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what is up everyone it's me CA SD and we are playing solo level and as you can see and I'm going to be telling you what the best skills are to get for your sun Jin Ru character so basically as you know skills are very important they determine your play style in a way so yeah so let's just go over them shall we so you have um quite a few skills here you have uh how many do you have 3 69 you have 10 skills um and this is there'll probably be more in the future but as of now there's 10 you you also got your QT skills uh these are basically you can't really change these but you make sure you're going to level them but we'll get to that and then you also have your ultimate skills down here now which ones should you choose and which ones should you avoid now let's get to it so basically the ones I chose and these are the ones I've stuck from my whole game if you're a free topl player I recommend just sticking with two and um because you will be upgrading these ones the most and putting all your resources on these as you see I'm still free to play and I can't even upgrade it to level 9 cuz I need this which I haven't even unlocked yet and I need some skill Scrolls but yeah so the reason I chose uh Rush as this is a very good one I recommend you guys should use Rush um or multi strike uh because it does a lot of uh break damage so it does medium break damage here and I think I get like almost two bars of break damage so you know the yellow bar you see when you figh a boss I get basically two of them already down using this and it does a lot of damage as well and um it doesn't use too much MP and the cool down is literally only 10 seconds so it's not that long and um yeah and then it's also does a light break here that deals medium brake damage light break every 3 seconds for 9 seconds and it's pretty good and then if you can get a rune for this you should have a rune any I maybe but you can always like spin for one but I got a rune here and this is what um I was reading out like the extra stuff it does so without the Rune it does um 400% damage with the Rune it does extra 130% which is massive and it also um but it doesn't really take any more Mana but uh it deals water l w damage element damage and this is where it also does the light break as well but yeah so you can have fire one uh but yeah just make sure you're trying to get runes for these skills but now enough of like the ippy tippy of the multi strike I recommend this should just be a foundation now what should you use for your second one there's quite a few skills you can use uh you got M mutilate which is really good it's like a mini version of um this truth mutilate and it is proper good it does a lot of damage as well uh it does like quite a lot of damage so it does 400% damage and the cool down is 50 seconds but it does use uh quite a bit of mpes 150 but when this skill effects it inflicts the Airborne effect but yeah this is a really good um skill you could use but I recommend testing them out to see what you like most but if you're in a progress in the campaign quick I recommend using multi strike or mutilate or vertical WS which I have been using now what a third one you can use is command touch I've used this before and it's actually quite good does a lot of damage as you can see use quite a bit of MP but um it basically just does like constant damage I mean we can preview it if you want I'll show you what it does if you haven't used it yet so um it just does that it just constant damage they do a like slam attack and it like knocks down the Target now those are like probably the three best I would say for skills to use um all the four best would be multi strike vertical AR mutilate and commanders touch those are the best I find but you've also got other good ones such as um this one cutting Rush this is okay but I recommend this this does the same thing this gives Airborne effect as well as it gives a knockdown so and it does more damage but um yeah so it's up to you this by the way you won't unlock till later in the game yeah uh the ones that you should probably stay away from are the ones you kind of get at the start I mean I might be wrong here but I just I I don't know I just really don't like them and those are the top three here this one throws these dagger twice it's it's all right doesn't do a lot of damage I mean if you fully upgrade it it's still doesn't do a lot it does like 300% it does use less MP though but that's about it the same with this one this uses less MP this one's all right uh without let's get rid of the Rune real quick it's okay it still doesn't do a lot of damage but it does use less MP but um yeah so and the same with this one less MP so these ones are probably the worst in my opinion and the same with I don't don't know actually I've never used uh vital right let's see what it looks like uh yeah it's I don't think it's going to be it to be honest with you guys I mean comparing the skills here well I know this is level weight but it just it doesn't do anything it this veral St only does damage and you kind of want some added bonuses and perks onto it obviously you can put a rune on it and it'll do some more but the runes are okay for it I guess they're not really like element runes but as you see here attacks increased by 7% for 12 seconds and you can get more effects more runes you get but runes are very expensive and you don't really want to be grinding for runes if you're especially a free-to-play player when gold is so like expensive cuz you have to make room you basically do fusions and you can Fusion uh this stuff you get um a skill Rune fragment and um but it costs 20K which is very expensive so yeah but um as as the top all this video up boys uh the ones I recommend are multi strike vertical Arts uate and the commander T the runes will help it significantly yeah that's that's basically all there is the skills it's not too complicated skills if I'm honest it's mostly a preference really kind of but if you do want to just you know get your attacks in get for the campaign easi as possible go with the best ones this is for postal experience if you got if you got a different opinion guys be sure to comment down and tell me what you think about the other skills if you like other ones but yeah all right now let's quickly get onto the levels before we end this so You Can level up all your skills yeah so I'm make sure you only pick two throughout the old campaign because these are what you're going to focus on leveling and I'll pick these two and I got these to level eight and seven as you can see I want to get this one to level eight as well so now once you've leveled up these I say once you go to like level six start upgrading your QT skills uh as you see how I I just realized you could upgrade them cuz I I never scroll down for some reason but yeah you can you can upgrade these I'm going to upgrade them right now actually uh let's upgrade this one to level four keep it as four like the base cuz after level four it cost you know you have use your skill roles too and then the same with your ultimate skills make sure you level these up as well so yeah just keep them around level four and then once you get your skill roll twos just do it on your main skills and you should be good try not don't use your skill roll twos on this yet unless you have loads of them cuz you're just going to be wasting on it so guys I hope you enjoyed make sure you drop a like And subscribe let we're so close to 100 Subs so I greatly appreciate we can get there and I'll see you guys in next video bye-bye
Channel: CivoSD
Views: 2,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dC0ITgP7MLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 55sec (415 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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