to make sure that you're on your server-side container and then you want to click on admin and you'll go to container settings and from here you want to add in your domain you can see here I've already done this you want to add in your domain name to your server-side container so it should say https colon double forward slash then whatever the domain name is that you linked you want to add it in there okay really really important and you'll see here you've got your Google Cloud platform again you can access that at any point if you needed to and that is going to be a great way of doing things we're now good to go into something you've got that LinkedIn you'll click save and now you're ready to go and we need to verify that this is working so you want to click preview on your server-side container and you can see here it's loaded up as gcp.jack that means it's working if that's load up as a different URL not your subdomain if it's loaded up or it just breaks when you click that something's wrong you need to go back and make sure you follow this tutorial correctly or leave a comment if there's something that's come up that's outside of kind of what I've shared you but the reality is it should show you this now okay that means it's all linked correctly and we're good to go we can move on to the next steps okay so just for completeness I want to show you how this is going to go um if we're using instead of Google Cloud platform so I'm going to click on admin I'm just going to create a new server-side container just so that um you can see what this process would look like I'm going to click create and then what I'm going to do is under here I'm going to click manually provision tagging server I'm going to copy that code so you want to make sure that is copied and I'm going to click close I'm then going to go to and you're going to create an account okay and you can see here I've already created a property for this I'm going to click create container I'm going to give it a container name so let's call this one um Jack Newman and I'll just put state and it says container configuration and it says this configuration is provided by Google when you start setting up your tagging server so that's where you want to paste that code you can choose the location and click create container you'll see why this is a bit of a quicker process because you don't have to wait for your DNS to prognate all of this stuff so now it's going to tell us the subscription plan you want so you get 10 000 requests for free which is quite a lot to be fair and then it goes up I'm in increments you can obviously see that so I'm just going to click continue with free plan it's going to verify it for us and we can see here um that we're going to get a URL okay so what we've got here is we've got this tagging server URL so again we want to copy that and then what we want to do is want to go back to Google tag manager and we want to go to admin we want to go to container settings and we want to click add URL and we're going to paste it in there okay I'm going to click save now that is going to create the link between um our server-side container and our browser side container okay so from there essentially what we've got is we've got that URL saved and that is the URL of our server side container so when we link the two later we can send it via that transfer URL okay now what you'll see over here is this one is now says running so we're pretty much good to go and again we could start using as that sort of bridge between the two and when we add that URL in later we can use it as our transport link between the two server and browser side containers okay so for the rest of this tutorial I'm not going to use the one I'm just going to use my server side one because I've already set that up now you get the idea and you can see very easily how this will work okay so the next part is actually going to install tag manager onto our site just so that that piece is done I'm just going to verify that that's all working so we want to make sure we're back in the browser side container so we've got a server and browser site container I deleted the state Pawn just for Simplicity here so we just got the two and again you should only have two so we're going to make sure we're on the browser side container and then what you're going to do is you're going to go to admin you're going to go to install Google tag manager and that's going to give you some code again this is the same code it would have showed you at the very beginning when you created your account I told you to just X out of that so this is where you can access it again at any point so it tells us to put this piece of code in the header as near to the top as possible so if you have other pieces of code I would recommend you put this at the top just so that it fires first and that's what Google recommend one thing to know I'm using a version of go high level so you can see here this is um you know in my sites in my funnel here I've got a YouTube demo video funnel here that we're using for this video it's linked up with the same domain name that I verified with on Facebook as well which we'll talk about in a second but just for the purpose of this where you enter this code is going to be different okay so depending on if you're using click funnels go high level webflow WordPress Shopify this is all going to be different depending but you need to put this in the header code of your site not your page if you put it in the header code of one of your pages it's only going to fire on that page it needs to be in the header code of your entire site really really important so you're going to put it there and then you're also going to add the second piece which is the body copy so you're going to copy that I'm going to go over here you're going to paste at the top I'm just going to click save okay pretty good so now we've got that running and that is installed so to verify that what we can do is we can click the X over here we can go back to workspace and we can click preview and we can then enter the link that we want to test it on so I just entered one of the pages from that funnel and you can see here it's loading it up and it says Google assist connected and if I go back over here it says connected that means it's working okay if it didn't have that if it said it couldn't find it or didn't connect then it's not working correctly you need to make sure you've done that um correctly up to that point and then you'll see this loading in nicely okay so the next thing we want to do is you want to install some templates so there's a few we need to install on the browser and server side and this basically enables us to set up the Facebook pixel and the Facebook conversions API so under templates what you can do is going to go to tag templates and click new I'm going to click the three dots up at the top you're going to click import I'm going to put a link to these in the description so you actually can download these and then what you do is going to select the browser tag and you're going to click on that template and you're going to click open and then you're going to click save and you'll see here it pulls in adsmari Facebook pixel and conversions API this is the platform that we're using um as my great company and this works extremely well so credit to them and I'm going to put a link in the description to the resources so once that's saved you can click close there and that's essentially done for our browser site so I'm going to click on the top I'm going to go to our server side container and again we're going to go to templates there's a couple we need to add so first of all we need to add a client template so we're going to click new I'm going to click the three dots at the right we can click import and you're going to want to select your browser client okay so your server client click open again it's going to load it in you can click save you can then click close all right next we need to add a tag template so we're going to click new I'm going to import same as before I'm going to click server tag open save and then close okay so now we've got these three in total we've got two in the server and one inside the browser all right now a few things we need to do let's go back to our browser side container festival and let's click on tags so we're gonna start building this out okay so first of all I want to add like just the base codes this is just like the page view this is what's going to load on every single page of my funnel so I'm going to click new I'm going to give this one a name so I'm going to call this one um Facebook base okay that's how I personally name it you can name anything you like I'm going to scroll down so I'm going to click on tag configuration scroll down and you'll see here under custom you've got adsmore Facebook pixel and conversions API so I'm going to click that now I'm going to give it an event name okay so automatically it's going to pull through page view and you can change this to whatever you want we actually want this one to be page view because this is going to be on all of our pages and it says do you want to be both Facebook pixel and conversions API or just one of the other so we're going to choose Facebook pixel and the web conversions API now it's going to ask us to add our pixel ID so we're going to click that I'm going to select a pixel ID so to do this we need to go back into the events manager on Facebook we need to go to our pixel we just go to pixel settings and you've got your pixel ID as you need to click that it's going to copy it go back to tag manager and you need to paste it in now we don't want to have to keep doing this every single time so what we're actually going to do I'm going to delete that from there I'm going to click this button here which is ADD variable now this is going to create a variable so we can use built-in variables or we can create our own by clicking Plus in the top right corner I'm going to call this one Facebook um pixel ID I'm going to click on variable configuration now I'm going to under utilities choose constant which is basically means it's not going to be something that changes it's just a constant I'm going to paste the code in there okay the ID in there click save you can see now we've got this in here so we've got FB pixel ID and that's going to have a Facebook pixel ID so any way that we put this variable is going to input that constant ID that we added okay it's pretty cool now it says here tag manager servers URL this is really important so um for now I'm just going to click save and I'm just going to click save tag there's a few things missing basically so when you start adding some of this other stuff in so we need to add in this URL okay so I'm just going to close this for now and what I'm going to do is I'm going to go back to the server side container so we need to grab that URL so I'm going to click on admin I'm going to click on container settings and this will either be your stape dot IO URL that you added in or it'll be your custom one so again I'm going to copy this one here this custom one and I'm just going to keep that in my clipboard and go back my browser side container I'm going to go back to that tag that we're creating so I'm going to create that again and now when it gets to tag management server URL again we can either paste that in or we can actually create a variable for that so I'm going to click that plus variable built in I'm going to choose this one as transport URL you could call it whether you want server URL it's really doesn't matter okay I'm going to choose constant paste it in there click save brilliant okay so now we've got our main kind of pixel code set up you can add other data parameters it's beyond the scope of this video to be quite honest with you but that'll do for now now I'm click triggering we're going to click all pages okay so we want every single page to fire this and we're going to click save okay now we have our pixel base code so now we're going to create our pixel lead event so in my funnel I've got an opt-in page okay which if I open that up looks a bit like this and then when someone clicks that they can opt in and it's going to take them through to a second page with me talking about a specific offer okay so I can open that up as well you can see here we've got a specific offer me it's a video of me talking and then you can schedule a call all right pretty straightforward again it's just for demo purposes obviously you know this isn't necessarily what I'd recommend you make your funnel look like but it's just for the demo of this tutorial so I'm going to add that second page I'm going to visit a second page I'm going to copy that URL okay because this is the URL that I want to link with the event firing okay so this is the lead event I want to find out so I'm going to go back to tag manager I'm going to click new I'm going to name this one FB hyphen lead okay because I want um that to represent lead event I'm going to click on tag configuration to use asmri now under event name remember we don't want this to be um page view anymore wants to be lead we want it both pixel and conversions API we're going to add the pixel ID and again because it's a variable we can click that variable button and just choose it which is a lot easier and tag manager server URL remember we need to add that as well so we're going to choose transport URL now there's a few things what we want to do is we need this to fire specifically when someone becomes a lead so I need to click triggering and we don't want all pages instead we want to click the Plus in the top right corner I'm going to choose this one as um Facebook lead okay just give it whatever name you want really that for um completeness I'm going to just give it the same name okay under trigger configuration again we want to choose page view but we want to filter it so we don't want all page views we want some page views and we want the page URL to contain that link okay that URL of that second page I'm going to click save and click save and what I'm going to do now is I'm going to submit this okay publish it and click skip so now we've got our lead event and our page view event on our browser container okay not our serving container just yet so now there's a few things we need to do we need to go into our server container and remember you can set up all the different events so I just set up to that page view and the lead you could set up purchase event to file on certain conditions you know initiate check out you could do all the stuff you want to do um I'm just choosing to that which is the lead event and the page view event okay what we want to do now is we want to go to clients so we're in our server side container I'm going to click new and we want to call this one capital A adds Mirai okay really important that you name this correctly when I was filming this tutorial I first filmed it before and I actually gave the name a capital S there and it messed up the tracking and I was wondering why it wasn't working and I I hadn't seen this issue before um but it turned out that the naming um the way I named it with a capital S had messed it up later so you either want to name it with a capital every time or not at all the point is is that this name is going to have to match something that we're going to add in later exactly including the capital letters and non capital letters so this needs to be whatever you write here is fine you could literally call anything you call it test it doesn't matter okay but it just needs to be something that you're going to use later in the exact same format otherwise you're going to see an issue and you're not going to know why like I did okay so you want to click uh client configuration you want to choose this custom you can remove this Facebook incoming request URL in fact you need to remove that one other thing you want to just click this hash user data and this just means that if you're sending any sort of like email name phone number it's going to #data and it's going to send it across to Facebook encrypted rather than just wide open which is not how they need to receive data they need to receive a hash Decay for security so that's all good there so what we're going to do here is we're going to enter the Facebook pix ID now I know we created that variable but it doesn't carry over to the other server okay so we need to add in the Facebook pixel ID again with this one we're not going to need to use it more than once so we can just paste it in manually is fine we also need the access token so if you go back to the events manager under settings scroll down and you'll see here you've got your Facebook conversions API and then you've got um set up manually and you've got generate access tokens you're going to click that you're going to copy this again we don't need to create a variable from this because we only use it once paste it there and that's giving this test event code so you don't want the test event code to be active all the time but you do want it to be active while we're testing all right it makes a lot of sense so you'll you will go back in here and remove this later so what we're going to do here is we're going to go to test events and it's going to give us this server events and it's going to give us codes we're going to copy that we're going to go into tag manager I'm going to paste it in you will remove this later I'll show you something later about when you remove it because it's quite important but you're now going to click save and you're good to go all right basically what I meant by that is when you remove the code if I just go in here you'll see this incoming Facebook request URL and it's got this Facebook here so when you go and you remove this test code that's automatically going to be populated you want to delete that okay and when you delete the code you want to delete that as well and click save really important okay every time you go to make a change to the client just delete that Facebook um Facebook on the URL otherwise it's not going to work properly now we want to go down to tags and we want to click new and we want to call this one um again I'm going to call this one admirai I'm going to keep everything the same I'm going to click tag configuration choose asthma right here and then under triggering this is where it gets really important we're going to click plus we're going to choose this one as again asmerize fine we're going to click tag configuration also trigger configuration it's going to be custom events and then we want to choose a new variable we want to give this variable the client name so we can just call this variable client name click save it's in that client name variable that needs to contain adds Mirai okay so we need to make sure that this is the exact same as the client name that we added earlier that's where before the sake of showing you I had it like this I had asthmurai the issue is that the client was called as Mario with a capital whereas this one had a lowercase so there was a difference there and that's where it wouldn't fire properly so you want to make sure that the client contains asmri click save click save and we're pretty good to go here right we're already getting somewhere so what we can do now is we can submit this submit the changes and click skip close this then we're going to start running some tests to see if everything is working or if we need to do anything else where our server side container we're going to go preview and it's going to load this up so I'm going to go back to our browser container I'm also going to click preview there so we can um test out both the browser and the server side container once and we're just going to enter the first page in the funnel okay now the reason we're mentoring the first page in the funnel is because I want to test if that page view event is working and then we're also going to opt in and become a lead to see if the lead event is working so you can see here we've got this page it says it's connected over here that says connected as well and then we've also got our server side container over here okay so first things first I can see that the tag fire so it shows here in the summary tax-fired Facebook base code which is what we want um we can see here Facebook lead did not fire which again is what we want all right I'm just going to reload this page and I'm going to go back to the server side container and again you can see here under the server side which is the gcp.j tags fired as Mariah okay so that's file which is great so we know that from the perspective of tag manager this is working but we now just need to test it on Facebook as well so going back to Facebook you can see on that test event section you can see here that we have the page view okay and we have a couple of things that have happened here so we've got this server and this browser side event that happened and you can see it's been duplicated now this is what admirai does so well because admirai have you know the tags and templates they link everything together really nicely and they also include a unique event ID that can be deduplicated so you can see here we've got this event ID these are the same okay there's one on this one that's why it got deduplicated this one down here the server side didn't fire so we've just got the browser side one which is perfect that's fine no problem but here you can see they both fired meaning that we've got one two and a deduplicated so this is perfect this is exactly what we want now again you need to make sure that you've verified your domain on Facebook so this is more the Google tag manager side in the uh in this tutorial if you go back and watch the previous video which will be the link in the description um you will see that you need to verify your Facebook domain name that's in our past videos as well that I've gone into you need to verify your Facebook domain and you need to make sure that all of that side of things are set up okay correctly otherwise this won't work properly but for now you can see under the testing we've done we've done all that process and you've got your setup working pretty well so let's opt in and become a lead and just show this is working and finish up the tutorial so under the same test where you can see that I've got this tag assist here I'm going to click get started I'm just going to enter my details I'm going to click click continue great so that has now opted me in and let's see what's happened so if I go over here to the type assist you can see this lead event is fired as well which is part of this is what we want so this is showing that we've got both the Facebook base code and we've got the lead code firing which is exactly what we want and over here as well we can see a very similar things we can see that the tag is fired as Mirai okay and we can see that we've got different events we've got a lead event we've got a page view event and the tag has fired each time that's really key all right it's important that the tag show is fired even if you see these on the left-hand side but you don't see tag fire there's something wrong okay so when you see this now if we go back to the events manager you can see here now that everything's working as it should we've got the lead event we've got the page view event everything is being processed it's been de-duplicated this is exactly what I want to see and you can tell now that everything is working as it should so you're basically good to go okay you're done of course you can add in additional tags into your browser side remember the tags are always added in the browser side you don't have to add them again in the um conversions API it will just allow you to basically push those events across and it'll do that automatically for you so so look any questions drop them in the comments below thanks so much for watching I really hope you enjoyed this video we'll move on to the next part of the series soon and there is a link to the playlist in the description any questions like I say let me know please like subscribe click the Bell notification and I'll see you in the next video thanks
Channel: Jack Newman
Views: 18,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: facebook conversion api, facebook pixel, google tag manager
Id: FX0vl8ffOws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 44sec (1844 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 07 2023
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