The Best of Chopin
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Views: 78,355,436
Rating: 4.811615 out of 5
Keywords: chopin, classic, classical, music, very best, notturno, nocturne, preludio, prelude, romantico, romantic, piano, pianoforte, piano lessons, al chiaro di luna, moonlight sonata, per elisa, love, best of, best, the best, orchestra, sinfonia, symphony, fantasie impromptu, polonaise, france, paris, l'amour, Violin, Preludes (Chopin), Concerto, Prelude (Composition Type), Classical Music (Musical Genre), essential classic, Chopin playlist, long video, musica classica, classical music
Id: wygy721nzRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 17sec (6197 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 04 2012
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