The Best Coach Can Be Within You

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this morning I had a session with one of my athletes and she was like this really changes everything for me and so it's a concept of like you know ask athletes who their most important coaches and they're always going to that coach or that coach or that coach but at the end of the day the most important coach is yourself right like you're with yourself all the time you're always coaching yourself and so what like athletes are quick to oh my coach said this my coach said that they're you know they're mean they're this or that you know like not appreciate how their coach is communicating with themselves but then at the end of the day they coach themselves the same way and so I think for a lot of my athletes just switching the perspective of like yeah like if I had a coach that said those things to me that I say to myself I would never want to be around that coach and I just think it's connects well with with athletes it's just like okay like I'm my my my most important coach and how do I want to coach myself every single day
Channel: CEP Mindset with Dr. Cassidy Preston
Views: 62
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 55sec (55 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2024
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