The best budget resin 3D printer? Longer 3D Orange 10 review

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are you looking to get into resins ready printing on a budget this longer Orange ten might be just what you're looking for [Music] a little while ago I released my long-term review of the pre-op Alamo I resin 3d printer it was a sophisticated machine and a strong performer but at us $1300 that price makes it a significant investment the Moy is a laser based system and in that video I mentioned that I was reviewing a smaller cheaper entry-level LCD based machine which brings us to this longer 3d Orange 10 priced at only 229 dollars u.s. it's about the cheapest you'll find to get into this form of printing I'll cut to the chase this printer has been reliable and it produces really really good prints but Before we jump forward with your hard earned cash there's more things to discuss so let's start by looking at the specs of the printer and exactly how it works firstly the price that $229 is exclusive to Amazon funnily enough the official store has it for more expensive but at least it'll ship to more countries nice features of this printer are the color touchscreen and the bundled slicing software that we'll look at in more detail later on one of the reasons this printer is cheaper is because of a small build volume much smaller than the moai so if you need to resin printing you're probably wondering how this thing works well the main difference is the resin the resin from these printers is a liquid until you expose it to light in which case it goes solid the printers light source is a UV LED shining through an LCD on top of that sits a VAT with a clear plastic sheet on the bottom and when that's in place we pour our resin into the VAT on top of the LCD the only moving part on these printers is the z-axis and the build platform the slicing software still divides our object into vertical layers so it can be built up one by one this time lapses of the my wife but it works exactly the same way with the resin underneath and the object being cured one layer at a time and pulled up from the build platform until it's done now the morning I was due to record this review job from 3d printing Berg released a video on this exact same printer if you're looking at buying a prints of like this then that's a good thing because it gives us more sample prints to look at and as second perspective in this video Joe did a great job showing us his step-by-step process as well as discussing safety so I think I'll start this video by doing the same the reason that these printers use is bad news in terms of safety it's bad to breathe in it's bad to get on your skin and it's particularly bad to get in your eyes the IPA that we use as a cleaning solvent is also hazardous previously with these printers when I was having a bunch of failed prints and putting in a lot of time trying to fix it I started to feel quite ill to avoid the fumes I moved my whole setup inside a built in cupboard with an exhaust fan up top this gives me a nice place away from the family to store all of the resins and I have my gloves spatulas paper towel everything away from the rest of my printing setup where it can't get mixed up I can also store safely my ultrasonic cleaner for post-processing and a UV lamp that I use for the final curing of the object after printing you can always of course use the Sun to achieve this same thing but only a couple of bucks these big floppy storage containers are a must you do everything messy inside these and when you're done take them out into the Sun everything will harden flake off and you can throw it in the bin okay on to my experience with this printer and its performance the printer arrived well packaged and required very little assembly the only thing you have to put together is the orange acrylic cover it simply slots together in the corners and then uses to clear rubber bands to retain its shape the build platform also needs to be leveled but once again this is super easy you simply loosen the leveling screws home the Machine down to the bottom and then tighten them again and everything will be perfectly flat on the SD card as well as some test prints and the software there's an instruction manual where all of this is illustrated step-by-step one thing to check for is making sure the fehb sheet on the bottom of the VAT is clean as these machines use light to cure a photopolymer any dirt and dust in the way might produce print artifacts I started out doing three test prints from the LCD signing with these three scales this is surely a play on speak no evil hear no evil see no evil and I have to say this is a really solid piece normally these models are produced hollow but this one isn't and it's quite hefty this test print is beautifully with lots of little details it seems to have come out flawlessly on the first go in fact the only drummer ahead with this one was removing it from the build platform I believe I was meant to use a piece of paper to create a little space and because I didn't this thing was really firmly in place I needed a scraper and a rubber mallet to get it loose a next did another SD card print and I went for this bars here and once again it has exquisite detail surrounding the surface is this diamond mesh that doesn't go the whole way through and this is beautifully formed you might notice some discoloration on my print that's simply from the presence of blue cast in my cleaning station so please don't let that sway your opinion because I can't find any problems with this whatsoever next up I did this zombie hunt ahead and I had success as well the first thing to notice on this model is that those holes in the base and that it's Hollow and this saves on resin cost dramatically beyond that all of the features have been beautifully formed once again in stunning detail these princess do still use a layer by layer process and on surfaces that are close to plant you can just make it out under the right lighting so the principle of SD card we're working really well but to give this thing a proper test I needed to do some of my own slicing and preparation so let's have a look at the bundled software that comes with this printer so this is the bundled software that comes with the printer and the sequence is pretty easy we'll just go from left to right I've already hit the plus to load an STL and once we select our models the next one along will let us translate rotate and scale all pretty straightforward after this we have a fixed tab for fixing defects this one is fine so there's no options there after that we have our support generation tool you can just click generate for automate supports and then to edit those individually we can come to edit we can see all of these pink dots and that's where it's going to apply support we can either click in new places to add them or click on old ones to remove them when we're done we click Save and the support will be regenerated when we're happy we come to the slice tab and then we can change our layer thickness a plate layer which adds a big solid layer underneath help with adhesion and finally click slice the slicing is pretty much instantaneous and we get this nice preview underneath here where we can check for any floating segments a very last step is to save the actual file to go into the printer you can see we have a couple of inbuilt profiles for different layer Heights you can also add your own recipe if you're using another brand of filament that needs slightly different parameters when we're done we click Save job and a folder will be created we have your STL with to preview pictures and finally the file that goes onto the SD card of the printer all of my printing was done with the software on the default settings that means a 0.05 layer height and no changes to the resin profile first up I did the ubiquitous 3d Vinci now I printed this one completely flat on the build platform all of the fine details are formed as you would expect from a resin printer and traditionally these printers aren't as strong when you've got flat surfaces in fact on the sides of this we have what looks like a zebra stripes from an FTM printer it's a little bit of a mystery to me I think it's maybe something to do with anti-aliasing where the part gets a little bit thicker as it goes towards the front if you've got a definitive answer please leave it in the comments on a roll I decided to do this t-rex skull and jaw and it's probably the favorite thing I printed on this machine I printed this in the orientation 4 of which the SDL's download and without any support structures and had no trouble adhering to the build platform and completed successfully all of the little details are beautifully formed each little tooth is separate and has a pointy edge and the contours over the skull and crevices look amazing too however this once again some surface artifacts on the sidewalls similar to what I saw on the bench II when I reviewed the moai one of my test prints was some chainmail because I wanted to see if it had the right tolerances to to print in place designs this time I chose something a little bit weirder this articulated baby is right from uncanny valley i rotated it and scaled it down a fair bit and this was the first object I did that was completely help to the build platform by support posts fortunately it didn't fail but I guess I shrunk it down to the point where it no longer articulates I can't get any of the pieces to release and if I do they'll probably just snap so I'll leave it there everything had been a great success so far but I thought I'd better do some printing was targeted to the type of items that people liked to do on these printers next up I decided to do some jewelry a colleague at my school runs a great program where students design rings to be resin printed and then investment cast so what you're seeing here are student designs done in on shape the print finished without any errors all of the features are fully formed the only downside are the little pucks and a little bit of distortion whether support pros were touching these printers are really good at doing things that are small so I got my daughter with me we wanted to think averse and we picked out some furniture for her dollhouse the design of pretty small things as being on Thingiverse for many years now and she has lots of great designs like this everything is easy to print separate it into two halves to avoid overhangs and these turned out great on the resin printer - probably the only complaint I have about any of these prints is where I accidentally glued the wrong base onto the wrong chair and had to rip it off and left the superglue market behind the last thing that's typical that people want to print on these type of printers are tabletop miniatures I picked out this 28 millimeter model and I'm pretty happy with how the details have been formed I don't think that quite as good as what the moai produced but for this price point it's hard to argue with the results like some of my other prints they're only imperfections are the little pock marks left behind where I've had to snap off some support so there's my range of printing time for my summary and we'll start with the pros number one has to be the print quality for the price this printer produces extremely good prints and when you've got things this small it's far beyond the capabilities of FDM printing there are those weed side surface artifacts on some of my prints but I mentioned that can be fixed for free with a software update next up is the ease of use it was very easy to put together I was printing within around 10-15 minutes and the software is really good - everything is handled in the one program pretty much the only thing missing is the ability to hollow out your model to preserve resin on thicker parts quite a fun with these printers you're relying on a bunch of third-party software applications that you branch together maybe the first one to clean up the model the second one to add supports the next one to do the slicing and so forth it's really nice having all of this within the one piece of software and it's also really nice seeing the preview on the LCD screen so you know you're selecting the right model with accurate information on how long it's going to have left next up reliability and this isn't a long-term review in fact I've used most of the half a liter of resin that came with this printer but I've had absolutely zero problems so far one of the good things about these machines is they only have one moving part and that's the z-axis it's true that the UV LED and LCD can eventually wear out but on equivalent printers such as the one how to duplicate a seven this is pretty easy to replace and not that expensive another pro is the versatility of the resin you can use there's no proprietary resin here so you should be able to switch to anything that cures with the same wavelength of light all right on to the cons and honestly there aren't many the main one being the cons that come inherently with resin 3d printing like a lot of hobbies you need additional equipment beyond the base machine and I would encourage you to learn from my example and place your machine and all of the equipment you need somewhere right out of the way where you won't be affected by the fumes and risk your own health now my next coin if you do that won't be really a factor and that is the noise of the cooling fan it's definitely louder than what you'll find on other 3d printers okay final thoughts if you're looking to get into resin 3d printing on a budget this one is going to be a winner you can't really argue with the results for the money and you do have a range of resins that you can use in future so you're not stuck with some really expensive option there either but in Joel tellings video on 3d printing note he made a very important point don't dive into this as a beginner and expose yourself to the implications that come from the resin the IPA the fumes getting on your skin all of those things please if you enter this hobby being prepared get a really good set up that looks after your health and do it the right way if you're willing to do all of that then based on my results of my test prints then I'm happy to recommend this printer if you've got any thoughts on resin printing or do you think it's worth it or not please leave them in the comments thank you so much for watching and until next time happy 3d printing g'day it's Michael again if you like the video then please click like if you want to see more content like this in future click Subscribe and make sure you click on the bell to receive every notification if you really want to support the channel and see exclusive content become a patron visit my patreon page see you next time
Channel: Teaching Tech
Views: 176,520
Rating: 4.9264617 out of 5
Keywords: 3d printing, 3d printer, 3d print, 3d printed, resin, lcd, sla, longer 3d, orange 10, review, tested, quality, unboxing, assembly, resolution, software, slicing, slicer, detail, 3dbenchy, results, test prints, noise, guide, tutorial, beginner, budget, starter, monocure 3d, bluecast
Id: rPQMARmn8jI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2019
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