The BEST Natural Antibiotic Drink (Home Remedy Formula)

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i wanted to do this upgraded video of an older video that i did on a natural antibiotic concoction now anything that i say is not meant to replace your medical care check with your doctor before implementing what i'm about to show you so i'm going to give you a formula of something you can make it's a homemade drink that you'll take at the first sign of sickness whether you get a tickle in your throat or you feel run down or you go through a stress event that's when you're going to take this okay now a couple things you need to know when you take an antibiotic realize that only kills bacteria it doesn't kill viruses it doesn't kill candida fungus things like that what you're going to be taking is you're going to be taking an anti-microbial remedy okay and we're going to borrow these powerful chemicals from plants now plants have been developing these sophisticated amazing chemicals that have all sorts of properties for a long time before humans and plants can't run away so here they are stuck in the dirt and so they are forced to develop all sorts of defense mechanisms to help them survive against a huge battle of not just bacteria but funguses viruses pests etc so what we're going to do is we're going to tap into their chemicals use them for our benefits so this is not really an antibiotic it's an antimicrobial so it's antibacterial antivirus anti parasite and there's going to be a lot less side effects than an antibiotic which creates antibiotic resistance when you tap into the anti-microbial effects from plants you don't get the same resistance okay you don't get the side effects you know when they talk about herbal remedies there they classify them as alternative medicine but honestly pharmaceutical companies get a lot of their ideas from plants the first form of medicine was from mother nature so from my viewpoint it appears that modern medicine is really the alternative to the original form of medicine which came from plants mother nature and natural remedies now just realize too if you get a fever for example you don't want to try to run out and get some medication to try to suppress the fever right off the bat because a fever is part of your immune system response and your immune system is your greatest weapon against infections a lot of people don't talk about this they don't emphasize it but your immune system is really what's going to fight this thing off all we're going to do is use natural compounds to enhance our immune system defenses so if you start taking things to suppress a fever for example you may find that the infection stays around a lot longer okay so it's going to be harder for you to resolve this situation now the next thing is the most important thing so if you checked out check back in right now this is very very very important stress okay if you're going through stress right now which you probably are if you're sick because stress always is the thing that triggers a lowered immune system you must do whatever you can to reduce this stress why because stress activates cortisol in the presence of high levels of cortisol your immune system can not function it gets put on pause and that means that pathogens can very easily invade your body so this whole thing with cortisol and stress must be resolved also realize there's a natural form of cortisol that you can also tap into and that is vitamin d which is not really a vitamin it's a hormone so the more you can expose yourself to the sun or take vitamin d the better the immune system will work and you'll get the effects of cortisol without all these side effects because vitamin d does not paralyze the immune system it modulates it it controls the over reaction of an immune system but helps improve the immune system at the same time it increases your immune system's ability to fight back all right so we're going to be using several things that we're going to blend in a 16 ounce mason jar and you're going to keep this in the refrigerator and it's going to actually get stronger and more potent over time because it's going to ferment so you're going to be using garlic which has a certain phytonutrient in fact it has like 33 additional sulfur-based compounds that directly help as an antimicrobial so garlic is the most important thing you also use ginger which is a very potent antimicrobial you're going to be using turmeric which is probably number two after garlic in its antimicrobial effects and as to curcumin in turmeric that is going to help you and then we're going to also use apple cider vinegar okay now in the first video i did um i recommended using two cups i found that's that's pretty strong okay so we're going to use a lot less but apple cider vinegar is going to help acidify your system to the point where your phagocytes those little guys that help clean up infection and help fight microbes you can stimulate phagocytes through acidification and then we're going to use a whole lemon with the peels the outside and everything you're going to blend it that's going to give your very potent vitamin c complex and about flavonoids to help the immune system so you're not going to just use lemon juice you're going to use the whole lemon and then in this mixture you're going to add a very specific type of honey called manuka honey now in the first video i didn't recommend it in this video i'm going to recommend it not a lot but just some because of its very very powerful antimicrobial effects so the benefits or the pros of using this honey far outweigh the cons as far as it breaking your ketogenic plant because this honey has a very interesting chemical called mgo as well as hydrogen peroxide that can really speed things up for you so this is what you're going to take 15 cloves of garlic you're not going to have to put them through a garlic press because you're going to put them right into the blender okay so 15 garlic cloves take a whole lemon an organic lemon stick that in the blender now we're going to take one tablespoon of turmeric powder then you're going to create a fourth of a cup of ginger so you're going to take some ginger you're going to shred it on a grater until you get about a fourth of a cup you're going to put that in the blender it's going to be very very spicy now you're going to take a fourth of a cup of this manuka honey pour that into the blender you're going to also add one ounce of extra virgin olive oil why because this oil is going to help you extract the fat soluble plant-based compounds that are in these plants now you could instead use coconut oil if you want just use a heaping teaspoon of that put it in the blender because in order to extract fat soluble compounds you need fat just like you put oil on your salad because the carotenoids plant-based chemicals in your salad are fat soluble so they need fat to be able to break them down okay now we're going to add three ounces of apple cider vinegar put that in the blender and then add a cup of water now you're going to blend this for about one to two minutes and then you're going to pour it into the 16 ounce mason jar okay and then you're gonna finish it off with some additional water until you're about a half an inch from the top okay now you're gonna seal the jar completely tight and put it in the refrigerator now you could start using this immediately but just realize that the longer it's in the fridge the better it's going to work as far as the potency goes and then at the first sign of a sickness whether it's a tickle in the throat or you're feeling run down you're tired you're going to take a shot of this drink okay and then you can also take an additional four shots spread out through the rest of the day so there you have it a natural antimicrobial drink now the next most important video for you to watch would be on the immune system okay so check out that one right here you
Channel: Dr. Eric Berg DC
Views: 1,759,296
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: a drink that helps fight colds, immune system, immunity, immune system booster, immunity booster, remedies for cold, home remedies, natural remedies, cold and flu, immunity drink, immune boosting, home remedy, immunity booster drink, diy immune booster drink, boost immune system, ginger turmeric shots, herbal drink, herbal remedies, immune system booster drink dr berg, dr. eric berg, eric berg, dr. berg, berg, dr berg BEST Natural Antibiotic Drink, dr berg BEST Antibiotic
Id: vnvfiCXs45E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 56sec (536 seconds)
Published: Mon May 16 2022
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