The Best Animal Friendships in the World

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they say that life is far better with friends a phrase that doesn't just end with humans that is why some animal species have found ways to rely on each other for food shelter and protection regardless of how different they are in today's video we will share with you 20 animal relationships that truly have to be seen to be believed make sure you stick around until the very end some of these bizarre animal friendships will sound like they have come straight out of a disney movie 20. water buffalo and cattle egrets it's common knowledge that large birds forage on their own out in the forest but cattle egrets which are small white birds have learned to survive by making friends with an unusual ally by staying close to water buffalo and other large grazing animals they're able to fly down and collect the insects that try and feast on the large beasts to take things further they also perch on the back of a buffalo and peck them clean of any ticks or fleas that could infect them with deadly diseases so what's in it for the larger animals well egrets are more sensitive to their surroundings which means that they raise the alarm when predators and hunters are approaching urging the beasts to flee [Music] 19 carrying beetles and mites not all creatures are fussy about what they have for dinner take the carrion beetle for example who thrive on eating dead animals they also lay their eggs in the corpse so that their larva have an instant meal the second they hatch although that is disgusting they are not the only insects to use this trick and oftentimes larvae that grow faster will eat the carrion beetle's eggs to reduce competition this is where their good friend the mites come into things when carrying beetles travel to their next meal they carry mites on their backs giving them a free ride to an all-you-can-eat buffet in return the might swarm the corpse the second they arrive and eat all other eggs and larvae that don't belong to the beetle this way both the carrion beetles and the mites get to walk away with very full stomachs and the eggs of the beetle are protected 18. chicken and puppies [Music] chickens and dogs are two animals that you would want to be locked in a room alone well that's not the case with our next entry after suffering a foot injury mabel the chicken was bought into her owner's house to recover while there however mabel made an unlikely connection with a litter of newly born rottweiler puppies when the puppy's mother needed a break after nursing mabel hopped on top of the litter to keep them warm beneath her wings do you have a pet at home that is super friendly with other animals tell us all about them in the comment section below 17. ostriches and zebras zebras and ostriches are typically prey for larger and faster animals because of this they both have a heightened sense of being alert to danger the big problem is that zebras despite having excellent eyesight don't really have a good sense of smell ostriches on the other hand have a great sense of smell but not so great eyesight so in a streak of animal kingdom genius the two species make sure that they stick together to utilize each other's gifts now that definitely sounds like a great trade-off 16. woodpeckers and tree ants sometimes the friendships between some animals just can't be explained take woodpeckers and ants for example who are natural enemies feeding off each other in one way or another things get strange in the spring when rufus woodpeckers are ready to lay their eggs instead of picking a spot where predators would struggle to reach they purposely lay their eggs inside the nest of the black tree ant in fact the tree ants even carve out a little hole for the eggs to be placed while the woodpecker keeps a watchful eye on her young the woodpecker and the ants will not attack one another while the eggs are waiting to hatch once born mother woodpecker travels in and out of the nest freely to feed her young some scientists think that it's the scraps of food that fall out of the nest that the ants enjoy but no definitive answer has been found yet 15. colombian lesser black tarantulas and humming frogs it would be fair to assume that colombian lesser black tarantulas don't eat the humming frog because it doesn't like the taste but there is actually a far more complicated and clever reason for it these specific spiders and frogs have been found living in the same area and even discovered in the very same burrows as one another the reason why these species have chosen to become roommates is because the spider protects the frog from predators as well as leave them leftovers and the frog eats the ants and insects that like to feast on the tarantula's eggs now that sounds like a cozy arrangement to me if you think that the tarantula and the humming frog have a crazy partnership just wait until you see number three in our list you really won't believe what two animals have teamed up 14. oxpecker birds and zebras the ox pecker bird is another creature that likes to hang out with zebras they prefer to hang around on the back of the stripy beast and eat the ticks and parasites that annoy zebras this means that the zebras are free of any pesky pests gnawing at their skin and the birds get an infinite supply of food what is more the oxpecker's increased alertness means that they can warn the zebra when it senses a predator creeping up on their friend it is in the oxpecker's best interest to keep it alive after all 13. egyptian crocodiles and plovers the egyptian plover bird might be small but it has the courage of a lion these little guys spend most of their time perching inside the open mouths of crocodiles so that they can get a meal they do this by picking the leftover bits that are stuck in between the crocodile's teeth while the huge reptile just sits and waits until it's ready to go get its own midday snack so why would the croc not eat the plover bird well it's because the beast gets to have a routine dental checkup that prevents diseases from forming in its gums making the plover the dental floss of the animal kingdom 12. gray wolves and hyenas [Music] even though hyenas normally hunt alone scientists were surprised to discover hyenas hunting in wolf packs in southern israel a couple of years ago although these two creatures are completely contrasting and in theory would be enemies the relationship between them is extremely beneficial for both hyenas get to take advantage of wolves's impressive hunting skills while the hyena's strong sense of smell and ability to break large bones and rip through garbage helps the wolves out in return like packs of wolves and hyenas here at forever green we like to build our family if you would like to join us just hit that red subscribe button and ring the notification bell that you will never miss one of our future videos 11. honey badgers and honey guide birds as their name may imply honey guide birds enjoy eating honey although they can find fresh honey there's one major problem they have to get it from an active bee hive their solution may sound a little crazy but it definitely works they lure a mammal who loves honey just as much as they do the honey badger breaks open the beehive and grabs their dinner leaving the rest of the honey for the honey guides to eat up this genius move would be the equivalent of inviting a chef to your house to cook dinner for themselves as long as they prepare a portion for you too 10. dog and wild fox whether or not you've seen the disney classic the fox and the hound you'll love the story of teeny the dog and sniffer the wild fox two unlikely friends coming from two vastly contrasting habitats teenie lives with his owner torgear burge who also happens to be a professional photographer one day when the two were taking a stroll through the forest of norway they met a wild fox that burge named sniffer despite the thousands of years of breeding and domestication between the two [Music] teeny and sniffer became the best of friends now burge follows the cute couple around so that he can get the perfect photo opportunities of the adorable couple both the fox and dog share the same dna from their ancient ancestors so it's understandable why they look similar well our number one pick might have one very distinctive feature in common but they happen to be vastly different species make sure you stick around to the very end to find out more about them 9. grouper and eel groupers are fish that feed on smaller fish but their prey often escapes by hiding in small holes their solution to combat this pesky problem is to use a special set of gestures that command moire eels into the holes to flush their hiding prey out although this sounds like the groupers are just being bossy the more i eels don't seem to mind maybe they are just happy to have a friend that is even uglier than them eight crabs and urchins the ocean is a weird and dangerous place because of this some smaller creatures have to come up with inventive ways to stay safe take one type of crab that carries a fire sea urchin on its back through indonesian sea the crabs do this so often in fact that they have been named urchin crabs the reason they do this is because the urchin are extremely poisonous which protect the crab from predators even using their sharp needles as a weapon while playing the protector role the urchin has a way to travel around the seafloor if you think that the crab and the urchin have a great friendship click the thumbs up button 7. coyotes and badgers some animals don't mind crossing enemy lines if it is to work toward the greater good for example coyotes and badgers often team up to take down their prey to ensure it cannot escape if the prey is running above ground the coyote chases it if the prey tries to disappear down a hole the badger takes over this creates a nightmare for prairie dogs and ground squirrels but is a dream for coyotes and badgers even though they're actually competing for food it's still a win as they both conserve energy as they take it in turns at being the chaser 6. pistol shrimp and gobies [Music] pistol shrimp are fierce predators that have such a tight clawed grip that it causes a jet of water to spout out of it but despite being good at catching prey they are also very vulnerable to other predators as their eyesight is terrible because of this pistol shrimp have developed a partnership with little fish called gobies that have a great eyesight that acts like the guide for the shrimp the gobi's tail fin stays connected to the shrimp's antenna so that the fish can signal when danger is near in return the gobies are allowed to hide in the shrimp's burrows when predators are close by five the ant and the caterpillar blastinits are members of the butterfly species whose caterpillars have a strange symbiotic relationship with ants the caterpillars give out a sweet nectar which provides food for the ants in return the ants protect the caterpillar from predators although this may sound like a fair trade-off it's actually very one-sided as the ants don't rely solely on the caterpillar's food but it's the nectar that manipulates their behavior to keep them sticking around think catnip for ants before we move forward here is a short question for you out of the partnerships we've covered which one was the most surprising we would love to know in the comment section below 4. the turtle and the cleaner fish some species of turtle and fish have developed a special friendship where the fish ultimately becoming a cleaning station for the turtle the cleaner fish will feast on the parasites and algae that have built up leaving the turtle shell shiny and smooth of course the fish gets a nice big meal out of the deal it's now time for the subscriber pick section of the video where we take a look at an image sent into us by one of our subscribers as you can see on the left side a penguin and a seal seem to be celebrating together moments like this are very rare indeed as the penguin is typically the prey for the seal the other side of the image showing the cat and dog however is far more common especially in domestic homes the next entry on our list will take that relationship to a whole new level three cheetah and dog many people have cats and dogs living in harmony under one roof despite the reputation of hating each other well cassie and tany a cheetah and a dog took that truce to the next level when they were raised together at busch gardens in the us when they were young their strange relationship attracted many visitors but as cassie grew older the cheetah grew more interested in female cheetahs with that being said the two remain good friends and still visit schools and appear together at the amusement park 2. see a nominee and clownfish it's hard to imagine ocean and nominee as predators mainly because they look like weird space plants rather than living creatures in fact they are one of the most poisonous creatures in the ocean using its strange cell covered tentacles to paralyze its prey and direct their lifeless bodies to its mouth the only exception to the anomalies hunting pattern is the clownfish in which it gives free rain around its tentacles the reason for this is because the clownfish cleans them of algae buildup and allows the clownfish to hide when larger predators are hunting them one a giraffe and an ostrich named b and wilma have made an unlikely friendship while living together at busch gardens the two share a huge 65-acre enclosure together and by all account enjoy doing so maybe having a long neck in common is enough for these two vastly different creatures to become the best of friends and that concludes our video on 20 unlikely friendships in the animal kingdom that benefit all involved if you are still keen to watch some more unbelievable content head over to one of our other interesting videos you will not be [Music] disappointed [Music] you
Channel: 4 Ever Green
Views: 25,549
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4 ever green, top 10, animal relationships that truly have to be seen, UNLIKELY Friendships in the Animal Kingdom, Animal Friendships You Won't Believe Exist, Weirdest Animal Relationships, Animals That Can live Happily With Each Other, Animals That Do Very Well With Each Other, Giraffe and Ostrich, Sea Anemone and Clownfish, Cheetah and Dog, Dog and Wild Fox, Honey Badgers and Birds, Grey Wolves and Hyenas, Oxpecker Birds And Zebras, Ostriches, Chicken and Puppies
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Tue May 25 2021
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