THE BEST At Home BOOTY Workout // No equipment

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okay guys today I'm running you through one of the best booty workouts that you can do a from home with no equipment I'm gonna be guiding you through some of my favorite body weighted exercises and that will target the glutes helping to tone strengthen and to find that booty now if you've been watching my channel for a while you know that I don't typically like to talk throughout my workouts but today I will be giving you some pointers on form because today's a workout is all about proper technique so clear some space on a soft surface or grab yourself an exercise mat we're getting things started today with some glute bridges all right guys you want to have those feet firmly planted on the ground they're gonna be about hip-width apart really focusing here on driving through the heels you're gonna feel this in those hamstrings and in those glutes making sure you give the glutes a good squeeze at the top on the way down you're rolling down one vertebrae at a time allowing that lower back to come into contact with your mat almost done here and we're gonna hold it at the top lift those hips up as high as you can we're just pulsing the knees out tiny little pulses just three more seconds and let's do that we're gonna be doing three rounds of this guy's so round two of glute bridges drive through those heels get those hips up and squeeze those glutes you've got 20 seconds [Music] okay get ready to hold in three two one lift it up cold and pulsing those knees out to the side small little pulses here guys keep on breathing draw that belly button to the spine there you go last sets we're just warming those gluts up and bring it up and hold last hold here and release awesome work single leg now driving through that right heel kick that left leg up to the sky try and keep that left leg as straight as you can again really focusing on pushing through that right heel and squeezing the glutes at the top of this movement [Music] bring it up we're gonna hold that leg at about 45 degrees hold hold hold and squeeze those glutes release let's do the other side single leg bridge drive through that left heel we want to make sure we're keeping the knee stacked right above the ankle here and hold dropping that leg to about 45 degrees pretty much just wanna have your thighs parallel or almost there and release all right we're gonna roll onto our left side here getting ready for some clamshells lifting those ankles up off the ground keeping the knees together 30 seconds open and close keeping the feet or the ankles together keeping those feet lifted up off the ground you just want to open the knees as wide as you can without forcing it keeping the torso and the hips facing forward all right getting ready to hold this open position here for 10 seconds little pulse with the knee up and down [Music] that's it we're going to open and close that clam now tapping the knee and then tapping the heels keeping the lift through the hips really using those glutes to lift and lower open and close making sure you're keeping your belly button drawn to your spine here as well keep a nice tight core 10 more seconds guys you got this [Music] and we're gonna pulse one more time open it up tiny pulses here moving in two sidekicks we're pushing the heel back you're kicking back kind of at a 45-degree angle really connect to that glute muscle press the heel back and feel that squeeze as you kick back keep the core tight so that you're not rocking back and forth too much we've got five seconds and then we're going to hold and pulse there you go kick and a tiny pulse keep that foot flexed nice work we're going to kick that foot forward now I want you to rotate your foot so that your toes are pointing towards the ground this is really going to target that outer butt yes that's the technical term lifting that leg up nice and high as high as you can push through it guys you got this and you know it we're gonna be pulsing one more time ten seconds lift that foot up lift the leg squeeze the glute tiny pulses and relax awesome guys we're gonna take a quick minute here and stretch it out because I know that right glute is on fire right now it's a little figure four here grabbing on to that left thigh crossing the right ankle over just take a few breaths just going to give you a little break and then we're going to be doing the same thing on the other side all right let's do this flipping over now we're gonna be laying on our right side getting that left glute fire it up starting with those clam shells lift those feet up open and close the knees keep it nice and controlled ten more seconds that's it now hold ten seconds tiny pulses opening and closing that clamshell tap the knees tap the toes or the heels whatever feels right for you really connecting mine to muscle here think about using that glute all the movement is coming from the hip and from the glute almost there are five more seconds and then you know it we're gonna be holding and pulsing there we go open it up and pulse and we're kicking it back 45 degrees with that foot nice and flexed you're leaving with the heel and hold a tiny pulse up and down remember to keep that foot flexed kicking forward now rotate through the ankles so that the toes are pointing down lift and lower keeping that top leg as straight as you can [Music] [Music] last five seconds and let's toss it out it's only ten seconds come on [Music] and relax awesome let's stretch it out a little figure four on the other side okay team we're gonna switch things up here making our way onto all fours we're going into our kickback series stack those wrists right below the shoulders knees right below the hips here we go with that right leg we're gonna do a donkey kick mixed in with a fire hydrant kicking back and then lifting the knee to this side keeping that foot flexed think about believing with the heel when you kick back think about leading with the knee when you kick to the side it's really important to keep the hips and the chest Square to the floor all right we're gonna pulse in that fire hydrant position lift that knee up as high as you possibly can that's at bringing the foot just above the calves and then kicking straight back draw it in kick that leg straight back and have more of a pointed toe for this one [Music] getting ready to kick back and pulse there we go lift it up a tiny little pulse nice straight leg really point that toe fine length we're almost there going into rainbow kicks tapping the toes side to side lifting up as high as you can in the center again trying to keep the chest and the core Square to the ground really pointing that toe finding length through that leg nice we're gonna take 10 seconds chess to stretch it out breathe push back we're gonna get ready to do the same thing on the left side here we go kick back alternating between a kick back and that fire hydrants keep it controlled [Music] [Music] getting ready to pulse here we go in that fire hydrant position lift that knee up focus on using the glutes nice guys kicking back now drawing that toe just above the calf right behind the knee and then extend lift that leg up and out [Music] [Music] day let's pulse it out ten seconds and one more set of rainbow kicks up and over [Music] [Music] okay we're gonna end this workout a similar to how we started it we're going to be doing three sets off bridges this time with the soles of our feet together and knees out to the side in a butterfly pose lifting the hips up again squeezing those glutes belly buttons drawn to the spine and hold it at the top for 10 seconds tiny pulse up and down that's one set guys we've got two more to go we are so close and we are holding and pulsing really squeeze those glutes as hard as you can this is it guys final set butterfly bridges up and down you've got 25 seconds keep going [Music] alright guys get ready for the last 10 seconds there we go pulsing it out squeezing the glutes harder than you have through the entire workout there you go and that is it guys and legs work we're gonna take some time here to stretch out those glutes take some nice big breaths drawing the knees into the chest give yourself a little love a little gentle Rock side to side and we'll open those knees up a little bit wider coming into happy baby pose here grabbing on to these soles of the feet letting those knees just draw towards the armpits keeping the spine nice and flat on the ground and another round of figure-four stretches this one is so great for getting into those hips and into those glutes just gonna start things out by rocking that knee side to side a few times and then drawing that left thigh in awesome let's switch it up same thing on the other side just gently pushing that knee in and out finding some movement through the hip loosening things up and then getting deeper into this stretch grab onto that right guy try to keep your shoulder blades and your head on your mat if possible right going into a little twist here pulling that right knee in letting it drop across the body to the left and then gazing over to the right just feeling a nice twist in that lower back again keeping these shoulder blades on your mat great same thing on the other side draw that left knee and get a little tug and then we're gonna guide it to the right and gazing over to the left alright guys that is it for today's at-home booty workout comment below let me know how it went for you let me know if you're feeling this in those glutes I know I sure was if you haven't already guys don't forget to hit that subscribe button I'm posting brand-new workouts right here every week have an awesome day and I will see you at the next workout
Channel: Heather Robertson
Views: 2,198,890
Rating: 4.965951 out of 5
Keywords: at home booty workout, booty workout, booty, home workout, no equipment booty workout, glute workout, glutes, butt workout, no weights workout, bodyweight glute workout, bodyweight booty workout, booty exercises, workout from home, butt exercises, glute exercises, booty workout at home, build a butt, round booty, bum workout, no equipment, rounder butt, best butt workout, best booty workout, workouts for women, heather robertson, mat workout, body weight workout, but, bum
Id: wjzTdEZuW_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 56sec (1196 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 20 2019
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