THE BEST way to make your Ned Rig completely WEEDLESS!!

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all right this is how you make your Ned rig completely weedless all right so all you're going to need is your favorite Ned rig bait mine is the Finesse TRD good old classic and then your favorite nedric jig head mine is the Ned locks HD for this and all we're going to do is we're going to take the jig head and we're going to insert the hook about an eighth of an inch through the head and bring it back out so just like that and then we're going to go from there and bring it over the keeper turn the hook around and dig it right into the bait okay so you can barely feel that hook Point through the the elastic there one big key to this is that you use the elastic baits because if you use traditional Plastics they're not compressible enough to get a good solid hook set they'll just ball up you see how there's very little Gap here so very very important to use elastic for this but that right there is completely weedless you can fish it anywhere and it catches them
Channel: SonarFishing
Views: 97,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pcQavdx0aW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 0sec (60 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2023
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