How to make Glass Material in Unreal Engine 5.1, Path Tracing recommended | TUTORIAL

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have you ever struggled trying to create the best glass material in already engine and still haven't gotten the result that you might like well in this tutorial I'm gonna show you how to create a glass that you envision a realistic one and one that is not looking like plastic as this one is so stay with me and I'll teach you how to do that but first I just want to point out that I also have a gaming channel cool that wasn't there before I'm preparing if the apocalypse is Gonna Come so if some of you are interested in that make sure to check it out I'm Gonna Leave a link Down Below in the description box so let's begin I have this prop that it's in the starter content but you can see the glass is looking awful and not realistic at all so let's create a new material and name it glass double click to open it and then just let's just set the let's make the proper settings for the glass when you set the blend mode to translucent because glass is not opaque shading model is going to remain as it is and we're going to check this box for two-sided then we're going to go down into the translucency tab and the lighting mode we're going to change it to surface forward shading after this is done we can start working on the material so hold three on the keyboard and just tap on the screen to create a constant width color and plug it into the base color double click and set the let it to the saturation to zero and just set the wider black value to 0.05 I found that that is a quite a good balance of black and white and it just makes it less very realistic then hold one and just tap on the screen to create a few constants so we're gonna set this one to parameter and call it color this one we're gonna convert it and name it specular we're gonna set the value of one and we're going to plug it into the specular uh no I found that if you set it to 10 or 100 or a thousand it just doesn't make any difference in path chasing so I'm just gonna stick to one the second one is gonna be the roughness and the value is going to be 0.01 because no glass is fully glossy so it needs to have a bit of roughness the third one is gonna be the opacity [Music] this one will have a value of 0.0 I said .05 yeah and just plug it into the opacity one and the last one is going to be the refraction and this one is 1.52 because that's the index of refraction of glass so we're good to go click the save button and okay so let's apply it on our to our object now you can see it did something but it still doesn't look pretty nice so what you want to do is go into the post process volume and search for translu oh my God what am I typing translucency and here you're gonna check this box and switch it from raster to Ray tracing because look at this look at the difference I mean raster Ray tracing it gives much more details and it's easier to work with and this is in path chasing empath chasing I don't know if it affects it but it's better to leave it on now a quick note if you will probably want to make a colored glass then just go back to the color Tab and I don't know I'm gonna set mine to a red and I'm just gonna set your opacity to point two maybe [Music] and it depends on what you want to go for and you can see it changes the material even if I'm path chasing but the the value it's is too low too show up so I'm just gonna set it to 0.05 go to 0.5 and now it's more pronounced [Music] but for me I don't really use colored glass so I don't really care about that but it's good to know I'm just gonna set it back to normal and now I'm gonna delete this and here I prepared a little scene let me just move these plants in a better position so it's just a room with a few glass panes which I'm gonna apply the glass material to and what you can notice is that I wanted to show you a difference between types of glasses in archways so a lot of beam probably all of them Bim software just export windows that have a glass like this just a big chunky pane of glass but in reality is just more like this like two or three thinner panes of glass and I'm telling you this makes quite a big difference and it looks more realistic and I always use it like that so I'm just gonna go here and just turn on the I put this plant so you can see what I'm what I want to show you now when I when you work on glass it's good to have a reference photo so you can guide yourself with this was mine and you can see that the reflections are somehow multiplied if you know what I mean it's not just one reflection of the background so that's the effect that we're trying to get from this and you can already see the difference between the two types of glasses I mean this on the left is okay but this on the right looks way more realistic and more it looks natural and and there is the final result is closer to the reference photo then the one on the left but this is a good a good example as well I'm not saying but I'm just saying that I always use this this type of glass in my projects now another tip that I wanted to show is maybe you want to a lot of times you you probably don't want this very clean glass so you might want to add some surface imperfections to it so to make it look more realistic so I downloaded this map from the pixel Mega scans or Bridge and it's a surface imperfection map it's it comes in a roughneck structure and I just double clicked it when I import it and tweaked a few settings because at first it was like this but this gray if you're applying it to a glass then it's gonna make it look it's gonna make it like frosted or something like that it's not gonna be very clean so I just set this value to 5 the Curve so it has much more contrast and then I saved it and only the the markings are showing so yeah now how do you apply it to the glass material let me just show you need to come here and then you want to click right click this and search for texture chord in it and you want to get this after that hold s on the keyboard or just search for scalar parameter it's the same thing but I'm just gonna it's easier if you just hold s and tap on the screen I'm telling you so I'm just gonna rename it to scale point I don't know what I'm doing no I don't want to God yeah this is much appropriate and we need to right click and click on multiply because we need a multiply map it's gonna drag the first one into the A and the second one into the B and then this oh sorry forgot that we needed to drag our roughness map into here and we're gonna plug the RGB node into the roughness and then this one into the UV tab so we can check the so we can change the UV because otherwise we can to adjust how the dirt is positioned if you know what I mean we need to click on scale and the default value is set to zero so we need to set it to one I mean one is the the default value like of the map I mean and if we set it to 10 it's going to make the map smaller and if we set it to like 0.5 it's gonna make it bigger so I'm just gonna leave it 0.5 and see how it looks [Music] and now I don't know if you can see those but they're a little markings on the glass but I like them to be bigger so I'm gonna set the value too 0.2 Maybe [Music] yeah and now the details are bigger but maybe I want them even more let me just check the path chasing but you can add whatever map you want it's it's up to you or you can leave it clear if you want it's no it's just a subtle difference okay and you can get some of this but you again you you need to adjust it to fit your needs this is probably I mean it's because of the sun because it reflects it reflects the light and that's why it's so obvious but again you need to tweak the settings and and that's it so this was the tutorial I hope you guys liked it and found it useful and if you did make sure to subscribe because I'm gonna post a few more Unreal Engine tutorials in the the next days or weeks and um let me know if you have any questions in Down Below in the description box and please give me suggestions of what you want to see what you want to learn and all that you know thank you for watching and I'll see you next time goodbye
Channel: DrawWithNightBuzzer
Views: 20,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unreal engine, tutorial, unreal engine 5.1, 5.1, ue, ue 5, ue5, ue4, ue 4, ue5.1, ue 5.1, unreal engine tutorial, high quality, import, materials, textures, nanite, lumen, path tracing, triangles, mesh, assets, asset, train, training, learn, learning, glass, glass material, architecture, realtime, architectural glass, surface imperfections, surface, imperfections, render, renderer, rendering, ray tracing
Id: BxukaQU3svM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 12 2022
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