The BEST Chicken Tikka Masala

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[Music] hey you guys it's the Jaya and let me tell you something there's nothing that I love more than a great chicken tikka masala it's one of the most popular Indian dishes on the face of the planet it has its origins and printed go figure anyhow I'm going to show you exactly how to make my special chicken tikka masala and I think it's personally the best and it will be a perfect addition to your Indian recipe arsenal let's dig it I want a ton of flavor this chicken tikka masala so I'm starting off with a marinade for my chain so I'm using chicken thighs because they have a ton of flavor I'm going to go in with some yogurt and this is just plain yogurt you don't want to be using like blueberry or strawberry for this and then some sorry I got distracted some lemon and that nice little bit of acidity is gonna perk things up catch those seeds so you have clever that it's using your hands and last but not least we have our host as spices and other ingredients so I have some garm masala some minced garlic ginger and a little bit of salt and that all joins the part a and then you want to get in there you can use a spoon and you can use your hand just mush it around make sure every single piece is coated and then I'm just gonna pop this into the fridge for a minimum of 15 minutes to marinate you can even do this overnight it'll be especially delicious my pan is nice and hot I'm gonna go in with a little bit of oil and now what I'm gonna do is I'm going to brown off my chicken and this is gonna Brown for about two to three minutes on each side it doesn't have to be completely cooked through the middle because we're gonna cook it again I just wanted to get a nice brown color because that means flavor and make sure that when you're doing this not to crowd the pan otherwise the chicken will soon [Music] so my chicken is browned off and as you tell at the bottom there these nice little brown bits that's gonna add a ton of flavor to the curry I'm gonna go in a little bit of ghee as well as some oil and to that I'm gonna add a whole bunch of onions I really want to cook these onions out until they become nice and soft and go check out my onions they've softened up really nicely and as you can tell they turn this sort of deep brown color and that's what cuz I scraped the bottom of the pan to release all those brown bits that's that chicken left behind because that is all flavor now I'm gonna go in with some minced garlic some minced ginger and literally these take about 30 seconds just to warm up and release their oils now for my spices a little bit of turmeric some ground coriander my favorite spice in the entire world cumin and my homemade gar masala for which I'll leave the link below and literally these faded spices take about 15 to 20 seconds just to warm up and smells amazing now I'm going to add my tomatoes which will be the base for the gravy or shake it out and I'm gonna season miss menos with a little bit of salt as well as chili pattern the reason I add the chili powder now is because I don't want it to burn before there you go and now I'm gonna cook this for about 15 to 20 minutes on low medium heat until the tomatoes cook out they thicken and turn this sort of burnt orange color my tomatoes are nice and thick and caramelized and I wish you guys could smell it smells so good I'm gonna go in with a little bit of cream because in chicken tikka masala there's cream people so a little touch of cream as well as my chicken and you see all those juices coming from the chicken that is all flavor people do not leave that behind and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna stir this up bring it to the simmer and let it cook for I didn't say about like 5 minutes or so just so that that chicken cooked through and then we'll have a fantastic chicken tikka masala all right my chicken tikka masala is done and it's time to garnish with some chopped fresh coriander because that is the Indian way to do things look at how luscious that looks it is cleaning it's spicy it's hanging from the tomatoes and that chicken is cooked perfectly pair this over some hot glass and if you write some chapatis or rotis and you are good to go chicken tikka masala one of my most favorite recipes I hope you enjoyed this video you guys if you did feel free to give me a thumbs up you know how that makes me feel if you need to the channel thank you so much for joining us please subscribe for more videos and as always please leave your comments and suggestions down below until my next video I'll see you later bye
Channel: Vijaya Selvaraju
Views: 4,052,349
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Keywords: chicken tikka masala, indian chicken tikka masala recipe, easy chicken tikka masala, tikka masala sauce recipe, chicken tikka masala sanjeev kapoor, authentic chicken tikka masala recipe, chicken tikka masala wiki, chicken tikka masala slow cooker, chicken tikka masala gravy, tikka masala ingredients, video, indian food, easy indian recipe, vijaya selvaraju, tastemade, the marilyn denis show, food network, cooking channel, gusto tv
Id: HMfUsS9zeuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 42sec (342 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 16 2016
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