The BEST Way of Planting Tomatoes and Growing Tomatoes // Plus a $300 Tomato Fertilizer Giveaway!

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happy tomato Tuesday now this is the most important tomato Tuesday because today is planting day and if that wasn't enough today is the kickoff to a giveaway from Neptune's harvest is a 300 dollar giveaway now if you're a tomato grower and I know you are this video is going to show you the best way to plant your Tomatoes and get them off to a roaring start now not the kind of roaring start we all thought we were gonna have on New Year's 2020 that kind of hasn't worked out so well but this will [Music] hey guys I'm Brian with California Garden TV and if you're looking to join an online community that offers tips tricks and support to help you grow your own organic fruits and vegetables and become a little more self-sufficient along the way then start now by clicking subscribe and hit the bell icon so you never miss anything let's get growing so today I'm going to be planting up the raised bed here with my tomatoes and then after that I'm going to give you all the details to enter our 300 dollar product giveaway from Neptune's harvest now I've been using Neptune's harvest for several years if you've been watching me for any length of time you know that I recommended them never had a deal with them or anything but I did love the product still do and a few weeks ago I decided to contact them and I hadn't done that before and I let them know I loved their product I wanted to see if we might be able to work out a deal get you guys a discount and not only did they say yes but they offered to give $300 of their product to one of you guys one lucky viewer so at the end of the video I'm going to go over exactly what you need to do to enter that drawing all right now back to planting so this area that I'm planting these tomatoes in is 3 feet by 5 feet and I'm planting 12 Tomatoes in that space now you can't do that you might be thinking or yelling at your screen yes you're right in the traditional method of planting tomatoes there's no way you could get 12 Tomatoes in this small of a space but I do that successfully every single year and I'm going to show you guys how to do it as well but first we have to talk about the two types of tomatoes because only one of those types is going to work for this method there's determinate tomatoes and indeterminate tomatoes and determinate tomatoes such as like roma roma tomatoes are a popular determinate type determinant type tomatoes are genetically set to grow to a certain height maybe 4 feet maybe a 3 feet wide and they're going to produce all their Tomatoes almost at one time within maybe three weeks and then the harvest is done and the plant is done now with those tomatoes you need to give them a good amount of space want maybe a large tomato cage would be good for that and maybe every four to five feet would be the spacing for those Tomatoes these are indeterminate tomatoes and that means they grow and grow and grow until the frost comes and kills them and if you live in a place where you don't get Frost like we do here you could be harvesting Tomatoes in December now indeterminate tomatoes put on a lot of site growth as well and that side growth typically does more harm than good yes it will produce a few flowers and a few weak Tomatoes but it's gonna take more energy away from the main stem where the larger Tomatoes would be it also produces a ton and a ton a ton a ton of leaves and if you've ever had a plant that just had so many leaves and very few Tomatoes that was an indeterminate plant and because you didn't prune it correctly it put all of its energy into leaves and not the tomatoes so we're gonna completely turn that upside down we're gonna have very few leaves enough to support the plant but more Tomatoes now I'm gonna get into a lot of that on another tomato Tuesday when I get into pruning and tying up your Tomatoes but today I'm going to show you how to plant them and like I said this will only work with determinate which is why I made the different the difference right there up front now determinate plants are great because you can fit more plans in a smaller space so if you like to try a bunch of different varieties but don't have a lot of room this is the perfect way to do that I am growing two varieties here I'm not a red tomato person except for sauce and storing for the winter I'm gonna grow a lot of San marzanos out front we'll be doing that another week right now these are all my yellow tomatoes my two favorite varieties are Kellogg's breakfast and golden jubilee now the spacing for these tomatoes is about twelve inches so I've already got them laid out here in their Red Solo cups and these poor guys have been through the wringer they're looking a little bit curled up right now a little dry we've had three days of like 90 degrees and in these little cups not so great so they are ready to be out of these cups and into the ground now before I laid these out here I do what I do every spring and I added two inches of a mixture of you know a pot planting mix and my homemade compost so there's a nice new two-inch layer up here I do not dig it in I don't like to disturb the the soil microbes so I just lay it on top and let the worms and the microbes sort everything out and pull the good stuff down into the soil but now we need to add the extra nutrients that are going to get these plants off to a red-hot start so I have three products that I'm going to be using to do that two are from Neptune's harvest and one is not you can get this on Amazon I'll have the links to everything down below and I'll explain that later you just do this in order here so what we need to do first is to dig the hole that these are going to be going in so the first thing I'm going to do here is take off the bottom two sets of leaves and it's going to expose a nice long stem the reason we do that is because tomatoes are one of very few plants that actually can be planted deeper than they were grown the tomatoes will produce roots everywhere their stem touches the soil so the deeper we can plant it the more roots we're gonna get so I'm gonna plant I'm gonna dig a hole and you want the hole to hold the root ball and the stem all the way up to the leaves so it's gonna be a deep one it's good okay now in the hole we're gonna put some nutrients to get it off and running and the first thing we're gonna put is a handful of rock phosphate [Applause] the most important ingredient for root development and flowers and fruit is phosphorus and that is the middle number that you see on a bag of fertilizer you've got three numbers here middle number is phosphorus now the problem with phosphorus is it does not move very easily through the soil it doesn't move hardly at all and so we need to get the phosphorus down to the roots and so we're gonna bury it under the plant now rock phosphate is a super super slow release version of phosphorous in fact it's gonna feed the plant all season it's gonna stay in the soil and probably be there next season and maybe even season after that it doesn't move at all so we want it right there at the bottom of the roots quick note do not get this confused with triple phosphate that you might find at a home improvement store or a garden center that is a synthetic fertilizer that will burn your plants that is not organic and it is not slow release so don't get triple phosphate the second thing we're gonna be using is Neptune's harvest crab and lobster shell now this is a faster slow release form of phosphorus it's gonna feed the plant all season from the root level and what I love about this is it has calcium as well seventeen percent calcium and if you've ever had a tomato that looked like this that is blossom and RuPt and that is but when the plant has either not enough calcium in the soil or it's not able to draw the calcium up it's not in a readily available form so this is gonna be really great for that so we're gonna put that down in the hole as well just a handful and this also has a good amount of nitrogen which is going to make for a robust and sturdy plant now with those two fertilizers we're going to have almost everything we need for root plant and flower and fruit development there's only one thing missing it's not quite a complete fertilizer with just that we need potassium which is the third number on the bag of fertilizer tomatoes have a huge potassium requirement in fact 3 percent of a tomato is potassium which doesn't sound like a lot until you figure that over 90 percent of a tomato is water so they will need a good amount of potassium throughout the growing season but you also need to bank a lot of it in the soil before the plant even sets flowers and so we're gonna do that with Neptune's harvest kelp meal we're just gonna put a handful of that in the hole as well this stuff smells really good it smells like tea actually 90 or something now kelp has over 70 micronutrients and trace elements and it even has a growth hormone that helps promote healthy and strong roots so not only is that going to enhance the quality of the fruit and the sweetness of the fruit but it's also going to protect your plant from a lot of stressors like heat wind and lack of water so once I have all those ingredients in the hole I'm just gonna mix it a little bit into the soil at the bottom I'm gonna take the plant a nice root system on it I'm going to put it right down there and then we're gonna fill in the soil around it press it down so we should have the soil level right up just below the bottom of the bottom set of leaves so now that has everything the plant needs for the next two to three weeks and then a slow release form of everything it needs for the rest of the season the only thing left that you need is one fertilizer that's gonna support the plant the roots and the fruit and it's the same thing I've been using for in the last few years now I've been using this one it's the Neptune's harvest fish and kelp however I didn't know that they had a bunch of other different products and one that I am super excited about and I'm gonna go into this a little bit more on the watering and fertilizing tomato Tuesday but they have a tomato and vegetable formula and not only does it have everything that the original version has but it's got some really cool things that I did a lot of research on and I am completely floored by so I'm gonna go into that a little more in detail but just know this is what I'm gonna be using from now on on everything in my vegetable garden all right are you ready for the giveaway details so first of all unfortunately this giveaway is only for the contiguous United States so I apologize up front to those of you who live outside of that area I will be I'm planning another giveaway right now that I'm hoping will be a lot further reaching but for this one unfortunately it is only the contiguous United States so what comes with the price well first of all two out of the three products that I already used in the planting so that would be a four pound bag of the crab and lobster shell and a four pound bag of the kelp meal you're also going to get a gallon of the tomato and veg formula one gallon of the awesome original fish and seaweed blend and if you happen to grow something besides vegetables you have a gallon of the rose and flower formula now a couple of more things that you get if you happen to be outside either in the garden or hanging out with friends maybe not so much right now but later they are also including their best yet biting insect spray now my wife is a magnet for mosquitoes and any other type of biting insect and she just happened to try this the other night when we got this and it worked so we've got her seal of approval so that comes in the kit as well Renea nice package and then a t-shirt a hat some little cozies a sticker I think it just it's $300 $300 package so I'm thankful to Neptune's harvest this is a great giveaway now how do how do you enter okay so the first thing you need to do is click the like button on this video go on right now come on it's not really an official requirement because I can't really enforce that or even know who did it but I would appreciate it also comment down below and let me know if you're entering or what you learned from this video I'd appreciate that as well so those aren't really requirements but I would appreciate both of them the real requirements are go over to Instagram and follow us on Instagram you should be doing that anyway but it's a requirement for this giveaway so like us on or follow us on Instagram the second requirement would be to go to our website and right on the front page is gonna be the entry form enter your name your email I promise not to spam you or give out your information if anything you will be already entered when we give it when we start doing our newsletter you'll be the first ones to get it so name email and just give us your Instagram name so we can match everything up that's it then you're entered for the three hundred dollar product giveaway next tomato Tuesday we're going to be doing a random drawing of all the entrants and then if you win we will email you to get your mailing information and Neptune's harvest will send the product directly to you now if you want to order the products that I used in this video first of all the rock phosphate is on Amazon I have the link below for the other Neptune's harvest products I have a link below that will take you straight to their website it also already includes the discount you don't even have to enter the promo code if you need to for some reason or for the future see GTV is the promo code but follow that link it'll take you right in it'll get 5% discount and you get free shipping to the contiguous United States so I want to thank you guys for watching I want to thank Neptune's harvest for everything they're doing they are a great company you guys if you're on their website check out their story they've been in business for a very long time generations a family business and I really love supporting family businesses especially at this time right now so again thank you thanks Neptune's harvest and I will see you guys on Friday where we will be doing our first-ever QA so if you have questions also comment down below I'll be taking all the questions from this video and any other videos we've done over the past week or two and including them in our Friday Q&A alright that's enough talking I'll see you guys later [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Next Level Gardening
Views: 51,645
Rating: 4.9576254 out of 5
Keywords: planting tomatoes, how to grow tomatoes, gardening, tomato, tomatoes, growing tomatoes, how to plant tomatoes, how to grow tomatoes at home, growing tomatoes in containers, how to grow tomato plants, organic, growing, tomato growing tips, gardening tips, tomato plants, grow tomatoes, tomato tips, tomato plant growing, planting, growing tomatoes from seed, how to grow tomato plant, how to grow tomatoes indoors, homesteading, permaculture, small space gardening, square foot gardening
Id: 4miPvZfNnTA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 35sec (995 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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