The Best of the Isle of Skye - Staycation Scotland Family Van Life

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this week we're in the bahamas no we're not this is the isle of skye perhaps scotland's most famous island and we're making the most of the rarer than hence teeth sunshine and heading off to hike in search of fairies waterfalls and truly magnificent beaches we're the newbies a family of travelers with big dreams i'm tara this is john and this year we were joined by our little boy crusoe 2020 through the world for a loop and it sent us on a journey not wanting to waste a single minute or second of it we embraced van life and traveled to over 20 countries in europe in our self-converted campervan with the arrival of crusoe into the world our priorities remain the same to make every moment matter to take this little family around the world and to teach our children about huge horizons life full of opportunity and adventure around every corner but first things first we're going to need a bigger van so enter safari and on with the van build hit that subscribe button and join us as we make sure that this family life is nothing short of extraordinary we have a confession what's the confession we've been on this trip for two nights and tonight will be our first night in the van yeah yeah it will so chris has had a poorly tummy so we we've stayed in hostels for the last two nights and tonight on the isle of skye will be our first night in the van [Applause] i don't know we'll have to come back again crusoe's missing it all she seems to be sleeping through the whole thing [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's it we are on sky where should we go first let's have some breakfast shall we let's have some breakfast starving crusoe is delighted to be on skype [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] fairly shortly we are going to climb up the side of a hill to see a rock that stands sort of up right like this i can't remember the name the old man of stall that's the badger so we're going to climb up there but first we're having breakfast this is our first meal that we're cooking in the van it's working out quite nicely very pleased that i got the gas sorted before we came away yeah it was worth it wasn't it it was i'm excited for a cup of coffee just contemplating how lovely it is to be in a bigger van even though it is unfinished even though it is unfinished and we do miss cotty a lot but to be able to sit here enjoy that view for the cup of coffee nobody knows we're in here um have somewhere it's really windy outside to have somewhere to sit that's not like in the wind and to be able to boil the kettle for some coffee without having to fight the wind on the gas burner what a treat it is a treat isn't it so first breakfast success massive success so we um shall we head on out for a walk five minutes i've got my chalky and my child my coffee come on man let's go all right are you ready mom i need more clothes quite right too mister let's get you bundled up your favorite thing ever stick you stick the dragons on let's get out of here let's get out of here tara and crusoe are procrastinating i am desperate to get out into the views or should we go for a walk should we go for a hike reckon that's uh yes yes come on darling me and cruz are ready we're we're waiting the old man is tall four and a half kilometers 2.7 miles yeah difficulty moderate you will bring a map where they can change quickly the rock faces are unstable there you go keep the dogs underneath brilliant off we go [Music] [Music] this route is a circular route it goes out one way and then directly back the other way so i suppose if you were in a super hurry you just scoot straight up the hill and back down again but i did the last time i came here straight up the hill and back down again well i've never been here this is the first time so good good for me it's a four and a half kilometers of walk all the way around why not go and do the whole entire walk and uh and not be lazy like tara excuse me yeah all had everything to do with the type last time of course if you're in a real hurry and you only come to sky for a day that's what i did just scoot straight up and down the hill yeah it was a dream to come to sky and i only had one day so crusoe's got no opinion on this he's staying right out of it good for him [Music] it's like there's some steps coming up um and it looks like it gets a little bit steeper so this is the bit that you've not enjoyed before isn't it yes anyone wants to meet my dear friend elizabeth she would tell you how much i whinged well it looks pretty steep it's getting that way but we can definitely see the the rock pointing up right now it looks fairly spectacular even though it's camouflaged almost behind the other rocks or in front of the other rocks um but we're coming up to some pretty gnarly looking steps now [Music] [Music] [Music] you've got a uh thing growing out of your head darling check it out that's all right isn't it look how beautiful it is up here i'm delighted amazing crusoe once again doesn't have very much to say about it all but i'm sure if he ever gets a chance to look back on this he'll be delighted at eight weeks and a few days he steps his way through a hike to the old man of store well done [Music] crusoe is starting to whinge a little bit so very windy for the little man i think he's gonna take him down i think yeah that's a good idea all in moderation i think we're such a little person let's go and have a bit more drive around the island see what uh see what's next i think we might see a [Music] off in waterfall of waterfalls we are this one's another part of the sky that i've never seen before so it would be uh lots of new things today [Music] that's cool isn't it that was worth stopping for wow hey buddy what do you think [Music] i really wanted to fly a drone around here and get a great shot of that waterfall from out at sea but there's a big sign saying no drones because of nesting birds never mind [Music] [Music] how about that oh man isn't it beautiful what a day it's very very special it is isn't it gosh i tell you what even if the ferry pools we can't find them it's still very worth coming down this road i think it's an old loggers road okay yeah yeah there's lots of um timber traffic signs isn't there yeah that's it you ready my darling sun cream sun cream in scotland bake all righty let's make a move there we go to the fairy pools leaving the van behind in a car park just up the hill from the ferry pools apparently further down that way there is a car park for the ferry pools but you've got to pay for it go pay for it check this out crusoe has to have sun cream and a hat on in scotland what a lovely day look at that view [Music] come on the fairy pools are a really popular spot on sky and there was a fair bit of traffic when we were there even though the season was only just getting started they're a series of enchanting little waterfalls and rock pools that tumble through the valley from an impressive backdrop of mountains beyond we saw quite a few people donning wetsuits and canyoning through them which looked awesome with our little person in tow it'll have to be on the list for next time just as soon as crusoe is big enough to get himself into a wetsuit and his mum is brave enough to let him put his head underwater quick change of agenda this morning the weather is epic all of a sudden there's not a whisper of wind the rain's gone we've got some blue skies so we're gonna go to the beach why not why not um it looks amazing down there the water's like glass we're obviously a little beach called coral beach which is just past don vegan castle no sunbathing though so the beaches here are formed from the bleached skeletons of a red coralline seaweed called mal which grows very slowly one millimeter a year and it's long bait long lived with some marble baits thought to be around 8 000 years old not amazing lots of starfish sea urchins and shellfish live here and that's about it darling that says about coral beach that cloud bad news man we had a blue sky day and the the beach here is really well known for its turquoise waters which you kind of need sunshine and blue skies for crews who needed a feed though so we've just been tucked up behind a little rock which made for perfect shelter well he filled his tummy um but now the sun's gone behind the cloud but anyway can't have everything this is the joy of travelling with small people i know i know yesterday we were walking around poetry lovely little town looking for somewhere nice to eat we found this wonderful pub i can't remember the name of it i had little green houses outside the front of it which was really cool nice warm place to sit down and eat outside with a pint um but crusoe had other ideas and so tara and i spent the uh the whole evening tandemie relay racing almost with crusoe one of us walking around the streets of poultry while the other one ate so i had a great beer and a fish supper and soda tara but we just had them at different times oh come on look at that [Music] lovely up here isn't it yeah it's great wow we've just been watching a couple of people down there swimming looking at them [Music] i'm thinking about it it's amazing here so beautiful a little bit windy though yeah quickly first night in the van tonight and i think this is gonna do perfectly love what do you reckon sea views love it just like the olden days just like the olden days opening up the park for night app felt like reuniting with an old friend that's great 40.3 by 90.5 so i've got all my power tools with me and of course because we've been building the van in a car park anyway makes no difference i can finish off when we've got some time little bits and pieces here with a sea view nice [Music] oh nice work [Music] [Music] how you feeling down first night in the van excited yeah a little bit happy yeah why apprehensive because it's pretty cold it's cold outside isn't it it's gonna be very windy and it's it's chilly yeah it's gonna be two degrees tonight isn't it i think that's the lowest it goes yeah yeah well cotty we slept in coz here at minus one remember coming over the alps in the snow i don't worry about us at all it's just the little man yeah that we've gotta think about so we do we'll bundle them up nice and warm and see how it goes yeah fingers crossed not fingers crossed though you can't go fingers crossed with a baby you have to be sure don't be sure we weren't sure about our little man and the cold and so we left our park up spots and headed for a cheap bnb in poultry all without last though there'd be pubs and sunshine in poultry a very rare moment crusoe has let us come to the pub and i'm having my first last wine in almost a year in a plastic plastic cup what a shame anyways um empty plates nailed it next week we're in antigua you have a willy hat on you cannot get away with that we are in the outer hebrides we are we're in eust louis and harris what amazing beaches there are here incredible thank you so much once again for watching it means the world to us please remember to leave us a comment hit the like button subscribe if you haven't already and we'll see you next week crusoe myself and tara would be extremely grateful thanks so much for watching thanks guys
Channel: TheNewbys
Views: 25,982
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: staycation scotland, isle of skye, best of Isle of Skye, visit scotland, van life UK, van life scotland, Scotland highlights, scotland, glencoe, best Scotland hikes, van build series, renault mater lwb van conversion, van conversion, best van conversion, self converted campervan, budget van conversion, van build ideas, van build uk, van converted into a camper, van life, van life family, van life family UK, the newbys, thenewbys, best van life family, best UK beach
Id: GHMr62ByabM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 13sec (1093 seconds)
Published: Sun May 09 2021
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