From Zero To Hero: Sung Jin Woo's Epic Transformation In Solo Leveling Anime

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do you remember how in English class everyone's teacher would bring up the author's choice of curtain color well I'm going to do that now in a sense but I think you're going to find this more enjoyable since anime is a visual medium today I finally get to use my writing and my art degree and I'll be examining one of the better uses of visual storytelling that I've seen in a while and I'm going to go over how one of the greatest glow-ups in history was perfectly executed as a character moment and yes for those wondering I am talking about s Janu I got to keep that solo leveling hype going in episode one of the anime we get a pretty good idea of s jinu's character and we can see how the design was done with intent right away just from his appearance we can tell that he is Young probably early to mid 20s and he looks like your average college student he looks to be about average height and he's skinny with little to no muscle and he's covered in bandages and minor injuries I would even say he has a bit of a baby face so with this in mind right off the bat we can tell that this individual is average maybe even a little bit below average in terms of physical capabilities the bandages tell us that he's prone to injury maybe a little accident prone and his mannerisms give us the impression that he's timid with little to no confidence okay so this is where I start to sound like the English teacher s Jin news clo will also tell us a lot about his character specifically how it changes and how it evolves throughout the series in the early episode sju is wearing blue yeah yeah I know we're going back to that English analogy why are the curtains blue but why is this important so in terms of art Theory blue is a calming color and it helps people relax so this could me S jinu wants people to feel at ease around him he doesn't want them to feel threatened because of the specific shade of blue um it's a very light blue I would consider this pretty close to baby blue and this shade makes me think that the character is young naive new to the world basically he has an experience much and he still has a childlike innocence overall this design works really well to emphasize that he is the lowest rank all of the design aspects work to show us a visualization of someone who isn't cut out for fighting monsters and then the double dungeon happens and immediately after we start to see a change in appearance sju starts working out and he starts changing super fast got to love the new begins right so he not only puts on some lean muscle but he also starts to look taller and he starts to hold himself with a bit more confidence right away we can see that his face shape becomes more angular as well as giving him a more striking appearance again with this physical change his confidence improves and he's no longer as timid and it's even noted by many to be very different from the song that they knew before the incident Jin Wu's confidence leads him to have a much different demeanor people are drawn to him now and they are staring in awe whereas before especially in the novel people used to make fun of him for being so weak leeji and Mr song some of his closest friends I would say or colleagues in this manner even question if that's really sung when they meet him later in the show because he carries himself so differently and this is all from a simple confidence boost because of him working out he looks taller he holds himself with confidence he's standing up straight and people notice and he acts so much differently now we can see this very clearly if we look at the Silhouettes Of Jin Vu before and after the instant dungeon we can see that his design is still tall and linky but one is clearly more timid and he stands slouched over and looking down while the other stands tall and he meets your eyes you know these little details slowly emerging right in front of our eyes as readers and as viewers really show us that the character is developing in real time now I know we probably aren't going to get to S Janu big makeover in season one or core one as I've recently learned a lot of people call it but we can in fact see a change in his clothing choices that reflect his growth SL mental state remember how I said that sju's blue hoodie made him look young and experienced you might also notice that throughout the show his hoodie is changing color and style you know at first he's wearing a pullover blue hoodie this can tell us a few things first the hoodie provides comfort and it's a baggy fit so we could interpret this to mean that his kind and naive nature doesn't fit well on him but it provides him comfort as the show progresses and S Janu starts to level up and face challenges he worries about his Humanity being slowly chipped away around this time he starts to wear a different type of jacket the jacket or hoodie is part of his design in that it shows where he is in his journey in the beginning he's wearing this baggy pullover hoodie which we can and F is meant to show how guarded he is as sju gets stronger and more confident he starts to wear open or zip up jackets and hoodies these two traits in his clothing work well together because as he gets stronger and he loses more of his Humanity in a sense he's flaunting his power more and more because he starts to feel invincible so his clothes become more formfitting and open almost like an invitation to come test his strength we also see a shift in color palette to to coincide with his mentality and we see this very distinctly in regards to the lizard party once sju has killed for the first time during the next dungeon he goes into it wearing gray the gray can symbolize that he's not fully gone yet in terms of losing his Humanity but he is slowly becoming tainted it's also a way to show he's still growing into his power uh mostly because we know where this is going we know because of the novel's spoiler alert that he is going to become the shadow Monarch and fitting for someone in Shadow his main color is going to be black it also helps that black works with everything but you know again this is his growing period and where we are going to see the most variance in his style and physical appearance after the class change Quest and S Janu gets the title of Shanel Mar we see his style really set in and the principles of his design don't change much for the rest of the series after he gets his Necromancer Powers s Junu goes through a massive makeover he gets an entirely new haircut and wardrobe and now the story actually makes great use of timing here and pairs up the end of the job change quest with his little sister's parent teacher conference this works really well in the narrative because sju has an excuse to want to change up his look and this is a nice detail but but this is where we really see the definitive look of s jinu and it is the culmination of his entire character Arc coming into reality Jin Wu gets a shorter and Slicker haircut no more messy long hair for our boy he also goes for the all black look which is fitting for a necromancer but as I mentioned before he's wearing form-fitting clothes that accentuate his physique this is where s jinu died and S driu was born the only addition to his General look will be his jacket the jacket is always black and more of a long coat now that acts like a cape or a cloak again fitting for someone with the title of Monarch and with that we've gone Full Circle S jinu's outward design perfectly mirrored his inner journey and was used as a masterclass in visual storytelling and character development it is truly amazing how much thought went into this and I hope you found this topic useful if you stayed this long thank you so much for watching if you want to see more please leave a like And subscribe I have plenty of videos on character analysis and writing coming up so stay tuned and if you're interested in the solo leveling Mana please check the links in the description these are affiliate links so they really help me out if you guys like this video please check out some of my other solo leveling content and let me know in the comments what you guys would like to see more of from me and again thanks again for watching and I'll catch you guys later
Channel: zach mleczek
Views: 358
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jin woo arise, jin woo solo leveling, shadow monarch, solo leveling, solo leveling anime, solo leveling arise, solo leveling glow up sung jin woo, solo leveling manga, solo leveling manhwa, solo leveling season 1, solo leveling season 2, solo leveling season 2 episode 1, sung drip woo, sung jin woo, sung jin woo best glow up, sung jin woo glow up, sung jin woo glow up anime, sung jin woo vs, sung jinwoo
Id: r1zxjwLo6Qc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 58sec (538 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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