[SUB] NCT DREAM 재민, 제노의 '최고의 하루 in Indonesia'

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NCTzen, This is time to subscribe to the Good Neighbors Youtube Channel! Like! Like! Subscribe! Subscribe! There once were dreamers whose dreams were to become singers These 14 year olds spent 4 years together And have now become Korean idols that travel all over Asia. They have achieved their dream. So jealous! There are boys who dream A boy who picks up after trash, and a boy who fights the waves as rough as his life, lives every day with a dream to study. These boys have not achieved their dreams yet. The boys who are living their dreams and the boys who continue to dream A story of the day when we met each other Global Dreams Come True Project – The Best Day You thought it would end just like this, but! hide hide run run emergency I thought we locked eyes. Is this a donation show or a variety show Move the kids can’t know To gift the best day Dreams Come True Project He found something / He’s smiling so big When you support a child, What kind of day will unfold in front of the child? On a warm, sunny day in April The Best Day D-10 in a boring meeting room Shalala~ Spring is here Your face is so small to introduce these faces...! a teenager idol group who sings their dreams NCT Dream Sweet rapper Jaemin Power rapper Jeno This March they visited Malaysia as Korean representatives the local fans had a huge welcome Brought a lot of talk For meeting the president of South Korea These Asia’s Korean Wave idols picked a donation program likes to move, very good at manual labor He was casted by SM during volunteering Jeno’s worried about communication Don’t worry about that~ Skilled to open children’s hearts Fact Check – Jaemin edition Speaking alien language Kids like stuff like this So friendly it would be so hard for him under this hot sun the idol who got scouted while volunteering self-analysis I hear that I’m not fun to be around because I have too much passion Fact Check – Jeno edition He is not that funny, But showing passion through actions Passion Mansour, Jeno a letter delivered to the two very characteristic boys From. the children waiting for The Best Day JemJeno with different reading styles This is amazing! even in this situation... Who are these children? The country of many islands Where many children dream Indonesia Pudori, an 11 year old living in a dumpster village Hello, my name is Pudori I am ranked second at my school After coming from school I pick recyclables and sell them I really want to graduate up to university I don't know if I can... My dream is… to keep studying a 14 year old fisherman, Selamat My name is Selamat I’m actually afraid to go out to sea I have to so that I can buy rice for me and my mom to eat If I work really hard... Will I be able to go to school again? My dream is… I want to go to school again what can we do to gift the boys The Best Day What was the best day for NCT Dream? While we were still trainees the first evaluation we had with our members “You guys are so good, it would be great to just debut like this.” yes I remember the one compliment has made the best day to dream bigger and now, NCT Dream has achieved their dream just like a simple compliment I’m sure the words spoken to them will be meaningful I hope the kids know that they’re doing a good job and they’re doing their best. I really want to see the world’s happiest smile Because when I see it, I know I will cherish that forever But can we actually solve their problems (send them to school)? Of course, we must~ The world’s 4th largest population rapidly growing economic growth/ the gap between the rich and the poor/ however even in the midst of it there are children who dream NCT Dream in Indonesia Selamat Pagi (= hello) There are a lot of children Students are on break taking another step towards it Is that a guitar? Can you play a tune for us? I am the Jimi Hendrix of Indonesia He has a good groove to it Jeno Lee/ representing Korea Jeno’s really good at playing guitar He’s not bad at all is. that. all? the atmosphere is down where is the classroom? Jaemin and Jeno wanted to see the students studying the children grow their dreams here Q How did you feel after seeing the kids in the classroom? Honestly, the classroom was so dark, it was dark but (The kids’) eyes were so sparkly the dark classroom looks so lighted They looked so happy The child who’s so happy to be at school is also here yes we can Hello, my name is Pudori My favorite subject is English ready to write! Pudori’s math class Did you already solve it? teacher! (the answer is) 5! Why Pudori works so hard because of her, always no.1 I’m 2nd ranked at my school have you ever been no. 1? no I really want to be no.1 Who can solve problem number 2? he’s giving the look Praopi! Come out and solve the problem~ Why are you doing this to me....... You can do this! Pudori, go help him Praopi is not ready to solve the problem Saved a friend in distress Pudori~ you understood all the things I taught you! how great! Pudori has the most fun when he’s studying class has ended Pudori heads home barefoot I only wear shoes at school there (our neighborhood) has too much mud and wet grounds that makes my shoes dirty I want a bicycle It won’t hurt my feet when I’m going somewhere and I can go far with it bare feet Pudori heads somewhere The village that collects Jakarta and nearby cities’ trash a poor village, Bantar Gebang After school, I pick recyclable items (and sell them) each bag is worth 80 cents the children climb the trash mountain for 5 hours Pudori! Do these sell well? / Yes, those do pick something like cans~ and strings (are good too) an XXL size glass bottle → working the stick is still difficult for a 1 year newbie only pick the items that are good let’s find more the children climb higher to find more trash what I’m most afraid of is the claw machine If I can’t see it, I might get buried I’m afraid that if I get hurt I won't be able to make money anymore when he meets a moment to forget about his fears they’re pencils it still works! (in the bag) there’s more Are you giving it to me? Pudori shares all that he has You should take some too I get so happy when I find pens, pencils and erasers I don’t get any allowance and I can’t buy anything that I want today’s findings has given some rest time Suddenly it’s an art contest What did you draw? it’s here, the dumpster this is a house and this a tree, this is a kite and this a person Living in a village like this? Living in a village like this is a very difficult thing to do because of its location, it smells very strongly but the most difficult thing to do is to find a job in the midst of people who live the same way Pudori dreams to be better. I want to be a police officer I can help people who are struggling Now the ink is not coming out / it’s all used up I picked a lot of bottles~ I picked only a little... So fast! At night, when everyone’s home The father climbs the trash mountain with or without sun I’ve been doing this hard job ever since I was very little. I regret it I’ll be back / Be careful I hope that Pudori can still go to school (not like me) Dad, Be careful I want to be rich and successful then I can help my family whenever I want to but the reality is stronger than his dream the house is too hot and smelly I can’t concentrate on my studies In a room with no desks to study on Pudori dreams I really want to make it to university So I can achieve my dream the next day at Bantar Gebang again Jaemin and Jeno are here to meet Pudori (the mountain) looks like it’s going to fall over any minute the smell gets worse as you come closer the rain water that flowed through the trash Pudori continues to work hard isn’t that Pudori? Pudori!!! Like! Subscribe! Let’s go this way each step is difficult to take Finally meeting Pudori the children’s smiles are so pretty were you (working) alone? how long do you work in one day? from 12 to 5 For 5 hours? In this sun? He’s 11, but (his size) is much smaller than his peers I wondered if he really is living like this I can see it... but it’s still hard to believe it... Can we help you? I’ll help! yeah? sure Mr. Pu give me the tools High five♥ What do we have to pick? bottles, cans, plastic and lightbulbs (each lightbulb) is worth 80 cents Today’s goal is lightbulbs Find the lightbulb! yes, sir Pudori taking the lead Be careful, it's slippery following Pu Seonbae It feels like it’ll be a rough day bags are beginning to be filled for Pudori plastic? plastic? It’s as if plastic is hiding from me Does wood help? I can only see wood Ah... I really want to find a lot but it’s harder than I thought I’m a little frustrated right now Pu Seonbae feeling sorry for Jeno Here’s an example Oh~ those work as well? The cans are squished(?) flat You need to look for them carefully Eyes wide open for squished(?) cans Huge plastic There’s another here Jeno climbs relentlessly for Pudori Nice! The weather’s getting hotter (35 C) It’s so hot I’m gonna die Curious how the other friend is doing Jaemin~ Yes? Isn’t it hard? / Ah~ it’s a piece of cake But in reality, Phew~ Jaemin’s working to fill his bag (Pudori) must be so tired... under this sunlight... I really want to find a lightbulb Got it found a glass bottle Good job One shot One kill keeps calling on Pudori Now that I’ve tried it I used to think plastic was everywhere, but most are useless If I had to do this every day I’d really struggle I have a lot right now With sweat, the job is coming to and end I just remembered that we haven’t introduced ourselves Do you know Korea? Will Pudori know about K-POP? I don’t know (about singer’s names) We work in the K-POP industry Oh... you guys are singers... NCT DREAM? DREAM means dream We heard you like English Can you introduce yourself in English? Do you like bicycles, Pudori? Yes!! nods But, my bike is currently broken It’s okay, because I’m used to not having my bike. It’s easier for him to say that it’s okay than to say that it’s hard. Let’s go down and talk a little more Heading to Pudori’s house There are mud puddles here Arrived at Pudori’s house This is Pudori’s broken bike The tires aren’t turning It’s so stiff it hasn’t been used for a long time No air in the tires too walking into the house We heard you study really well? I’m second ranked What about first place? (she’s) a girl. Girlfriend! Boyfriend! Like this? Jaemin wants to see Pudori’s hard work Wow you write really well~ You study at home, How do you study? Here You don’t have a desk? Your back hurts, your eyes hurt. At night I’m sure you can’t really see well trying out the position It’s really tiring and tough to be like this But why study even when it’s this hard? I want to have a better future I want to be a police officer I want to help other people who struggles more than me so thoughtful May it all come true (feat. giddy high fives) I felt that Pudori is amazing for studying so hard and doing his best despite the difficult environment he’s in I thought a bit about what I could do for him other than picking trash with him... What can they do for him? Next day Observation cam ← Pudori is coming home What happened to Pudori? Like! Subscribe! ◀◀ 5 hours ago Pudori leaves for a walk with our associate JemJeno appeared to the village again into the house without Pudori Why are they here? It’s finally begun! NCT Dream’s Come True Project! Let’s begin The Best Day for Pudori Step 1 . Help him study comfortably even at home What happens if a stationery package for Pudori appears out of nowhere? Pudori package1. foldable desk Pudori package1. English dictionary Pudori package3. new set of pens Pudori package4. fan Speaking of the fan! The Best Day D-7 JemJeno is here to buy children’s gifts I think the fan is really good. You need to be cool when you’re studying We better get the best ones for them picking out the best stationery items paying with his own money They prepared the gifts by themselves How can he study so much and so hard when he doesn’t even have the proper utensils? If we got him a small desk, maybe he’ll be in first place they’re writing his names on the sticker Step 2 . Please help Pudori go to school more comfortably a suitable gift for Pudori who walks barefeet I’m valet parking let’s put it here in the direction of Pudori’s house let’s wrap it up (neighborhood kid) I will have a ride in... It’s Pudori’s With a surprise message, it’s all set Pudori! Just you wait! The Best Day for Pudori is really going to START! Pudori is back HereX3 comingX5 Pudori is coming in right now Huh? (the room) is better He’s already smiling~ yeah~ Pudori’s staring at the fan ‘Pudori...’ (He’s reading) the names we wrote for him ← mission paper for Step 2 Good Good What happens if he doesn’t look at it? “Pudori, come to the oo restaurant right now.” He looks so happy at the 2nd location Dont’ do a U turn ‘Pudori, lift the white cloth’ presenting in 3 2 1 finally! huh? hahaha Pudori that’s not it~ He’s so happy he doesn’t know what to do I heard the bike is a great thing to have in the village the neighbors are congratulating (happy Pudori) going straight home? Surprise~! He speaks as soon as he sees the crew Thank you♥ Q Did you get surprised when you walked in your house? (I was surprised by) the notebooks and the fan It was so good. I was surprised Do you know who gifted these things? I do (The K-POP singers) who helped me pick up trash Thank you Jaemin, Jeno The Best Day for Pudori is now, when he can continue to run towards his dream I wished desperately to be able to study at home to get to and from school better We think we did the minimum of what could be his “Best Day” But Pudori’s real dream is that he wants to continue his study in the future In order for that to come true wouldn’t Pudori have to meet an even better “Best Day“ So that Pudori’s two feet can always head toward school Please gift another “Best Day” for Pudori to sponsor 1577-9510 Good neighbors youtube Good! and Subscribe! 3 hours from Jakarta, the capital city a village in Bekasi surrounded by the sea AM 6:00 / nearby sea a boy who lifts the net with his bare hands My name is Selamat. I am 15 years old. Oops, I mean 14 It’s my first interview...^^ I started working at sea when I was 10 years old There’s a fish! That’s a big one. you can buy rice with it Don’t ever let it go suddenly Ouch Selamat gets up in 3 seconds The reason why he gets up right away I come to the ocean so that I can buy rice for me and my mom to eat. His desperate heart is not noticed by the waves as he is being pulled ouch! Selamat is stabbed by the fish be careful! He caught the fish (When I met Selamat the first time) I asked “why do you look so sad?” and he told me “I’m sad because I have no money. I don’t even have enough to buy rice.” Selamat helps me fish in the banks or at the sea Thankfully, today he can buy rice Did you get pierced by the fish? yes a little bit it stings a little a while back Selamat was stabbed by the fish in the net It’s okay, it doesn’t need to be treated Why he keeps saying it’s okay Selamat became his house’s breadwinner ever since his father passed away He had to stop going to school to start making money for living Students going to school each with their best shoes But to Selamat, he doesn’t have any. I only think to buy rice and daily necessities (with the money) I don’t even think (to buy shoes) I only by rice... The children have all gone to school Selamat’s house As soon as he arrives, Selamat gets ready for breakfast He cooks on behalf of his mother who is blind I cook with the ingredients I brought You have to cook it well, or it tastes too fishy Chef Sel’s breakfast is done Mom, I brought you food Let’s eat, my child~ Here’s the water, mom Did you eat? Not yet? I already ate a while ago I’m full Selamat lies to his mother to save for her next meal Selamat always thinks the same thoughts When I get more money, I want to cook her food (with pears). It says that it purifies the blood Mom has high blood pressure finish your food Selamat, you must be tired~ I get jealous of other kids or my relatives at times kids are at home. kids are at home and moms cook and does laundry for them it hurts here right? I’m (still) thankful to my mom. She bore me into this world Mom is the only family to Selamat A son put his life away to take care of his mom (end of school) While kids are going home This! lets cut this Selamat is in the forest diagonally, you have to hit it diagonally <- friend who came back from school, Ajat Walking through the rough grounds with barefeet The reason why he goes to this dangerous place one bundle is 10,000 rupiah (about 80 cents) But He doesn’t even have 10 cents worth He needs to hurry before the sun sets a tree in good condition BUT Oh no the ants bite and it itches accidentally cut a tree with an ant house inside Happens often in the forest Let’s take a break first It’s an especially rough day and the thought inside the deepest part of the heart comes out What do you do when you go to school? I play soccer, rest, eat snacks... Why don’t you go to school? I don’t have a bag, or shoes nor books or uniform If you want to go to school, try talking to the teacher. She’ll buy it for you But I’m embarassed... I’m no longer a young child What’s important is If I went to school, who works to buy rice? Selamat, school is so fun... I know... I want to go as well... What do we do... Sometimes I talk to my father in heaven ‘Dad, if I work really hard can I also go to school like other kids?‘ Morning in Bekasi Jeno and Jaemin is here to meet Selamat There are only babies and working adults in the town at this time Where is Selamat? Is he on the boat? He should be at school at this age He’s not at the age to work like this Go deeper inside After a long walk they find Selamat With a tired face Selamat~ Hello! (Good to see you... but who are you?) I’m Jeno I’m Selamat! I’m Jaemin Ja... Ze... it’s confusing Because our names are similar, just call us JJ hyung! What if Selamat is so shy that he won’t speak to us? I was worried a lot... He smiled at us... He has such a pretty smile Let’s talk a bit more So you have to do this all by yourself? Every day? Yes I do it alone every day I clean off (the nets) and go fishing in the morning I get ready at 4AM~5AM and leave to catch (fish) He woke up earlier than us That’s incredible they try to help with organizing JJ Hyung! Are you a Korean star? You are handsome and youthful Do we look like singers? actors? or comedians? singers! This kids knows how to read faces to feel good and high five I heard you got scratched by a fish? Yes I did Are you okay? I’m okay I thought that he would struggle more when he’s alone in going through his hard life. He must be very lonely They head over to his house Mom, I brought JJ Hyungs Jaemin and Jeno greets his mom Selamat is very handsome Who do I look like? Your father She says my father Mom cannot see her son’s handsome face I think she needs to rest Escourting the mom to her room I’ll sit here You should go in I will do all I can To help Selamat And so it begins Today I am going to be your human washing machine Volunteering to handwash the laundry Lets hurry up You need to push it hard like this We need to finish this fast so that Selamat can rest Starting off with bubble washing Wow~ so smart Wa! That’s right! Squeeze tight! Even at simple words Oh my stomache Selamat likes jokes like this Towha~~~~ Selamat is having fun Time to change positions after laughing incessantly (Now that we’re closer than before) let’s hear what Selamat really thinks Your mom is sick. When are you most worried? I’m worried that she won’t be able to go to the pharmacy and to eventually not walk at all because her legs are hurting If you came to a situation where you didn’t have to work, What do you want to do most? I want to go to school When I see my friends playing ball at school (I want to go even more) Selamat’s last school life was 2 years ago after he graduated elementary I’m curious what my friends do at school since they began washing clothes Staring There are eggs in here... lots of larvae Selamat uses these every day... Selamat, don’t ever drink this water Yes, okay Thanks for worrying about me, JJ Hyungs The laundry that seems so boring to do alone has finished well thanks to JJ Hyungs What’s wrong with Selamat’s face...? It’s sad, but we need to go now... (Selamat, you are) doing really well right now.... Thank you JJ Hyungs For making me not feel lonely For being my friend Thank you so much Don’t forget us If you forget us we’re coming to find you NCTzen, This is time to subscribe to the Good Neighbors Youtube Channel! Like! and Subscribe! I will remember. Don’t forget me too Hyungs Of course It’s really time to go Bye, JJ Hyungs Selamat seemed like he was hiding (a tear) He’s a very kind-hearted guy, I’m touched that he thought of us as his friends... I felt like we made a connection... It was sad to say good-bye But I mean... We will... We’ll meet him again Huh? What are they saying? Next morning/ near Bekasi S#1. town alley / Jeno and Jaemin taking precaution That guy looks like Selamat They were so caring but now they are hiding from him What’s wrong with them? And a man Whose looking at the whole situation Oh, you are? The neighbor that helps Selamat, Daswan The reason why they’ve met up secretly Actually we are planning to send Selamat back to school Set up the stage Totally secret planned only for Selamat The Best Day Sending Selamat to School Project Prepared a mission for Daswan A mission? Mission1. Call Selamat to your house (For ease of operation) accommodate a spy from our side Mission2. Make Selamat sell fish A gift relay will begin Mission3. Make him go to school by asking for a chore Order him to do a chore and when Selamat arrives at school! A surprise for Selamat will be waiting (Selamat) will be very happy I am sure of it You have to keep the secret For The Best Day, Fighting! The biggest happiness that Selamat wants and desires is school, so to help him achieve his dream is really exciting and makes my heart flutter I will make your day The Best Day Just you wait Send Selamat to School Project, The first mission location Nearby fish market Selamat comes here often to sell fish staff is installing the cameras The Best Day Start our leading role, Selamat arrives Crew/ Please hide he’s in the market X2 Dont move (With no suspicions ) he stands at his stall (after giving him directions) Daswan leaves nonchalantly But who is this young man? 1 hour ago/ Daswan’s house Crew/ run run Jeno is on stakeout at Daswan’s house I have a friend here. His name is Wanda and he’s from Jakarta This friend wants to know the fish selling business. I want you to help him The spy is in action I want to sell quickly (First customer in action,(Feat. a stationery set)) It’s 5,000 rupiah per kg He’s selling without an inch of doubt Mission starts now Don’t ask don’t say Take this What is this? I got it, but It doesn’t fee like mine... Does that lady like me... no that can’t be Next customer goes right away This person is? 3 minutes ago/ Jaemin at operation headquarters disguise level 1 disguise level 2 disguise level 3 disguise fully set in action (Feat. 5 textbooks) (This is weird) They’re coming again Should I get worri... nah get right into the deal Jaemin is acting That’s enough (now now, take the money) (Are you ready?) Okay, let’s do this! What again? Just take it We’re just beginning Thank you Are you getting used to it? push and pull Thank you I think I saw him somewhere... Mission clear Spy/ You’re getting a lot of gifts today? It’s amazing I need to sell, but I can’t keep my eyes off the books Let’s see, there’s also a soccer book (Doesn’t even take off the cover) Selamat stares at the books It’s not really for me right now... At that moment It’s Daswan Go to the school and deliver this for me Take Wanda with you Crew/ They’re headed toward the car Gets on the car naturally to accomplish Daswan’s orders Selamat are they(your clothes) wet? No, only a little It’s wet What happened to his clothes? 5 minutes ago, Spy Wanda received an order Put Selamat in his new school uniform So in order to put him into his new school uniform... Huh??? (Spy’s scenario) 1. Twist his steps (Spy’s scenario) 2. spill the drink onto his clothes Mission accomplished Shall we proceed to the next mission? Selamat, since you’re wet change your clothes Do you have any clothes? But this is!!!!! this is a uniform? What is going on I mean I’m wet so I’m changing... It’s middle school (uniform) Today is a weird day (School backpack)Put (the stationery sets you got) in here so it won’t get in the way Wanda is acting weird I’m not a student but it feels like I’m going to school same time/ school Today you will all meet a new friend called Selamat Okay, teacher♡ I got it Let make today The Best Day for Selamat Come quickly, Selamat Crew/ Hes coming Getting off the car Crew/ let’s begin Everyone’s nervous <- ‘There’s Selamat’ Crew/ He’s walking in now Can Today be The Best Day for Selamat He enters the classroom Selamat delivers the box Go sit over there I’m sitting while not understanding... Welcome Selamat half excited, half confused Today we have a special guest teacher Why is everything so special today Greeting the special teacher with claps Selamat claps without much thought Wah!!!! The reason his eyes have lighted up? Comeback JJ Why are you coming from there? trying to stay calm They’re my friends The camera team also goes in Look at the cameramen ‘Selamat, just wait a little’ Today we are your teachers to help you learn Korean The teachers are so handsome♥ They were teachers, not singers? 뜨리마까시(terima kasih) = 감사합니다 (thank you) Oh~ I see Suddenly feels like a Korean language school (say to oneself)...... Thank you Now there’s only 1 mission left We also have a Korean phrase we really want to teach you He’s writing... What is he writing? Selamat/ from now on/ let’s study/ together The words that Selamat wanted so badly Selamat, from now on lets study together But his reaction...? (Replay) He didn’t have any expression (I was really surprised) ‘Did Selamat... not like this gift?’ Selamat, what do you think? I... I don’t know what to say... You really wanted to go to school so we prepared you a surprise (doesn’t even listen to the translator) What did he say? (We’ll explain slowly)What is this place called? school and what do people do at schools? they teach us how to learn Selamat you can no come to school everyday starting tomorrow his facial expression really changed the words he said after being silent for a while I’m so overjoyed Ah... this was it... That’s when I was really touched His face was so pretty. He smiled the happy smile that I really wanted This is a success I used to see my friends going to school in uniforms a lot I wanted to wear uniforms like them But I knew with my circumstances, I could not go Then I met JJ Hyungs and the time when they became my friends and the time when everyone encouraged my dream To me, those times are all my best days ever I’m glad I met my friends again That this is my uniform I am so so happy... And One last gift for Selamat We prepared a pair of shoes With continuous support for his living expenses, Selamat is able to go to school While joining us on our journey to fulfill the children’s dreams Did you feel that it was special? This is only an example of what it could be for the children if you listen to their voices, the voice that wants to keep dreaming, and take action to help them Please remember There are many more children waiting for their Best Day, They are waiting for you After all the shots were done Pudori asked us to wait before we left “Can you wait just for a while?” Crew/ Maybe he drew a picture The gift from Pudori is... He drew a picture with the pen (we gifted him) this is this person! It’s me? On the other hand, maybe we were the ones who was gifted with the Best Day To the children who gifted us their hearts We are more thankful, Terima Kasih
Channel: 굿네이버스_official
Views: 6,063,991
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #굿네이버스, #NCT, #NCTDREAM, #NCT드림, #최고의하루, #하루, #오늘, #MBC, #MBC최고의하루, #나눔, #봉사, #기부, #선물, #재민, #제노, #NCT재민, #NCT제노, #nctjaemin, #nctjeno, #goodneighbors, #gn_indonesia, #jaemin, #jeno, #Nctzen, #gift, #thebestday, 인도네시아, DRAMA, singer, song, idol, sm, sm엔터테인먼트
Id: A3LRdMUzI-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 31sec (4531 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2019
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