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if there was a way to make the Great Monte Cristo sandwich better well I think we found it a Monte Cristo is really at heart just a ham a cheese just a ham and cheese cooked like french toast cheese ham dipped in egg thing cooked eaten it's delicious fact young chance says he almost orders it every time he sees it on a menu but I asked myself is it possible to improve on this most delicious of sandwiches but by the way are perfect for breakfast lunch or dinner late night doesn't matter there's no appropriate time to have a Monte Cristo so we're gonna do that today we're gonna add two layers of ham one will be sliced ham Black Forest my fave and the other we're gonna try and do a little pulled pork tenderloin thing and since I don't know how it's gonna work out I got two ways to do it today is experimental day for our Monte Cristo's let's attend to our pork by seasoning it first these are two pork tenderloins that's how they come these two came in a package I think it's a great deal this is about eight bucks or something you do a lot of stuff with this one we're gonna cook on the grill the other one we're gonna braise cook in liquid to get it all tender and perfect but we're gonna season them both the same way so into our little Bowl we'll go the following for me the usual suspects a little cayenne okay maybe more than a little some chili powder these are all for me work beautifully with pork dry oregano and of course kosher salt and pepper we mix this breaking up the oregano nice ready let's give our pork a little avocado oil so everything sticks go to both sides and the fat that's on here I'm I'm pretty much okay with so now we'll season both the same quite aggressively pork is pretty bland you know it needs some love and if it doesn't get it here you know we're gonna get it I'm this guy and you remember that I said one will go on the grill and one will be braised in liquid to help it get super tender and pull a party we hope so let's do this let's take this guy sorry we're gonna take this guy this one will go in the liquid so I'm just gonna make life easier cut them into little quarters this one here and then we want seasoning here on the ends that doesn't have any so and then we've got it on the board we can just soak it up that way take advantage of it of the spillage tell you good she needs more take more and we're great okay one for the pot one for the grill let's check out the pot first so this may or may not work right now I have no idea this is about three cores of a bottle of Modelo negra dark beer smells amazing by itself right oh yeah an unnecessary add could be that butter that I just put in a lot a hundred percent sure to give it a little extra will put about a tablespoon of Worcestershire and then for one special little interesting add we're gonna give it about a quarter of a teaspoon of liquid smoke that looks like this that a little mix and now in goes the pork and this will come back to a boil we want it really at a simmer when we put the lid on these little medallions are just gonna live in here you can see as I turn this guy over here the bottom side is already starting to go white like pork and this guy we want a little bubble on this not boiling a little simmer and then we put the lid on violently violently just keep your eye on it you don't want it to boil because it'll get tough you want it to simmer so it'll be tender cooked through and then fall a party next we throw this kid on the grill there you have it look it's not very exciting yet girls on sort of medium ish high we want to cook it till it's between about 140 and 145 we're gonna wrap it in foil with a little more beer let it steam until tender and then the magic happens [Music] so you know the way I like to cook a steak on a grill I turn it I turn it I turn it same thing here I'll just keep going so it's evenly cooked all the way through I'm not gonna take that long so when you get marks give it a flip if you get marks give it a flip keep going keep going check out with your instant read thermometer yank it just around 140 so here's our or here's our little brazing experiment they look good one more bubbling that I want I'll turn it down a bit and check back in about 10-15 minutes I don't think garlic aioli is a traditional component of a Monte Cristo but it's something that we use it not not tacos a lot and now at Gray's quite a lot and it just enhances so we're gonna make a quick little bit of it to go on this hopefully delicious sandwich first Japanese Mayo like that squeeze of oil avocado like that some fresh garlic this would not be the time to throw in dried garlic crystals and some minced parsley for color and deliciousness and Max we mix I cannot tell you the amazing difference this is going to make because it's going to oh I caught it I cannot tell you how good this smells this this pork braising away and this our beautiful little tenderloin shall we take a temperature Jo let me tell you something that your generation is missed out on your temperature being taken rectally did it was how sorry are you it was a thing in my day unless thing I enjoyed it not that there's anything wrong with that it's something that we've missed out on all right here look the ambient temp right here was that so you can read that 70 degrees so in we go I can't read it you tell me what to say 101 point 6 we're not there to 103 not there while that's finishing while that's finishing now we'll shred some Gruyere cheese that will be tremendous in this it's pretty easy just well do this using the large holes on a box grater we shred grier is widely also known as Swiss cheese it's a little more I don't know I like it you could use whatever look you could use any kind of cheese you want but I get the aroma of this right here so it's a little bit more say Oh pungent I think then regular Swiss which is what you want I think by the time you you French toast to size this sandwich with ham and you know egg and blah blah blah whatever on the outside you want a cheese that will stand up and this one is gonna stand up okay okay all we have to do now is wait for our two pieces of pork tenderloin to finish sorry our five pieces one on the grill and four in the little pot all right it's time the tenderloin on the grill behind me is about 141 ish these I think I'm gonna give up on them they'll all try just because but here's how I want this to go down I have a container here aka casserole dish I'm gonna take some foil aka like it oil there's nothing else for it right and and set it in here like like a like a like a bed spread no like a like a I don't know like a what what is this anyway into this I was just only going to put the Tenderloin from the grill but I think now I want to try out these guys that were braising away I don't know they don't seem very tender that's tender that's not I don't know if this is gonna work but let's not just leave them like that let's put a little more beer in here to help the whole thing steam a bit and now we'll close up our our parcel like this like this like this we want this to be fairly snug we leave it for 10 minutes then we deal with the pork whatever condition it's in then we build our sandwiches porks almost ready we start with our little egg wash batter french toast as sizing kind of thing eggs go in go three and three tablespoons of cream and you could use milk but I like cream so three tablespoons roughly of heavy cream and we mix sorry and we beat when that's done it goes off to the side we wipe we deal with the pork and here we are so our pork now little rested looks like this nope this is not [ __ ] working at all this on the other hand is gorgeous look I'm not scared to admit that this experiment did not work the idea was to get it like a little shredder Bowl which it's it's not really gonna do [ __ ] let's take a look that's pork it's completely cooked I'll bite ya [ __ ] don't do that at all that is dry as frickin toast gross I may have to take a different tack than this let's check the Tenderloin tenderloin please I mean I know what to do if it doesn't work but cash oh there you go look at that Wow so this now this is the stuff that's what we want YUM can everybody that that's good okay so do this shred this up forget the one in the beer this is the one you want to do it maybe hands is easier just do it with your hands this is gonna be great and when you've got it the way you want it get back the broth from the one now see now we're making sense now I know why did these be little chunks so I could end up with this delicious broth put all of this in here oh boy look at that max push it down now this we just leave this will go into our sandwiches and make them Oh amazing let's build so here we go we want a middle layer so this is what we've got we're gonna start with the traditional add of Dijon mustard on one piece spread this up and don't be cheap I mean I always say that but I spread all the way to the edges because if somebody takes a bite right here I want to make sure they get a bite a decent bite of the mustard you feel the whole thing next we're gonna put a layer of our Grier cheese a little bit some of this pulled tenderloin that's been living this amazing broth that I made by accidents well now absolutely intentionally look at that more here all the way you should smell this oh and now you know you need cheese for glue so a little more now this guy's gonna go on top you know what's going on here max more cheese actually I'm gonna go another a little bit of mustard coming on the top one I want a only on the bottom or on the top and mustard on the other side cheese ready for our more traditional ham or black forest ham I don't know if I can do this I don't know how this is gonna come together how I'm gonna be able to hold all this in well it's gonna be a good experiment isn't it oh yeah and if it's a frickin disaster oh I don't think it's gonna be okay garlic aioli goes next on this top piece right here goodness gracious and for the glue a little bit more cheese on top of this and then this now look this is ridiculous like this so we will push it down we will use what's known in the industry as the solid flat palm push and the requisite hold for 10 8 6 3 1 and that's what you've got now look you could pick this up and eat it by itself but we're not gonna do that because that's not what this is intended to be so I will now push it off to the side and in comes the beaten egg with the cream here's the hard part ladies and gentlemen how I get all this in there and then onto the flattop without it falling apart so here we go as carefully as you can in and now you want to get it soaked well enough that it all gets in so try and do the bottom turn it over to the top and just that that's soaking we're gonna put some butter on the flattop and then bring it right over and put it on and then you lift up your sandwich on we go oh goodness we may have done something terrible here ladies and gentlemen we may have created a Frankenstein's monster of a Montecristo what I can tell you is how it smells and it smells insane it smells like a Monte Cristo should yeah that's gonna be gorgeous it's gonna be gorgeous but it's not there yet and don't forget we got to figure out how we do this and then the backside and then of course what right now is the top and when you need max to move you just say max move let's turn it over I'm not saying I'm not coming back I'm just saying right now just turn it over hello sweetheart that is a Monte Cristo right now right now I want to get this part the back side so I'll go like this this is not easy because I have to hold this there's not like Monte Cristo bookends that I can employ I just have to stay here watching making sure that nobody falls out everything stays intact watch it oh blending at the bottom splitting move move quick let me do this okay come back look you wouldn't need to do this in a normal Monte Cristo but look right down on the top max you know what I see I see ham I see garlic aioli I see melting cheese I see just a tremendous amount of gorgeousness okay now here comes the hard part I'm gonna bring it down cuz I got this beautifully look at the pork coming out let me shove that kid back in you get in get in nobody told you to leave now the hard part can I get color here why do I have to do this make my life miserable so not a lot just a little oh [ __ ] everything's going bad this is a mistake there's a terrible mistake that's the best I can do oh my god I think we've done okay here let's grab this kid come on baby and here we are I gotta stop saying that look it look it look it I don't know about you max but maybe we cut it and here we go it's maybe the most delicious grilled cheese ever two kinds of pork garlic aioli and that's everybody let's have a bite holy Sh I don't know what could be wrong with this nothing could be wrong with this design it's got that bite the garlic aioli you see the the parsley green of it here the pulled tenderloin the Black Forest just add that savory and smokiness of the Black Forest and then the French toast nonsense of the whole damn thing oh my god so maybe we overdid it with two layers maybe make one I would not leave out the garlic aioli hell I wouldn't leave out both the meats but thanks for being here thanks for hanging out don't forget we have the special limited edition this month only vote for Lewis t-shirt it's below 100% of the proceeds go to the San Diego Humane Society for their paws program feel good help dogs and their owners and make this and as cool as this triple-decker Monte Cristo is max wanted a single for the JPEG so I do what he wants I don't care I'll do anything you want [Music]
Views: 1,339,900
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Keywords: monte cristo, monte cristo sandwich, best monte cristo, best sandwich, best cristo, sam the cooking guy, sam the cooking guy sandwich
Id: 0bihglIP42c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 6sec (1326 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 09 2020
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