"The Best Dive Watch You'll NEVER Own?"

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hello and welcome to just one more watch if you're new around these parts my name is Jody I love watches and I would love it if you would subscribe to the channel by hitting the big button that says subscribe on it bit of a treat for us both today I'm gonna review one of the most exclusive and most expensive secret dive watches there is certainly the most expensive and exclusives that I've reviewed on the channel to date it is of course this sequel SLA or 1:7 now this one was loaned to me by a good friend and collector Zane Zane has got an astonishing collection of old and new luxury and affordable I'll leave a link to his Instagram in the description of the video you should definitely give him a follow now the SLA or 1:7 was released in 2017 and it's essentially an updated modernized version of the sixty-two mass diver the granddaddy of all sea who dive watches apparently sicko put one of their top designers on the job noble hero kosugi he was the man entrusted with modernizing the sixty-two mass it must have been a tough afternoon for old kosugi son because it's essentially this same watch now this watch was very well received by Seagal collectors and aficionados there are a couple of very positive reviews of the watch on YouTube and a number of other equally gushing written reviews on the internet one by the watch lounge even suggested that it was the best dive watch that you'll never own but is it really I'm not so sure I'm gonna do a very quick review of this dimensions and specifications etc then I'm gonna give you five things I like about the SLE or 1:7 and five things I don't like about the SLA or 1:7 and then we'll decide whether it really is the best watch that neither of us will ever own let's flip the camera and get on with it so let's get on with it then just under 40 mil Seagal clean thirty nine point nine mil in diameter likewise just over 14 mil I measure fourteen point three forty seven point eight Milotic to lug tips so a very precise set of dimensions today if not necessarily conventional similar 19 millimeter lug with just as well they do supply a rubber strap and a bracelet it may be a strap monster but you probably don't have all that many 19 mils in the house now on the supplied rubber strap this one weighs in at 111 grand so as a fear chunk I feel a bit of heft to the head of the watch quite thick quite chunky on the supply bracelet sized up for me seven inch wrist this one weighs in at a hundred and sixty two grams so pretty much spot-on pretty much what you'd expect for a stainless steel diver at 40 mil diameter and it is indeed three one six sail stainless steel case crown bezel and a case back now not an exhibition case back bit of a shame I would have liked to have a had a look at that 8l 35 movement but apparently that printed dolphin on there is again in keeping with the original 62 mass it's the same image that featured on that one you do however get a piece of truly gorgeous box domed sapphire crystal one of the nicest bits of glass that I have seen on any watch at any price plenty of clear core air coating on the underside meaning you get to look at that beautiful dial even in bright sunshine now the bezel 120 click unidirectional rotating dive time what I would describe as quite that gentle bezel action it's not one of these ones that's massively clicky and clunky can a discreet bezel action with just a touch of Bounce before it locks back in place but nothing too untoward ceramic bezel insert just a loom pip I'll put the loom video up later on so the case design is pretty simple given that this one is pretty much a copy and paste of the 62 mass straight sides here high is a rat to polish that we've come to know and love from Seiko a nice deep and lustrous polish circular brushing on those logs but very simple they haven't added any extra facets or sham first they didn't really need to crude logs truncated logins and road logs here again very much in keeping with the original now as is the crown high polish on the own sake or logo embossed nice and grippy unguarded crown vintage style and wine edge bezel zoomed right in on the dial and it is gorgeous deep gray anthracite lots of sunburst quite a powerful sunburst effect I'll take it outside into some natural light it is raining today but then this one does have a screw down crown and 200 meters of water resistance so it should be fine it's also got a mixture of applied and painted the logo interestingly enough is just painted on interesting because the original 62 mass had an applied logo but they decided just a paint cycle automatic underneath the 12 divers 200 meters ISO certified Dyer shop 26 jewel at 6 and japan 8 l 35 you can see printed on just to the left of the six o'clock index so we've got a double size double width baton at twelve one and a half width at the six and the nine and single with batons everywhere else and they are lovely quite thick quite tall adding some depth to the dial overall high polished edges this thing really does play with the light nicely ceramic bezel insert gorgeous piece of box sapphire and all those high polished surfaces on the dial very very pretty watch similarly the hands high polish on the top we've got a kinda brushed beveled edge to either edge and the traditional paddle second hand pushing all the way out to the edge of the minutes right there deep frame at the three o'clock again high polished surround matching the rest of the indexes it's beautiful it's understated but it is gorgeous this one very very pretty watch to look at there is also plenty of loom seekers Lumi bright is well known you get that bright green initial ball and it does last very well as you can see there the bezel insert is not fully learned but the pepper saloon which is all you need can honestly see too many of these ones being used as hardcore dive watches anyway can you let's talk about the movement then 8 L 35 not a movement I've encountered before apparently it's the undecorated cousin the sight less glamorous cousin of the 9s movements as fitted to grant seekers this one is also fitted to the marine master some of the other and its sequel diverges it was designed to be installed in their dive watches 26 joules hacking and hand winding high beat for Hertz 28,800 vibrations per hour so you get that smooth sleep of the second hand now I've got you this all right diera perhaps a little higher than I would have light as is that variance that will feature a little later on what I will say though is it is regulated and regardless of the positional variance I'll flip it round so we've got the dial pointing out the way hasn't really changed much at all and ground down again no change very very consistent if perhaps not quite as accurate and I would have liked at the price so that's the basics dimensions and specifications out the way let's get on to the slightly more subjective elements of this video five things I like five things I don't like about the SLA or 1/7 starting with the positives number one it's gorgeous I mean look at it I think we've got this one just about spot-on the Sunburst is just about perfect the indexes are shiny but not too shiny similarly the ceramic bezel insert piece is pretty simple the finish on the case is pretty simple like I said but very very nice overall it just works lots and lots of surfaces to bounce the light around here but it doesn't look gaudy it doesn't look blingy it doesn't look over the top it is just about spot-on a very very handsome watch on one that I would be delighted to have on my wrist it is seriously attractive and talking of having it on my wrist the second thing I like is that it wears beautifully as well these cases not a huge amount of curvature to those lugs and it is a little bit thick at 14 mil but I think spot-on it wears superb ly this rubber strap is also incredibly comfortable it would be a watch that you could wear all day no problem at all I real kind of long-term you get very very comfortable with this one on your wrist I am sure the third thing I like one for the trainspotters this there are only 2,000 of these in the world after all it's for guys who people to know they've spent a lot of money on a CEO it's not a why should buy if you want to show off because most people will look at it they'll see the sequel name and be like man you can buy them for a hundred bucks so it's one for the aficionados it's one for the sequel fanboys it's one that says I love this brand I bought this watch knowing exactly what it was about I understand the history and heritage of the brand the model and I'm ok with paying a ton of money for a watch that on the surface of it looks quite ordinary I think there's a bit of inverse snobbery built into that therefore and I really appreciate the watch for it three thousand four hundred US dollars there's a lot of money to spend on a watch that doesn't have a premium brand on the dial that doesn't really display overtly how much money you've spent on it so definitely one for the fanboys for people who are very comfortable with spending a ton of money on a watch that doesn't necessarily show that you spend a ton of money on a watch for hardcore collectors therefore just like Zane the fourth thing I like is that it is a limited edition if I was going to spend this much money on a watch I would definitely want it to be a limited edition the more limited the better as I mentioned there are two thousand of these if I bought one I'd be happier if they were only 100 of them in the world it's a reissue they've limited it is expensive you want that exclusivity so I am happy with the fact that it is a limited edition but perhaps I would have liked it to have been even more limited than it actually is and the fifth thing I like about the SLA r17 is this rubber strap it is without a doubt the softest most compliant and most comfortable rubber strap that I have ever seen or encountered on a watch you can buy these I saw one on eBay for kind of mid to hundreds and that's new if you've got a watch with 90 mil log with and your fancy treating yourself to one of these waffles nice sequel retainer they're in black as well all fairly in keeping with the style of the watch incredibly comfy if this is going to be a long-term wear for you then the strap is just about perfect for its purpose however I'm going to Segway effortlessly into my five things that I don't like talking about the buckle and tang very very ordinary for the price I know they brand that it on the underside but it just looks so so dull they could have done something a little bit better there I'm sure I would also have expected them to have done a better job with the bracelet for three thousand four hundred US dollars don't get me wrong it's the best bracelet that I've encountered so far in a Seco but that doesn't see very much their bracelets aren't known to be outstanding pushpins collar and pin system three thousand four hundred bucks please seek oh come on you could have done something better with that the clasps alright kind of chamfered edges there are plenty of micro adjust seeker there double push over security it's alright but it's pretty inauspicious for the price and the divers extension oh I mean that is no different to the stuff that I've encountered on the mini turtle samurai etc etc they could have done a lot better I suspect for the price that they're asking with this bracelet complaint number three regulated it may be but the stated tolerances of this eight l35 movement are minus ten to plus fifteen seconds per day that's not great considering how much you're paying for one now it's a Japanese watch so by virtue of that fact it cannot be cost certified cost is - for two plus six per day I would have expected this one to have been running within those parameters say plus or minus five seconds per day bit cheeky a Seiko given themselves that much of a leeway - 10 plus 15 you can pick one of these up running consistently at plus 14 seconds per day and you can't do anything about it you can't send it back because sake will have given themselves that operational envelope yeah I would have expected more Rolex for example plus or minus two seconds cased that's why you pay the big bucks for one of those I guess my fifth complain about the SLE or 1:7 is the packaging it's rubbish for a watch costing over three grand this is the instruction manual and prospects tag from my seagull Samurai this is the instruction manual and prospects tag from the SLE or 1:7 I mean a paper hang time surely surely to goodness there's being a limited edition and being Arkin a halo model they could have done something a bit more upscale than that say cool and the box is very ordinary I know it's not about the packaging and the more money that's spent in the packaging generally means there's less money spent on the launch but you know I'm pretty pretty inauspicious given the price tag it doesn't feel special at all my final complaint complete number five is you guessed it the price three thousand four hundred US dollars is a ton of money for a wash with seek on the dial I reckon you go into an Omega dealer play hardball with them you'd pretty much get our brand new C master for the same money and I don't think even the most hardcore Seiko file would argue that this is a better watch technically than the C master it's different though I mean I get it it's beautiful it is one for the fans for the collectors people who adore Seiko as a brand are not prepared to stump up more than this watch is worth to have one in their collections it's beautiful I think it's very comfortable it's very wearable I'm not sure how many of the 2000 made will end up as daily drivers which is a bit of a shame because it would be a great watch to wear a long-term bracelet isn't all that flashy but it is nice and comfortable as is that rubber strap nice combination of the two as well so then is this the best dive watch that I'll never own I'm not so sure I think it's probably the best Seiko diverged I'll never own but I think there are plenty of other divers from other brands out there that are better than this one that I'm also unlikely to own so there you have it big thank you again - same for loaning me this one in for review what did you think then is it the best dive watch that you'll never own or are you gonna save your pennies and get one of the two thousand that are currently in circulation somewhere around the world I'm not convinced myself personally I love it it looks beautiful but there are just too many compromises too many flaws for a watch costing 3000 400 US dollars the packaging is a shambles and that bracelet really doesn't belong on a watch north of three grand but hey Who am I to argue with the two thousand people that paid top dollar for this one if you're one of them I assume you absolutely adore your watch and it's not going anywhere anytime soon regardless of what idiots like me on YouTube thing if you're not one of the two thousand people who picked up the SLA four one seven four three thousand four hundred dollars are the equivalent in your local currency I don't think you need to lose too much sleep about that necessarily it's a great watch but just too many compromises to justify that astronomical price tag thanks for watching I will see you in the next one you
Channel: Just One More Watch
Views: 97,213
Rating: 4.9232445 out of 5
Keywords: seiko sla017 unboxing, seiko sla017 review, seiko sla017 homage, seiko sla017 price, seiko sla017 amazon, seiko sla017 lug width, seiko sla017j1, best watch in the world, top 5 dive watches, best diver watches, diving watch, the urban gentry, teddy baldassarre, just one more watch, best watch in the world 2019, best watch in the world price
Id: yUqUS9CP4uI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 20 2019
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