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hello everybody and welcome to today's video today we're going to be going over the best price to Performance gpus for stable diffusion now we're not going over the best graphics card for stable diffusion this is going to be the best budget best price to Performance what is giving you the most bang for the buck I'm gonna keep it as short as possible so first off I want to say thanks to Tom's Hardware I was able to find the GPU benchmarks on this you know website here and I also want to give a shout out to C builder thanks Jason I was able to use the GPU prices from your list as well as to check on eBay check on some other sources to see what some of these used cards are going for and kind of average that out now the first thing I want to go over is what is important when looking for a graphics card for stable diffusion and that comes down to two things the first thing how many iterations per second are you getting on the graphics card and that's basically how fast is your card able to produce the images that you want to produce okay course and based off the settings that they use sets at 512 by 5 12 100 steps average of 10 runs you can see the numbers here for these cards on the screen the 40 series RTX 40 series absolutely killing it uh the rx7000 series is actually holding their own going Toe to Toe but if you look at last gen cards the RTX 30 series is slaughtering the rx6000 series the entry level RTX 3050 is beating out the RX 6950xt that's just an absolute shame so the first piece of advice I want to give you avoid um the art the AMD series unless it's the current one the rx7000 avoid the Intel series you can see here the performance is very lackluster uh and you're really going to want to stick with Nvidia cards on this one and not super old cards you're not looking at you know maybe I mean even the GTX 900 series I would I would avoid even that I would start at the GTX the 10 series The RTX 20 RTX 30 and 40 but for price to Performance uh we also want to look back as you can see here at the 20 series now these graphs since they are two separate ones uh show a much different story but as you can see these numbers are actually really good if you look RTX 2070 super right around 9.5 to 2080 super right around 10.8 and you look those actually compare and do very well with right around the middle of the pack of the RTX 30 series so now let's talk price to Performance now one thing that this graph does not show is how important vram is and that's the second important thing when looking for a graphics card for stable diffusion iterations per second you know how fast your card can do the image is important but vram is necessary to even be able to you know produce the image if you don't if your card doesn't have enough vram it's just gonna do it either a incredibly slowly if it even can or B it's just going to crash it's not going to be able to do the image my brother he does a lot of stable diffusion stuff he had it in RTX 2080 super and whenever you try to do a large batch of images it just wouldn't whenever you try to do multiple things like produce a let's let's say A medium batch of images upscale them or if he was using any extensions was extensions with stable diffusion is you know a very powerful tool to be using with that it just won't work so I would say try to avoid eight gigabyte cards and here is where we're getting to the best price to Performance now the price to Performance list here is based off the prices you see here green is for NVIDIA red is for AMD blue is for Intel as I mentioned stay with the Nvidia cards so we're looking here price performance the lower the number the better and you can probably tell because in the iterations per second it's the exact opposite of the price to Performance not entirely of course because price is going to be a major factor and the price has to be right you're not going to look to spend I mean if you're looking for the best card obviously go for the 40 90. it's a thousand six hundred dollars uh it's gonna chew through a ton of power and you're probably gonna need a super good power supply but if you're looking price to Performance here's we're going to pull up my handy dandy little notepad and number one the best price performance card that I can recommend is the RTX 2060 12 gigabytes now be aware when you're buying a 2060 there's three different models you got the six gigabyte do not buy that you got the eight gigabyte that one's okay if the price is right if I'm getting it for like a hundred thirty dollars maybe but then the 12 gigabytes that's the one you're looking for because if you don't have enough vram you're not gonna be able to do batches large enough and this is the absolute best price to Performance if you don't care about gaming you know you're just looking to do a lot of stable diffusion a lot of AI art get a 20 60 12 gigabyte and get them while they're still on the market you know these are older cards they're two generations old at this point and you're not going to be able to find too many of them especially once people start buying them up the next card I'm going to recommend is the 30 60 to 12 gigabytes now this one is slightly more expensive but if you care about gaming and stable diffusion obviously you care more about stable effusion than gaming the 3060 is going to give you access to I believe dlss2 it's a much newer card so you have you know better efficiency and everything like that it's just a really good solid overall card as you can see here the list of price is 339 that's if you're buying it new for the most part I was able to pick one up for 280 dollars so 280 that's putting it right on par with that 20 60 12 gigabytes and it's a newer card you're not going to to worry about it I mean dying unless you're really unlucky and third place the best price performance in my opinion is the RTX 2070 super now this card is only eight gigabytes but in terms of just raw iterations per second it is a heavy hitter 9.5 if you take a look here at the 9.5 you're kind of competing with the 30 70 still you know you're going for I mean 30 60 TI and 3070 but those cards if you look at the prices 30 70 30 60 TI 400 500 how much is the 2070 super 250 right around half the price and you probably get it for even less and then last but not least I want to enter some honorable mentions if you're looking at a mid it's kind of weird saying this is like a mid price range but between 500 and 600 you want to look for the 30 80 12 gigabyte I believe there's a 10 and an 8 gigabyte those you don't want unless you really get them for a good price maybe like 300. 350 but the 30 80 12 gigabyte model and the 3080 TI now of course the 3080 TI is going to be right around here 34.425 in terms of price to Performance whereas your 30 80 12 gigabytes is 38 but what it's not factoring in in comparison to just you know the regular 3080 is that it has more vram so 3080 just a regular one is an 8 gigabyte card I believe it came out by default um so with regards to that the best price to Performance if you're spending around 250 probably less unless those cards start getting snatched up by all these you know AI artists kind of coming into the scene um then the 3060 that is going to give you a bit more price to Performance or a bit more performance but at a bit of a higher price but if you care about gaming or anything like that that's going to be the card I recommend because you get the best of both worlds you get pretty good gaming and you get really good stable effusion for right around 300 I got it for two 280 so you can still find good prices on these cards right now used especially the 2070 super you could even put the 2080 super they're right in that same category right in that same price range as you can see here 2080 super 300 2070 supers 250 on a good day you might find a good 2080 super for about the same price same thing with the 2080. so if you're looking at those cards those are some that you could still recommend or I could recommend and lastly the 30 80 12 gigabyte and the 3080 TI those cards are phenomenal for the price range anything above that and you're pretty much looking at new cards you're looking at you know the RX 7900 XT you're looking at the 40 70 TI anything above the 600 for the 3080 TI doesn't really make sense unless the 3090 TI comes down heavily in price which at this point I'm not sure if that's going to be happening you can see the price to performance on these high high-end cards are super high you're going up to 50 55 48 the 4070 TI not that bad it's at 39.32 you look at the 30 60 TI it's at 44 so I mean technically price to Performance you're getting more bang for your buck with the 40 70 TI than a 3060 TI but you're getting more bang for your buck with a 3080 TI than you are with the 40 70 TI of course the 4070 TI is newer it gives you FSR which is I mean great I love using that on my YouTube videos but yeah that is pretty much it sorry I kind of went on rant there if you have any questions comments concerns feel free to reach out down below and yeah thanks for watching foreign
Channel: Kommando
Views: 34,924
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ai art, stable diffusion, local, graphics card, GPU, gpu, RTX, RX, XTX, xformers, value, budget, deal, performance, price, price to performance, RTX 20 series
Id: XfiS7Taeaww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 15sec (555 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 29 2023
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