The Best of Michael Kosta in the Field | The Daily Social Distancing Show

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] america loves guns hell i love guns but i also hate guns another mass shooting in america another mass shooting yet another mass shooting so i was wondering what if there was a world where people could keep their guns and have no mass shootings welcome to switzerland a neutral country most known for its cobblestone streets perfect for skipping its clocks sophisticated pocket knives and guns turns out peaceful switzerland is one of the most heavily armed nations in the world and like america they love their guns yet they have almost zero gun violence how the [ __ ] is that possible luckily i ran into an expert is that a gun in your pocket or you just oh that's a gun meet miko for 20 plus years he's been a firearms instructor for law enforcement personnel military and special forces he also happens to be one hunk of a man so thor tell me about swiss gun culture we respect the guns because we have a mandatory service every man goes to the army they get a training and a rifle in case of invasion which to be fair is a real threat since the last time switzerland was invaded was in 1798 before color was invented so of course they have a militia the culture is a little bit different comparing to some other country you're familiar that i'm american right you can just say these things to my face you don't have to say other countries i think the gun culture in america is is getting out of hand this is a joke there should be common sense gun laws common sense that's not our strength yeah i'm nervous that yeah well i can say that but i don't like it when you say that okay but what we do have is that good old american gun freedom you know how easy it is to get a gun in the u.s i just go to walmart give him the money god i know my uncle paul out of his truck he's got a bunch of guns my brother todd has a gun you want to use it boom borrow for the weekend that's nice not really in switzerland you can get a gun from your um grandparents or from your father but you still have to do the paperwork even if i get a gun for my grandpa i still got to tell the cops about it yeah that's crazy because in most states in america you can buy a gun almost immediately without any background check but not in switzerland you apply the permit from the police you provide clearance of your criminal record that you don't have any convictions wait for two weeks what if it's a small crime what if you got caught urinating in public you got caught for sleeping with your cousin because you didn't know it was a cousin because it was at your family reunion and she looked like she worked at catering what if it's like assaulting a police officer but really you were just tickling them she can't be responsible of uh following some other simple rules in society to behave why should you have a gun you don't need to raise your voice over this was there even a payoff to all these rules how many school shootings have there been no what about malls everybody people should no what about like major holidays people get shot up at major holidays here bro nothing come on with all those guns they had to have at least one mass shooting somewhere after weeks of research i discovered there was in fact one mass shooting in the swiss parliament in 2001 but they haven't had one since yes you had a mass shooting 17 years ago we have one every 17 minutes for example early municion this is something that i'm having a hard time comprehending you learned from a mistake and you made an improvement in the law that's so europe and while switzerland's last mass shooting was in 2001 america has had no keep going no more more yeah there you go over 1900 mass shootings since 2012 averaging to about one a day which is why mikko felt i needed to be properly trained before i headed back to the states we have to talk about safety first can i like like with this one yeah just leave it alone don't don't touch it don't how are we going to shoot it if i can't touch it let me explain you the rules first so number one thing that you have to remember is that you always treat the guns as if they're loaded because probably most of the accidents that happens happens with empty guns all right so this this one here this don't touch it don't judge it i think you don't pay enough you know attention what i'm saying okay i'm listening so you just have to follow four simple rules number one you treat the guns you got a feeling that you're not paying attention what no i am let's do it let's blow some [ __ ] up mikko when you load these things you ever get a little bit of a erection do exactly what i say okay okay all right pay attention pay attention okay and slowly press back until the gun goes off jesus this scares the [ __ ] out of me i'm glad we had that safety instruction this is the dream shooting guns without the fear of getting shot this is where america should be all we need to do is keep ammo separate and have universal criminal and mental background checks have extremely strict open carry laws justification for ownership send written requests to authorities and basically just change our entire gun culture we can do that right it's not really that fun when you keep [ __ ] yourself you get used to it [Music] no this isn't a green screen this is real disgusting switzerland a neutral country full of non-combative chocolate eating yodelers and they're also full of guns in my previous report i trained with firearms expert mikko mikko look i shot some holes in the swiss cheese get i put i learned that when it comes to gun culture switzerland has a few more regulations than america and thanks to these gun regulations and strict ammunition control switzerland has a murder rate of nearly zero sure that's a great statistic but how safe can it really be to learn more about their gun culture i attended ian chism the world's largest annual shooting festival right here and holy that's a lot of guns even that baby has a gun there's not enough training in the world to prepare me for this so i brought my two secret weapons my translator pierre and my super manly rock hard american vest why are you wearing a [ __ ] vest what is what did you say here [ __ ] oh that's that's funny pussyfest why aren't you wearing a [ __ ] vest people are walking around with guns because it's safe oh my god what is that what is that hold on it's not shooting no worries they're shooting they are shooting how many accidents have happened here nine nine accidents no nine accidents no no no no zero zero zero zero i thought you said nine nine okay it's the german language the german language i know in the united american this is dangerous but in the switzerland we have radicion we have rules and this we haven't rules rules what kind of rules let little kids participate in this glocktoberfest you love shooting oh yes so it's like yoga yes they also throw booze into the mix because poor koapa it's a it's a national party oh here comes the beer everybody let's let the beer walk through we've got rifles and then beers we're coming here at the people's with the friends and la la la la the beer beer we make that yeah and it's finished well said guns and beers this was an american wet dream but something was different in this country we respect arms and if we respect it it's not the problem why should i listen to this drunk swiss role i was president for five years you're telling me i'm having beer with the former president of switzerland yes cheers nowhere else could a former president be surrounded by thousands of firearms with no security how can we get america to feel this safe that's your problem that's my problem well that's as neutral as it gets but he's right it is our problem i mean here they can shoot guns drink beer and no one gets hurt in america something like this could never happen i decided to embrace this culture and hang with the only group that would let me in wow yeah you guys got ar-15s here huh meet the shooting society of prez [Music] it was time to show these swiss fondues how americans shoot guns i missed you missed yet i like miss what do you know you're 10 years old you probably never even kissed a girl you ever take your gun to school no no we don't are american you're not american no okay well i can say that but he can't twist kids huh even if it is true because the fact is for swiss kids life with guns is very different nothing happens it's not like like in the u.s where you have those mass shootings so your son when he goes to school he just has to worry about school yeah catching the bus sometime unlike america switzerland has found a way to peacefully co-exist with firearms shots and one of the main reasons is that while these gun owners may be loaded it's actually illegal for their guns to be loaded when not in use we got beer we got guns we got food i feel like i'm throwing another testicle down here so america if we're gonna insist on being a nation of gun nuts we could at least try and swiss things up [Music] right now i'm standing on top of lake erie well i'm actually on a boat that's on you know how that works recently the residents of toledo ohio voted to make lake erie a person what does that even mean all right can we go back i think i'm going to puke local activist markie miller is one of the human people responsible for getting the lake erie personhood initiative passed our premise was to change the notion that nature is merely property and that if you own the permit that you get to destroy it to harm it so by giving lake erie its own set of rights we have a better way of enforcing protections how far can this go a lake is a person what's next it's a swimming pool a person is a dog a person is a child a person do you see how slippery the slope is well much like you know a child we often have someone else speak on their behalf and i think that tends to be our relationship with lake erie that we become trustees of this lake you can be honest here i'm from michigan anyone that's been down here knows the people here they kind of march to their own drummer sure is this a sex thing definitely not at all so making a lake into a person is clearly a weird sex thing but marky and her fellow conservationists have even more selfish motivations a toxic water situation in ohio that prompted the governor to declare a state of emergency lake erie a major source of drinking water serves 400 000 people we lost access to our drinking water for three days it impacted 500 000 people they couldn't bathe they couldn't touch the water you couldn't do your laundry wash your dishes water became a really scarce commodity it wasn't available oh god damn that's good we realized how vulnerable we were and how precious the resource was that it could be taken away just like that it is something that we enjoy isn't it humans mind if i just but is turning your lake into a person really the best way to protect it apparently so according to the community environmental legal defense fund which has successfully turned nature into persons in places as exotic as ecuador new zealand and pennsylvania well we describe it more as the right to live to flourish exist be healthy but yeah in our legal world we use personhood rights i mean what what is a person tish is this lake a person it's living it's living okay what about that river yeah it's living and there's life all around it and in it and it's living is this a person oh my god jesus sorry that was why was that there why was that in there what do you say to your critics that say this is absolutely batshit crazy i don't find this crazy at all because corporations have had personhood rights so they're not even a living entity and yet nature that we depend on is not considered having the same rights that we do or that corporations do and there's tons of opposition to giving lake erie the rights of a person from farms the state government fishermen with ibs basically anyone else trying to get rid of their toxic dumps we found out that bp was basically the sole funder of the campaign against the lake erie bill of rights baseball bp you know i always knew is that british petroleum british petroleum can we cut that can we put that part out british petroleum they do have a refinery not far out from toledo but i think that it was more about you know not wanting this idea of rights of nature to to take off but you know we do live here and we're not going to sit back and be poisoned you know marky i have to admit when i came here i thought i thought it was [ __ ] marky i kind of thought you were this crazy woman who decided to make lake erie a person but here you are on the battlegrounds every day fighting against big agriculture fighting against the state of ohio fighting for this beautiful body of water the real hero here yeah you a little bit but even more so than that i'm the one who's showcasing you so if anything i'm the hero and that's why i love this story so maybe a person can make a difference and maybe a lake can become a person and maybe you can even get married to the handsome sensitive correspondent who saved it i do because true love is pure it is deep it is clear it's perfect and it tastes sweet [Music] ah [ __ ] why didn't you tell me there's something wrong with this water [Music] [Applause] [Music] meet the a alt-right connected group of right-wing white nationalists known for chanting confusing conspiracy theories like [Music] all while dressed like kids whose divorced dads made their halloween costumes and these world war ii reenactment rejects have one other thing in common they are angry but what do they have to be so angry about i'm a white guy things are great cops don't pull me over i pulled them over to ask for a bottle opener thanks officer no you have a great day there's no logical reason why the alt-right should be so angry they're kind of winning but what if there was a deeper reason for their frustration across the alt-right movement leaders are telling young men not to masturbate what clinical psychologist dr david lay no has a theory about why these young men are so angry they're not strangling their pepes they know how to masturbate they're not going side to side right they know it's up and down i don't think this is a technique issue they are actually trying not to masturbate you should take me hours now it's like yeah well i have one hand so you know it it gets lots of practice this guy masturbates dr lay explained that the main proponents of this no wank philosophy were the proud boys masturbation is lack of impulse control the proud boys believe that not masturbating increases their testosterone and makes them more desirable to women which brings up one question is it working for the proud boys research actually finds that less masturbation reduces testosterone so there's evidence that masturbating makes you a more masculine man a lot of really good things happen in your body and your brain but also research is finding that people who watch more pornography they are more feminist and interestingly they develop more egalitarian values over time you're right i watch a lot of gang bangs and one day i thought oh my god women have it so hard this isn't fair 95 guys and one girl we need some better representation here and the proud boys are just the tip there are stroke shamers all over the alt-right so canadian psychologist dr jordan peterson he's leader in the alt-right movement in canada and he tells young men there's nothing noble about masturbating to pornography that's terrible i mean what else are they going to do up there in between periods of hockey that's noble that's exactly that's healthy david duke who is a former grand wizard of the kkk he believes that pornography is a jewish conspiracy to get young white men to masturbate instead of procreating and so the white race dies out what is it about the jews with these guys and speaking of which this far-right moratorium on salami wrestling has been going on longer than you think the nazis taught young men not to masturbate nazis nazis used sexual suppression as a way to increase malleability in people if we can get people to give up masturbation we can get them to do anything first they came for our fleshlights and i said nothing so it's not just the insidious beliefs mob violence and haircuts the alt-right jacked this off the nazis too they're teaching these kids to hate themselves to be ashamed of themselves and then they can exploit them well they go down this rabbit hole of these extreme dangerous beliefs and become radicalized so what you're saying is masturbation can save lives definitely you know what let's do it right now let's show them all let's go i love talking to you man come on take out your dick we can't show you the rest of that interview but i will say when i think about these young people being manipulated into joining hate groups it makes me very angry and and frustrated and [Music] excuse me for one second anyway if you or anyone you know seems to be getting drawn into the alt-right before buying that tiki torch try lighting the one inside your khakis first i'm michael costa telling all you young angry men to stop hating and start baiting [Applause] [Music] hi i'm michael costa and before i started covering the news on cable tv i was a successful professional athlete what sport tennis duh i was ranked 864 in the world so i was a natural to investigate the newest sport sweeping the nation video games competitive video gaming known as esports is booming there's even a training center with five training rooms and six locker rooms the olympics are considering adding esports i went to california to a so-called training center in someone's garage to talk with these athletes about why video games isn't a sport what the hell is this this was the alienware training facility for esports team liquid complete with scrimmage stations a war room pr department a team coach and even an in-house chef the team star whose name is taco was acquired from brazil's top team this is a real sport you call yourself an athlete yes of course we compete we go to tournaments we travel a lot we got some money what does an e-sport athlete mr taco do every day just practice yeah i have a former professional tennis player that's what i would call like a real sport there was an opponent and you would relish the opportunity to defeat them with your racket what do you actually have to show for what you're doing and come on i have a really strong finger a finger yes this finger i will kill at least one million people that fingers killed one million people at least taka was referring to his kills in counter-strike a game where guys shoot other guys before a bomb goes off apparently how is this a sport i won the ann arbor junior open at 11 years old how hard can it be to pound on these dorks what are you staring at huh i'm gonna whoop your ass next to the left to the left to the left you think it's oh jesus christ i shot him four times he shoots me once and i die these games were clearly rigged against more muscular athletes oh jesus how do i keep dying taco but who's paying for these cucks to sit around all day and mash buttons apparently guys like three-time nba champion rick fox owner of esports franchise echo fox what are you doing with these nerds man you're a real athlete and so are they what the [ __ ] are you talking about me and you we played real sports you know you could see our balls in our pants when we played were you an athlete oh yeah yeah i played professional tennis i was ranked 864 in the world okay you went you win a couple tournaments no i didn't win the tournaments but how much money did you make in your career you made eleven thousand dollars about but there's a there's a whole system and i was you know right in there playing as a pro athlete okay in our era i think there was no shame around pursuing a career uh in professional sports because you could get a scholarship to college which by the way you can get as an e-sport player now there's a number of colleges that are building esports arenas on their campuses this is all great but let's get down to brass tacks here how much do these athletes make probably the best top laner in the world in one of our games he makes probably 800 000. what and while players like taco made over 800k last year other top gamers earned upwards of 4 million and thanks to advertising and sponsorships revenues will top 1.4 billion dollars this year 1.4 billion are you kidding me but what really makes it legit is vegas sports books take bets on it so i did what anyone would do sold my dog for 3 000 bucks and put it all on team liquid at the barclays center i'll buy them back after i win amsterdam london cologne montreal i don't give a [ __ ] you're in brooklyn now baby this is the barclay center this is where champions play and the brooklyn nets we're going to heal as a team or we're going to die as individuals did i make myself clear yeah come on all right ignore all that and then we just follow the game pun let's go guys it was time for team liquid to win in the semi-finals and make me some money [Music] [Applause] let's go baby let's go it definitely felt like a real sport these gaming gladiators were ready for battle ladies and gentlemen the moment you've all been waiting for team liquid versus gambit click your mouse they flexed their fingers they clicked their buttons they adjusted their headsets come on liquid liquid hey let's start the wave starting over here watch the stairs they fought to outmaneuver evade and shoot their opponents heads off and just when it looked like team liquid was on the ropes they rallied your next grand finalist is team [Applause] our video game's a sport who cares i'm rich time to try to buy my dog back [Music] as america debates whether we should enter another lockdown there's still one massless utopia where patriots can shop where they want catch fireworks with the president and even attend the largest gathering of people who wear leather in august that's right south dakota we took a unique path we haven't locked people up we didn't order a statewide shelter in place more freedom not more government is the answer but some locals aren't happy with the governor's lack of rules and are taking things into their own latex covered hands the cheyenne river st tribe has set up nine checkpoints along major roads and highways that lead into the reservation to protect people from covet 19 but the idea has sparked some disagreements yes the governor wants the checkpoints removed and she's using her power as the state's top karen to get it done but that's not sitting well with chairman harold frazier chairman you're still staying closed is that because you hate freedom no we we know we don't hate friends we got to protect our people and that's something that we value more than anything is is our human life is my life worth living if i can't get the twice baked potato from applebee's well naturally you know safety is the most important thing right now these checkpoints is one of our best weapons we have to to uh try to control this virus i've heard enough time to hit the road and see these checkpoints for myself i'm calling up to the checkpoint let's say i'm a trucker where are you going to i'm going to boise i got 30 cattle on the back have you ever been exposed to clove at 19 no thank you you have a safe trip have a good day wait wait that's it yeah we've always allowed commercial travel to come through seems like it's pretty simple frankly motorists could probably be at a checkpoint no more than a minute two minute and a half i'm gonna give you a tougher one okay going to disneyland got the kids with me what's the stopping for okay where are you from uh we're from florida ironically okay you are going to disneyland coming from florida yep okay well it's sorry to inform you but you're gonna have to uh turn around why is that sir you are coming from a hot spot and you are unable to travel through a reservation did i say florida i i meant to say costa rica hang on i'm gonna gun it [Applause] okay what is your name sir bill you got a last name yeah of rights ever heard of it bill of rights why am i being stopped here we have a checkpoint and a huge concern of uh covet 19 corona 19 right now we have a program to do tracing i didn't follow the program in my grandma's nursing home so i'm sure as [ __ ] not going to follow your program old man rest in peace meanwhile well mr rights it's already informed you you're going to have to reroute your destination you're being uncooperative so thank you and have a good day with just 19 active cases on the reservation the checkpoints seem to be working but bootleg's sarah palin said they have to come down or she'll take him to court but the tribe's lawyer says that the sioux don't have to do [ __ ] when governor gnome told us to shut down the checkpoints she had no legal leg to stand on and so we refused when we refused she told on us to the white house they threatened to take our checkpoints down there were numerous people at every level of the federal government that had their fingers in this so we sued all of those people you sued them that's right you sued the federal government yes it's like you guys got in a little fight at the schoolyard and then she went home and caught and called her dad yes and then you sued her dad that's right threats from the federal government haven't been enough to deter the sioux that's because they're protected by a concept known as tribal sovereignty sovereignty is our inherent power to govern ourselves as tribal people when i enter reservation i'm not a member of a tribe do i have to follow tribal law or federal government law there is unfortunately a confusing array of which laws apply on indian reservations can i have breakfast for dinner can you have breakfast for dinner i'm gonna say yes i will allow it can i practice medicine without a license you may not can i wear socks with sandals uh you probably better not there seems to be a little ambiguity on these tough questions there are some restrictions and limits and you know what's what's very interesting to note is that you know we started out with the full range of sovereign authority and over the years we've lost much of our land our culture has been harmed but this fight that we're having against the united states in this checkpoint issue we're on the offense nikki it's tough to fight the federal government unlimited resources unlimited lawyers do you really think you're going to win yes i do think we're going to win the federal government doesn't want to [ __ ] with us because they're afraid of indians and they should be i learned a lot on this journey first of all don't [ __ ] with indians can i say that and two if keeping your people safe is unamerican then maybe we should all try to be a little more un-american and lastly if hey where are you from damn it harold [Music] welcome to the presidential race that will not end 2020 has already been a torturous marathon of an election cycle so what's one more week plus i'm keeping a close eye on my stress levels new york times has their needle from hell 538 has that sexy cross-eyed cartoon fox so i thought i would make my own descent into madness meter that way i can let you know how stressed out you should be right now we can sit back and rest assured the states will count every ballot in a timely fashion which is why right now i'm in the zen zone the presidential race still undecided millions of votes still being counted okay well i'm sure that's not a big deal but just to put my mind at ease let's talk to an expert in chaos theory close but more like this meet ned foley an expert in u.s electoral chaos from a potential disaster standpoint what happens if we don't know the results of this election uh we're fine for a couple of weeks we we don't really have to worry again until we get to december monday december 14. so that's actually the real presidential election that's when the electoral college meets there's a provision of federal law it's title three of the u.s code section seven it talks about the meeting of the electoral college being the first monday after the second wednesday in december i thought it was the fourth thursday in november isn't that thanksgiving well then when's my anniversary you tell me okay it's december 14th and not all the votes have been counted what happens well that would be bad that would be very bad ned tells me that if the vote count is not complete by december 14th which i marked on my calendar the states get to ignore the popular vote and send their own electors this is an actual law that would authorize or at least give a state legislature grounds for stepping in and say well we're going to step in and just appoint electors ourselves i'm just going to take some notes on a white board to make it simpler for myself is that okay no both the senate and the house it turns out there are a lot of nightmare scenarios that the clear winner doesn't emerge who do you think it benefits trump or biden if this delayed situation continues and we don't know an answer by december 14th depending upon who is looking like they're going to win the popular vote it becomes strategically advantaged to the other candidate to try to mess up the system it becomes advantageous for team trump to try to derail the popular vote and how does trump derail the popular vote well it's the lawsuits that you're seeing now all kinds of lawsuits pennsylvania has become the center of multiple 2020 election lawsuits the 2020 vote has already seen more lawsuits filed than any other race with trump's top lawyers like this guy do you think we're stupid you think we're fools which definitely could lead to panicking one of the reasons why you might feel panicky is because that's what donald trump wants you to feel because he knows that if all legal eligible votes are counted here in pennsylvania he's quite likely going to lose meet the man currently fighting trump's lawyers in pennsylvania where this election may actually be decided attorney general josh shapiro a.g shaps election day is over it's still too close to call on a level of oh [ __ ] to holy [ __ ] how stressed about this election should i be you shouldn't be stressed at all you voted you did your part now let us count the votes and deal with what may come my team and i have been preparing for this election for more than four months we knew we'd be facing litigation before the election do you get a notification on your phone every time someone sues pennsylvania is it like how i get a text message oh i get notifications i get texts and i get a staff calling here's the thing about these lawsuits right donald trump you know puts out some crazy tweets and he says some outrageous things but in a court of law we don't deal in tweets um and crazy statements we deal with facts and evidence you're a composed guy you're calm you got the answers that's probably how you became attorney general right but when do you think the legal dust will finally settle for the 2020 election i think you'll have a certified count here as required by law within the next you know 10 days or so and we'll move forward with the process and begin to try and heal this country all right ag shaps is handling there's a process for this a system in place mapped out by the constitution it's not madness scribbled on a whiteboard so everything's going to be just fine okay nervousness january 20th is to my mind the ultimate nightmare that's what worries me the most what if we get to january 20th and there's still competition and still uncertainty and the generals in the pentagon don't know who gets the nuclear coach you may not know the answer to this but what does the constitution say about transferring nuclear codes it doesn't say anything because it was written before the nuclear age ned thank you i feel a lot more at ease it's clear what's going to happen in the next two months and my anxiety is already lowered so thanks a lot jesus christ so the one tiny detail that isn't worked out is the nukes well at least we can stop tracking stress levels [Music] you
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,109,000
Rating: 4.7550502 out of 5
Keywords: the daily show, trevor noah, daily show with trevor noah, the daily show episodes, comedy central, comedians, comedian, funny video, comedy videos, funny clips, noah trevor, trevor noah latest episode, daily show latest episode, daily show, trevor, news, politics, trump, daily show trump, trevor noah trump, Michael Kosta, man on the street, slavery, guns, gun rights, Switzerland, gun violence, lake erie, environment, esports, 2020 election, electoral college, covid-19, coronavirus
Id: 2hohsnmxQmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 46sec (2266 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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