THE BEST Programming Language in 2023? | #learncoding

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hello everybody Eason here today we're going to be talking about the best clothing language out there for you specifically how you can combine it with the right technology out there to leverage it to its own maximum potential without further Ado let's dive right into it domain number one game development so game development is not that difficult to start with but it's still beginner friendly in fact you can start with c-sharp to code some pretty basic games in unity 3D or Unreal Engine there is no real difference between both you go with whatever you want but at the same time there are some pretty cultish Clans out there for Unity 3D regarding the opportunities usually games take Cycles to develop then once you're done with these features you just move to the next step which is fixing bugs and adding some pretty small features actually but here is the problem once the main development cycle stops there are huge layoffs out there in fact even big companies lay off so many developers after they're done with that game and just to say that a game develop weapons is not really easy for you to master let alone try to find Opportunities where everyone is competing internationally domain number two deep learning slash machine learning slash data science so all of these are fancy fields and I've heard of them personally back in 2018 2019 that was when data science was grown as the sexiest job out there of the year and at the same time I thought hey like these are extremely fancy Fields why not go and learn them of course it goes without saying that they need a huge mathematical knowledge and at the same time a huge self-discipline because you need to set your back down to learn about the theory for a very long period of time and you don't see much of a progress until you are gone through usually two to three courses if you are on Coursera and you took the famous course by Andrew Angie which is a specialization in machine learning that was taught on Stanford online something like this so you get the idea regarding machine learning as someone who into it personally the languages that you need out there are either C plus or python python is completely fine and so many people use Python and you already have so many packages out there that make your life much easier than it would have been back in 2005-2006 you don't have to have much hassle of dealing with mathematical knowledge because you know that these packages do handle them but you need to know how to assemble everything in the right order think about it just like Legos so you get the idea also difficulty wise I would say it is pretty difficult to get going because it's not sufficient for you to just be good or medium at it you really need to understand probability derivatives and everything that goes behind the scenes why because machine learning and you probably have heard of this before specifically deep learning it is like a black box you don't know specifically what's going on behind the scenes it's just your prediction or educated guesses that get you through it and to have some mathematical breakthroughs out there I'm not saying that you need to be a researcher or scientist but at the same time you need to know what you're doing regarding the market size for this I would say it is pretty wide as well there are so many huge opportunities there but I would say if you're not really good at statistics stay away from this why usually when you go for a job we don't deal with data science as it was back then anyone could have labeled themselves or any really software engineering character they built themselves as a data scientist because they know how to process the data but currently in 2022 and going into 2023 you are literally expected to know some pretty Bayesian formulas and whatever stuff in statistics or Advanced statistics that goes on behind the scenes otherwise you're not going to be getting the job and it is already difficult as it is to switch from one job to another let alone make your life much harder if you don't love the field and you just want to go into it and you find it fancy if you're good at statistics and you want to do research on stuff go for it otherwise stay away from it third domain mobile development so mobile development has a very special place in my heart because that's exactly how we started it back in 2017 and it was until 2019 when I dropped both Android developments and iOS development and yes I learned both and I have one tip for you that's going to change your life if you want to pursue mobile development but stay tuned until the end of this section but pretty much the same exact lesson that I'm going to be talking about Android applies to iOS and vice versa so speaking of which the languages that you need are pretty much kotlin or Java for Android development or Swift for iOS when it comes to the development experience or developer experience I would prefer iOS because it's just much cleaner the code does not break that much for no appearance reason the error handling is just much better this is not to say that iOS development is perfect but at the same time it comes with its own drawbacks which are pretty much you are restricted from doing anything that's Advanced AKA notifications payment processing and so on but when it comes to Android development you still do have some kind of restrictions asking restrictions to go into the contacts list of a user or dealing with photos and having access to a gallery but you get the idea that makes sense but both have their own advantages and disadvantages regarding the job market you still have pretty huge opportunity out there for you to find something that turns up your current really and find a really good job offer out there and at the same time I would say you should not be that worried about losing your job because you can always find another one pretty easily still it's not the best one out there in terms of job search regarding the difficulty I would rate it as medium you don't need to be the best out there but still you need to learn some advanced concepts like asynchronous programming you get the idea now the last tip for this section don't use Android development don't use iOS development in fact go for react native now some people might say hey it's fine you can just learn iOS or Android and then you can pick up react native later on no like just pick up the theory and stop up right there why think about it from a business perspective I am a CEO of a company I want to hire a developer I want to get the best bank for my buck which means I'm gonna hire a react native developer who can code the same exact code for both Platforms in just one code base so why would I want to hire two different developers of course there are some reasons out there but I'm not gonna dive into them but in your case I would say it is 100 Roi positive for you to go for react native than just dealing with the native languages Swift or Java or kotlin or anything out there fourth domain web development this is my profession this is what I do and this is what I settled on later after moving or hopping from technology to another in fact I believe that web development is the easiest out there plus it has the highest return on investment which is your time and probably money because there are opportunities literally left and right but first let's talk about the coding languages we can find three which are JavaScript HTML and CSS so for HTML and CSS you can Master them in five days you can be set let's say and that's literally super fast that's why some people don't like calling them coding languages but hey what can you do just for the sake of this video let's keep the label on and regarding JavaScript it really depends if you're already coming from a coding background somewhere you're gonna find it super easy because it's really nothing that complicated compared to C or some other languages similar to C and you get the idea so it's a pretty relative matter but at the same time I find that so many people are complaining about JavaScript on Twitter but hey what can you do if it is your very first coding experience then it's really understandable because you not only need to learn the language but at the same time you need to learn how to think and that's one of the things about learning how to code or programming your brain changes the pattern of your thinking changes quite drastically to the best which is really awesome now let's move on to the difficulty compared to all other Tech Stacks or the domains this is the easiest by far why because if you want to learn Android Development you need to deal with permissions you need to deal with so many things if you need to learn iOS development that are just very similar the hustles if you need to learn deep learning you need to learn the theory web development is pretty much code in the same exact thing that you get to see on the screen on the spot it happens quite fast you can see your bugs but for Android and stuff it's just a bit more complicated and finally let's talk about the opportunities as I said opportunities are left and right if you have one job on Monday you can have another job on Tuesday literally one day later and this is exactly why I love this field it's not because I job up but because I have a wide choice and there's just some kind of comfort in knowing that your skills are in demand and they're not going anywhere for the next 10 years to come if you watch my previous videos you don't want to stay a developer for a very long period of time because that's the Code Monkey Theory you want to always go back to your plan B which is coding but but that's another video domain out here which is smart contract development this is the only domain out here that I did not learn personally so I cannot say for sure so take what I'm gonna say with a pinch of salt but pretty much from my colleagues at work I can definitely say that this is a different type of development because you're not building applications you are literally Building Systems thus a completely different mindset when you are developing applications you get to see in front of you what's working and what's not but when you are developing systems it's like a very complex machine at a factory and if a very small piece is faulty everything just scrambles so you get the idea regarding the languages the number one dominant Choice out there is rust and it is a pretty efficient coding language that I would heavily recommend for you to learn because it's just super clean super fast teaches you a lot about memory management as well it's kind of like similar to C and python so you get the idea I would say just go for it in your free time or also for the tools out there you can still use vs code which is used in web development quite a lot and this is just to say that you're not limited to any code editor out there but speaking of the difficulty it is pretty difficult because its system development it's not just application development and it requires a lot of knowledge regarding performance memory management writing really clean code and writing a huge base of code and knowing how to structure it and test it which is super important as for the opportunities probably this is the only domain that is pretty difficult to master but once you master it oh boy the salary that you get is crazy reportedly some smart contracts developers and get 500k a year but these are quite crazy salaries and I was back a year ago I would say the salaries are not the same as before because hey just the meta Supply but at the same time they are a bit higher than web development so to recap real fast here we have game development that you want to do out of fashion but you don't have many opportunities out there you have mobile development where you need to learn about react native and forget about the native code bases out there that have somewhat of great opportunities out there there's web development which is the best of all worlds out there clean code easy to learn and huge opportunities out there and finally we have Smart contract development which take into consideration rust and solidity and all of that and juicy stuff that help you build huge systems and at the same time get paid the fair amount for your own work if you are confused I would say try to discover more about web developments because that's literally the safest choice and easiest for the biggest Roi out there and it's not regulated that much by having a Google Play or an app store so you don't have to deal with that type of hustle without further Ado thank you so much for watching this video if you want to learn how to code super fast make sure to check out the video out here and answer the next one stay happy and healthy peace out
Channel: Yassine Builds
Views: 3,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: software engineer, software engineer salary, software engineer day in life, computer science engineering, career tips for students, how to learn coding, how to become a software engineer, how to learn programming, how to learn coding for beginners, how to learn coding fast, how to become a software developer, how to get software engineer job, how to get software developer job, how to learn to code, coding, how to invest, business ideas, business basics
Id: GPgh3liFBno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 08 2022
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