The Best Nest Box for Chickens | Assembly and Installation

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what is going on everyone i'm cleaning up my mess from my last project what i want to do today is put together the nesting boxes that i ordered uh these are from best nest box and they are the 48 inch nesting boxes they'll they say they'll handle up to 45 birds something like that so uh they are 48 inches long or wide and i'm gonna put that together and we're going to install it in the uh the new chicken coop and we'll see how that looks okay this is a nesting box let me get this thing unpacked and we're going to put it together [Music] uh doesn't look too complicated you have your choice in the situation here you can have your eggs come out of the front or the back so usually if it's out of the back side you have this like you have a hole cut out in your coop where the back side is sticking out where you can take your you can collect the eggs without going in your coop i'm not doing it that way because i don't want to cut a whole lot in my coop i want to be able to go in my coop and collect the eggs that way now the other nesting box i'll put a video to that right up here that one i turned it around so where i can collect the eggs from the outside i don't have to go into my chicken tractor to collect the eggs and you can check that video out so we are going to now it comes with a kind of a rubbery plasticky kind of mat that the chickens can sit on or walk on or whatever and uh so now we just got to put up the sides put this cover on the front and the opening door here now the eggs are going to be you know lay the eggs here and the eggs are going to roll back in here so this is going to go on the inside of the coop and we want this angle to face this now if it was going to be the other way around and these would be facing the other way like this so i have to switch these around okay next we gotta mount this here like like that well like this [Music] [Music] these nuts have a uh washer built right in them so when you tighten the the bolt it'll it it holds itself and it doesn't spin on you so this plate goes right here like that we're gonna put a bolt there and the nut from the other side and and this here also one more nut or bolt [Music] okay and we're just going to hand tighten these for now all right next goes the cover all right when you put your cover on make sure you don't cover up these tabs back here these you'll be folding them out and you'll be using that to hang this on your wall into your studs [Music] okay the covers are nice and tight next thing we need to do is put on our little curtains here and they get mounted right on the front here just like that all right we are ready to put the door on for the egg compartment right here you want to start the bolt and tighten it down like you see here [Music] and on the other side what you want to do is just start the bolt and nut and leave it just like that now we want to do is the hinge part because those bolts are going to act as a hinge we want to get one bolt the one you tighten down on this side start it in there like that put it on there now on the other side we're going to put a wrench on that nut and tighten that bolt all the way in into the door [Music] just like that we need to put these plates in for the the roosting bar uh we want to put that right here like that [Music] and we're going to use a quarter 20 bolt and you want to use the uh the nut that's got that plastic locking washer in there now you want to tighten these down snug them down actually [Music] you just want to snug it down a little bit it still moves and that's good like that all right so now we're ready to put the perch on the nesting box here you want to lay it on there just like that now we got these 3 16 by 1 inch long bolts and the nuts that go with them are the ones with the little plastic inside plastic locking washer and we want to put that in here like this and actually we can flip this up make life a little easier and we just want to put this on there's four of them we have to put on and then we'll tighten those down and we are complete so for those of you that don't know the chicken will jump on here go inside there lay her egg when you go to collect your eggs you just lift this up lift this up out of the way the eggs have rolled down in this this compartment here and you collect your nice clean eggs with no poop on them no mud no nothing everything's nice and clean and then after you collect the eggs you put this bag down and we're ready for the next laying session all right so let's go bring this into the coop and find a good area for it and mount it on the wall [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so i put two buckets down here they're about 12 inches high the buckets uh which makes this perch here bar about 18 inches off the ground and ideally you want it between 18 and 24 inches uh that should work out really good um so now the next thing i need to do here is these tabs i'm gonna put it into the 2x4 this one here also um i may put an extra screw here and here i think from the inside though into the 2x4 just for added support and that looks like it should work out pretty good um [Music] now i can take these buckets out of here yeah that looks good now when the hens come up here they land on the perch go inside lay their eggs when it's time for me to collect eggs you just lift this up open that up collect your eggs put the perch back down and you're back in business and you got nice clean no poop no mud on the eggs beautiful all right guys so i hope you uh enjoyed this video i'm going to put a link to this in the description under the video you want to put your nesting box in an area in your coop if you got a bigger coupe like i do you want to put it in an area where it's not not heavily trafficked let's just say so i was going to put it by the door on the on the other side of the building here but that's too much chickens going in and out during the day and it would probably disturb them so what i did is i picked the opposite corner away from the roost bars and away from the door it is by a window but it is dark in there um but you basically what you want is a place where it's not a lot of traffic going on and a little darker place for them so they like it cozy and dark and that's how they lay their eggs in a cozy and dark place all right guys so thank you for watching please like and subscribe to my channel and i will see you guys in my next video [Music] do
Channel: Pete B: East Texas Homesteading
Views: 20,143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best nest box, chicken coop, nest box, nesting box for, nesting box for chickens, rollaway nest box, chicken nesting boxes roll away eggs, metal roll away nest boxes, front rollout nesting box, best nest box assembly, best nest box large, best nest box small, best nest box medium, dirty eggs, broken eggs, chicken nesting boxes rollaway eggs, best nest box review, best nest box for chickens, Pete B, Homesteading
Id: ANT1jSbt48A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 12sec (912 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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