The BEST Deepwoken Builds of All Time...

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hello and welcome back to another ray coner video and in today's video I will be covering the best builds in all of deep woken history and compiling them in the order of the eras in which they dominated make sure to subscribe since only about 20% of the people watching right now are currently subscribed now let's get into it on deep wilkin's release the meta was very much shifted in favor of heavy weapons at the time heavy weapons dominated The Meta with the most prominent content creator being agamasu and aam Matsu's influence resulted in the most commonly used metab build being agamasu original build pale morning gailbreath with con Shield even I actually made this build at one point the reason why this build was so popular was because pale morning at the time did high amounts of damage and in conjunction with Gilbreth allowed you to do a lot of high damage in combos the con Shield also made this build extremely effective defensively as it stacked up a lot of posture against your opponents when pairing while also having a ton of posture for you to be able to block and make mistakes without getting punished with bloodless gems were also commonly used on every Mantra as they would heal you for up to 30% on mantras like astral wind and and Gail shot with a multiplying spark put on it to make the Gail shotgun as a whole Gail was super oppressive and really good at this time and the pale mning and con Shield were also really strong which is why this build dominated after the pale morning heavy weapon was nerfed a few things happened that are very important first of all the new meta was Greatsword which is still heavy with agamasu discovering the dark steel great sword many people began using it after the pale morning was nerfed the main reason for this was the talent destructive recovery now rework destructive recovery is near useless however at this time destructive recovery would make it so pairing someone who is near Max posture would guard break them doing damage and stunning them as if you guard broke them regularly the mancha pressure blast was also now extremely prominent at the time pressure blast was unblockable extremely hard to dodge and it was a multi-hit attack that would essentially result in free combos for the aggressor a common build used at this time was dark steel great sword with 100 heavy and then some people would even go with an off-hand gun using 100 light and then the rest of your stat points would be spread into strength and fortitude so that way you would have a lot of health and more penetration to do more damage this build was extremely oppressive with the offhand gun to pressure pressure blast to force Combos and destructive recovery which could essentially be used to get free damage and honestly I think this is the best deepwoken build of all time back when it was in its prime with dark steel Greatsword and pressure blast getting nerfed heavy was no longer meta at this time the new meta popularized by Lord Sendo was the AER flame shattered katana with blunt weapons falling out of the meta people began being able to actually fight the primon boss resulting in an abundance of shattered Katana builds with flame charm also being extremely powerful at the time with mantras like ash slam and burning servants AER Flames quickly became meta resulting in tons of builds being seen around rris Kil breath also fell out of the meta due to constant Nerfs to its mantras and the interactions it had with Sparks and gems making it extremely hard to use effectively in this era this is also actually where the community meme of Nerf Gale buff flame charm started because that's essentially what they did for the meta to shift in the way that it did at this time enchants also began to become more prominent bloodthirsty became meta for about a week because at the time it gave you triple damage but punished you with 10% Health TR on Miss but if you don't miss then you just have triple damage which meant a lot of players would play extremely slow to get the maximum Effectiveness with that triple damage so that way they weren't missing their hits after most of the enchants got heavy Nerfs the new meta was obfuscation because it made your swing speed insanely fast which resulted in a lot of shattered Katana users switching over to unisc when possible and this was also when the Black Market scene of deepwoken started to really flourish while Shad Katana aerf flame Royal Pathfinder was meta players began to find more Celestial items resulting in some of the first HP kits these HP kits at the time consisted of a 52 HP Celestial demon mask 16 to 21 Health earrings 30 Health scars and 40 plus HP coats like the Royal Pathfinder with the highest one I've ever seen without an enchant being about 52 HP as well these builds had decent Health according to the people back then but the main duped HP kit had completely Health speec drowned gear meaning the demon mask had 128 Health with all the rest of this duped kit having comparable amounts of Health due to this deepen builds at this time averaged over 1,100 health and then Arc Mage and ruzer had to step in and Nerf them by not allowing you to equip more than one enchant of his type at a time that means you can't use more than one drown piece of gear at any given time over time these Nerfs just kept going because HP was super oppressive and made fights really drawn out and boring so they eventually just removed health and enchants from all masks and earrings while nerfing the max Health on most other pieces of gear including coats which is why today the max Health you'll see in a build is usually around 550 in February of 2022 the trial of one was released the addition of the CH of conflict along with this shifted The Meta almost immediately originally players went for versatile builds which could be used in large scale ganks builds were essentially based on long-term endurance while fighting in groups however the one-on-one structure of the chime of conflict changed the way people made builds while the aerf flame shedar Katana was still used the new meta within chime had become Legion Kata Legion Kata is a fist style which is currently used by very few people as it is now overshadowed by way of n however it was once meta as its crit move was a grab which could bypass blocks and it also had some weird timing which means a lot of people would try and Parry it Miss block and get punished this was really good for mixup in combo extension this was abused even more with the elasticity enchant which would make potentially infinite combos possible because all the legion Kata user had to do was spam M1 and M2 while helping elasticity procs and you get caught in all of their grabs along with Legion cot elasticity a very short meta of one combo started in which people would use Soul jar Legion Kata and summon C with the talent bulldozer to deal massive amounts of damage this was nerfed very quickly however due to the punishing nature of Legion Kata it was eventually nerfed to where the grab would no longer bypass block because that makes sense but this once again shifted The Meta heavy was officially back in the meta with the Crypt blade an extremely powerful heavy Shadow legendary weapon which did massive amounts of damage in exchange for high amounts of end lag Shadow was also really good at the time and especially with the massive mantras starting to come in such as the massive Shadow gun anyway due to the end lag of the crit blade Dash attack spam was the most common play style among people with it along with this destructive recovery was still extremely powerful at this time in the time of conflict it was common for freshies to try and get all of the stats required for the Crypt blade and immediately equipping it out of the trial of one and then finished their build progression by sweeping Freshies and chime unfairly however this isn't as common now due to the need for talents in builds and getting talents early is a lot more important now than it was back then because there's so many more talents that just flood the talent pool the no atunement meta was the first meta shift caused not due to Nerfs but due to previous metas the talent return to the Dark Ages was extremely popular due to the decrease in Elemental damage You Take by 50% and it also decrease the elemental damage you did by 50% however by using no Attunement you also negate the down side of return to the Dark Ages since you don't use Elemental damage medium builds with no Attunement were extremely common as they countered crit blade builds almost entirely with the reduced Elemental damage and by being medium builds they were used to outspeed the crit blade players meaning this dominated The Meta entirely making the crit blade way less of a problem for most of the player base the comically large meta was not fun this was a meta consisting of glitches and unpatched modified fires allowing montras to do Insane Feats the original planetary burning servants The Intergalactic Ash slam that was literally the entire size of the chime of conflict Arena and the 70% HP lightning stream are all results of this meta technically it's not really a meta but it was used to abuse people in shime of conflict while it lasted and it was quite entertaining and definitely very common to go against obfuscation was also finally nerfed around this time making it very mediocre and as a whole during this era enchance kind of fell out of the meta for a while as most of them weren't very good in comparison to what they once were around this time Supa also began to gain a large wave of popularity through his videos where he would exploit bugs in timee of conflict because they were funny the lights final toll is a legendary weapon which was not legendary on relase allowing enchants to be used on it however this was soon changed so it's not really worth talking about extensively the introduction of Lights final toll brought fist back into the meta completely however not with Legion Kata way of n became the new meta as its critical hit is always a guaranteed block break and the weird animation of the lights final toll made it extremely hard to fight against when the weapon was first introduced into deepwoken the most common build is actually a build I still have and commonly use in my video thumbnails and in game which was blind Seer aerf flame lights final toll this was the meta as the stats complemented the build extremely well when using lights final toll your weapon scales off willpower so getting the benefit of a Zer flame and blind Seer for a stat you already need to spec in is extremely beneficial making this a super good build with a lot of capability to get strong talents as your entire kit basically revolves around one stat allowing you to spec more points into other stats meaning you can get more talents this build is also actually still somewhat common because it's still viable to this day with the release of verse 2 and new o and weapons a few things got brought into the meta first of all dagger Star Kindred flame and rail blade star Kindred were extremely powerful on release rail blade was soon nerfed however leaving dagger star Kindred Builds on top with their high damage speed and versatility in chime of conflict and even large scale ganks because of course it is because heavy players can never have any fun ever otherwise it gets nerfed Don Walker also came out at this time and although it is good it's never exactly been meta it's always been viable in The Meta but it never dominated The Meta like some other builds did you could say that Dawn Walker was just a bit too submissive anyway along with star Kindred contractor release soon after along with a new Shadow Mantra Eclipse kick and to this day Li kick is one of the highest damaging mantras in the game with a large windup with equalizer being a very powerful counter and with players not entirely understanding the bent system yet contractor Shadow builds became super dominant with shade Brer and Eclipse kick being super prominent montras for a while light's final toll was of course still part of the meta as it is today but it was overshadowed by some of the builds which are stronger at the time because getting hit with an equalizer into a 70 HP Eclipse kick is obviously going to be very prominent because it was so dumb gr cusa was met up for 2 weeks before it got nerfed in every way possible yes I'm mad about this and yes I still have my grand sudar rusa build iron sing's release was hugely unexpected by the community it came out on a random weekly after being teased a little bit and really didn't have any sort of designated release confirmed before it so it came as a huge surprise to the community iron sing on release was immediately meta for at least 2 weeks and it had tons of Nerfs to bring it to the point where it is now now unreleased the mantra's metal ball and metal Armament which even now are still good were absolutely broken with metal Armament double swinging always and metal ball procing knockdown for almost 2 seconds making it a free combo tool even after it was nerfed it still dominated The Meta with the Jailer path allowing for cheese and Chim because you can trap people in the circle and needle barrage does just a lot of damage and it still does iron sing is still used in The Meta today as all the attunements are except for uh you know silence heart release was one of the biggest changes to the meta ever immediately two things happened one people Supa discovered glitches to use montras as a silent heart build and two it dominated the Chima conflict with ankle cutter and uppercut spam the current most common build for silent heart is silent heart rifle and some people even use obfuscation on that rifle to make it more confusing to fight against allowing for better mixup combos but silent heart is extremely strong and always has been and I would just like to talk about how I don't like silent heart as concept because I just think it's kind of poorly done what I really wanted silent heart to be was just you cast a domain expansion and within that domain nobody uses mantras not you not your enemy and it's just a 50/50 fight per trading only and honestly I think that would still be kind of fun I know a lot of people are going to disagree with me on that because a lot of people really like Mantra spam but I think that the m1f combat is honestly the most fun in my opinion and I just uh wish there was more of that in the game and I just wish I didn't have to go against someone spamming mantras anytime I open chime today The deepwoken Meta is actually in a state where lots of builds can flourish from crit blade builds to fist flame builds and gilbreath curve builds honestly there's a lot of extremely viable builds now and The Meta isn't divined by just one or two builds with any variation being nonoptimal this is easily the healthiest deepens ever been in terms of the meta the current most used builds though are still Storm's eye Crypt blade curved blade of winds fist Flame rifle silent heart lights final toll flame and of course whatever you find to be the most fun while certain builds have dominated chime and Overworld at different times the best build should always be whatever you have fun with in the end it's just a game and having fun is the most important part and for those of you asking what the best PVP builds in De deepwoken history are I'm not going to lie if you need a PVE build for anything but hell mode you just have a skill issue and you need to learn to Parry because realistically you shouldn't need a specialized build to do PVE since you should know to fight the monsters in this game if you enjoyed this video subscribe and maybe buy a YouTube membership to support me I love you all and goodbye and have a great day
Channel: Reaconteur
Views: 53,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reaconteur, racontours, raycounter, funny, ASMR, deepwoken, minecraft, roblox, ROBLOX, meme, clean, compilation, PG13, best deepwoken builds, deepwoken pvp build, best pvp build deepwoken, best pve build deepwoken, deepwoken pve build, deepwoken hell mode build, deepwoken progression, deepwoken best build progression
Id: L0em1UosWvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 7sec (847 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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