The Best of Irish Lads CK3 (Jacksepticeye, Call Me Kevin,, RTGame, Daithi De Nogla, Terroriser)

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[Music] how's it going my name's sean mcconaughey all right this we died like if i got your attention i'm ready to invade the uk but daniel two wrongs don't make right is this considered cultural appropriation [Applause] special thanks to paradox for sponsoring me myself and i and also me and myself to play crusader kings 3. no gucci for this peasant i'm afraid king kevin ah my name's shite no i just know how this is going to end she'd be the king of england then hey sean you've betrayed us kevin he's gandalf kevin you're going to drop dead before we start this air is his air is 26 and looks about seven i noticed that brian you are lustful wrathful and zealous you also have a midas touch and what about my character all right attack brian the game is currently passed i said to myself earlier i said the first thing nogla's going to do in this session is try and burn my ancestry down please go all the way from france raise all armies nothing would stop nogla no no ocean could get in between holy roman empire so as you can see i decided to pick norway but i was so far away i figured i might need an ally in the in the wars to come so i decided to pick the person who is the best out of out of all of us it's strategy games dahi de nogla so glad i have my luscious beard hiding my mouth because i i can't even say that with a straight face arty game i decided to try and make an alliance with uh rt game i can declare war i think on kevin why would you do that let's go miserable war declared i was just going to ask you do you want to get married or something i was trying to figure it out and then you went to war with me kevin you got any daughters i mean my guy is up to mary if you're interested uh you're you're oh your son that's my daughter you dick oh sorry oh no i i declared war on kevin but my army's only of seven people oh what the [ __ ] the [ __ ] are these girls are so fascinating you realize you are heterosexual wage war on england let's unify boys hold on here i just realized i'm heterosexual i i don't know how to stop kevin because he's got an army on my capital city well if you didn't know how to stop me maybe you shouldn't have started me kevin can we be at peace i don't understand oh that sounds like something i said a while ago and i remember you continuing the assault war declared i just got imprisoned oh no your king is in prison maybe you should leave me alone just back off oh god i have executed you down you are now wait wait wait wait wait i murder bewind messenger what see oh wait never shh never mind shh don't say anything about that what did you do you almost let the what what you do go on i no i'm doing something which one of you is plotting to kill my queen um all right i only need three months and then something will happen i'm kind of confused i don't know who i am anymore existential crisis over here i think sean did you kill him my guy said perhaps i should be ashamed but in true there was no love finally i'm free to start my life a new i saved him and he's 53. i'm going to find a new wife mama [Laughter] oh gorty again plays his duke tunnel of albania he was nine apparently it shows like a picture of your last like kingdom uh this is my picture [Laughter] all right well i'm getting monster i'm already monster kevin you have to be desmond that's where cork is no yes desmond is smaller kevin we're playing a video game i don't want to play as me you be a desmond he's role playing daddy heads up guys england has 5 000 soldiers i will be fine we'll raise the army yeah we're grand we conquered we do the isle of man first yeah you see what we do is we go up and we convince the scottish that the english okay exactly we we get the scots and the welsh on our side that's going to take we're going to get union together and then we're going to sell doggy's children to the french and they'll join us can't sell his children no one will want them oh should we marry your way in is that a good idea like okay marry them and murder them like game of thrones oh yeah i'm coming through dublin there then hold on oh no how is it going oh let's go boys they've got loads of spouses right my armies are in ireland how do i get them to attack everything you need to declare war before you can raise armies and put them somewhere get me no you don't yes you do i just i raised my army and just walked to the isle of man yeah but they're not going to do anything once they get there oh you're right you have to know they're just standing there they're just on holiday what the [ __ ] is going on does anyone want to marry my children i think they're kind of shy this guy's in the holy roman empire and he wants to help me in the war against leinster but i i don't know him i've never met this man and he's like yeah don't worry i'll help you in this fight i got troops anywhere near the place i have a son i get to name my son what should i name him kevin kevin please a good irish name may you grow to be strong and wise my son i have a real disaster that's unfolded in dublin we ran out of wine i captured desmond yeah i'm going to torture him now oh no oh yes torture look at that i've put rats in a bucket and put the bucket on his chest and i'm heating the bucket so it'll start digging jesus christ let that be a warning to everyone okay i've got all the bottom of the country now so everything's settled down here oh we're doing great though you seem to know what you're doing i don't but a bucket of rats goes a long way apparently because he just gave off all right here we go we get to declare war on him boom declare war oh [ __ ] oh i made a mistake oh i've made a mistake i've made a mistake right there can anyone help me oh i don't know where you're going what have you done he's [ __ ] me up who did you go to war with oh oh oh oh you can call allies to go to war or he will not accept oh he's not returning my calls oh no he left me on red oh no straight to voicemail no earlham of herefortshire i'm not even at war with you oh i am wait what you're warm with everybody oh what that's me oh [ __ ] how do i withdraw friendly fire how do i stop you killed i'm so sorry i'm now in debt i think you took money off me oh i'm so sorry you can gift me money let me give you some money send a gift i can pay you a hundred gold i'll i'll do that do it can you give me a gift okay this is how it begins he's like the rich powerful friend can i have some you haven't you don't need money give almost but you're giving stuff to them all right we're declaring war by you someone murdered my leader oh it was just my son it's okay oh thank god so the sons are fighting thank god thank god it's only my firstborn oh i got a territory monster is expanding to the united kingdom where really oh my army is defeated what you made a poor investment then i did i seized the castle i was in a massive battle there while you're all having a casual talk oh talk i'm not fighting for me life my leader just went on a pilgrimage to cologne he'll be back in 15 years it's probably best to leave the country to be honest this is this is a bit of a [ __ ] show oh i've new son and air rash boy i will give her a good tumble am i about to get laid or something what is this dan as soon as you left brian went in to try and take it instead ah now brian i'm sorry i'm after giving someone's wife the old how's your father apparently well you're about to go to war with each other now brian so i don't think it's going to end well with you well look i'm sorry while you're fighting war she wants me to stay a little longer i'm a bit preoccupied she wants me to cuddle countess grania became my lover what the hell is going on kevin except for that one there's tons of wait i got loads of pop-ups wait no wait brian why are we fighting no because you both try to lay siege to the same place i'm busy getting laid over here stop right i don't know how to stop oh it's going you're going to win his brains winning how do i oh no yeah because i have more soldiers i got like my second army no stop it daniel just just stop danielle [ __ ] up right wait a second he's winning every time he's winning break it's on daniel i think he's actually gonna sleeping with other people's wives and i'm taking down [Applause] right [Applause] thanks for marrying my daughter kevin she's like seven no problem dude as everything else is going during this epic battle thanks for marrying my seven-year-old all right who did you send me um i sent you uh nick murdock or whatever it is is it kevin nekula i don't see them at all give a tracking number yeah i actually can't find her can you i may have lost here okay thanks for losing my daughter bro oh what kevin what the [ __ ] kevin you broke you broke up with my daughters i'm sorry dude they had nothing in common my countess gained a trade pregnant that's not a treat she's friendly she's kind she's pregnant i have one arm i only have one [ __ ] oh [ __ ] you lost an hour i've lost it how did you manage left i'm maimed he still looks so happy tears but a scratch a scratch your arms off no it isn't well what's that then i've heard worse what the [ __ ] happened wait what oh and my wife had a miscarriage i died out of nowhere petty king idaho not rest in the yard he rests in the army of the lord at 61 years of age he drank himself to death classic irishman i died i died my train role has taken over eight years of age let's go let's go brilliant one sec let me get to the map one second oh i'm so far i'm so [ __ ] one [Music] this kid is three years old and he's already in two wars [ __ ] devil child wait daddy did your three-year-old just win he [ __ ] survived the siege in a war he's three years old what's with this three-year-old he's all pee what did i surrender wait why have i got the king of england on my screen same well when donnie de king is somewhere in england if you zoom out and zoom in you might see da he might have done something to piss off the english no [ __ ] when did i become english oh just killing me now all right i have a scheme to murder uh william the conqueror it has a 76 success rate really okay i'll make one too can we all just create a scheme kill william the conqueror let's go everyone my cat my guy stressed that he's trying to murder him because he's quite honest my guy has no problem at all with this yeah 77 mine's i'll kill his wife okay king robert likes me he gains thirty he gained opinion of me he's my friend now king robert is dead friendship robert is over i am sixth in line to be the king of england if we can keep killing them i will become the king of england i got a game over really wow dude i could choose a new character can you pick um the queen of england please and commit suicide because that would help me a lot can i just pick england yeah pick england and commit suicide if you don't mind i have lost all of irish monster by the way it is now lapland oh my god santa claus is coming to court kevin kevin i think england's falling i put in all this work and now the kingdom falls you were in control for five minutes the kingdom of england won't touch anything i'm doing a scheme to kill the king i have a 95 chance in 10 months oh my god you're the heir and i'm the heir okay so just put it on full speed don't touch anything kill the baby you gotta kill him fast he's growing older and wiser he's dead he's dead i'm the king of england i mean the queen is technically in control but i'm the king petty king rat boy [Laughter] this is a story all about how a little rat boy's life got turned upside down i think we all knew it would end this way really as king i'd like to thank any man who must say i am the king is no true king [ __ ] off [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Luuuna
Views: 258,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4Go5FacotSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 03 2021
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