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how's it going guys thanks for watching another video so tonight we're going to talk about some real cost efficient modifications that you can make to your Sawyer squeeze system that'll make it filter water quicker and last a lot longer let's check it out guys if you want to purchase any of the products that I mentioned in this video check out the description box on the bottom of the V some links to my Amazon store alright the first thing you should think about replacing in the Sawyer squeeze system is the actual squeeze bag alright so this is the 32 ounce version and as you can see it's very rigid and can be very hard to handle sometimes when you're trying to put water into it you want something a little bit more flexible so it's easier to handle and the opening on here is very small so if you could imagine dipping this into a water source that's full and it's just kind of bubbling along filling it takes a very long time to fill and or if you could imagine if the water source isn't full all the way and you're trying to dip this nozzle in there and trying to force water in here it's just not gonna happen and if you look right in this corner here you can see that there's a seam in here and if that starts to split open this bag basically becomes useless so you want something that's really adorable and flexible with a bigger opening let me show you a good substitute alright so here is the sea knock bag which is a super popular replacement for the stock squeeze bag you can see that the material is very flexible this is very durable it carries up to 2 liters of water as you can see right there and the opening on here is massive this basically opens up like a giant ziploc bag when you're ready you just look for the writing on there it says this side in folded over you take the included clip in here and you just slide it on and it's secure so when you're squeezing down on there you can crank it down there and just squeeze all you want the way that it fits on is right to the back side of the store squeeze like this and you just kind of crank down on it and crank it more and more and more no the second modification will turn this into a really cool gravity feed system so you're gonna use that loop right there on the clip and you're gonna put this attachment on there with a recycled water bottle with a sports cap let me show you what that looks like all right hang on one second before showing you that adapter I want to make sure this clip slips on here all the way so you would just take your finger and stick it right in this little notch area hold on to the bag down here and then just pull it and it's secure once it's on like this there's no way water is gonna get out of here so don't worry about it leaking in your pack now as for the other end you're gonna take this cap that comes with the system you're gonna take this adapter again I'm gonna have a link for these adapters and everything in this video in the description link on the bottom so check those out now once that's on there you just grab a water bottle and just stick it right in there screw that on now you can use the hole in the clip and just hang it from a tree and then gravity do it to work your water will come right down here filter through here and be in your water bottle alright so here is the sports cap that came with my smart water bottle and don't throw this away because this is the last great modification that you need for the Sawyer squeeze you need this so you don't need to carry the syringe which is used to back flush that let me show you what I'm talking about alright let's take this down here water bottle on the side here left over here now if you notice right in this order squeeze there's a nozzle in here and you're supposed to carry this syringe so you can fit it right in there and back flush it but if you carry this guy you notice it fits pretty much right in here and then when you're ready to back flush your Sawyer squeeze and you're going to have to because when you're filtering all that water it's going to get dirty you need to blow the dirt out of the backside of it so you would attach it like this and just cram it in there and just blasts it out that way so that way you don't have to lug around this extra piece of equipment I know it doesn't weigh much but you'll probably lose this and maybe the gas is gonna get all crappy on you but that's why having this which is part of the smart water bottle anyway just carry it with you alright guys so the scenic bag should cost you around $20 and this guy should cost you at around 3 bucks on Amazon again check out the description on the bottom I'll have those links ready for you guys and the water bottles go to 7-eleven or whatever gas station you want to go to and get that sports cap so you can integrate that into your squeeze system but guys that's the ending of the video hope you enjoyed it if you liked please give it the thumbs up if you haven't subscribe to kemo 365 please do and remember I'll catch you guys later [Music]
Channel: KIMO365
Views: 41,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sawyer squeeze, water filter, sawyer mini, sawyer squeeze gravity setup, sawyer squeeze water filter, sawyer squeeze vs mini, sawyer squeeze mods, sawyer squeeze modifications
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 45sec (285 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 21 2019
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