The best Glock ever made!

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hey thanks for tuning in at swangin bang this is the new G 43 X from Glock which is basically their popular G 43 with a longer grip and magazine to match this is a lesson in making assumptions because like many of you watching when this was first announced I could not figure out why it exists that due to its massive overlap and specs on paper with the G 19 but like a lot of my friends who started with the same assumptions I became a believer as soon as I literally got my hands on one sportsman's guys sent this to me to try out and I'm really glad that they did because I doubt I ever would have bought one based on my really bad assumptions yes this is about the same size and weight as a G 19 and yes you do give up five rounds the capacity but the rest of the differences are only small on paper in fact the G 43 X in my hand is my favorite Glock of all time and I do not say that lightly let me jump to the punchline and say that my Jena 5 G 19 will continue to be my ADC gun for reasons I'll get to later but in certain circumstances this is going to be the Glock that I carry and the Glock that I recommend and that's why the G 43 X is what's coming up next on swaggin bang [Music] [Applause] I founded the Glock 43 X is something you need to pick up you need to hold because that was the aha moment for me and thinking why would they even offer this pistol because it kind of looks the same size as a g19 which is still my EDC but it feels better it has a really nice feel in the hand it's much snappier because it's got a smaller lighter slide and of course you have fewer rounds less weight in the magazine but no problems controlling it very shootable I really really like the form factor of this this is something that I actually will carry times where my g19 is just too heavy it's not even so much about printing but when I'm out running I'll be honest right now I don't carry I know a lot of the guys that you think probably carry all the time I've called and said hey what do you guys run with I haven't I haven't gotten to hold anybody that actually runs while carrying a gun and that's something that I've been wanting to change and and I would be willing to run with this one I wouldn't my g19 that is fantastic the one thing that I would change and it's an easy thing to do is the grip it has the raised dots like other Glocks but they just don't feel as as grippy they don't they don't feel like they protrude as much and I would like more texture and that's something that I might send this off with my first Glock ever to get some some grip work done some texturing done doesn't have finger grooves don't need to get those removed but oh my gosh I really like to hold this I really like to shoot this I just have to get myself a holster and start carrying it people have been asking Glock for a single stack 9 for as long as I can remember and just a few short years ago Glock finally did it with the G 43 however the G 43 is a subcompact with a super short grip that not only left many shooters pinkies dangling but also limited capacity to that of a typical 38 special revolver many decided that the G 43 really wasn't what a lot of us were asking for enter the G 43 X which adds grip length and magazine capacity to turn the G 43 into a lot more like what I had in mind when I envisioned a single stack Glock 9 well it's not truly a single stack because the mag is just wide enough to allow the rounds to stagger left and right which probably was necessary to fit a sixth round into a G 43 mag this is one area where I wish the G 43 X was different because I would have really liked to have an even slimmer Glock that would have been possible with a true single stack magazine but I get why they made this particular design choice in the end though lengthening the grip on the single and a half stack G 43 resulted in a gun that is very close in specs on paper to the G 19 which is why so many of us were scratching our heads when it announced the g43 X is exactly the same height as the g19 but for the other specs I think it's helpful if you think about the differences in percentages its 11% shorter its 18% narrower its 25% lighter when fully loaded that 25% weight difference is especially much more noticeable than I would have expected the trigger reach is 5% shorter and the trigger pull is 8% less both of which are enough to be significant to people with smaller hands especially when you factor in the narrower grip I have to admit that even as I'm saying these things for this video I'm scratching my head as to why the g43 X makes sense but in my hand the answer keeps revealing itself I think a better way describing it would be to say it's the G 19 that doesn't feel like you're gripping a piece of scrap wood it's the Glock that doesn't feel like a Glock you do give up five rounds and that should not be taken lightly at all I certainly don't which is why this g 19 is still my EDC however I think the G 43 X deserves to be very popular I can reach the slide stop without adjusting my grip I can easily drop a mag again without adjusting my grip the reach to the trigger on other nine-millimeter Glocks has never been an issue for me but that 5% shorter reach combined with a slimmer grip actually translates to a lot easier time wrapping the finger around a trigger this is the Glock to try if you can't get over how blocky other Glocks can feel or if you have trouble reaching all of the controls speaking of grip the G 43 x4 goes the interchangeable backstraps found on many Gen 4 in Gen 5 blocks but they did put a generous beaver tail on the grip nonetheless something that a lot of shooters wish Glock would do for the standard grip found on pistols that do have the interchangeable grips actually Glock calls their grip texture RTF which I think stands for a rough texture frame but on the g 43 X it's actually not so rough at all in fact here's one other area I wish were different because I don't find it rough enough shooting this pistol with sweaty hands was more challenging than it needed to be the RTF on my g19 is much more pronounced without being so bad that it creates the skin off of my side when I carry I wish they would have just gone with this version of the RTF since it's already well proven and I'm probably gonna send this off to get a better pattern laser engraved for some reason Glock decided to use a silver finish on the slide they say it's a variation of the finish they put on the G 19 X which has survived pretty rigorous testing the US military did to that pistol so I'm not really worried about it being a problem originally I thought I'd hate having the sight over a bright slide but I found that the contrast between the silver slide and the black sites actually makes picking up the sights easier that was unexpected speaking of the sights I hate them I mean my feelings for them are pretty toxic and it's not just because they're plastic it's because the sight outline and the sighting aides don't Co witness for me what do I mean by that sighting aids are the dots or lines or whatever is placed on sites that make them easier to find in a line with Glock factory polymer sites the cup and the ball are your sighting aids this is where I have to mention that the only way to show you on video exactly what I'm going to tell you would be if I had a camera with the same size lens as in our eyes I don't so any sight picture I attempt to make in front of this lens will not look enough like what your eye will see to even bother trying that said if you align these sights by their sight outline the ball on the front sight is cut off at the bottom by the knotch on the rear sight if you align these sights by their sighting aids to where the full ball is visible above the rear notch the sight outline is off by a lot with such a short sight radius this makes a huge difference in point of impact in fact it's about nine inches at only ten yards and that's unacceptable I just don't get it if I line up the sights using the ball and cup I shoot pretty much point of aim however if I line up the sight out line I'm shooting 9 inches low at 10 yards I just don't know why anyone behind the design of these sights thinks this is OK the sighting aids and the sight outline should co witness always that's the only thing I can't live with about the g43 X though but of course it's easily solved with aftermarket sights I honestly think that people worry way too much about printing when they carry when your pistol does print it rarely looks like a pistol except to people who are already believers in carrying one for self-defense and I am NOT personally worried about letting those people know we're on the same team I even accidentally open carried once in a North Raleigh target when my shirt got tucked in behind my g19 as I was getting out of my truck I didn't realize it until I saw my reflection getting back to my truck and that's when I remembered the kind of longer stares that I was getting as I was walking through the store I wouldn't count on people not panicking or calling 9 1 9 1 to at least have law enforcement check me out but that's when I realized you know what I probably don't really need to freak out about every little crease around my carry firearm that's why for the vast majority of the time I'm just gonna carry my Gen 5 G 19 and the G 43 X is just gonna fill in those gaps where I'm just not gonna carry my G 19 because of its bulk like when I'm running all that said if I lived in a banned state where I was already limited to just 10 rounds I think the 43 X is a no-brainer choice over the G 19 that's probably a big reason why it exists in the first place but as I found out its appeal is much broader than that and while I'll continue to recommend the G 19 to people looking for their first offensive handgun I really am glad that Glock came out with the 43 X and I do look forward to shooting this a whole lot more I'd really like to thank sportsman's guide for sending this to me they even set up a discount code for my viewers use code twanging bang to save $20 on orders $100 or more and if you use the link that's pinned in the comments you'll even support the channel while you do so be sure to follow me on Facebook and Instagram you could see the links right here and be sure to sign up for my mailing list because it's the only surefire way to stay in touch with me no matter what happens in my channel here on YouTube I really appreciate you watching tying a bang and I hope to see you next time [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: undefined
Views: 166,629
Rating: 4.8498111 out of 5
Keywords: Glock, G43, G43X, 9mm, self defense, home defense, every day carry, everyday carry, edc, concealed carry, best glock, review
Id: FBZo66vwqzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2019
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