The Best Endgame Druid Build Yet in Season 1! Complete Poison Pulverize Endgame Guide | Diablo 4

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pulverized root has been very strong since Diablo 4 release and with this new season with 1.1 it has only gotten stronger uh with the new legendaries and the new league mechanics this season as you can see in the picture here I'm 14 levels below these mobs and this build is just breezing through it for the gameplay videos I have the Capstone dungeon which of course as you'll see I am terrible at taking off the text notification during stream because I'm still kind of new to this I just suck at it the second one is a nightmare dungeon so here they are I'm not ready foreign [Applause] I believe Hotel alright so as you can see there this build has traditionally over the last month or so struggled a bit single Target especially with Spirit generation and very much excelled with high density this is the same to an extent but these Hearts also give us some single Target power which is why when I get farther into ancestral I guess some more gear I can have different gear sets in my bossing my pushing night higher nightmare dungeons am I just going to be farming stuff that's relatively easy so what I'm using now I don't even have ideal heart setup for this because this one looks relatively rare I'm not sure this is one that you're going to want in every build it is very good you have now you have two different things that can fully restore primary resource if this if you get 20 kills fast enough especially with a promise density increase as you saw on the uh fireside chat or whatever they want to call it I might be able to replace replace this Circle the umbral this is the hardest thing to get in this build this is also very very important for resource management uh every time you curl control so you have umbral you also need quicksand here you slow there you gain resource every time and I found one I gamble a lot of rings pretty much all of my Opals go to gambling I got lucky with this one so you get that you get this these are mandatory for any any build like this at the moment I will see what happens with this later what I will do with harder content is I will do maybe retaliation maybe a different cage chart um right now I have this one which I won't use end game this one which is very nice for damage this is more of a single Target build I'll probably be switching this one to far more and this one is obviously something that you'll want for pulling everything to you and as you saw in the video everything I pulled to me I moved a little bit away I don't want them all hitting me at once so hold them to you move a little away and it goes very very often like boom boom boom boom boom when you have the ultimate so this is an absolutely game changing excellent one to get in almost any build unless you want to be very careful won't really work on bosses their CC immune and won't really you won't really want to do it like nightmare 90 100 because you're just gonna get one shot if you pull 20 mobs at you at once so I'm either going to change I'm going to probably change it to a Revenge I haven't found one of those yet but revenge is the one that gives flat suppression and that'll be a lot of mitigation that will help so much uh for the other items I have with this build they're not mandatory they're uniques but they really help this is the closest it comes to mandatory with facilities prayer um I don't know if they've helped the drop rate or not but I've gotten three of these and I've only done like 15 Dungeons Nightmare dungeons so hopefully it won't be too hard of a thing to get Earth skills are not wear bear skills and fortify you that synergizes very well because this makes fall right an earth skill so anything you cast and when you get this is when you switch to Earth Spike because this also fortifies you more you have so much fortification in this build it is amazing so you want this I have this right now uh it's great for damage what you'll want if you go a higher nightmare tier or bosses or something that you need more mitigation I would switch this out for one of the very defensive ones uh there are many different options you have here uh mending stone is great vigorous no that's werewolf uh I wish I wish it were aware bear one for that but you get the point just go more defensive men new zone is my usual go-to might is also good it gives the flat damage reduction do I have that here no this could also be good too all right gloves I went with a new one this is what adds the poison into the build and you'll see how this has the potential to scale ridiculously moving into the end game hopefully hopefully hopefully uh I will see once I fill out more of my Paragon tree but I am very optimistic that this will do very well retaliation very nice another thing that is huge for this build I didn't mention in my last video because well nothing had released yet I wasn't quite sure this is uh you get the tears here season tears season Journey tier two you get a lot of good stuff you get Shockwave right here so you get Shockwave level 20 Level 25 and that's Game Changer usually with this pulverized build you would have to wait until you found this you'd hope you got this is sometimes it just took forever so great to have beautiful that is in the game for basically free now you don't need to farm a drop and it just really helps for Spirit wounds right now I have weariness avian wrath I do for more damage uh a lot of people take swooping attacks that's good but because of the poison modifier with this extra damage and you get a lot of crit damage while poison from your Paragon tree so I took this just for extra crit damage I know it was nerfed but it is still very strong and you get it from more sources now too uh that reminds me there was also a malignant heart that I will be running that gives extra Curt damage bonus your non-curred attacks through less amateur your current attacks you at like 40 to 60 percent more that's a lot of crit damage like that makes up for the Nerf almost all right other booms extend the duration grizzly rage is one of the most powerful cooldowns in the game you definitely want to do that come before the storm nature magic skills have a 10 chance reduce a cooldown of course uh nature earth all virtues Earth is nature so you want to get your cooldown as low as possible with without having to rely too much on cooldown reduction since it was nerved since you need vasilis for the helm it's it's something that's essential and the other one extra healing uh the extra healing is very nice this is a build this is a class that does much more damage when they're healthy you want to stay as healthy as possible you want to be full health as as much as you can and since you need to do a lot more tanking you can't really you pull things to you you will be taking some damage you want to have a decent amount of mitigation and on to the Paragon tree uh this is what I have so far not much and already doing quite well no issues here uh the one that I will show you on the Diablo bills which I will post in the comments below after this is posted is like this now this is a rather standard pulverized build for four of them I switched out some more for the poison damage which I think will be the fourth one I get it's a little bit difficult to switch these up because you need to connect them and you could do it earlier but it's just wasted points where you could get better things that said it's getting flat sets so right away all builds always exploit and what I do when I level is I don't get all of these i max out as much dexterity and range but do what you can to get the 25 requirement after that I move up into the survival instincts board and I get tracker now this is something that I would usually have in my shred build last season when it was bugged and that's why I was able to kill Lilith and blah blah blah so with poison creeper you're going to have that throughout the game from Level what 10 when you get it or whatever you get it at until end game until 100. uh not only do you get poison damage from the the active you also get it from the passive every six seconds or so poison tendril Sprout out and hey everything's poisoned and you'll see more with this later so you do a ton of recruit sandwiches there there's a lot of dexterity here after that I move on over get Survival Instincts very good defensive and I go into Earth and devastation here I get where bear very sander no big changes here crit damage crit damage crit damage just a lot of current damage which is what this is very reliant on after that I go to heightened malice now through that's that's absolutely massive damage boost through more poison enemies 45 increased damage I mean yes yes please oh and I forgot to take it off you see that I have no idea how to splice videos or make videos so this is all very new to me uh I go Spirit here uh just increases damage enemy takes it's good for Elites it's something that you struggle on a little bit it's good to have something like this plus there really aren't many other ones that you can get that would be good more damage to poison more damage to poison damage deduction from enemies that are poisoned uh and this is also nice because it has Elite damage I might want to add some more of these in later I'm going to be testing this out as I level and one thing to note with this build you want damage to poisoned enemies you don't really want poison damage now there is a legendary that when you deal Earth damage to a Target it consumes the poison damage and it deals that poison damage that is very interesting I want to try that out eventually but I'm going to flush this out I'm going to see where this build takes me and then I'll think about going to that and then the last one I go is here undaunted damage reduction fortify you are always fortified with this build almost everything you do you get four to five from Earth skills you get four to five from Earth and bull work you get four to five from name it with a Weber and you're gonna get fortified from it and with this one thing that I have to note when you saw the screen share of the game you saw that I had trampled one thing that I think I'm going to change I'm going to take out trample I'm going to put a debilitating Roar huge damage reduction gives you more healing and for the rest of them the build didn't really change too much from the leveling build so I will put the I will post in the comments this whole D4 and you'll be able to see the bills you'll be able to follow it no problem and I am updating this as I go uh before I post any videos I will always update the D4 first and I will do whenever I make any changes whether I'm testing something out whether I'm doing something else you'll also see notes Here just suggestions things that I'm deciding to do things that I think I'll do all right uh that's about it for this one I I am really excited to see where this takes me in the next few days and I will post another video to share my progress to show where it goes all right I hope you enjoy this build I hope you enjoy the game till next time I'm out
Channel: EBentleyL77
Views: 6,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FS5xeUBDgbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 44sec (1064 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2023
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