THE BEST KEYBOARD SOLO EVER?!!! | Snarky Puppy - Lingus "We Like It Here (REACTION)

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hello welcome back to channel f here where play G music and I have fun uh I'm doing a um comment suggestion today in my last video um I think it was like a um Prime in one of my primeval reaction episodes somebody said no I think about my avatar reaction videos somebody said that I need to react to snarky Puppy Lingus M League like we were here something like that uh so I managed to find this hopefully this is the video they were on about cuz if not it's just reacting to this on my own of course not because someone asked me to uh but I think it's the one I think this is the video it was on about uh but yeah I have no idea who these guys are I've never even heard of snarky Puppy uh to be honest uh never heard of any of their stuff don't even know who they are are they like a band um did they do multiple songs I have no idea uh but I like to listen to new stuff and yeah I've got be nothing else to say I'm excited to you all about I guess you are band I see guy with electronic keyboard and stuff and everything like that so uh I'm excited let's just get into it that's all I've got to say oh it's a big [Music] band B Jaz [Music] okay I didn't realize how big this was I'm I'm like 30 seconds in and I'm always seeing like so many instruments I'm seeing trumpets I'm seeing drums I'm seeing keyboards I'm seeing violins I'm see what is that cello or something or something I have no idea what that is I might get some of these names mixed up but it already sounds really like kind of Jazzy sort of thing uh guitars everything okay this going be good this would be really [Music] good [Music] I like [Music] that oh I like [Music] that oh I'm sorry electric guitar sounds so good electric guitars are probably one of my favorite sounding instruments when you pluck on those strings it sounds [Music] amazing [Music] they work so well [Music] together [Music] I just love the guy he's like just feeling the music [Music] sorry if I'm not saying much but I'm just like really engrossed into this music right now like it always amazes me how they can be so like in tune with each other and like know when to come in and know when to not come in and stuff like that just it's really well put together it's really really well [Music] together [Music] I like this [Music] bit oh he's going ham on the [Music] DRS okay the drum gu is going off the Dr gu is going [Music] off just so badass going like like everywhere look at him go with [Music] all right they're going off now trumpets are going [Music] off [Music] nice [Music] nah this band is sick this band not band well it is a band what would you call it like a a very big it's not an orchestra because I don't think orchestras have um like guitars and stuff like that uh would you call it a band I think you just call it a band they are like so why is my dog barking great my dog's barking I'm ruining the video amazing let's [Music] go what's this B who's doing that is that L the hand [Music] drums okay I like how tone down is in a [Music] minute oh okay I guess it's his solo now let's go [Music] [Music] he's good that guy's dying of exhaustion jeez let's go look I'm so look how fast his fingers are moving on that here like it's like it's casting a magic spell or something this is one this is [Music] big [Music] he's not even looking [Music] it [Music] this guy's insane that guy's like me that guy's like me right now I'm like what the is going on like this this is is probably one of the best keyboard solo I've ever heard in my entire life and my man is not even looking at the goddamn keyboard he's not even looking at it he's like this it's like feeling it in everywhere Jesus Christ that's [Music] hilarious [Music] it's that guy literally walking out it's that literally walking out right now it's crazy this is literally just the drums and the keyboard it sounds like it's so much more but you could literally just have a whole single song just with drums on a keyboard that's how good they're playing right [Music] now [Music] [Music] it's pretty good pretty [Music] good [Music] this is probably the only this is the longest I've ever been in a video about talking this is probably the longest I've been video about talking I'm just C smacked at how good this is like it's absolutely [Music] crazy [Music] this absolutely [Music] mental everything just works so well [Music] [Applause] together honestly [Applause] amazing absolutely amazing I'm actually I've got no words I've literally got no [Applause] words honestly yeah I I've got no words for that that was incredible everybody was amazing the every single person was just the guy in the drums was amazing the guy with the guys on the brass instruments what was it like the uh the trumpets and the and the trombones and people like that the uh the guy on the keyboards and the um did everybody everybody played their parts so well and it all worked like musically like I'm no music producer don't get me wrong I don't know what I'm saying I'm just saying what I think uh but it all just flowed absolutely amazing together and it's it's just a beautiful piece of music but the star of the show had to be the guy on the keyboards I don't even know what it was playing some kind of electric keyboards or something like that he was insane like he made me leave my seat how do you get that good at a musical instrument someone tell me like you've got to be playing it when you when you first came out the route you've got to be playing it from one years old to him to get that good or maybe some people are I think some people are just born with musical Talent it's just in their genes or it's in their DNA because to get that good I know it takes practice but surely surely you've got to have something in you to do to be able to do that cuz that was insane uh but yeah fair play to him fair play to all of them it was really good and thank you thank you for the person that suggested that cuz I'm going to have to listen to more of their stuff now because that was really really cool I'm going to leave this episode here so thank you guys for watching thank you if you enjoyed the content like And subscribe if you like my channel want to support it uh we're 3.2k now I think so uh the more the meria as they say so let's just kind on growing and be a channel where we can talk about music we can talk about TV series we can just talk about things we enjoy and have a nice chat and uh yeah and games as well definitely games but yeah this this was insane it was absolutely crazy so I'm going to leave this episode here thank you guys for watching and bye
Channel: firestorm Gaming
Views: 2,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QOK688dtCoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 8sec (1088 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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